Chapter 113 Whatever comes into my eyes is mine

Wang Ai's heart suddenly tightened, and he quickly prepared to gather energy to resist.

The ink patterns under his feet once again emerged from his feet toward his body.

The divine ink nails are formed again.

However, before the ink armor was completely condensed and formed, he felt the hand on his shoulder exert a slight force on its fingers.


A clear and visible sound.

The ink armor cracked again.

The next moment, Wang Ai was pulled by the shoulders by a huge force and thrown away.

A big hole was made directly on the ground.

Wang Ai felt as if his arm that had just been touched was dislocated.

I really couldn't make up my mind for a while.

He has also been involved in the anime fan circle under one person.

And there is a high probability that the other party will not know the secrets of their Wang family and Feng family back then.

Wang Ai can be sure that Na Ruhu at that time was definitely not as skilled as the person in front of him.

I was almost dragged down by that guy.

Huang Miao waved his hand and looked at his hands, feeling doubly interested.

Whether it was the Qi Ti Yuan Liu at the beginning, or the Ju Ling Qian Jiang and Tong Tian Lu later, they all played a very important role in the transformation process.

Huang Miao clenched his fist slightly, and couldn't help but think of a rumor about the Eight Wonders in his mind.

"Your Excellency, you want to plot to arrest the spirit and dispatch the general?"

"At least it will be more detailed than the Ju Ling Sen generals that our Wang family has."

Wu Gensheng's original study of the Eight Wonders seemed to be just to create a perfect creature.

"If you are here for the Eight Wonders, I can help you make an appointment with Feng Zhenghao from Tianxiahui."

The strength of the two can be said to be between equals.

Even in the entire alien world, except for the old Celestial Master, there are probably not many people who can reach the other party's level.

At least for now, the Eight Magic Skills are of great benefit to him in his transformation.

The strength of the man in front of him far exceeded his expectations.

This was the first time he fought in his transformed body, and he originally thought there would be an adaptation stage.

Although Huang Miao was not interested in studying whether this rumor was true or false, it seemed that it was not groundless.

But he didn't expect that this body fit him better than he imagined, and it had no impact on his strength at all.

This is not an exaggeration.

Nothing unusual.

too strong!

Among the strangers he knew, few could possess this kind of skill.

Wang Ai looked at the mysterious man in black robe not far away who seemed to be in a daze, and felt a little at a loss for a moment.

After all, there is still some gap between the transformed body and the original body.

Wang Ai and Na Ruhu were both from the same ten, and they knew each other well.

It seems that every time one of the Eight Wonders is mastered, it will bring considerable benefits to the transformed body.

After coughing twice, Wang Ai staggered up from the pit. This time, his face was full of fear.

It's like possessing Zhang Chulan, unable to exert his full strength.

Before crossing over.

The other party just stood there, and he didn't dare to move rashly.

There has always been such a rumor.

There were fights in the early years.

"Who is your Excellency?!"

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend will never die if he is a poor Taoist. At this time, if he could lure Feng Zhenghao into the water, Wang Ai would never hesitate.

"Ju Lingsending will be the family inheritance method of their Feng family. The other party must have mastered the complete secret technique."

In the brief confrontation just now, he was able to confirm that he was definitely no match for the person in front of him.

And he didn't know if it was because of cultivating Tongtianlu, but after transforming this time, he felt that his strength had improved a lot.

When will a strong man of this level appear in Quanxing!

Why has he never heard of it!

Wang Ai took a deep breath and moved his steps backwards involuntarily.

Even the coordination of this body is more than a little higher than the original body.

"Cough cough~"

Even Ding Zhangan and Na Ruhu, who are known as two heroes, cannot be compared with the people in front of them.

Wang Ai didn't want to teach the complete version of Julingsending to the people in front of him easily.

After hearing Wang Ai's words, Huang Miao came back to his senses slightly.

His eyes glanced at the short, fat old man not far away with disdain.

This old guy is really thoughtful, and even at this time, he still doesn't forget to play some little tricks.

If he hadn't known the plot, he might have believed this old guy's lies.

"Eight magical skills?"

"Haha, I have no interest in this thing."

"I have entered the world of mortals and have specialized in cultivating the three poisons of greed, anger, and ignorance. This visit is just to seek wealth."

"Please, ask for money?!"

