One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 111 I will take advantage of the situation in my human form!

Chapter 111 I will take advantage of the situation in my human form!


The cabinets, tables and chairs in the room began to shake and make sizzling sounds.

The powerful mental power even caused the teacup on the table to crack inch by inch.

Huang Miao sat cross-legged on the wooden bed, completely immersed in his practice.

There is no awareness of these changes in the outside world.

At this time, the sinister Nascent Soul ghost in his Dantian was covered with talismans.

It's like wearing a coat made of talismans.

As the last bit of light in the room was absorbed, Huang Miao slowly opened his eyes.

Two bright lights shot out from the eyes, and mysterious runes could be vaguely seen from the eyes.

At this time, it was already dark outside the house.

Unlike Qi Ti Yuan Liu and Ju Ling Qian Jiang, the cultivation of Tong Tian Lu is more of a mental drain.

That is to say, there is no one else around the room, otherwise you will be shocked when you see this strange scene.

Huang Miao said to himself.

It's not shabby to get out of the way.

But just now, he just drew it casually, and completed the drawing of the Qi-Entraining Talisman in one breath.

"I guess it's almost time."

Huang Miao stretched and looked out the window.

One of the simplest talisman methods.

After a day of hard training, he finally mastered this magical skill.

So it takes longer.

The eerie black light drifted out from the house.

Of course, I can't be idle either.

"It's done!"

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The talisman system is very simple. When the last stroke of the talisman is formed, the heaven and earth in the room all converge towards the talisman.

This is the terrible thing about Tongtianlu.

After about a few breaths, the churning evil energy gradually calmed down.

The originally closed doors and windows of the entire room were all opened by the terrifying aura.

The matter of Tongtianlu can come to an end, and then we have to deal with other matters.

Huang Miao waved his hand and scattered the Qi-drawing talismans in front of him.

Zhang Chulan's side should soon begin to accept the inheritance of Tianshidu, and Quan Xing's side should also start to gather.

Quan Xing made a big fuss in Longhu Mountain.

The current talisman method is a bit useless to him.

Moonlight streamed into the house through the windows.

Many ancient talismans have been lost.

Fortunately, hard work pays off.

Qi-entraining talisman.

"Next, we have to ask Xu San to help find some more secret books recording the drawing of talismans."

Huang Miao is not proficient in talismans. Currently, he only knows a few basic talismans.

As long as you can memorize the talisman patterns, you can easily draw talismans that may take others several months to complete.

Almost instantly, a talisman emitting a strange light appeared out of thin air in the room.

A light blue light appeared between Huang Miao's two fingers, gently passing through the void.

Without the help of the talisman pattern, even if you practice the Tongtian Lu, you will not be able to exert the true power of the talisman.

In an instant, a ball of black energy appeared around Huang Miao out of thin air, surrounding him.

While this gang of lawless gangsters were setting fire to the mountain, he had to take advantage of them.

But you can't use your own body form.

However, even for this most basic qi-entraining talisman, it takes a stick of incense to complete the talismans.

A muscular figure slowly walked out of the black mist.

Wearing a black robe and an evil ghost mask.

In order to practice the Tongtian Ru, he spent nearly a full day.

This is also why Tongtianlu is called the weakest secret skill among the eight magical skills.

Completely cover the figure.

It was Huang Miao's transformed state.

He purchased the black Taoist robe and evil ghost mask in advance from a street stall at the foot of Longhu Mountain.

Just to camouflage after transforming.

Huang Miao moved his neck and simply adapted to his human body.

Tonight, he will take action in his transformed state for the first time.

at the same time.

In a hidden corner at the back of Longhu Mountain, a group of people of all shapes and sizes gathered here.

Originally, these people should leave after the Luotian Dajiao was over.

However, for some unknown reason, instead of leaving at this moment, they gathered in this hidden forest late at night.

"Everyone is here."

Among the crowd, a short middle-aged man wearing a dark green military uniform sat on a stone, playing with the beads in his hand.

The man was unshaven and looked very slovenly.

The clothes on his body were also very shabby.

As he spoke, everyone in the room quickly fell silent.

Everyone couldn't help but look at this short middle-aged man, and fear flashed in many people's eyes.

