I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 94: The Dragon Subduing Palm comes out and fights with Zuo Lengchan

Chapter 94: The Dragon Subduing Palm comes out and fights with Zuo Lengchan
  "In addition, the leader of the Zuo Alliance is in the same spirit with Mr. Yue, and at the same time he is secretly supporting the masters of the Huashan Sword Sect, and plans to compete with Mr. Yue for the position of the head of the Huashan Sect."

"The leader's name is Feng Buping. I believe that Master Yue must know this person."

Lin Xuan looked at Yue Buqun: "However, since Master Yue has deep cultivation, these Sword Sect disciples may not be able to succeed."

"Do the three senior brothers of the Songshan Sect have anything to do with this?"

Yue Buqun's face changed slightly and he looked at Ding Mian and the others coldly.


The three of them looked at each other with confused expressions.

On that day, when Zuo Lengchan promised to support Feng Buping as the leader of Huashan, only a few Songshan Taibao were present.

For a while, the three of them didn't know which link leaked the news, and whether there was an insider in the top management...

Although the three of them are highly skilled in martial arts, they are not quick-witted people.

"What a bunch of nonsense... Huh! After I return to the mountain, I will investigate this matter in detail and clear my uncles and the leader of the Zuo Alliance."

He can be regarded as a leader who is relatively flattering overall.


Seeing the distressed appearance of everyone in the Songshan Sect, Yao Yue felt a faint sense of pleasure in her heart.

But to be angry, with the Huashan Sect's background, it is really far inferior to the Songshan Sect.

Lin Xuan's words were vague, but what he knew was not vague.

Yue Buqun thought for a while and bowed to Lin Xuan: "Thank you, young hero, for informing me, and thank you, Master Yao Yue, for speaking up."

Compared to Song Jiang and Wu Yong, they are far behind.



"I'll tell you more about this when I get back to the mountain."

"Master, what is Sword Sect?"

Ding Mian's whole body was numb, and his back was covered in cold sweat.

"Does our Huashan sect still have a sword sect?"

At this moment, Taoist Tianmen, the leader of Mount Tai, suddenly stood up and asked.

Lin Xuan said calmly: "These three people have already secretly communicated with Zuo Lengchan. If the Taoist Master is unwilling to submit in the future, they will take action against him."

Although this guy is good at martial arts, he is strong-tempered and upright, quite irritable and irritable, and his brain is not very good.

"If this is really the case, Senior Brother Zuo must have gone too far."

Lin Xuan estimated that these three people were at least at the level of a weak master, and were by no means ordinary people.

All the Huashan disciples looked at Yue Buqun suspiciously.

"The leader of the Left Alliance has lofty aspirations, and he teaches without distinction. Now there are many masters of the left path under the Songshan sect who have been in the world decades ago, but they are just keeping it secret."

Taoist Tianmen's face flashed with anger, then showed suspicion, and he began to think seriously.

However, since he asked, it wouldn't hurt to tell him about the moles.

Lin Xuan looked at Ding Mian and smiled slightly: "When I have the opportunity, I would like to meet Senior Brother Zhao, Senior Brother Zhang, Senior Brother Sima and others, so I asked Senior Brother Ding to introduce them to them."

Yao Yue glanced at Yue Buqun and hummed.

However, the names of these three people are not stated in the book, and it is not known whether they are among the "Thirteen Taibao of Songshan".

These three people were rampant in northern Hebei, killing countless people and making enemies all over the world.

To be honest, Lin Xuan is not very optimistic about the leader of Taishan.

Due to this, the relationship between the Huashan Sect and the Songshan Sect collapsed.

"Most of the noble sect is female nuns, and the sect is impregnable. Masters, please be careful when going out."

"How about my Tarzan faction?"

"Yujizi, Yuqingzi, and Yuyinzi are all uncles of Taoist Master Tianmen, right?"

It seemed to be much more satisfying than killing them one by one with my own hands.

I was so confused that I couldn't even think of denying it.

