One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 112: When did Quanxing become such a powerful person? !

Chapter 112: When did Quanxing become such a powerful person? !

Under the night.

The dark figure slowly walked out of the woods.

Then in the moonlight, Wang Ai could vaguely see the other party's outfit.

The upper body was covered with a pitch black robe, completely covering the entire body.

A ferocious mask was embedded in his face, making it difficult to see his true appearance.

The whole person seemed to be hidden in darkness.

It seems mysterious and weird.

As the man in black stepped into the hall with one foot.

The temperature of the entire room dropped sharply, and a strong evil aura spread.

He didn't believe what the man in black in front of him said at all.

If there is a person with the deepest scheming skills in the entire alien world, this old guy is definitely one of them.

It was Huang Miao who had turned into a human form.

Wang Ai slowly calmed down his momentum, still leaning on crutches.

This old fox has a gloomy and thoughtful mind, and Huang Miao doesn't intend to talk too much nonsense with him.

"It seems that you are the one behind this time!"

Now in this situation, the enemy is in the dark and you are in the open, so it is not suitable to act rashly.

Wang Ai took a slight breath, and looked at the black-robed man in front of him with a smile on his face. The secret technique of Shentu under his feet slowly unfolded again.

Although he has never seen the other party take action, he can command the four crazy people, so his strength should not be weak.

The original ink floor quickly faded away.

"Who are you, Your Excellency?"

The Wang family has been very low-key in the alien world these years, and he couldn't remember when he had offended any powerful person.

Even the so-called acting head of Quan Xing who appeared recently seems to be in a cooperative state with Quan Xing disciples and cannot be respected by the four crazy people.

Seeing the man in black robe walking into the hall, Xia He and the other four quickly retreated to both sides respectfully.

The man in front of him was wearing a mask and a Taoist robe, obviously to prevent himself from recognizing his identity.

This time Si Zhang Kuang came to trouble him, most likely under the other party's instructions.

Huang Miao took one step forward, and invisible momentum suddenly emitted.

Although Wang Ai is confident in his own strength, he is always careful to make no big mistakes.

Wang Ai narrowed his eyes and stared at the mysterious black-robed man who came into the hall.

A cold light flashed across Wang Ai's eyes, and he shook his head slightly.

Judging from Si Zhang Kuang's attitude towards the person in front of him, it was obvious that he respected him.

If the other party is not kind, he will naturally not sit still and wait for death.

"Full sex?"

"My Wang family seems to have no grievances with all of you. I wonder why we are doing this today?"

As the saying goes, people leave traces behind, as long as he sends people to investigate, sooner or later they will be able to investigate.

He knew a lot of powerful people in Quanxing, but he had never heard of anyone who could make the four crazy people surrender.

Mysterious ancient runes appeared under his feet.

"What are you doing here together today?"

Just relying on his own momentum, he disintegrated the ink cage around Xia He and others inch by inch.

The visitor is not someone else.

Then stood behind the man in black robe.

Huang Miao put his hands behind his back and looked down at Wang Ai with a very cold tone.

"Is this the etiquette of the Wang family?"

Huang Miao glanced at the divine painting formation at Wang Ai's feet, with a contemptuous smile on his lips.

"Full sex."

Not understanding the other party's purpose of coming here, he chose to stop for the time being, hoping to trick the other party into getting more information first.

Moreover, although people with a complete nature are lunatics, their behavior is quite straightforward and they will not hide their heads or show their tails.

"But it seems that Mr. Wang doesn't want to welcome us?"

"I have long heard about the names of the four major families in the alien world, so I came here to pay a visit to Mr. Wang today."

However, since the other party was unwilling to reveal his true identity, Wang Ai did not force him.

It is absolutely impossible to be a fully human being.

The ink lines that were still spreading under Wang Ai's feet seemed to be invisible and imprisoned, unable to move forward any further.

Do you really think you are blind if you do these little tricks in front of him?

The Wang family's ancestral methods have never been exposed, and Huang Miao had not known Wang Ai's methods before, other than arresting spirits and sending generals.

But seeing those ink lines today, he had some guesses about the so-called secret technique of divine painting.

"If an evil guest comes to my door, I will naturally not be able to treat him politely."

When Wang Ai saw that the ink lines under his feet were cut off, he stopped pretending and looked coldly at the man in black robe in front of him.

This group of people with no benefit can't afford to get up early, and they come to cause trouble for themselves, so they must have some agenda.

And the only thing that people will miss about their Wang family is probably Ju Ling Qian Jiang!

The method used by the Wang family to arrest spirits and dispatch generals during this Luotian Dajiao must have been known to Quan Xing and these guys.

