One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 114 I am not here to snatch the Heavenly Barrier, but to save your lives!

Chapter 114 I am not here to snatch the Heavenly Barrier, but to save your lives!

A few dark clouds drifted across the sky, blocking the bright moonlight.

In the dense woods, a black shadow shuttled through it at an extremely fast speed.

It was Feng Baobao who was chased from the Longhu Mountain Hall.

Her figure is very agile and strong.

But because I don’t know much about the surrounding environment.

At this moment, he still hasn't caught up with 'Zhang Chulan' who was escaping ahead.

"Damn, why is this crazy woman so fast?"

"No wonder the level of arrest was so high. She was almost caught before we could even lure her here."

'Zhang Chulan' ran as fast as she could, and when she passed through a wide area in the woods, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Baobao leaped between the tree branches, and a faint light flickered in front of her eyes.

"We have lots of ideas, let's work together!"

The stone attack just now was as easy as killing a stray fish.

A stranger responsible for the ambush lost consciousness and fell heavily to the ground.

"I'll go! How is that possible?"

Seeing Feng Baobao cleverly avoiding the trap they had laid in advance, the stranger hiding in the shadow of the woods suddenly widened his eyes.

"Is it an earthly immortal?"

"How's it going? Did you hit it?"

One can only speculate.

His eyes turned white and he completely lost consciousness.

Several people looked around, trying to find traces of Feng Baobao.

Several people glanced around below, but still did not see Feng Baobao.

The thick smoke and dust prevented them from seeing Feng Baobao for the time being.

However, as a gust of wind blew by, the smoke gradually dispersed.

His line was entirely made of Qi. Theoretically, in this pitch-black night, he couldn't be easily discovered.

Someone in the woods suddenly shouted.

The faint light turned into a thin line and slowly fell on the tree branch she just stepped on.

"What about people?"

In the shadows, he didn't even have time to dodge before he was hit by stones and fell backwards.

Why did it suddenly disappear?

"How did that guy find out?"

A rapid sound broke through the air.

"Why is that crazy bitch gone?!"

The faces of the people in the tree changed slightly.

"It should have hit."

A stone shot out of Feng Baobao's hand and hit him in the head.

But before they could find Feng Baobao, a scream suddenly came from the tree.

They clearly didn't notice this woman leaving just now!

However, he didn't wait until he figured out the reason.

"This bitch does have two brushes. She clearly asked us to trick someone, but now she feels like she's about to be tricked."

The stranger hiding in the shadow of the woods could not help but whisper.

"No way, it's not mentioned in the information."

As the instigator, Feng Baobao did not slow down at all and continued to chase 'Zhang Chulan'.

Soaring straight into the sky.


Smoke and dust were everywhere.


next moment.

Several silver needles shot at Feng Baobao from different directions almost at the same time.

Obviously there was an ambush in this forest.

Several black figures appeared from the tall trees nearby, looking into the smoke below.

Quietly and without interruption, he split the tree branch as thick as his wrist into two.

Feng Baobao suddenly stepped on a tree branch and rose up from the ground.

"what happened?"

"Why was Zheng Jiang attacked?"

Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, and a man wearing a hat couldn't help but say something.

But before he could finish speaking, his companion not far away suddenly exclaimed.


A black shadow appeared behind him.


There was no chance to turn around or escape, as his neck joints were directly broken.

Feng Baobao clapped his hands very professionally and looked at the last person not far away.

There is only one left in the tree.

"You, you, don't come over."

Noticing Feng Baobao's gaze, the man turned around and ran away without any nostalgia.

Learning from the past, his two companions were eliminated without any resistance.

He himself is definitely no match for the opponent.

This crazy bitch is ridiculously strong.


Feng Baobao didn't chase it, he just casually popped a pebble with his finger.

The stranger who didn't run a few meters away fell to the ground.

Deep in the woods.

'Zhang Chulan' was sweating profusely and panting, leaning against a tree to rest.

He really didn't expect this girl to be so fast.

He just barely managed to lure the opponent into an ambush and was caught.

But the end result was good.

His mission can be considered a success.

'Zhang Chulan' stretched and took a few deep breaths.

I plan to leave after recovering some strength.

My mission to Longhu Mountain this time has been completed, and the next actions have nothing to do with me.

But before he could take a step forward, his whole body suddenly froze.

Open your eyes subconsciously.

There was a rustling sound in my ears.

'Zhang Chulan' slowly turned his head and looked at the shadow of the woods behind him.

I saw a long-haired girl dragging an unconscious man out of the woods.

It was Feng Baobao.

"I'm going~!"

"how come!"