She didn't expect that it would become like this in the blink of an eye.

Master Dingyi also glanced at Lin Xuan, but hesitated to speak.

After weighing the situation, Yue Buqun felt that the only way to stand a chance was to join forces with the Hengshan Sect.

In the original plot of Swordsman, these three people later led people to kill Dingxian, Dingyi and other Hengshan disciples in Longquan Valley.

Yue Buqun couldn't help but feel angry when he thought that before he had time to plot against Zuo Lengchan, the other party had preemptively attacked him.

Yue Buqun verified his guess, snorted coldly, and his expression became even more ugly.

Lin Xuan felt that it would be wrong to say more, so it would be better to be more vague.

Zuo Lengchan also spent a lot of effort and killed many people before taking them under his command.

It was originally intended to be used as a trump card of the Songshan Sect at critical moments.

But now, being exposed by others lightly...

Just the spread of this news would be a big trouble for the Songshan Sect.

No matter what happens today, it will be a blood loss situation.

"Thank you very much. Donor, please be more careful."

Master Dingyi looked at Ding Mian, nodded slightly, and clasped his hands together.

She and the Songshan Sect had never dealt with each other. Seeing the Songshan Sect being defeated many times, she felt a little happy.

But she is not the head of Hengshan, so she cannot express her attitude casually.

"Easy to say."

Lin Xuan smiled faintly and returned the salute.

"We, the Wuyue Sword Sect, have always been at odds with each other. Your Excellency, with your sharp tongue and wanton instigation, really has ulterior motives!"

Fei Bin took a deep breath and came to Lin Xuan: "Since you are Mr. Mo Da's junior brother, I don't mean to bully the younger ones, so I am here to learn your clever tricks."

At this time, Fei Bin no longer cared about dealing with Liu Zhengfeng.

Killing Liu Zhengfeng was just to establish his authority, which was of course somewhat meaningful.

But the person in front of him had no idea how many secrets of the Songshan Sect he knew.

If this person were alive, everyone in the Songshan Sect would have trouble sleeping and eating.

It doesn’t matter which one is more important, you don’t have to think too much!
  "Senior Brother Fei has been famous all over the world for twenty years with the Great Songyang Palm, but I am a young junior brother. Senior Brother Fei is so eager to take action, does he lose his demeanor as a master?"

Mr. Mo Da snorted coldly and took a step forward: "Well, if Senior Brother Fei has any clever tricks, I will follow up."

He has been dissatisfied with Zuo Lengchan for a long time.

It is a pity that his body is old, and Liu Zhengfeng loses his ambition in playing with things and indulges in music.

The other disciples of the Hengshan sect, even Liu Zhengfeng, are far behind...

In desperation, Mr. Mo Da had to succumb to Zuo Lengchan.

But now that he saw Lin Xuan and Yao Yue, Mr. Mo Da suddenly had a new plan to fight for the Hengshan Sect in the end.

As he spoke, Mr. Mo Da waved his right hand, and a thin long sword popped out from the bottom of the huqin.

The long sword was raised in the air, the green light flashed, and turned into little streams of light.

The ever-changing and ever-changing Hengshan Cloud and Mist Thirteen Styles!
  This sword technique alone is much stronger than Yu Canghai's.

"Senior Brother Mo is good at swordsmanship!"

Fei Bin's face was gloomy and his brows were furrowed.

Mr. Mo Da's swordsmanship is considered to be the top master among the Five Mountains Sword Sect.

It is estimated that Zuo Lengchan is the only one who dares to say that he can win steadily.

If it were any other Taibao, they would lose more and win less.

The most important thing is that he ended up because he wanted to kill Lin Xuan.

If we have a fight with Mr. Mo Da...

He didn't know what he was drawing.

"Mr. Mo Da just said something, but he said it wrong."

At this moment, a gloomy voice sounded from the crowd: "I came from Fuzhou a few days ago. This Hero Lin has done a lot of great things. He is definitely not some unknown person."


Mr. Mo Da was slightly startled and looked at the crowd.

