One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 106 Junior Quanxing, I have met the Immortal Family!

Chapter 106 Junior Quanxing, I have met the Immortal Family!

in the audience.

Huang Miao withdrew his thoughts.

Get rid of the thoughts about Fenghou Qimen in your mind.

After all, I am not a warlock, so I can't figure it out no matter how much I think about it.

On the contrary, it is easy to fall into a strange circle of thinking.

Whether it's the older generation guys in Wudang or later Chen Jinkui.

After understanding Fenghou Qimen, they were deeply immersed in the endless interior scenery.

This shows the mystery of this strange skill.

Until you get the method of cultivation, it’s better to stay away from it.

"What on earth do you two want to do?"

He doesn't care at all about Zhang Lingyu or Wang Yedao.

Seeing the menacing people, Zhang Chulan felt guilty and panicked, and hid behind Huang Miao.

"Huang Miao, what are you looking at?"

"You. What are you looking for me for?"

Zhang Chulan frowned and looked at the two women. The behavior of these two women was very abnormal.

This is not a competition ground, and Mr. Huang will definitely not get up to help.

After hearing Zhang Chulan's words, Lu Linglong quickly waved her hands, her expression suddenly became a little nervous.

Standing at the back of the crowd was a short-haired man wearing earrings and lipstick, pushing past Lu Linglong and Zhi Jinhua, and walked up to Zhang Chulan.


"I'm hungry, let's go eat."

"Okay, since you don't want to say it, let me do it."

There was no sense of urgency.

How could he be exposed when he was out of body?

Huang Miao is not even afraid of Wang Bing's Ju Ling sent generals. Who else can stop him in this Luotian Dajiao.

"Hua'er, please tell me."

Even if Lu Jin comes over.

Lu Linglong struggled for a while, and her face turned red from suppressing it.

"I'm going, what's going on?"

But before they could turn around and walk far away, they suddenly heard someone calling Zhang Chulan's name behind them.

It made him feel vaguely that it was not a good thing.

"No, no, don't misunderstand Zhang Chulan."

Zhijinhua, who was watching a show on the side, was pushed in front of her by Lu Linglong.

If Mr. Huang doesn't help him, he is no match for these people.

Others may think the battle between the two is exciting, but Feng Baobao is not interested at all.

"Oh, how can a young girl like me have the nerve to say such things?"

If you have any opinions, you have to hold them in.

"No, no, me too. Me too."

"That. It's either that or"

Huang Miao rolled his eyes at Zhang Chulan speechlessly. With his courage, he was not as bold as a dog.

"Okay, okay, go back and eat."

Besides, what would happen if they were exposed? Not to mention these juniors, just a few of their elders were here.

Zhang Chulan agreed happily. Although Wang Ye showed extraordinary strength, Zhang Chulan felt more relaxed than ever before.

Zhang Chulan hid behind Huang Miao, revealing his head and looking at Lu Linglong and others warily.

Their moves were not as powerful as her Awei Eighteen Moves.

Feng Baobao yawned. She was almost bored to death after watching the competition between Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing.

"Master Huang, has our affair been exposed?"

"I'm not interested in fighting with you guys."

Several strangers headed by Lu Linglong ran toward them aggressively, shouting Zhang Chulan's name as they ran.

The heir to the Heavenly Master is already in the bag.

But I just can’t say it.

The man wears black-rimmed glasses and an earring on his left ear.

He looks gay at first glance.

The man walked up to Zhang Chulan, looked him up and down first, and then suddenly came closer.

He looked serious and sincere.

"Zhang Chulan, listen carefully, I'm not kidding you."

"I'm asking you sincerely."

"Show me your big 'trophy'."


Zhang Chulan was stunned for a moment, unable to react to what the other party said.

It wasn't until he noticed the gay man in front of him looking between his legs that Zhang Chulan knew what the 'trophy' meant.

"What do you mean, you think I'm gay!"

"Do I really look gay?"

"Or do you all think I'm easy to bully?"

"Ah, I can't do it anymore, please come up and let the immortal family help!"

"No, no, no, Zhang Chulan, don't get excited."

Seeing that Zhang Chulan was about to get angry, Wang Ergou quickly took a step back to distance himself.

"No one here is interested in your big 'trophy'. After all, you are just a chick."

"We just want to see the palace guard sand up there."

"Not interested in my 'trophy'?"


"Are you looking down on my 'trophy'?"

Zhang Chulan's face suddenly darkened. The two words he hated hearing the most in his life were chicks.

This is an insult to one’s own ‘trophy’!

"You can insult me, but I will never allow you to insult my 'trophy'!"

"No, no, no, Zhang Chulan, you really misunderstood."

Seeing that Zhang Chulan was getting more and more excited, Lu Linglong and Zhi Jinhua hurried forward to continue explaining.