'Zhang Chulan' swallowed and looked at the man Feng Baobao was dragging.

"Old Wu was killed?!"

"What about the rest?!"

"Is it all."

That man was the main force in their ambush this time, and now he was being dragged along like a dead pig.

'Zhang Chulan' realized something and looked at Feng Baobao with frightened eyes, and drops of cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

Is this girl a monster? !

"Bao'er. Sister Bao'er, 伱."

'Zhang Chulan' still wants to continue to get close to her, trying to get away with it.

But before he could finish speaking, Feng Baobao lost interest and turned around to leave.

"Sister Bao'er, why are you going?"

'Zhang Chulan' was stunned for a moment, not understanding why the other party suddenly turned around and left. He was now Zhang Chulan.

Shouldn’t the other party talk to me more?

"You're lying. I'm going back."

Feng Baobao turned his head and glanced at 'Zhang Chulan' without stopping.

Hearing Feng Baobao's words, Zhang Chulan's breath froze, and his face looked a little shocked.


Does she know I'm fake?

how come? !

Impossible. How could my disguise be seen through before I used Qi?

'Zhang Chulan''s throat squirmed up and down. After his disguise was torn, he didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Hahaha, old man, I must have told you before."

"Your little tricks won't work against a real expert."

"When you have reached a certain level of Taoism, when you look at people and things, you no longer just look at their shapes, but also look at their Qi."

"You can imitate Zhang Chulan's form, but can you also imitate Zhang Chulan's Qi?"

A short and thin old man wearing an old-fashioned military cap and a shabby green old-fashioned military uniform walked out of the woods with a smile and one hand behind his back.

His eyes fell on Feng Baobao and he couldn't help but take a closer look.

"That's okay, little girl. She has a light body and a light air. She has the appearance of a heavenly being."

"The Tongtian Rui is in your hand."

"Hand it over, I won't embarrass you."

The person who came was none other than Quan Xing Yuan Tao. His original plan was to ambush Lu Jin.

However, the four crazy people were temporarily absent, causing the plan to have to be temporarily changed.

After all, he alone is certainly no match for that old guy Lu Jin.

In contrast, Feng Baobao, who had just obtained the Tongtianlu in the game, became the best target.

Always pick the persimmons that are soft and pinch them.

"Uncle, can you stop blocking the road? I don't want to fight with you."

"The Heaven-Bearing Urn you want is not with me."

"Go and ask for it from Wong Tai Sin."

Feng Baobao had a cute look on his face, not realizing that the person standing opposite him was an enemy.

Yuan Tao clicked his tongue and shook his head, looking at Feng Baobao with a more unkind look.

"Little girl, do you think I'm stupid?"

"Then you can give your precious things to others at will?"

He didn't believe Feng Baobao's words at all, and he didn't know who the "Wong Tai Sin" the other party was talking about was.

But what he knew clearly was that the Tongtian Rui was one of the Eight Wonders, something that many people dreamed of.

Get it today no matter what.

"Little girl, I advise you to hand it over obediently."

"I won't embarrass you, just leave a copy."

Yuan Tao stopped in front of Feng Baobao, his tone a little colder.

But eventually he took a step back.

All he needs to do is for Feng Baobao to hand over the copy. Anyway, Tongtianlu is a skill, not something that cannot be copied.

"Uncle, I really don't have that kind of magic."

"I can't hand over Sazi."

Feng Baobao was also helpless and explained again.

Looking at the figure who passed over him and continued walking out of the woods, Yuan Tao smiled and shook his head.

"The little girl's temper is just a bit pouty."

"Since you don't listen to what you say, don't blame the old man for being cruel."

"Everyone, let's do it!"

Yuan Tao took a step back, and several people walked out of the woods again.

Surround Feng Baobao.

The people who came this time were much stronger than the ones who had just ambushed, and they were considered to be good players in the world.

"Lao Yuan, I told you a long time ago, don't talk so much nonsense to this girl."

"I don't want to listen."

"We don't have to take action now."

The long-haired young man glanced at Feng Baobao, disappeared from the spot as soon as he finished speaking, and took action directly.

There is no preparation time for a real battle.

Suddenly, several people around him disappeared at the same time and attacked Feng Baobao.

Feng Baobao dodged and instinctively avoided the attack from the man just now.

"The response was pretty quick."

"Don't be careless, after all, this guy is the second in Luotian Dajiao."

"Tch, if it wasn't for luck, would this bitch get second place?"

Yuan Tao retreated outside the attack range and observed the battle between several people.

It has to be said that this female doll is still quite capable. She can actually contend with several top players in Quanxing at the same time without falling behind.

