One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 105 It seems like we need to find an opportunity to have a good chat with Daoist Wang!

Chapter 105 It seems like we need to find an opportunity to have a good chat with Daoist Wang!

Zhuge Qing frowned slightly, not quite understanding why Wang Ye asked this.

"If you don't count the previous practice with the elders of the clan."


Zhuge Qing's face remained calm, but his tone revealed unparalleled confidence.

Every time he competes with his peers, no one can make him use his full strength.

Without a single defeat.

Except for Zhang Lingyu, he has never regarded anyone as his opponent.

Unlike Wang Bing's pride, he was confident in his own strength.

However, listening to Zhuge Qing's words, Wang Ye was not aroused much fighting spirit, but sighed again.

They all looked surprised for a moment.

If the person he was facing now was Zhang Lingyu, Wang wouldn't have said such a thing.

Wang Ye walked towards Zhuge Qing step by step, but saw that Zhuge Qing was silent.

If Zhuge Qing is not in a complete state of mind, it is very likely that this failure will breed inner demons.

Zhuge Qing's face was solemn, and after a moment of silence, he slowly raised his head and looked at Wang Ye.

"I'll give you time to do your calculations using what you call seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune."

Off the court, Zhuge Qing's expression gradually became more solemn.

"I don't mean to insult you at all. I will only say this once. Go back, Zhuge Qing."

If someone else had said such a thing, Zhuge Qing would not have paid any attention to it and would have just regarded him as exaggerating.

"This is so boring!"

He just kept talking.

The air current swept across the entire arena.

A powerful aura emanated from Zhuge Qing's body.

The final result of this competition has obviously been deduced in the interior.

I couldn't help but scratch my head.

Wang Ye's voice was calm, and it had completely turned into stating the facts. After studying Fenghou Qimen, he was fully qualified to say this to Zhuge Qing.

For a person who has everything going well, one failure can completely ruin it.

His hands clenched slightly unconsciously, and he seemed to be struggling inside.

It’s as if the results have already been seen.

"Then do you think you can accept your failure?"

"What are you doing?"

Zhuge Qing stared at Wang Ye not far away, feeling an inexplicable pressure in his heart.

"Why did it stop suddenly?"

Wang Ye looked at Zhuge Qing seriously. This question was very important.

I don't understand what the two of them are doing.

However, he is trained in Wuhou Qimen, and as a warlock himself, he is naturally restrained by himself.

"It's up to you what to choose."

It is undeniable that Zhuge Qing is indeed very strong, no weaker than Zhang Lingyu.

This was the first time he faced his peers in actual combat, and even with all his strength, Zhuge Qing didn't feel confident at this time.

"This is the best outcome for you!"

In the audience, everyone looked at the two men who stood still and stopped fighting.

"Zhuge Qing, as warlocks, we should follow the trend."

This is what he doesn't want to see.

Take a deep breath.

But facing Zhuge Qing.

"What a surprise."

"Zhuge Qing, since everyone is a warlock, there is no need to work so hard for everyone else."

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the two people off the field, which seemed to confirm some suspicion in his heart.

Zhuge Qing frowned slightly and looked at Wang Ye solemnly.

"What's going on?"

But when Wang Ye said this, his tone was very calm and determined.

"Daozhang Wang, the result of the divination I just made for myself was actually only a four-character comment."

"Moths fly to the flame."

"But a warlock doesn't have to believe in fate."

Just now in the interior scene, Zhuge Qing came to a result that he couldn't accept through deduction.

No matter what method is used or how the action is taken, the final result remains the same.

He will definitely lose.

Wang Ye took a deep breath and his expression became more serious.

Now that Zhuge Qing has made his own choice, he will not hold back anymore.

Two pieces of Qi Sect gossip appeared at the feet of Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing, and they were still amplifying.


As the eight disks rotated, a huge rock under Zhuge Qing's feet quickly rose and hit Wang Ye.

Looking at the huge rock coming towards him, Wang Ye put his fingers together and said indifferently: "Kun Zi Tuhe Che!"


At the same time, a huge rock bulge appeared under his feet and crashed towards Zhuge Qing.

The two of them used the same move!

But the Tuhe chariot used by Wang Ye was far superior in size and power to the Tuhe chariot used by Zhuge Qing.

If Zhuge Qing's Tuhe chariot is a river python, then the Tuhe chariot used by Wang Ye is an evil dragon.


Two huge rocks collided with each other, and the rock under Zhuge Qing's feet was crushed instantly.

It was completely unable to resist the tuhe chariot that Wang Ye actually fought.

Although Zhuge Qing had already expected it, he still couldn't help being surprised when he saw Wang Ye's Tuhe Che.

How can it be!

The Tuhe chariot performed by Wang Ye was almost the same as that of several elders in the clan.

The huge rocks kept squirming, and there seemed to be an evil dragon swaying in the field, and the whole land was trembling.

"I'll go, what's going on?"

"Tuheche, is this Taoist priest also a warlock?"