"About ten days ago, Master Yu Canghai of Songfeng Temple of Qingcheng Sect because his own son was killed by the head of the Fuwei Escort Bureau, he led his disciples to the Fuwei Escort Bureau to kill people to vent his anger."

"At that time, this hero Lin came to Fuzhou for unknown reasons. He saw injustice on the road and took action."

"I can't tell you exactly what happened, but when I left, I saw Yu Canghai's body hanging on the flagpole in front of the escort agency."

The man smiled and said: "Just by doing this, Hero Lin can compete with the heroes of the world." "No wonder Yu Guanzhu and the disciples of the Qingcheng Sect have not arrived..."

"It's true. I met several Qingcheng disciples on the way. They looked like they were in a hurry. They were probably going to call back fellow disciples who were going to various escort offices."

"Yu Laodao is famous all over the world, how can he be just an ordinary person? He probably has a hidden secret..."

All the people in the arena looked at each other and whispered to each other.

There are too many melons today, one after another.

Most likely there will also be a big melon for the finale.

Some people who had nothing to do with themselves looked satisfied and felt that the trip was worthwhile.

As for whether Liu Zhengfeng really made friends with people from the Demon Cult?

Not many people care anymore.

"Yu Laodao actually died like this?"

Mr. Mo Da sweated: "Master Lin...Junior Brother Lin, is this something?"

"I killed him."

Lin Xuan's mind moved slightly and he admitted.

The man looked ordinary, and he was probably a lurker of the Songshan Sect. He could stir up the atmosphere and bring some rhythm at critical moments.

However, the killing of Yu Canghai was too big a move, and Lin Xuan had no intention of hiding it.

Just say it.

"Hahaha, indeed since ancient times heroes have emerged from youth. Unexpectedly, even Yu Laodao died under your sword."

Fei Bin was overjoyed and said loudly: "In that case, Mr. Mo Da won't stop it, right?"

"This one……"

Mr. Mo Da hesitated for a moment and looked at Yao Yue: "Please give me some instructions, Master."

"That person named him to challenge the deputy leader, why are you stopping him?"

Yaoyue said coldly: "If someone wants to challenge me, will you stop him?"

Mr. Mo Da: “???”

It’s okay to have one more junior brother, but why is there another deputy head now?
  Although it’s not impossible…

But at least let me know beforehand!

Mr. Mo Da was speechless for a while and had no choice but to step aside.

"Senior Brother Lin, as we are all members of the Five Sacred Mountains, let's compare our fist and kick skills until we reach the point."

Seeing Mr. Mo Da retreat, Fei Bin was overjoyed. He walked slowly in front of Lin Xuan and made a big Songyang hand gesture.

Hearing that Lin Xuan killed Yu Canghai, he might actually be a genius in swordsmanship. Fei Bin didn't dare to be too dismissive and hurriedly used his words to freeze Lin Xuan.

His nickname is "Da Songyang Hand", and his skill with his hands is far superior to his sword skills.

Swordsmanship may be quick, but fists and kicks often require deep internal strength to kill the enemy.

"Is this just the point?"

Of course Lin Xuan doesn't care about fist fights.

If it's a sword fight, it would be troublesome...

"Fistes and feet have no eyes, and it is inevitable that there will be three advantages and two disadvantages."

Fei Bin smiled and said: "If I die under the fists and kicks of Senior Brother Lin, I will be considered a worthy death. How dare I blame Senior Brother Lin."

"Is it a worthy death? Well, Da Songyang will give you a hand."

Lin Xuan stood still and looked at Fei Bin.

His Dragon Subduing Palm technique is so perfect that he doesn't need to put on any special posture.

"excuse me!"

With murderous intent in his eyes, Fei Bin slowly walked up to Lin Xuan and pressed hard with his palm.

"Ready to go, are you planning to compete with me in palm power?"

Lin Xuan's thoughts moved slightly, he stretched out his right hand, exerted the strength of the radius, and saw the dragon in the field with one move, and slowly pushed out.