Even giving the other party some time may not necessarily solve all the people on his side.

Although this girl's attacks and defenses seem to be full of loopholes, she can avoid her opponent's attacks every time at the most critical moment.

It was as if all the movements were instinctive.

Yuan Tao touched his chin and looked a little more serious.

I originally thought she was a lucky little girl, but now it seems that is not the case.

Her strength is definitely among the top among the younger generation, and she may not lose even if she faces Zhang Lingyu.

"Boss Lao Yuan, stop looking and come and help!"

"If we don't take action, we won't be able to withstand it."

The people who besieged Feng Baobao had beads of sweat on their foreheads. The strength of the woman in front of them was like a bottomless pit.

Every time they thought they could succeed, the opponent's strength would inexplicably increase.

It was as if he was deliberately teasing them.

"Little guys, get out of the way!"

"Let me come!"

Yuan Tao twisted the beads in his hand, and all nine beads in his hand came out in the next moment.

These nine beads are called Jiulongzi.

It is a magical weapon refined by Yuan Tao, capable of both offense and defense.

Working together, the effect is very impressive.

The nine beads turned into nine streams of light and attacked Feng Baobao at an extremely fast speed, which was somewhat similar to the art of controlling objects.

But they are not exactly the same. Compared with the imperial objects, each of these nine beads has its own unique abilities.

The power is much stronger than the so-called immortal-killing flying knife.


Nine beads instantly surrounded Feng Baobao. The people who originally besieged Feng Baobao had a chance to escape this time.

"Chaofeng, Baxia, Chiki."

"At the same time, let me use nine beads to attack. Little girl, you are good enough."

Yuan Tao spoke calmly, still holding one hand behind his back and looking relaxed.

His Jiulongzi was a magical weapon that he spent a lot of effort refining, and he knew its power best.

Even facing Lu Jin, these nine beads can check and balance each other for a period of time.

What's more, facing a young junior.

The girl in front of me is indeed a formidable person, but compared to a strong person like Lu Jin, she is still a little aware.

And just in case, he used nine beads directly as soon as he took action.

Chaofeng blocked it, Baxia attacked, and Chiqi restrained the nine beads to use their respective properties, trapping Feng Baobao firmly.

"Little girl, if you hand over the Tongtian Rui now, I might be able to let you go."

"If you insist on resisting, the consequences will not be good."

Yuan Tao looked confident in his victory, and was very confident in his magical weapon.

"Boss Lao Yuan, what nonsense are you talking to her about? Since she is trapped by you, let us kill her directly!"

"That's right, Boss Lao Yuan, trap her and let us take action."

"After we kill her, won't the Tongtian Ru still belong to us?"

The few strangers who had just been forced back by Feng Baobao couldn't wait.

Ready to do it again.

Now that Yuan Tao has restrained most of Feng Baobao's energy, if they take action at this time, the result will be different from just now.

The battle will definitely end quickly.

However, before they could really take action, an old voice came from the woods behind them.

"You guys, I advise you to stop now."

"Then get as far away as you can, don't seek death yourself."

"You can't afford to mess with this girl."

I saw Xia Liuqing, who was stooped, and Barron, who was wearing camouflage uniforms, walking out of the woods.

Xia Liuqing's eyes swept over Yuan Tao and others, and then fell on Feng Baobao who was trapped by Jiulongzi.

There was a complicated expression on his face.

"Xia Liuqing?"

"What are you doing here!"

"Why didn't you show up when we just gathered!"

Yuan Tao was distracted and noticed Xia Liuqing and Barron not far behind him, frowning slightly and looking a little unhappy.

Just when we were gathering, this guy suddenly disappeared.

Now that I am about to get the Tongtianlu, this old guy is going to get the advantage again?

How can there be such a good thing in the world!

"Old man Xia, the Heavenly Barrier on this guy belongs to us and has nothing to do with you!"

"If you know what's interesting, leave as soon as possible, don't force us to take action against you!"

"Old guy really thinks that we are just like other sects and need to be ranked according to seniority? Get out of here and stop relying on your old age."

Several other omnisexuals also spoke coldly and threatened.

Although Xia Liuqing is their Quanxing old man, Quanxing is an evil heretic, and there are countless incidents of killing each other.

There is no respect for the old and care for the young at all.

Say evil things to these people in front of you.

Xia Liuqing just smiled in return.

Then he grinned, and the wrinkled skin was immediately stretched open.

He said in a hoarse voice: "Haha, young man, you are so angry."

"I'm not here to fight for the Heavenly Barrier with you."

"But to save your lives."

(End of this chapter)

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