"How is it possible that he can suppress Zhuge Qing in terms of magic, and the gap is so huge!"

"Zhuge Qing is practicing the Qi Sect inherited from Zhuge Wuhou. How could he be crushed by a Wudang Taoist priest?"

"What kind of strange pattern does this Wudang Taoist priest practice?"

The sudden change shocked everyone present.

No one expected that this little-known Taoist priest could be so powerful!

Zhuge Qing quickly retreated and dodged, looking at Wang Ye who was controlling the huge rock in shock.

The position he was standing on just now was the Kun position, but the position Wang Ye was standing on was the Xun position.

But even so, the Kun Zi method used by Wang Ye was still much stronger than his own.

This is incredible.

"Li Zi Chi Lian!"

Zhuge Qing stood on his toes, and a fiery snake suddenly appeared in his hand and shot towards Wang Ye.

Extremely fast.

Wang Ye stood on the head of the giant rock snake, his face unchanged as he faced the fire snake shooting towards him.

The two fingers are still merged.

"Xun Zi·Xiang Sandalwood Merits!"

The next moment, trees grew in the void.

Wooden pillars merged one after another, blocking Wang Ye.


The fire snake hit the wooden pillar, and Wang Ye watched expressionlessly as the wooden pillar in front of him was slowly burning.

And he himself was not injured at all.

"It's impossible, no matter how powerful the Qimen user is, it's impossible not to follow the principle of life and defeat!"

"What kind of magic did this guy use?"

"Using wood to defeat fire? It's counterproductive!"

Zhuge Qing frowned. Even the elders in the clan could not block his Chi Lian with countervailing spells.

As the saying goes, a warlock must follow the trend, which means he must follow the laws of nature.

And what the king has done is no longer something a warlock can do!

Chapter 109 The Qimen after the Wind

"Let's stop here. Didn't you see your own hexagram?"

Wang Ye jumped down from the huge rock and walked slowly towards Zhuge Qing.

Did not continue to take action.

He planned to persuade Zhuge Qing to admit defeat and stop again.

He didn't want Zhuge Qing to lose too completely.

At this moment, Zhuge Qing had a trace of sweat on his forehead.

Wang Ye's unique armor-defying technique just now doubled his pressure.

I still know in my heart that it is impossible to defeat Wang Ye today.

But Zhuge Qing took a deep breath and did not choose to admit defeat. He looked at Wang Ye with bright eyes.

His tone was firmer than ever. “The hexagram just mentioned is auspicious.”

"Master Wang Ye, I appreciate your kindness!"

"Maybe I will really fail this time, but for a warlock, some things are more important than dignity."

"That's the truth!"

Within Zhuge Qing's body, a green light rose into the sky, as if it reached the sky.

The whole person shone like a god in the sky.

There are stars and a sea vaguely emerging behind.

The sudden change in Zhuge Qing shocked everyone present.

I have never seen such a sight.

Huang Miao nodded slowly while chewing melon seeds.

As expected of a member of Yiren F4, Zhuge Qing has a good heart.

Zhuge Qing, Wang Ye and Zhang Chulan all have their own shortcomings in character, but it is undeniable that the three of them are indeed the leaders of the younger generation.

"Qi Men Manifestation Mind Technique!"

Zhuge Qing's voice came slowly from the arena, and the blue light in his eyes gathered together.

Like double pupils.

The so-called visualization method allows users to observe the essence of things in more detail.

This technique is similar to the Buddhist Celestial Eye Channel and the Taoist Celestial Eye Opening Between the Eyebrows.

"Come on, Master Wang Ye, let me see what you have done!"

"Dui Zi·Hei Liuli!"

The Qimen formation under Zhuge Qing's feet changed, and his whole body was covered with a black Qi shield, glowing faintly.

The figure also disappeared from the place in an instant, and kept attacking Wang Ye.

Unlike Genzi Kunlun, Hei Liuli can not only defend, but also increase attack.

Wang Ye stood there with a silent expression. This time, the Qimen Bagua under his feet no longer operated, and no spells were used.

However, when Zhuge Qing came to him, the eight plates under Zhuge Qing's feet seemed to be wavering wantonly.

The protective black glass disintegrated in an instant.


The two figures intertwined.

Zhuge Qing turned around and stared at Wang Ye in disbelief, unable to believe his eyes.

Just for a moment, he saw a scene that he could not imagine at all.

At the same time, drops of blood began to flow from the large hole in his chest.

Wang Ye put his two fingers together, and a little blood dripped. He sighed and turned to look at Zhuge Qing behind him.

"The big hole in Tanzhong is sealed. This competition should be over."

Zhuge Qing was silent for a while, and finally slowly lowered his head.

"I surrender."

With the large acupuncture point in Tanzhong sealed, Zhuge Qing was not without the strength to continue fighting, but the scene he had just witnessed forced him to admit defeat.

It is completely impossible to be the opponent of the Taoist priest in front of him.

"That's right." Wang Ye let out a long sigh of relief when he heard Zhuge Qing admit defeat.

But before he could take a few steps, he suddenly realized that something was wrong behind him.