Quan Xing——Yuan Tao, a weapon refiner!

Even though he looks slovenly and harmless, among them all, this one is definitely a ruthless one.

He has a sinister personality and strong strength.

Ordinary people really don't dare to provoke him.

Behind him was a tall, bald man wearing a striped shirt and looking a little silly.

There is a necklace hanging around his neck.

He is Yuan Tao's apprentice.

"Except for Si Zhangang and Mr. Xia, everyone is basically here."

Not far away, a skinny man dressed in mourning, wearing a bamboo hat and holding a spiritual flag twitched and breathed twice.

Speak slowly.

"The four crazy ones didn't come?"

Yuan Tao frowned slightly and glanced around the crowd.

Four Kuang Kuang were the main force in this operation, and they were the ones who instigated this incident together with the acting leader.

Why did it suddenly disappear now?

"Since yesterday, I have been unable to contact them."

"The disciples who had a good relationship with them all seemed to disappear overnight."

The grave-crying man spoke slowly. He had not contacted Xia He and others since last night.

No idea where they went.

"These guys really missed the mark at the critical moment!"

"This time it was decided that everyone would act together. Since these guys deserted."

"Also, Mr. Xia and that foreign devil, why were they silent at the critical moment?"

Yuan Tao had a dark face and felt that he had been fooled.

Originally, everyone went out together, but now those guys sneaked away.

"Forget it, the acting head has already started urging us."

"No more waiting for them!"

"After this operation is over, let's settle the accounts with these guys."

Yuan Tao stood up from the stone and glanced at the Quanxing disciples around him.

This time, except for Ding Shian, basically all the experts in the industry are here. Even if there are no four crazy people, it won't be a big problem.

With these people making a big fuss in Longhu Mountain, there is no problem in delaying time for the acting head.

"That boy Lu Liang should be at the acting head's side now."

"We are also ready to take action!"

"Remember, the purpose of our actions is to make things worse, not to kill people."

"Although Longhu Mountain is not a dragon's pond or a tiger's den, it is not a place where you can run wild as you please."

"You little bastards, don't make too much noise and end up losing your lives here."

"Don't worry, Master Yuan, we know the stakes."

"That's right. Besides, we all have a destiny of life and death, and wealth and honor are in heaven."

"Even if we really die in Longhu Mountain in the end, we have nothing to say."

The faces of everyone around were extremely excited, and they couldn't wait to cause a scene.

With an order.

Nearly a hundred figures filed out of the forest.

Heading towards the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain!

Longhu Mountain.

In a brightly lit hall.

Wang Ai, who was leaning on crutches, sat in the main seat with a gloomy expression.

This time at the Longhu Mountain Luotian Dajiao, I didn’t get a lot of benefits.

His most precious great-grandson was beaten up, and a relic of a tantric monk was given as compensation.

It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his troops.

That one was a Buddha bone relic that his father had bought from a monk from the Western Regions at a huge price.

I heard that it was originally to suppress some evil spirit in their Wang family.

Although they now have the generals of Ju Ling, their Wang family no longer needs this Buddha bone relic to suppress evil spirits.

This Buddha bone relic is not the most valuable thing to the Wang family today.

But after all, it is the treasure left behind by his father.

Being sent away by him like this, Wang Ai was still somewhat reluctant to let go.

Especially in front of so many strangers like Luo Tian Dajiao, being asked for benefits.

The Wang family is one of the four families after all, so this time Luotian's wedding was a loss of face.

"Everyone has packed up their salutes and prepared to go down the mountain immediately."

Wang Ai tapped his cane and spoke in a muffled voice.

Having lost face at the Luotian Dajiao, Wang Ai didn't want to stay here any longer.

The Wang family lost face this time, and he would have to get it back in the future.

However, that Zhang Chulan is now very likely to become the new heir to the Heavenly Master. It is not easy for him to easily touch the other party.

This matter needs to be considered in the long run.

"Master, everything has been packed."

"Master Wang Bing is on his way here now."

A member of the Wang family spoke respectfully to Wang Ai, not daring to go overboard in the slightest.

Everyone in the Wang family knew that the head of the family had a bad temper.

This time, during the Luotian Festival, the head of the family lost face again.