Wang Ai has already thought about how to trick the person in front of him into becoming an enemy of Feng Zhenghao.

But what the other party just said made Wang Ai unable to recover for a moment.

What the hell? !

Is this going to be a robbery? !

The other party went to all this trouble just to rob someone on the road?

Wang Ai stared blankly at the mysterious black-robed man in front of him, no matter how scheming he was.

I didn't expect the existence of the other party at this level.

He even went so far as to commit the robbery himself.

Moreover, the one he robbed was the head of the Wang family, one of his top ten men.

"Grandpa, have we encountered some kind of disaster?"

Wang Bing walked to Wang Ai and asked in disbelief.

Even judging from his IQ, he knew that the so-called treasure was definitely not as important as the Eight Wonders.

At this time, the other party was not plotting eight magical skills.

It’s really abnormal!

Wang Ai was stunned for a moment. Seeing that the other party didn't seem to be joking, he calmed down and continued to ask:

"I wonder what kind of price you want to let our grandfather and grandson leave?"

In fact, the other party's request for money may not be bad news for Wang Ai.

In his opinion.

Problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

Among the four major families, the Wang family is known as the "money bag".

The most important thing is money.

As long as I can send this uninvited guest away, it doesn't matter if I spend some money.

Think of it as saving money and avoiding disaster.


Huang Miao's tone sounded like a smile but not a smile.

He glanced down at his slender, woman-like fingers.

"Maybe what Pindao just expressed wasn't too clear."

"I'm asking for money, and there's no price tag."

"As long as it gets into my eyes, it's mine."

Wang Ai choked on his words for a moment.

Good guy!

I want it all with this posture!

My appetite is probably too much.

However, after the previous confrontation, Wang Ai knew very well that the opponent had this strength.

A good man does not suffer immediate losses.

It is not a good time to start a conflict with the other party.

He took out a palm-sized sheepskin package from his pocket.

Soon, he took out a fist-sized Huang Jing and a visualization picture of heaven and man sitting in oblivion.

These two treasures were gifts he planned to give to Longhu Shan, but he never had the chance to take them out.

Among them, the value of the fist-sized Polygonatum sibiricum is not much.

Preserve essence and solidify yang, prolong life.

If it were put up for auction at an auction, it would cost tens of millions at least.

As for the picture of heaven and man sitting and forgetting, to them, the value is even higher.

It is said that this picture of Sitting and Forgetting was painted by a senior member of the Wang family who was observing Lu Zu's practice.

If you are a person with natural wisdom, you can figure out the Lu Zu Dao from this visualization picture.

"Both of these are priceless treasures."

"I was in a hurry this time, so I only had these on me."

"Please don't take it personally, Your Excellency."

Wang Aigong respectfully handed two valuable treasures to Huang Miao's hands.

Huang Miao glanced at it and nodded slightly.

This old guy Wang Ai didn't fool him this time and took out some rare items.

In the alien world, they are all hard currency.

And it's priceless.

It seems that the old boy is really scared.

"Thank you for your noble hand. I won't disturb you and will leave with my grandson."

Watch Huang Miao accept the two items.

Wang Ai breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the other party is very satisfied.

Although I feel distressed, I can only suffer the loss of being dumb now.

There was still a pleasing smile on his face, but he was secretly cruel in his heart.

He made up his mind to find out the identity of the other party after returning to Wang's house.

Then look for opportunities to retaliate.

Wang Ai is so impatient for daring to rob him!

"Wait a minute."

However, before Wang Ai could turn around and leave, Huang Miao's cold voice reached his ears again.

Wang Ai paused, and the expression on his face suddenly became gloomy.

But when he turned around and faced Huang Miao, he once again put on a reluctant smile.

"I wonder if you have any other instructions?"

"Commands are out of the question."

Huang Miao's eyes fell on the palm-sized sheepskin package in Wang Ai's hand.

This sheepskin package is actually a kind of magic weapon, and it is a very rare space magic weapon.

It is a mustard space in a sense and can store a lot of things.

The principle is similar to those storage capsules refined by Shenji Bailian.

No need to ask.

There must be a lot of good stuff in there.

Come here.

Of course, there is no reason to let this fat sheep go easily.

"It's just that this sheepskin bag is nice. Let's keep it together."

