One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 107: Invite seniors to join Quanxing and become the leader of Quanxing!

Chapter 107: Invite seniors to join Quanxing and become the leader of Quanxing!

Although the four crazy people behaved erratically.

But in the face of absolute strength, he still showed the humility of a junior.

When Xia Liuqing and Barun saw everyone, they stood up to greet them, and they also stood up.

After all, they also want to give face to a senior of the Immortal Family.

However, he did not salute as respectfully as others.

The two of them came here this time just out of curiosity to see what kind of existence the senior Xia He mentioned was like.

They don't care whether this senior from the Immortal Family will help them.

Huang Miao glanced briefly at the crowd again, and he had already figured out something in his mind.

Look at the attitudes of several people.

There must be something to ask of him.

Dou Mei and Xia He also looked at Huang Miao at this moment.

"If you have something to say, just say it directly. I don't like to beat around the bush."

If the other party really joins Quanxing, and with such a master in charge, their Quanxing can really return to their previous peak.

"Today's Quanxing is leaderless, and the leader has been vacant for nearly a hundred years. At present, our Quanxing is extremely short of a true leader."

"Actually, there is nothing important for us to bother you this time."

A group of top-notch strangers actually saluted a "pet".

If anyone is not convinced, just kill them directly.

The opponent is not only powerful, but also proficient in restraining spirits and dispatching generals.

It can almost be said that no Kung Fu secretaries in today's alien world can restrain each other.

Otherwise, with the rebellious character of the Quanxing disciples, they would definitely not be so respectful to him.

Although the Four Crazy People do not have a strong say in the whole sex.

"Junior Shen Chong has met senior."

It's more for their selfish reasons.

If you use the Eight Magic Skills of Ju Ling Qian Jiang, it will be equivalent to restraining the Immortal Family's painstaking efforts.

They will fully support each other to become the leader of the whole sex.

It is said that when a person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

"We, the four crazy ones, and everyone here will fully recommend you to become the leader of the whole sex."

After all, there are no rules at all.

Finally Shen rushed forward.

continued to add.

After arriving at Longhu Mountain, I watched all the games that this senior from the Immortal Family participated in.

"Senior, don't worry, as long as you can join us."

At this time, Gao Ning, who was standing aside, put his hands together and performed the Buddhist ritual respectfully.

It's really hard to understand.

But with Huang Miao's strength, he is definitely more than enough to hold the position of leader.

But now this senior of the Immortal Family is not even afraid of this last resort.

If anyone else sees this scene,

It must feel doubly ridiculous.

This is something they have already discussed, as long as this senior from the Xian family can join Quan Xing.

If Huang Miao can really defeat all the heroes and win the position of head of Quanxing.

He said with interest, crossing his legs.

Xia He and the other three of the four crazy people looked at each other, and the four of them winked at each other.

Come to Huang Miao respectfully.

"I just want to invite seniors to join us."

of course.

Ever since the plane hijacking, they had been secretly paying attention to the immortal Huang Miao.

The reason why the four of them tried so hard to win over and invite Huang Miao was this time.

Even when riding, there is no opponent.

They all hoped that the senior of the Xian family would nod in agreement.

In fact, they did not plan this matter for a day or two.

Huang Miao walked to the highest stone and sat down.

Everyone in the world is a bunch of lunatics, the weak eat the strong, and only the strong deserve to have the right to speak.

Then the four of them can be considered as following the dragon.

The status of the whole sex will naturally rise with the tide.

After all, they can be regarded as this senior's confidants.

Although today's Quanxing is not as powerful as the Wugensheng period, it can still be regarded as a large number of capable people.

With Si Zhangang's strength, it is actually only at the middle to lower level among the whole sex.

A group of four people can barely get a place.

This is why the four of them often act together.

They are currently in urgent need of a backer with strong strength or strong background, and Huang Miao is the most suitable candidate.

Huang Miao raised his eyes and looked at the people in front of him.

As a veteran of two generations.

Naturally, we can see the little thoughts in Si Kuang's heart.

To put it bluntly, it’s a fox pretending to be a tiger.

In fact, Huang Miao originally had the idea of ​​joining Quanxing.

He doesn't care about how bad Quan Xing's reputation is, nor does he care about the so-called slaying of demons and defending the Tao.

With his strength, it's not just that who is the devil is the devil.

Back then, Wudang Sanfeng Taoist Zhenwudang Mo was able to suppress the entire alien world by himself.

Huang Miao naturally has this strength.

But he is not interested in fighting for fame and fortune.

So this matter was dropped.

It wasn't until he heard Si Zhangang's words that it provided him with a new idea.

Although I look down on those so-called power struggles.

But he is interested in heavenly materials, earthly treasures and the Eight Wonders of Magic!

These things are also urgently needed.