Everyone is being cautious these days, for fear of making some mistake.

No one dared to touch Wang Ai's tiger beard at this time.

"Okay, you go first."

Wang Ai drove away the Wang family's entourage with a cold expression. He was annoyed just by looking at these guys.

Among the many juniors in the Wang family, only Wang Bing's talent for cultivation is worthy of recognition.

But now, compared with other younger generations at the Luotian Dajiao, they pale in comparison.

Whether it is Zhuge Qing of the Zhuge family or Zhang Lingyu of Longhu Mountain, Wang Bing is far inferior.

Even the little-known Taoist priest in Wudang Mountain was superior to Wang Bing in terms of character and strength.

He was stronger than the boy from the Feng family just because of his superior skills.

During this Luotian Festival, Wang Ai was very disappointed with his once treasured great-grandson.

As the saying goes, if you compare goods, you will throw them away, but if you compare people, you will die.

It was okay that there was no comparison before, but now that there is comparison, Wang Ai actually feels quite angry.



The wooden door of the main hall was pushed open, and Wang Bing, still wrapped in bandages, limped into the room.

Although he took various healing herbs, he had not fully recovered from his injuries after being beaten up by Huang Miao.

"My dear grandson is here. Let grandpa see if the injury is healed."

Seeing Wang Bing walking into the hall, Wang Ai once again showed a hypocritical smile on his face.

Even when facing his own grandson, Wang Ai habitually disguised himself.

Wang Bing limped towards Wang Ai, his eyes full of resentment.

"Grandpa, you don't just plan to go back like this, do you?"

"That Zhang Chulan, and that bullshit fairy family."

"They must pay the price!"

Wang Bing spoke sadly, his eyes full of anger. He, Wang Bing, had grown up with a golden key in his mouth, and had never been beaten like this.

That piece of shit Zhang Chulan, he must make the other party pay the price!

And that fairy family who hides his head and shows his tail!

He wants to torture the other party with Julingshangjiang!

"Grandpa, why can't our family's Ji Ling Qian Jiang control that elf?!"

"Do you have any other ways to hide your secrets and didn't leave them to me?"

Wang Bing's eyes became a little colder again when he thought that his use of Ju Ling Qi General on the field was ineffective against the Immortal Family invited by Zhang Chulan.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation for so many years of practicing Julingshuangjiang.

Wang Ai narrowed his eyes, feeling a little warm and angry at Wang Bing's questioning of him just now.

However, knowing Wang Bing's nature, he did not care about his great-grandson.

"The opponent's spirit-detaining general is more accomplished. You cannot detain the opponent's Yin spirit based on your strength."

"But what surprises me is that he, a beast, has learned how to restrain his spirit and dispatch his generals."

"This kid Feng Zhenghao is really courageous."

In the entire alien world, apart from the Wang family who can use Julingsendong, only the Feng family can use it.

The other party's Ju Ling sent general was obviously a professor from the Feng family.

"Feng family!"

"I won't let this guy Feng Zhenghao go!"

Wang Bing's eyes were cold, and he attributed the reason why he was beaten to the Feng family.

If it hadn't been for the Feng family's teaching that beast Ji Ling Qi Jiang, he wouldn't have been beaten.

Perhaps he has become the final winner of the Luotian Dajiao.

Today, when he learned that Zhang Chulan had become the final winner of the Luotian Dajiao, Wang Bing almost ran out of breath and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"There are also Zhang Chulan and Lu Jin. None of them are good people!"

Zhang Chulan’s championship should have been his!

He should obediently sacrifice that beast to himself!

Lu Jin should not take the Tongtian Rui as the championship prize, but give it directly to himself.

And Wang Bing slowly looked at Wang Ai who was sitting on the chair, and a look of resentment flashed in his eyes.

"Master, why don't you just ask Lu Jin for the Heaven-Bearing Paper for me!"

"Why do you want me to participate in this competition!"

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault!"

Wang Ai's expression turned gloomy upon hearing this, and he looked at his great-grandson, who he always loved so much, with a cold glint in his eyes.

Anger emerged involuntarily in his heart, and he felt disgusted with the king for no reason.