Wang Ai's expression froze. He looked down at the sheepskin package in his hand and looked at Huang Miao with squinted eyes.

The tone was a bit colder.

"Sir, I advise you not to push yourself too far."

"My Wang family is not someone to be trifled with either!"

This sheepskin package is a space magic weapon, and a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures were spent on refining it.

It can be said that all the treasures inside are not as valuable as this magical weapon.


"It seems that Mr. Wang still doesn't understand the situation."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Huang Miao's voice was still cold, and he didn't care at all about Wang Ai's unfriendly expression.

A powerful pressure was released from his body.

When one man is a knife and another is a fish, Wang Ai still dares to bargain. Does he really think he has such a good temper?

Instantly, Wang Ai's body began to tremble uncontrollably.

The dust shook in the hollow where he was.

It was as if a huge mountain appeared out of thin air and pressed Wang Ai down.

At this moment, the energy in Wang Ai's body seemed to be sealed, and he didn't even have the ability to resist.

The crutch in his hand cracked into two pieces.

Like a frail old man, he fell to his knees directly on the ground.

As for the sheepskin package, it was taken into Huang Miao's hands.

"Your Excellency, please keep it!"

"Keep it."

"Can we leave this time?"

Wang Ai was breathing heavily. For a moment, he felt like he would be crushed to death.

Originally, I had some thoughts of bargaining.

At this moment, he was completely shocked by this thunderous method.


Now life belongs to others.

What qualifications do you have to bargain?

Weighing the sheepskin package in his hand, Huang Miao sneered in his heart.

The old guy is a bitch, why don't you just hand him over as soon as possible?

You have to suffer some hardships.

But I got the stuff.

But it's not over yet.

In view of Wang Ai's dishonest attitude, Huang Miao couldn't help but have an impromptu idea.

Came up with a prank idea.

Then he said seriously.

"I seemed to have said just now that if it falls into Pindao's eyes, then it belongs to me."

"Please keep your grandson's clothes as well."

"Take Pindao away together."


"Clothes, clothes?!"


Wang Ai looked in disbelief.

He never expected that the other party would make such a request.

It wouldn't matter if he was a young woman.

It's understandable to take off your clothes.

But now I am completely a bad old man!

What kind of trouble would it be to ask him to take off his clothes? !

Isn't this pure humiliation?

"Sir, you even ask for clothes, isn't it a bit too much?"

"Amitabha, Mr. Wang, please stop talking nonsense. If we delay this any longer, we cannot afford the consequences."

Gao Ning looked at Wang Bing and Wang Bing with a smile, as if watching the fun was not a big deal.

The other three people also looked at Wang Ai.

This ten guy from the alien world was in trouble today.

But for people of all genders, what they love most is to see these people who usually claim to be famous and upright make a fool of themselves.

Wang Ai's face was gloomy and he looked at Huang Miao.

Not to mention how many curse words he spat out in his mind.

In the end, he still had a dark face.

Started to slowly take off his clothes.

After the lesson he just learned, he didn't dare to bargain with the man in front of him again.

Wang Bing had no choice but to do so.

My great-grandfather didn't dare to make a mistake, and Wang Bing, a little shrimp, naturally didn't dare to talk nonsense.


The Wang family, one big and one small, stood naked in the wind, shirtless and wearing long johns.

Under the moonlight, Wang Ai's upper body can still reflect light.

Xia He and others smiled and took away the clothes of Wang Ai and Wang Bing with playful looks.

"Hahaha, Mr. Wang, you are quite fair."

"It's well maintained."

"It's still too late to go down the mountain while the moon is shining. There will be more people at dawn."


Wang Ai had a dark face.

His life has been smooth sailing.

Where have you ever suffered such a loss? !

He was actually being teased by a bunch of all-sexual monsters!

The ten dignified men were reduced to the point where they were forced to disappear.

This is worse than killing him!

In Wang Ai's resentful eyes.

Huang Miao and his party hid in the forest.

In less than a moment, he was gone.

Only the grandfather and grandson were left shivering and shivering.

"Master, let's, what should we do next?!"

Wang Bing was a little at a loss and had to ask tentatively.

But what greeted him was Wang Ai's unkind gaze.

The old man was simmering with anger at this time and had no one to vent his anger.

Naturally, he didn't look good.