Maybe Quan Xing is a bit of a monster, but at the same time he is also a handy tool.

Since Tianshi Mansion stole the treasure, Huang Miao has tasted the benefits.

Working hard to make deals with others is far less satisfying than robbing someone in the open.

Now I urgently need something rich in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

If conventional means are used, it will undoubtedly consume a lot of time and energy.

But if it is deceived and deceived, the speed will be very fast.

Guys like Quan Xing can survive when everyone is shouting and beating them, so they are not weak at all.

If you can make good use of it.

It is undoubtedly a big help.

It just so happens that the other party also intends to promote themselves, so it is better to take advantage of each other.

Take what you need.

However, Huang Miao was not in a hurry to express his position.

Instead, he finally turned his attention to Xia Liuqing and Barron, who had been silent.

"You two, don't you have anything to say?"

If the person present has the highest seniority, it should be the murderer Xia Liuqing.

If we say the strongest, it is Barron who practices Liuku Immortal Thief.

Compared to the four crazy ones.

Huang Miao wanted to know the attitudes of these two people even more.

As for tools, of course you have to pick and use them.

Xia Liuqing and Barron looked at each other. They had been looking at each other the whole time without even saying a word.

Unexpectedly, this senior from the Xian family actually took the initiative to ask the two of them for their opinions.

Barron looked at the white figure not far away with fearful eyes.

The vague feeling of oppression just now was still fresh in his mind.

"Senior, I'm sorry."

"I'm not a perfect person, and I don't want to get involved in your faction's affairs."

"But if the goals are the same, maybe we can cooperate."

The white creature in front of him was too dangerous, so Barron didn't say anything too harshly.

Somewhat leaving some leeway.

He considers himself not a smooth person.

Today was an exception in front of Huang Miao.

On the other hand, Xia Liuqing touched her dry chin.

The so-called people become better with age.

He naturally understood what Huang Miao meant.

This is forcing them to take sides.

If he refused, there would be no guarantee that the two sides would not fight.

But agreeing directly was inconsistent with his principles of doing things.

After all, Xia Liuqing was not powerful.

His behavior is entirely based on spontaneity.

After weighing it for a while, he spoke a little more.

"Old man, I'm older and not as capable as these juniors. I'm afraid I won't be able to help much."

"But if senior is in need, just say hello and the old man is willing to help you."

"After all, my old man is convinced by your strength!"

"Lao Deng, you are quite thoughtful."

Huang Miao complained secretly in his heart.

However, he was not dissatisfied with Xia Liuqing's perfunctory treatment.

This is a normal reaction.

If the other party really agrees and expresses his allegiance, then there is really something wrong.

If you want to use your whole nature for your own use, you have to take it step by step.

If you want to speed, you can't reach it.

He wants these prickly heads to be willing to work for him and receive both kindness and power.

"Since you two don't have this idea for the time being, I won't force it."

"As long as a person lives, disasters of blood and light are inevitable."

"Remember to come find me then."

Old God Huang Miao was here, looking at Xia Liuqing with deep meaning.

This old boy is easy to deal with.

An infatuated old licking dog, a boiling sheep in human form.

The biggest weakness is Grandma Jinfeng.

According to the plot, Granny Jinfeng will be captured by Ma Xianhong’s people soon after the Luotian Dajiao.

When Xia Liuqing has nothing to rely on, she will naturally think of her own powerful immortal family.

At that time, the initiative will be in his own hands, according to Xia Liuqing's temperament.

In order to get Jinfeng, the other party will naturally surrender.

As for Barron.

Although the weakness is not yet clear.

But Huang Miao was not in a hurry.

The Eight Wonders bite off more than they can chew.

After getting the Tongtian Rui and Fenghou Qimen, it won't be too late to try to recruit the Immortal Thieves of Liuku.

Xia Liuqing and Barron looked at each other, wondering why the immortal family opposite said such words.

But since this immortal family didn't intend to embarrass them, the two of them couldn't ask any further questions.

I had to bow out respectfully.

Wait until Xia Liuqing and Barun leave.

There are only four crazy people and some sporadic Quanxing Sanren left.

He is considered the confidant of the four of them.

But to be honest, these people are born with a passerby face.

I've never seen him before, he should be a supporting role in the whole sex.

"Let's open the skylight and speak frankly. I know your thoughts very well."

"It's not difficult to join Quan Xing. I can also provide you with shelter."

"But before that, you need to do something for me."

Xia He, Shen Chong, and Dou Mei looked at each other and nodded without any hesitation.

If you want to invite this senior to join Quanxing, how can you do it without paying some price?

They were already prepared for heavy bleeding, but they didn't expect that the other party just asked them to help with one thing.

"Come here you four."

Huang Miao raised his fingers wildly at Si Zhang.