He actually wanted to use his own hands to twist off the head of the successor of the Wang family he had trained.

"Old guy, go find that old guy Lu Jin for me now!"

"Let him teach me the Tongtianlu!"

Wang Bing's face was full of resentment, and he made no secret of his hatred for Wang Ai.


Wang Ai squinted his eyes.

Something seems to be wrong.

Although my grandson is usually naughty.

But I am still more respectful to myself.

Even in anger, it was impossible to speak so harshly to him.

It was as if the two people's emotions were deliberately provoked by something.

Think of this.

Wang Ai suddenly realized something.

Then he raised his crutches.

Hit Wang Bin on the arm.


The king was in severe pain.

Suddenly my mind felt clear.

He covered his arms and looked at his grandfather blankly.

What just happened? !

I actually said something rude to my grandfather? !

This is not his usual style at all!

"Bing'er, we're on the way."

Wang Ai squinted his eyes, stood up slowly with a cane, and walked towards the center of the hall step by step.

The anger just now was completely gone.

His tone also became calm again.

"Are you on your way?"

Wang looked at his grandfather in confusion. He had no idea what he was talking about.

What's wrong?

His great-great-grandfather is a member of the top 10, who dares to attack them without opening their eyes!

What's more, this is Longhu Mountain.

In the entire alien world, few people dare to cause trouble in Longhu Mountain.

"Bing'er, step back!"

The cold Qi radiated from Wang Ai's body and instantly enveloped his body.

He did not answer Wang Bing's doubts, but looked towards the front of the palace door.

"Guys, since you're all here, don't hide your head and show your tail."

"Come out."

The wooden crutch hit the floor twice, and the door that had been closed just now was blown open by a sudden gust of wind.

A smiling bald monk appeared outside the gate.

"Amitabha, I have met Mr. Wang."

"I think there is no need for Donor Wang to leave."

The person who came was none other than Gao Ning, one of the Four Mad Men.

Seeing the smiling fat monk appear in front of him, Wang Bing's eyes suddenly widened with disbelief in his eyes.

what's the situation?

Why is this guy here?

Aren't they full-blooded monsters? Why does it appear in Longhu Mountain!

Can't find death?

"Bing'er, step back."

"Protect yourself later."

"Let Grandpa take action to deal with these omnipotent monsters."

Wang Ai spoke slowly, but there was still no panic on his face.

The tone was very calm.

A mere monk named Yongjue was not worthy of his serious treatment.

"Mr. Wang is really confident. He wants to deal with the four of us by himself."

A charming voice came from the woods behind Gao Ning, and a young woman with long pink hair and a round figure walked towards the main hall step by step, twisting her waist.

Standing next to the woman was a gentle man wearing glasses.

And a woman whose charm is still there.

It was the other three members of the Four Crazy People - Xia He, Shen Chong and Dou Mei.

Four people appeared together.

"Haha, the four of you are here together, so I can catch you all in one go."

Wang Ai glanced at the four people, but his expression remained unchanged.

From the moment Gao Ning appeared in front of him, he had already guessed that the other three people should be here.

Quan Xing and the four crazy people always act together, and since the other party dares to come to Longhu Mountain and appear in front of him, there is no way he can be alone.

However, although the four crazy names are very famous in today's alien world, it is indeed difficult to deal with ordinary aliens.

But for Wang Ai, these people are still not enough.

"If you want to keep the four of us, we have to see if Mr. Wang has the strength."

Shen Chong pushed up his glasses, smiled and spoke.

The four of them may not be as strong as Wang Ai individually, but when their respective abilities work together, they are not as powerful as Wang Ai.

It is not impossible to defeat Wang Ai.

Dou Mei, who had not spoken yet, looked at Wang Ai tenderly.

A certain kind of peaceful atmosphere began to caress Wang Ai's soul.

"Mr. Wang, you are also a hundred years old, why are you obsessed with fame, wealth and power?"

"Today is an opportunity. Although we are defeated in our hands, there will be no pain in life or death from now on."

"Soothing is my specialty."

Dou Mei's soft voice and gentle tone made people feel like a spring breeze, as if they could instantly remove their psychological defenses.

Wang Ai narrowed his eyes and stood motionless with his hands on crutches.