"what to do?!"

"Of course I'm looking for clothes!"

"Do you really want to go down the mountain naked?! You idiot!"


He crossed his arms first and ran quickly towards the nearest wing of Longhu Mountain.

No matter how Wang Ai looks for clothes.

at the same time.

The mountain behind Tianshi Mansion gradually became lively.

In the main hall of Tianshi Mansion, Xu San, Xu Si and Feng Baobao were waiting outside the main hall.

Several Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain and Zhang Lingyu were also standing not far away.

Even Tian Jinzhong was sitting in a wheelchair, quietly waiting for the results in the room.

At this time, Zhang Zhiwei and Zhang Chulan were in the main hall, carrying out the inheritance of Tianshidu.

Have been in there for about half an hour.

"Baby, where is Mr. Huang?"

"Why didn't he come with us?"

Xu Si was smoking and bored.

He originally wanted to see Zhang Chulan deal with the company's affairs after he passed on the Heavenly Master's education.

But I didn't expect that the inheritance time of Tianshi Mansion would be so long.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come here to join in the fun.

"Huang Miao said he has something to deal with."

Feng Baobao stared at the flickering lights of the hall with his eyes wide open.

As long as Zhang Chulan completes the inheritance of the Heavenly Master, he will be able to know his life experience.

She couldn't wait any longer.

I don't care much about other things.

"Something happened?"

Xu Si took a puff of cigarette, feeling a little strange.

It stands to reason that Huang Miao usually acts with Feng Baobao and almost never goes alone.

And besides himself, he doesn't seem to know anyone else here in Longhu Mountain.

What can happen.

He felt a little strange about Huang Miao's sudden disappearance, but he didn't delve too deeply into it.

After all, Huang Miao's identity lies there.

If a senior from the Immortal Family on the other side wants to do something, he definitely doesn’t need to say hello to him in advance.

Xu San, who was beside Xu Si and Feng Baobao, was much quieter at this time.

He was staring at his phone with a frown on his face.

"What's wrong, Third Brother?"

"Are those bastards from Quanxing starting to take action?"

Xu Si flicked the ash from his cigarette and turned to look at Xu San.

The company has already speculated that the people in Quanxing will most likely take action tonight.

Now with Xu San's expression, the other party should have already started to take action.

Xu San pushed up his glasses and nodded.

"I just got the news that there are fires in many places around Longhu Mountain for no apparent reason. It should be caused by the demons of Quanxing."

"However, the fire is not large for the time being and was quickly controlled."

"The employees arranged by the company at the foot of Longhu Mountain have also started to go up the mountain at this time."

"There shouldn't be any trouble for the time being."

"How about we go take care of it?"

"Don't really cause any trouble."

"I don't think we need to keep an eye on this side."

Xu Si rolled his eyes and glanced in the direction of the foot of the mountain.

He really didn't want to continue waiting here, it was too boring.

Moreover, Quan Xing's group has already begun to take action. As the leaders of the company, it would be unjustifiable if they did not come forward at this time.

Xu San pushed up his glasses again, looked at the brightly lit hall, and then looked at the increasingly noisy foot of the mountain.

Finally nodded.

"Okay, there are several Taoist priests and old heavenly masters here, and all evil spirits should not dare to come here."

"Baby, let's leave for a while."

"Oh." Feng Baobao nodded and stared at the hall in front of him with all his attention.

I didn't care at all about the departure of Xu San and Xu Si.

He didn't even notice when several Taoist priests outside the main hall left.

Outside the main hall, Feng Baobao was soon the only one left.

Feng Baobao hummed a ballad in a low voice and leaned on the railing waiting for Zhang Chulan to come out of the hall.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed through the woods behind her.

Feng Baobao glanced at it lightly and didn't intend to pay much attention to it.

But when she saw the face of the dark figure, the expression on her face was startled.

Because the other party looks exactly like Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Chulan?

Feng Baobao glanced at the direction the other party was leaving, and then looked doubtfully at the brightly lit hall in front of him.

Two Zhang Chulan?

Two Zhang Chulan appeared?

"Zhang Chulan, where are you going?"

"Zhang Chulan!"

Seeing Zhang Chulan running towards the depths of the forest, Feng Baobao hesitated for a moment before choosing to chase after him.

(End of this chapter)

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