He only planned to tell Xia He and the four people about this matter. As for the other people present, they were not qualified yet.

The four of them came close to Huang Miao and listened to Huang Miao speak in a low voice.

"After the Luotian Dajiao, you will do this and then do that again."

After hearing this, Xia He, Shen Chong and others looked stunned for a moment.

Then it got really weird again.

There was shock, confusion, and suspicion on his face.

Anyway, it's very exciting.

It's hard to imagine what information they heard that made them show such indescribable expressions.

"Uh, this"

"Any questions?" After Huang Miao finished explaining, he glanced at everyone.

"No problem, senior, don't worry, we promise to complete this matter."

"Yes, senior, please rest assured."

"Even if we go through fire and water, we will still fulfill our predecessors' instructions."

Xia He and others immediately calmed down their expressions and looked serious and assured.

Although I don't understand.

But it does not prevent them from executing it.

Huang Miao nodded with satisfaction.

Then he turned around and waved his hand.

"Come back to me after the matter is settled."

Behind Longhu Mountain, bonfire party.

A few minutes later, Huang Miao walked out of the woods in a swaggering manner.

At this time, the bonfire party was still going on, and it was even more lively than before.

Everyone has been drinking a lot and getting to know each other a lot.

Huang Miao walked towards Feng Baobao and saw that she was drinking with a yellow-haired boy.

Several empty wine bottles were already placed in front of the two of them.

Feng Baobao's expression remained unchanged, as if he were drinking plain water. He drank from Niulanshan with a straw in front of him.

The yellow-haired boy's face had already turned red, and he spoke with a bit of a tongue.

"Drink~drink~I can still drink."

"Come on, let's continue."

"I am a rich man, but I can't drink from a little girl like you."

The yellow-haired boy stood up in a daze, holding a bottle of wine and started talking nonsense. It was obvious that he had drunk too much.

"came back?"

"Where is that person?"

Feng Baobao saw Huang Miao but did not notice the curly-haired woman who left with Huang Miao.

She had just remembered where she had smelled the scent of that woman.

The other party seems to be a complete monster.


Huang Miao jumped into Feng Baobao's arms again.

He looked towards the bonfire in the center with interest.

He knew the famous scene was coming soon.

I came back just in time and didn't miss the bird-walking show.

At this moment, almost all the younger generation of strangers were gathered around a stone.

Zhang Chulan was surrounded by everyone in the center.

Holding a wine bottle, he had obviously drunk too much.

"Drink, drink Zhang Chulan quickly."

"Zhang Chulan is such a man, I'm so bored."

"Zhang Chulan, you are the best."

A group of strangers led by Fei Long were still pouring wine at Zhang Chulan.

Looking at the cheerful expressions of everyone, Huang Miao had a bad smile on his face.

He didn't come back too late, and the most important performance tonight wasn't over yet.

Zhang Chulan's nature, which he had suppressed for too long, was completely exposed after he got completely drunk today.

Completely let go.

Completely take off the mask from your face.

Zhang Chulan stood on the rock and laughed loudly, looking down at the strangers around him.

"Do you really want to see my big 'trophy' that bad?"

"Hehehehaha, then I will open your eyes today, Jie Jie Jie Jie"

The eyes of all the strangers around him lit up, and they became even more excited.

"Come on Zhang Chulan!!"

"Come on, let's see!"

"Zhang Chulan!"

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Zhang Chulan slowly untied his belt.

"In that case!"

"Then come and see!"


In an instant, the belt was completely untied.

The golden pillar suddenly appeared.

There are still some clearly visible lines vaguely visible on it.

"Wow, is this the legendary forbidden spell?"

"Look, there are some special symbols on it."

"Unfortunately, it seems a bit blurry and can't be seen clearly at all."

Everyone's attention was attracted by Zhang Chulan's golden object, regardless of gender.

Everyone is a stranger. What they are looking at now is not Zhang Chulan's big trophy, but the most exquisite artwork.

But at this time, the symbols above are not very clear.

"Can't see clearly?"

"Jie Jie Jie ~ It doesn't matter, watch me mobilize my true energy!"

"When the true energy is mobilized, you will naturally be able to see clearly."

"Let me show you what it means to turn a chicken into a phoenix!"

Zhang Chulan threw away the wine bottle in his hand, and his body began to emit innate energy fluctuations.

In an instant, the originally blurry lines began to become very clear as the volume continued to increase.


"Take pictures, take pictures, take pictures quickly. This forbidden technique must be preserved and observed carefully!"

"Yes, yes, you must take pictures!"

"Zhang Chulan is older!"

Fei Long was cheering crazily below and took out the high-definition camera he bought.

Zhang Lingyu's face, who was sitting not far away, had completely turned dark.

He was actually thinking of apologizing to Zhang Chulan just now!

"Hahaha~ Bird watching under the moon."