She seemed to turn a deaf ear to Dou Mei's words.

"Destroying people's will? Your method is indeed destructive, but it may be okay to deal with young guys."

"But for me, it's too small to make a big difference!"

As the saying goes, the older you get, the more you become a monster. With Wang Ai's mind, how could he lose his will with just a few words from Dou Mei.

In a sense, Wang Ai is even more determined than Lu Jin.

"Go together!"

Shen Chong pushed up his glasses and rushed towards Wang Ai first.

Among the four, he is the best at close combat.

Relatively speaking, Gao Ning and Dou Mei are better at assisting in combat.

As for Xia He, although his physical skills are not bad, he is still too young and will inevitably suffer some disadvantages when dealing with an old monster like Wang Ai.

Therefore, the plan for the four of them to join forces to deal with Wang Ai this time is that Shen Chong will be responsible for holding Wang Ai down, and Xia He will take care of him.

Gao Ning and Dou Mei are responsible for disrupting his mind.

Trapped in the twelve labor formations.

"It seems that I haven't done anything in the alien world in these years. You brats have forgotten the prestige of the Shentu Wang family!"

Wang Ai hit the floor hard with his crutch, and the entire room's floor seemed to turn into a piece of rice paper with ink paintings.

A drop of ink spreads quickly from the position of Wang Ai's crutch.

"Bing'er, watch carefully, our Wang family's specialty!"

"Secret Painting God Tu!"

As one of the four major families, the Wang family naturally has their own family inheritance methods in addition to restraining spirits and sending generals.

Similar to the Lu family's Ruyi Jin, the Wang family's secret painting Shentu is their strange method passed down from ancient times.

The painting resembles that of the mysterious Ma Liang and takes shape.

A ball of jet-black Qi appeared at the feet of the four people. There was no time to dodge. Black pillars rose up from the ground, completely trapping the four people.

Forming an ink cage.

It is another ability of Shen Tu - drawing the ground as a prison.

And this is just an ordinary drawing of the ground as a prison, Wang Ai can also use the secret technique of divine painting to turn the earth into a complete formation.

Whether it is the large-scale one-word long snake formation, the eight-locked dragon gate formation, or the small two-yi life-death formation, they can all be quickly formed through the secret technique of Shentu.

It can even affect the temperament and temperament of the people in the formation through secret techniques.

Almost instantly, the four of them were trapped by Wang Ai.

Hard to break free.

Wang Ai walked towards the four of them calmly, squinting his glasses without showing any emotion.

"You guys are just that monk's Twelve Labor Love Array, which is a bit annoying."

"But to me, it's nothing."

"The art of divine painting can already affect one's mind and emotions."

At this moment, although Wang Ai was still trapped by Gao Ning's Twelve Labor Formations, he did not show any discomfort.

The so-called Twelve Labor Formation, to put it bluntly, is still a formation that affects the mind, and he can completely restrain it with the technique of divine painting.

"If you team up to deal with Lu Jin or Lu Ci, you might have some chance."

"But to deal with me is to bring shame on yourself."

Xia He and Shen Chong were secretly exerting force at this moment, but they could not break free from the shackles of the cage. The ink cage was too strong.

Gao Ning, on the other hand, tried his best to control the twelve labor formations. He never expected that his formations would be completely ineffective against Wang Ai.

In recent years, the Wang family has rarely taken action in the alien world, so they have no idea that the Wang family's family methods are so powerful.

"Okay, don't struggle."

"I just have something I want to ask you."

"Answer obediently, and I will spare you the pain of your skin and flesh."

Wang Ai spoke calmly, looking at the four Quan Xing people in front of him, preparing to ask some secrets about Quan Xing from them.

"Clap clap-!"

But before he could ask, a burst of applause suddenly came from the shadows at the door.

A figure slowly walked out of the shadows.

The black Taoist robe moves without wind.

The whole body was washed away by bursts of black energy.

Coupled with the Nuo opera mask on his face, he looked like a ghost returning from hell.

"As expected of one of the ten, his strength is indeed impressive."

"You have not gained much fame in recent years, but your strength is no weaker than that of Lu Jin and Lu Ci."

"I really underestimate you."

(End of this chapter)

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