A powerful Qi is emanating from Zhuge Qing's body.

Wang Ye suddenly turned around and saw that Zhuge Qing's whole body began to emit cyan energy again, and his whole body was trembling.


"Zhuge Qing stop!"

Wang Ye looked confused and suddenly rushed towards Zhuge Qing.

In the sky, a muffled thunder suddenly exploded.

Blood slowly seeped out from Zhuge Qing's mouth and nose.

"Zhuge Qing, I told you to stop!"

As a warlock, Wang Ye naturally knew that Zhuge Qing was in the inner scene and suffered a backlash from heaven.

If Zhuge Qing continues to predict based on the inner scene, he may be seriously injured, or he may be killed by direct backlash.


Zhuge Qing suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The whole person staggered back several steps, and his face instantly turned pale.

"Zhuge Qing, are you crazy?!"

Wang Ye ducked in front of Zhuge Qing and sealed his acupuncture points with Qi.

Such a serious backlash from heaven has already affected his lifespan.

Zhuge Qing coughed out a mouthful of blood and stared at the king in front of him, a little weak.

"It's not that I can't accept failure, but I can't lose so inexplicably."

"Forget it, I shouldn't have come in the first place."

"Now that we are here, our days of purity have come to an end."

"Since you want to watch Zhuge Qing, then watch it."

Feeling Zhuge Qing's gaze, Wang Ye sighed again, as if he had made some decision.

One step out.

The Qimen Bagua layout was immediately generated under his feet.

"Zhuge Qing, take a good look at my game."

"My Qimen strategy is different from other warlocks."

"A warlock should follow the trend, seek good fortune and avoid misfortune."

"But in the layout under my feet, if I take my position in time, I will be good or bad."

As he spoke, a stone floated up from the ground without using any external force.

Then it shattered suddenly and quickly gathered.

"What I can control is any change in this Qimen situation."

"Time, space, five elements!"

"Xiantian leads Zhou Tian, ​​overturns the changes in Zhou Tian, ​​and turns me into a king."

"Here I can understand all the changes in the world, and I am the king!"

"You can't beat me."


The Qimen Bagua Disk under Wang Ye's feet disappeared, but Zhuge Qing's expression was still dull, staring closely at the changes in the Qimen that had disappeared under Wang Ye's feet.

It seems that even the mind is trapped in it and cannot extricate itself.

"Zhuge Qing, I admit that you are very strong, but as a warlock, you cannot break my strange game. You will never be able to defeat me."

Wang also patted Zhuge Qing on the shoulder.

Zhuge Qing finally came back to his senses and sighed dejectedly.

"It's true that I lost."

"The winner of this competition is Wang Ye!"

The referee announced the result loudly. To be honest, this result was unexpected by everyone.

However, after seeing Wang Ye's extraordinary performance, no one showed any surprise.

It seems that with Wang Ye's extraordinary transformation skills, it is not surprising that Zhuge Qing will lose.

"This Taoist Priest Wang Ye is really secretive."

"Unexpectedly, Yi Qimen general Zhuge Qing restrained him to death."

"That's right, that's right. I thought that Zhang Chulan, who can summon spirits, would be considered a dark horse, but I didn't expect that this Taoist master from Wudang is so strong."

"I feel that the most interesting match in Luotian Dajiao this time is no longer Zhuge Qing vs. Zhang Lingyu, but Wang Ye vs. Zhang Chulan."

"This king actually hides his strength."

"He easily defeated Zhuge Qing through strange magic techniques. The strength of Taoist Wang Ye is really unfathomable."

Xu San and Xu Si touched their chins. They were quite surprised by the final result and the strength Wang Ye showed.

This is not like the strength that a young Wudang Taoist priest can possess.

The two thought for a while, then turned to look at Huang Miao.

I remembered what Huang Miao said before the game.

"Master Huang, your eyesight is indeed very good. You have already seen that Wang Ye has hidden his strength."

"No wonder you have so much confidence in him."

Huang Miao ignored Xu San and Xu Si's flattery, but focused on looking at Wang Ye.

Qi Men Dun Jia seems to be more interesting than I thought.

Turn the four dials to control the changes in the world.

If this ability can be infinitely amplified, perhaps human power can really defeat the will of heaven.

Transform me into a king is no longer an empty slogan.

Huang Miao licked his lips and had an idea in his mind.

I have to find a chance to talk to the little Taoist priest.

On the high platform, Lu Jin and Tian Jinzhong were staring at Wang Ye's back.

The two of them had never seen that kind of strange change.

"Senior brother, the strange skills Wang Ye performed don't seem to be Wudang Kung Fu."

Zhang Zhiwei squinted his eyes, but looked in the direction of Wudang Mountain.

"The dragon carries the picture and comes out of Luoshui, and the colorful phoenix carries the book in the blue clouds."

"Because of the fate of the wind, it was written down, and the Dunjia Qimen began from then on."

"The Fenghou Qimen of Wudang has finally found a successor."

(End of this chapter)

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