"We really don't mean to look down on you, but nowadays, the forbidden magic in the alien world is almost lost."

"And there are very few such forbidden and similar spells in ancient books."

"We just didn't want to miss this opportunity to see the lost secretary up close."

"It's definitely not for any filthy and dirty reasons."

The people behind him nodded quickly. Most of them came to observe Zhang Chulan's trophy with a learning attitude.

But there are exceptions.

For example, the fat dragon hidden in the crowd had a particularly vulgar expression and secretly took out his mobile phone.

"Go away, why don't you go see the Heavenly Master?"

"Maybe he does too."

Zhang Chulan complained casually.

Obviously there is no goodwill toward these hecklers.

This is not surprising.

After all, anyone who hears such an outrageous request will not feel good about it.

"Okay Zhang Chulan, since you are not happy, then forget about it."

"But we came to you for another matter."

Seeing Zhang Chulan's appearance, Lu Linglong stopped forcing herself.

Let’s talk about another thing.

"Today is the night of the full moon. We are holding a bonfire party and would like to invite you to join us."

"It's just over the back mountain."

“Let’s all get together and finally get to know each other.”

"How about it?"



"Whatever is there, I don't want it."

Zhang Chulan was stunned and decisively prepared to refuse. He didn't want to get too involved with other strangers.

But before he could say the next words, he was stopped by Xu Si and Huang Miao.

get together.



The three are like a fixed sentence pattern, inseparable.

If Xu Si and Huang Miao have anything in common.

That must be a woman.

Especially those naturally beautiful women.

"Go ahead, Zhang Chulan, there should be a lot of food for the bonfire party."

"Yeah, don't be shy little virgin, you don't get many opportunities to meet girls like this."

The two of them each had their own motives to persuade Zhang Chulan to participate.

Under the strong instigation of the two people.

Zhang Chulan had no choice but to agree.

After all, among these people, he is the one with the lowest voice.

Even lower than the intermittently witty Feng Baobao.

Sunset and moonrise.

A full moon hangs high in the sky.

The bright moonlight shines on the back mountain of Longhu Mountain.

At this time, many bonfires had been set up in the mountains behind Longhu Mountain.

Strangers in twos and threes were sitting around the campfire, chatting with each other.

This gathering was proposed by Lu Linglong. The purpose is for everyone to communicate more and get to know each other.

After all, many friends lead to many paths.

In today's social environment, they actually need to stick together.

And because of Lu Linglong's status, she is the most beloved granddaughter of Lu Jin, one of the ten men.

Almost no one would deny her face.

Therefore, at this gathering, basically all the strangers who had not left Longhu Mountain came.

Even Zhang Lingyu, who has rarely participated in such activities, was rarely present this time.

He was chatting with Zhuge Qing.

As for Zhang Chulan, she was drinking and bragging with Fei Long and others.

Zhang Chulan is a college student after all. Even though he originally didn't want to get too involved with other strangers, he naturally relaxed a lot after getting drunk.

"It seems that you really hate this Zhang Chulan."

Zhuge Qing sat next to Zhang Lingyu, drinking a bottle of beer, his expression still calm.

He didn't seem to feel too bad about losing to Wang Ye.

On the contrary, Zhang Lingyu frowned slightly at this moment, watching Zhang Chulan chatting happily with the other people.

"I don't want to mention him."

Every time Zhang Chulan was mentioned, he could not remain calm.

"Hey~ Master Lingyu, can you tell me why?"

"I'm really curious. You seem to have always been unhappy with this Zhang Chulan."

At this time, Zhijinhua suddenly came over and looked at Zhang Lingyu doubtfully.

She found that Zhang Lingyu seemed to deliberately avoid topics related to Zhang Chulan every time.

This was not quite like the Zhang Lingyu she knew.

"I'm not upset with him."

Zhang Lingyu's expression became even more unnatural, as if Zhi Hibiscus had spoken her mind.

"Hahaha, you can't do it because of that, your Yin Wu Lei."

Zhi Jinhua approached Zhang Lingyu with a gossipy face. What Zhang Lingyu just said was obviously a lie.

Zhuge Qing stood up slowly, patted the dust on his body, and walked away with a calm expression.

"You two, let's talk first. I'm not interested in other people's gossip."


Seeing Zhuge Qing leave, Zhang Lingyu breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that some of his dark history would be heard by Zhuge Qing.

The gossipy expression on Zhijinhua's face became even more intense, and Zhuge Qing even left.

Now, Zhang Lingyu should have nothing to worry about.

"Hey~ let's continue, Zhang Lingyu, are you so afraid of Zhang Chulan?"

"Even if he can cultivate Yang Wu Lei with a perfect body, he can't possibly threaten your position in Longhu Mountain, right?"