"Bao'er, don't look at it, it hurts your eyes."

Huang Miao covered Feng Baobao's eyes with his paws.

The other hand did not forget to take out the mobile phone and shoot a short video.

Huang Miao smacked his lips as he watched Zhang Chulan showing off his chicken into a phoenix.

As the saying goes, "What you see on paper will eventually make you realize it is shallow, but you will definitely know that you have to do it in detail."

Watching it live is more enjoyable than watching animation.


Standing on the rock, Zhang Chulan seemed to hear Huang Miao's voice.

His eyes suddenly looked towards Feng Baobao and Huang Miao.

With his lower body naked and dangling, he ran towards them.

"Master Huang, let me show you my big trophy."

"I haven't seen it before."

"Let me appreciate it for you."


Zhang Chulan staggered over, smelling of alcohol, and the golden light under his crotch was still shaking.

The expression on his face is mean.

Huang Miao, who was still laughing, suddenly froze.

Complain directly.

"Go away, you pervert, I'm not gay!"

at this time.

The onlookers booed again.

"Chu Lan, keep performing!"

"We love watching, come on, come on, continue to perform other shows for us."

"I heard that after the restriction is engraved on it, this thing becomes extremely hard. I don't know if that's true."

"Really, of course it's true!"

"Let me show you a woodpecker!"

"Do you want to see it?"

Zhang Chulan spoke drunkenly, not realizing that he almost lost his brother's life.

"Look, look, look!"

"Come on Zhang Chulan! Come on Zhang Chulan!"

"Woodpecker, there happens to be a hole in the tree over there from Zhang Chulan. Let's take a walk."

The crowd surrounded Zhang Chulan and walked towards the woods.

All that was left was a pile of wine bottles and a pair of pants that were almost trampled to pieces.

The next morning.

The morning sun shines on the earth, and the sky is just bright.

Zhang Chulan slowly stood up and put on a pair of torn trousers full of footprints under the gaze of everyone.

His face was gloomy and terrifying.

"Nothing happened last night, right?"

"Everyone just drank some wine and simply fell asleep."


"Yeah, just watching birds under the moon."

"Then force everyone to watch your chick transform into a phoenix."

"Finally say you are a woodpecker, you know how many trees you destroyed last night."

Huang Miao lay on Feng Baobao's shoulder, admiring Zhang Chulan's expression with a wicked smile.

The performance last night was truly wonderful.

It makes it difficult to sleep.

Everyone around them suppressed their laughter, but their bodies could not help but tremble slowly.

Obviously recalling Zhang Chulan's appearance last night.

Zhang Chulan's face was dark, and his body was trembling at the moment, but he was not suppressing a smile, but suppressing his anger.

His whole life's reputation was ruined like this!

Taking a few deep breaths, Zhang Chulan tried to stay calm, and turned to look at the people watching the excitement around him.

Show a pleasing smile.

"Brothers, you probably didn't take any pictures last night."

"Okay Zhang Chulan, don't worry, how could we dare to do such immoral things."

"Of course we didn't take any pictures."

Feilong smiled evilly, walked up to Zhang Chulan and hugged his arm.

He gave a false expression of comfort.

Then he took out his phone from his hand and clicked on the video inside.

“But I recorded a video!”


"Come on, Zhang Chulan."

"Come and take a look at your majestic hair after finishing it. You, Zhang Chulan, are the first to come all the way to Tianshi Mansion for a walk."

"You will definitely be popular in the alien world from now on!"

"You are the legend of the alien world!"

Fei Long and several others laughed.

In the video, Zhang Chulan dragged a giant earthworm that emitted golden light and kept hitting the ancient tree.

Fei Long held his cell phone coquettishly and shook it back and forth in front of Zhang Chulan, whose face was full of black lines.

The energy in Zhang Chulan's whole body could no longer be suppressed.

"You, you, you!"

"Fat Dragon, I and you are inseparable!"

"Delete it for me quickly!"


While everyone was fighting with each other, three bells suddenly rang from Longhu Mountain.

The third day of the Luotian Dajiao competition is about to begin.

"The game is about to start, let's get down to business first."

"Okay Zhang Chulan, look at it."

"It's a blessing in disguise. This may not be a good thing. Maybe a big director will see this video of yours."

"I invite you to go to the island country to star in an action romance movie."

Xu Si smiled and hugged Zhang Chulan, who was already in a state of rage.

Last night, he was the one who suggested videotaping Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Chulan lowered his head the whole time, not knowing what he was thinking.

Everyone passing by gave him strange looks, and some even whispered.

"Is he Zhang Chulan?"

"It's a shame I didn't see it with my own eyes last night."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are indeed a young man. I heard that ten ancient trees were smashed."

"I can't even imagine how great it would be."

(End of this chapter)

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