I heard that Feng Zhenghao's Tianxiahui was attacked by Quanxing Yaoren in order to snatch the Feng family's generals.

However, Quanxing Yaoren did not get any advantage from Feng Zhenghao.

Then it gradually subsided.

Now that he is attacking the Wang family again, he will most likely treat the Wang family as a soft persimmon!

After all, the Wang family has been too low-key these years and is indeed not very active.

But they chose the wrong person!

Wang Ai narrowed his eyes and hit the floor with the crutch in his hand.

The next moment, the ink flow column spread from his feet and quickly covered Wang Ai's body, turning into a layer of ink-colored armor.

The Wang family has kept a low profile for so long over the years that some clowns feel that the Wang family has become a soft persimmon.

In this case, he would take advantage of this opportunity today to scare the monkeys.

Let those young people know what the value of the four major families is!

"Shentu·Shentu ink nails!"

Wang Ai appeared in front of Huang Miao.

The fist wrapped in ink armor hit Huang Miao hard.

This ink-and-ink armor is similar to Tangmen's Wushao Armor and Longhushan's Golden Light Curse.

It can attack and defend, it can be said that it is an integrated attack and defense.

It can be regarded as one of the few close combat methods of their Wang family.

Huang Miao looked at Wang Ai's fist on his chest indifferently, with a calm expression.

He still had his hands behind his back, looking calm and calm.

He planned to directly meet Wang Ai's blow.

"court death!"

Seeing the other party being so supportive, Wang Ai's eyes flashed with coldness again.

He subconsciously increased his strength on his hands.

The attack just now was just to test the depth of the opponent.

But since the other party dared to be so confident, he didn't even dodge.

Then don't blame him for being rude.

In an instant, the color of the ink on Wang Ai's right arm became a little darker, and his fists became more fierce.

The sound of tiger and leopard thunder is like running thunder.

Even compared with those strong body refiners, it is not a waste of concessions.

As a veteran alien, Wang Ai is not very good at physical skills, but he is not weak either.

What's more, there is also ink armor for blessing.

He didn't believe that the other party could really take it!


It was accompanied by a sudden sound, like a roar caused by metal collision.

The powerful impact shook the entire hall.

The ground beneath their feet was cracked, and the powerful impact directly caused the floor of the hall to shatter.

"Ants move mountains in vain."

Huang Miao's cold voice reached Wang Ai's ears.

Rich black aura appeared at Huang Miao's feet, and then condensed in front of him, forming a protective shield.

Wang Ai's full blow just now didn't even touch Huang Miao's body.

Not only that, the ink armor on his palm also began to be swallowed up bit by bit by the black energy in front of Huang Miao. Wang Ai's expression changed drastically, he quickly tapped the ground with both feet, and his figure suddenly flew backwards.

The ink armor on the entire arm was completely swallowed up.


Wang Bing's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

The ink-painted armor of their Wang family was actually broken? !

The other party didn't take any action in the real sense. He just relied on his own Qi to break the divine armor that his great-great-grandfather used to protect himself!

How can this be done!

Isn't that too exaggerated? !

Even Longhu Mountain's Yin Thunder, which is said to be able to eliminate bones and eat marrow, can't do this.

Wang Bing swallowed his saliva and already had the idea of ​​turning around and running away.

At least judging from the previous confrontation, Grandpa Grandpa seemed to be no match for the opponent.

Wang Ai and Huang Miao distanced themselves, feeling secretly horrified in their hearts.

At the moment of contact, the Qi wrapped around his armor seemed to be instantly decomposed.

Return to the most primitive state.

This method was still unheard of for him.

"Some kind of secret technique?"

Wang Ai squinted his eyes and observed the strange aura surrounding the man in black robes, feeling that he felt a little familiar.

But he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

"Is this the divine painting technique of your Wang family?"

Huang Miao patted the dust on his chest and spoke slowly.

Still not in a hurry to take action.

He really wanted to see how tyrannical the Wang family's so-called ancestral methods were.

"It was just an appetizer, look at this!"

"The birth and death of two rituals!"

Wang Ai shouted coldly, this time he really used all his strength, casting black and white yin and yang energy all over his body, and in an instant the whole room seemed to turn into black and white.

The ground beneath your feet is like a lake.

Two huge yin-yang fish, one black and one white, appeared at Wang Ai's feet.

The hall began to shake.

As the yin and yang fish continued to swim, a huge Tai Chi yin and yang diagram was formed under Wang Ai and Huang Miao's feet.

The energy of birth and death begins to change with the rotation of the Tai Chi diagram.

He is using the art of divine painting to draw objects and carve formations.

The so-called formation method is somewhat similar to Qimen Dunjia Bureau, both of which use the power of the five elements to change the surrounding environment.