Zhang Lingyu looked a little complicated and sighed.

He knew that Zhijinhua was using provocation, but there were some words that he did not like to say.

"I know, I've always known, I'm just venting my anger on this kid."

"I made a big mistake in a single thought back then. I failed to inherit Yang Wu Lei, the perfect successor symbol in my mind."

"Who can blame me for this?" "It's all my own fault. Now that I am angry at Zhang Chulan, it shows that I have not practiced enough."

Zhang Lingyu couldn't help but look at Zhang Chulan, who was heartlessly drinking and bragging with others.

"Maybe I should really find a chance to apologize to Zhang Chulan properly."

"Zhang Lingyu, you said that we have known each other for so long, but you can't tell me who took your first blood?"

"I'm really curious about this."

Zhijinhua had a gossipy face and stared at Zhang Lingyu with her big eyes shining brightly.


On the other side, there is a bonfire in the corner.

Huang Miao and Feng Baobao were drinking.

Unlike Zhang Chulan, the two of them don't know anyone here, and they are not celebrities.

Naturally, no one would take the initiative to chat with them.

Huang Miao was minding his own business, looking at the lively crowd not far away.

The scene in front of him reminded him of the scene at the company party before time travel.

It’s really a similar scene.

At that time, I was considered a focal point in the party, but unfortunately things were unpredictable.

Unexpectedly, once he traveled through time, he turned into a yellow fairy.

But fortunately, he should be able to fully transform into success soon, and then he can return to his normal human life.

Huang Miao stretched out, lay beside Feng Baobao's legs, and began to think about the beautiful life after turning into human form.

At this time.

A charming woman with a plump figure and long snow-white legs appeared in front of Feng Baobao.

A head of fiery red wavy hair embodies the charm of a royal sister to the extreme.

It seems to give people an inexplicable impulse.

"Hello, Baby Feng."


The woman walked up to Feng Baobao, bent down and greeted Feng Baobao with a charming smile.

Smell the scent of high-end perfume in the air.

Huang Miao suddenly became energetic.

He looked up at the woman.

The waist to hip ratio is perfect.

Simply superb.

Why didn't I see such a beautiful woman when I went up the mountain?

"you are?"

Feng Baobao turned her head and looked at the strange woman in front of her in confusion. She did not recognize this woman.

However, the Qi emanating from the other party was somewhat familiar to her.

It seemed like I had smelled it somewhere before.

But for a while, I couldn’t remember it.

The woman smiled charmingly and looked down at Huang Miao in Feng Baobao's arms.

"Little sister, your pet is so cute. Can I have a chat with your precious pet alone?"


Feng Baobao looked down at Huang Miao in his arms and shook his head slightly.

"He's not a pet, he's Master Huang. I don't usually spoil him."

"Haha, little sister is so funny."

The woman looked at Huang Miao with a smile and approached Huang Miao.

Said almost seductively.

"It turns out to be the master. It was the little girl who took the liberty just now."

"I wonder if I can ask Master to do me a small favor and make a fool of myself."

"People are always restless these days."

"Uneasy? OK."

Huang Miao raised his eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, there were people who took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

Naturally, he would not let go of this opportunity to take advantage.

That's what I'm attending this bonfire party for.

"Master, I am good at the method of touching bones."

"Let's go to a secluded place and let me feel your bones."

The big-wave woman was so amused by Huang Miao's words that she covered her mouth and chuckled, showing off her charm with every smile.

I'm not surprised at all that Huang Miao can speak human words.

She turned to look at a forest not far away.

"Then please ask Master to go over there and let's talk alone."

Say it.

The woman smiled and hugged Huang Miao into her arms.

Huang Miao only felt that he was instantly wrapped in a warm and soft thing.

A light body fragrance suddenly poured into the nose.

You can't help but immerse yourself in it.

The daughter gently leaned into Huang Miao's ear and spoke softly.

"Master, are you comfortable?"

Huang Miao closed his eyes and responded with enjoyment.

The two soon walked into the woods not far away.

Following the woman's twists and turns, she finally arrived at a secluded and secluded place.

There is nothing but trees around.

Occasionally, only the chirping of insects in the woods can be heard, and there are no other sounds.

Almost isolated from the world.

Even those lovers who like to go into the woods when they have nothing to do can't find such a hidden place.

Just now.

Huang Miao suddenly spoke.

"Xia He, I haven't seen you in the past few days, but I didn't expect that you have a much broader mind."

"He is truly gifted."

"If you have anything to say, just tell me. Why did you trick me into coming here?"

Xia He was stunned for a moment, but quickly recovered.

It seems that this senior of the Xian family has discovered his identity a long time ago, and he was just cooperating with her in acting.

It's normal to think about it, and it's also the strength of this immortal family.