When you see a dragon in the field, focus on defense rather than offense!
  Once pushed out, it was as if an invisible solid wall had been laid in the air.
  If the enemy comes, block it; if the enemy does not come, it will disappear.

"How can this palm technique be so powerful and powerful?"

As soon as Fei Bin pressed his palm, he felt the opponent's extremely powerful palm coming towards his face.

Before the strength of the palm was reached, I felt slightly suffocated.

Fei Bin was so surprised that he had no choice but to give up the palm he had been preparing for a long time, and with a flash of his body, he appeared on Lin Xuan's right side and struck out with a palm.

Lin Xuan's expression remained unchanged, his right arm was bent inward, his right palm made a semicircle, and he faced Fei Bin's palm with a strong and regretful gesture.

The dragon roared, and Pei Ran's palm struck Fei Bin.

"What is this...? No flaws?"

Fei Bin didn't have time to think too much, so he had to gather his energy and meet it with a palm.

The palms collided together, and the sleeves of the two people rolled up at the same time, as if being swept by a strong wind.

The next moment, Fei Bin snorted and took a step back involuntarily.

His internal strength is not that much inferior to that of Lin Xuan.

But Lin Xuan's strength and physique were already far beyond the scope of ordinary warriors.

In the Water Margin plane, it can be regarded as "natural power".

Both are simple and powerful palm techniques, and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms also completely defeat the Great Songyang Palm in all aspects.

So, with one blow, Fei Bin felt his blood boiling and felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Come again!"

Amidst the roar of the dragon, Lin Xuan pushed forward with both palms and rolled forward with a "Shocking Hundred Miles" move.

In the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms system, this is considered one of the most powerful moves.

The energy of yin and yang moves through both palms, generating thunder that can shake hundreds of miles!


Fei Bin's face changed greatly, and he took the palm forcefully. His feet plowed two marks on the ground, and he retreated several meters before he could barely stand still.

Under the powerful bombardment, all the bones in his body trembled, and the shelves he had set up fell apart involuntarily.

"Good palm skills!"

Lin Xuan's inner breath was trembling. With each breath, his body suddenly rushed forward and struck down with a palm.

This man had clearly intended to kill him, so Lin Xuan naturally had no intention of holding back.


"Remove your palm quickly!"

Ding Mian and Lu Bai were shocked and jumped up quickly.

The two of them shot out four palms at the same time, hitting Lin Xuan in the back of the heart.


In the void, a cold and solemn female voice sounded, and Yao Yue's figure suddenly appeared in front of Ding and Mian.

The long sleeves were rolled up, and the strong wind was rolling, sweeping towards the two of them with an unparalleled momentum.

With a palm blow, there seemed to be frost and snow dancing between the sky and the earth, and the vegetation was desolate.


When their palms collided in the air, Ding Mian and Lu Bai spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time, flew several meters away, and fell to the ground.

Almost at the same time, Lin Xuan stood up with his hands closed, watching Fei Bin's body fall heavily.

The whole place was boiling like a pot exploding!
  "Junior Brother Fei!"

Ding Mian and Lu Bai were so excited that they spat out another mouthful of blood and stared blankly at Fei Bin's body.

"Go back and tell Zuo Lengchan that he is not worthy of the position of leader of the Five Mountains Alliance."

Yao Yue looked at the two of them, her voice still cold and cold: "In half a month, I will personally go to Songshan to fight with him, and we will live and die according to our destiny."



The eyes of everyone present were focused on Yao Yue, and the heated scene suddenly became quiet...

It was almost eerily quiet.


Lin Xuan frowned slightly as he looked at Yao Yue's back in front of him.

From his angle, he could clearly see that there was a trace of blood seeping out from the shoulder blade behind Yao Yue.

 I felt that the disconnection of this plot was not good, so I wrote it in one breath and went to bed... I couldn't make it more exciting. If I write too fast, it will easily collapse.
  (End of this chapter)

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