However, Qi Men Dun Jia just moved the four plates and followed the trend.

The formation method is to reverse the pattern with external force and forcefully break the law of the five elements.

The effect is more domineering than Qimen Dunjia.

But generally speaking, setting up a formation takes longer and cannot be accomplished overnight.

Therefore, apart from preparing in advance, it is difficult for the formation mage to play any role in the battle.

But Wang Ai was able to use Shen Tu's ability to quickly set up a formation.

It can be said that as long as the battle cannot be ended in a short time, Wang Ai's combat power can be infinitely amplified when formations and formations are continuously superimposed.


"It seems that the rumors are true. The old guy from the Wang family is indeed an array master!"

"Is this the real use of the Wang family's divine painting technique?"

Xia He and others looked at the formation formed almost instantly and hurriedly retreated from the hall.

Although they didn't know what formation Wang Ai used, the two yin-yang fish gave them a sense of danger.

Especially the black and white gas attached to it.

It seems to be able to plunder the life around it.

Wang Bing, who was originally hiding behind Wang Ai, also took the opportunity to leave the hall. He was not able to participate in Grandpa's battle at all.

The entire hall was crumbling, with gravel and sawdust flying everywhere.

Everything blown by the Gang Qi will instantly turn into fly ash.

Lingqi kept blowing between Wang Ai and Huang Miao.

Just when Xia He and the others withdrew from the hall, the whole hall seemed to be unable to hold up anymore and collapsed suddenly.

The entire ground sunk downwards a bit.


Along with the huge explosion, smoke and dust were everywhere the next moment.

The originally magnificent hall was left in ruins.

Dust filled the air.

"Such a terrifying power?"

Shen Chong pushed up his glasses, unable to conceal the shock in his eyes.

They also knew something about the four major families. As far as he knew, the Wang family didn't seem to have any other redeeming features besides the family's strong financial resources.

Theoretically, it is the weakest force among the four major families.

And their family inheritance method, Danqingshentu, is said to be an auxiliary method.

Although the four of them were a little worried when they accepted the task assigned by Huang Miao, they didn't take it seriously.

I think it shouldn't be a problem for the four of them to work together to deal with Wang Ai.

But now it seems that they were really wrong.

Sure enough, one cannot casually underestimate a powerful family that has been passed down for hundreds of years. Wang Ai's strength is far beyond their imagination.

If the other party attacked them with this level of tactics from the beginning, the four of them wouldn't even have the ability to resist.

Wang Ai's secret technique of magic was very restrained against the four of them.

"No wonder Mr. Xia said at the time that the Wang family might be the most hidden among the four major families."

"as expected."

"This old guy Wang Ai is really good at hiding."

Xia He flipped up his long pink hair and looked at the smoke and dust in front of him. Although he was surprised, he was not too worried.

He still knew Huang Miao's strength.

In the smoke and dust, Wang Ai's figure leaning on a cane slowly appeared in the sight of several people.

He looked at Xia He and the others with cold eyes.

"It's your turn next."

Being ambushed by his Liangyi Formation of Life and Death, not even the Heavenly Master could escape easily.

There are no more than one person in the whole world who can walk out of his Liangsheng Formation of Life and Death.

And even if he could break away from the formation of life and death, he would still be seriously injured.

If the most lethal method among the four major families is undoubtedly the secret technique of the Wang family.

However, with the death of the older generation of strangers, fewer and fewer people know about this matter. Most people think that their Wang family's methods are more auxiliary.

"If you can see the great formation of life and death of my Wang family, the four of you will be considered worthy of death."


"In the next life, be careful."

Wang Ai was leaning on crutches, and countless terrifying ghosts appeared behind him. The ink lines under his feet once again spread from his feet towards Xia He and the others.

In order to prevent Xia He and the four from escaping, Wang Ai not only used the secret technique of Shentu this time, but also used Ju Ling to send generals.

The ghosts who had been detained by him all these years exuded an evil aura and were ready to pounce on Xia He and the four of them at any time.

However, when facing Wang Ai, there was no panic on the faces of Xia He and the others.

Instead, Wang Bing, who was not far away, pointed behind Wang Ai in shock.

"Grandpa is behind you."

In the smoke and dust, a figure in black robe slowly walked out.

There was no trace of injury on his body, not even the corners of his Taoist robe were damaged.

There was just a little more dust on the body from the explosion just now.

Huang Miao patted the dust off his body, not giving Wang Ai a chance to react. Huang Miao appeared behind him the next moment.

Putting a hand on his shoulder, his tone remained unhurried.

"You took action just now, now it's my turn."

(End of this chapter)

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