Any flow of Qi can be detected.

It is impossible to hide the subtle trick of domain painting poison from the other party.

Now that they were all discovered, Xia He simply took off the disguise.

Revealing an extremely delicate face.

A bit more charming than before.

"Senior, please don't get me wrong. We don't have any malicious intentions in coming to you this time."

"I just want to meet you."

"I have an important matter to discuss with you."

"Okay, easy to talk about."

Huang Miao became serious for a rare moment.

Ever since Xia He's identity was discovered just now.

He had anticipated that it was a person of all genders who wanted to contact him.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he was not too resistant in his heart.

In the eyes of an upright family, Quan Xing is a bunch of monsters.

But in Huang Miao's opinion, it was just an idle move.

Used properly, it can save yourself a lot of trouble.

"Senior, it's not too safe here. You also know that we are all more cautious."

"This time our sect wants to meet our senior, and we are in a place like Longhu Mountain. We must choose a safer and more secluded place."

"Senior, please come with me."

Xia He looked towards the depths of the woods, where the rest of them had temporarily settled.

Huang Miao followed Xia He's gaze, smiled and shook his head.

I didn’t expect this group of omnisexual guys to be so careful.

It's hidden so deeply.

Still deep in the woods.

The two walked through a quiet forest and soon came to an open space.

There were already many people sitting around a bonfire in the open space.

Huang Miao took a quick glance and could recognize a few of them through the memory of his previous life.

Except for Xia He, the other four crazy people also came.

A bald monk with a big belly and a smiling face.

A young man wearing glasses who looked like a gentleman and a scumbag.

There is also a woman who is not very tall, but looks quite gentle.

Gao Ning, Shen Chong, Dou Mei and Xia He.

The four crazy people gathered together, including wine, sex, wealth and wealth.

As for the other people, Huang Miao actually knew two of them.

One was a short, skinny old man with almost all his teeth missing, wearing an old shabby hat.

Wearing an ordinary undershirt.

He looks no different from the old men in the village.

However, if an ordinary person knew the true identity of this ordinary old man, he would probably be frightened and his face would change drastically.

He is Xia Liuqing, nicknamed Fierce Ling, one of the senior figures in Quanxing today!

As the saying goes, some people are given wrong names, but there are no wrong nicknames.

Even though Xia Liuqing looks like a harmless old man, since he can be called a murderer in the alien world, he should not be underestimated.

You know, not many people can bear this evil word.

As for the other person, he was the middle-aged foreign man standing next to Xia Liuqing.

Wearing a camouflage military uniform and having a cropped haircut.

It looks unremarkable.

Still among the crowd, almost invisible.

However, after scanning everyone, Huang Miao's eyes fell on him alone.

Barron Grylls!

One of the Eight Miracles - a cultivator of the Immortal Thief of Liuku!

Huang Miao's gaze passed over everyone present.

Finally it fell on Barron.

Needless to say, among this group of people, Huang Miao was naturally the most interested in this guy.

He can instantly kill the magic weapon with hundreds of refinements, eat it alive to restrain his spirit and dispatch generals, his regeneration ability is as good as both hands, and he can also make himself immortal.

The Liuku Immortal Thief can be said to have the most evil and heaven-defying Eight Wonders.

Those who steal pearls are thieves, those who steal kingdoms are nobles, but those who can steal heaven and earth are considered saints.

As long as the saint does not die, thieves will not stop.

The Liuku Immortal Thief, also known as the Saint Thief, is the art of stealing heavenly secrets.

Practitioners can even truly reach the realm of saints.

Compared with the source of Qi Ti or the Ming of the Spirits, it is more direct.

As long as it is swallowed, it can increase its own strength, and everything in the world can be swallowed.

Huang Miao narrowed his eyes. The Liuku Immortal Thieves controlled by Barron were at the top of his list.

At this time, Barron also felt Huang Miao's eyes on him.

He, who had always been calm and calm, now felt a slight palpitation in his heart for some unknown reason.

There was a vague aura of danger that seemed to be constantly threatening him.

Although subtle, it does exist.

After so many years of fighting, he is very keen on this threat.

The source of this threat comes from the cute-looking white creature in front of him.

Barron's breathing was a little rapid, and his right hand involuntarily touched the dagger at his waist.

He didn't know why the other party was hostile to him even though it was their first meeting.

He kept thinking in his mind whether he should run away immediately.

Fortunately, the white creature finally looked away from him, and the dangerous aura that enveloped him slowly dissipated.

"Senior is here, everyone."

Xia He said a word.

It broke the otherwise dead atmosphere.

Everyone heard this.

Take a step forward immediately.

Salute Huang Miao respectfully.

"Junior Quanxing, I have seen the Immortal Family!"

(End of this chapter)

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