Chapter 116: Cruel and cruel, who is the real one? !

"What should I do?"

"Should we withdraw?"

He looked at the unconscious stranger who had just been knocked away by a blow and lay vomiting blood not far away.

Some people hesitated and wanted to retreat.

"Withdraw no matter what, it's already time, don't fight once!"

"He is alone. There are many of us. I don't believe we can't take him down if we go together!"

"That's right, who knows if he used some secret technique just now, maybe he was lustful and lustful."

"Let's take action together!"

Several people looked at Huang Miao with stern expressions.

They have already reached this point, and they would not be willing to retreat at this time.

"Then let's fight again!"

Several people looked at each other and confirmed each other's eyes.

The next moment, they rushed towards Huang Miao almost at the same time.

Huang Miao couldn't help but hum and shook his head as he listened to the whispered conversations of several people.

Do these guys really think they are right and think they can leave today if they don't take action?

Huang Miao appeared in front of one of them almost instantly, holding down the stranger's head with one hand.

Just hear a bang.

The man's head hit the ground hard, making a dent.

Lost consciousness instantly.

Then the figure came to another person again.

In Huang Miao's eyes, these strangers seemed to be completely still.

Huang Miao's speed completely exceeded their imagination.



In just one breath, seven or eight figures flew out from the surrounding circle.

The strangers who had just prepared to join forces to besiege Huang Miao were all paralyzed in the woods in the distance now, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

After doing all this, Huang Miao put his hands behind his back and reappeared in the place where he just disappeared.

It was as if nothing had happened just now.

To deal with these little shrimps, he only needs to take a few shots.

"Is there any more to continue?"

Huang Miao glanced at the people around him who were too frightened to move.

When they started, these people hesitated a little.

There was no choice to attack him together.

Otherwise, they would all have to lie in the woods at the moment.

There is no difference to him between trampling one ant and ten ants.

Huang Miao's tone was calm, and he didn't even deliberately release his pressure.

However, just these few words made several people feel like they were falling into an ice cave.

Don't dare to move.

If Huang Miao just made a move against the opponent's stranger, it only made them feel that Huang Miao was powerful.

So now, they are like fireflies in the dark night, unable to compete with the bright moon.


Even the courage to resist or escape has completely disappeared.

Huang Miao dusted off the dust on his sleeves, and finally his eyes fell on Yuan Tao.

Yuan Tao couldn't help but tremble when he saw this.

The stronger you are, the more you understand how terrifying the opponent is.

Even though the opponent's few attacks seemed to be ordinary physical skills.

But the use of Qi has been brought to the extreme, and the entire alien world may be except Zhang Zhiwei.

No one can do it.

What level of existence is the Heavenly Master?

It is no exaggeration to say that adding all the integrity together may not be able to harm it at all.

And the black-robed Taoist in front of him is completely the dark version of the old Heavenly Master!

"Why don't you give it a try?"

Huang Miao spoke calmly and took the initiative to invite Yuan Tao to take action.

When Yuan Tao heard this, drops of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his breathing became short.

A little more nervous than before.


Do you really think you can't die quickly enough?

With the terrifying strength shown by the other party, even if he had to use his hands, he would not be his opponent!

"That... that little girl, it was all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding."

"I just...we were just joking with you."

"It's definitely a misunderstanding. We just want to admire the Eight Wonders. There is absolutely no other meaning."

Yuan Tao looked at Feng Baobao nervously. He also saw that the relationship between this mysterious man and the little girl in front of him was definitely unusual.

Don't dare to make mistakes.

I just hope that the other party can be noble and let a few of them go.

As for escaping, Yuan Tao never thought about it.

According to the strength of this black-robed Taoist, even if he uses the escape weapon 'Sprinting Rabbit', he will never be able to escape the opponent's palm at such a speed.

Huang Miao nodded slightly.

The originally harsh tone suddenly became gentle.

There's even a bit of a gentlemanly air about him.

Just listen to him speak.

"Is it a misunderstanding?"

"Understood. After all, anyone would be tempted by something like the Eight Magic Skills."

"We are kindred spirits."

"Huh? The string of Jiulongzi you have in your hand seems pretty good. Can I use Pindao to play with it for a few days?"

Say it.

Huang Miao raised his hand gently, not waiting for Yuan Tao to answer.

The nine beads in his hand escaped from his control and flew towards Huang Miao.

He even cut off his connection with the nine beads for no apparent reason.

Looking at Jiulongzi flying in mid-air, Yuan Tao was confused.

This is a magic weapon he refined with his own Qi.

How could it be possible to lose touch with oneself?

Nine beads fell into the palm of Huang Miao's hand. The next moment, the nine beads were covered by a black energy.

It completely washed away the Qi left by Yuan Tao on the beads.

"Senior, this is not good."

"This Jiulongzi is me."

After Yuan Tao came back to his senses, he still wanted to say something. After all, this Jiulongzi was his natal magical weapon.

Whether it is the refining time or the final effect, it is unique among all magic weapons.

He was somewhat unwilling to be taken away by the other party like this.

"Oh~ It seems you don't want to do it?"

Huang Miao's eyes fell on Yuan Tao again, and his tone suddenly became playful.

Nine beads were wrapped around Huang Miao's wrist, making a sizzling and vibrating sound.

It seemed that he was going to shoot towards Yuan Tao the next moment.

"I wish."

"Just let the seniors handle it."

Yuan Tao twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling like he wanted to cry, but he wisely chose to shut up.

At that moment, he felt that his body was completely locked by the other party's Qi, as long as he dared to say a word "no".

I'm afraid that Jiulongzi will penetrate my body in the next moment.

This time they were obviously rushing to grab something, but they never expected that they would be robbed of their magic weapon just as they started to take action.

And he didn't even dare to fart.

Not to mention that the Tongtian Ru was not obtained, even Jiulongzi was lost.

During this operation on Longhu Mountain, he didn't know what happened to others. Anyway, he himself suffered a big loss.

The meaning of Jiulongzi to him does not belong to Tongtianlu at all.

As a weapon refiner, most of his means of protection and attack come from these nine beads.

Although he still has other magic weapons refined by Han Dan, without these nine beads, he is like a tiger with its teeth pulled out.

"That's good."

Huang Miao stopped his hand, and the nine beads on his wrist slowly stopped vibrating.

This Yuan Tao is quite sensible. If the other party really dares to say that he doesn't want to, he will immediately return the nine beads to the other party.

Let him try the power of the magic weapon he refined.

"Hahaha, I told you a long time ago not to cause trouble."

"Now you believe what I said."

After seeing that the matter was almost settled, Xia Liuqing stood up with a smile.

Act as peacemaker.

"Xia Liuqing, I have met my little friend."

"I scolded this old boy Yuan Tao when we met just now. This boy is still young and impulsive."

"It's the same as when I was sixty or seventy years old." Xia Liuqing smiled and saluted Huang Miao.

But in the alien world, the strong are always respected.

It's not an exaggeration for him to salute the other party like this.

In fact, Xia Liuqing is good in terms of strength, emotional intelligence, and vision. The key is to understand current affairs.

Apart from being a bitch, he has almost no flaws.

Standing up at this time is nothing more than giving both sides a step down.

Xia Liuqing could tell that Huang Miao only wanted money and did not want to kill anyone.

But Yuan Tao and his party wanted to get out quickly.

The purposes of both parties are not in conflict.

No need to see blood at all.

It's better to just give up and go our separate ways.

of course.

This is just one of the reasons.

On the other hand, Xia Liuqing actually wanted Huang Miao to leave an impression of both kindness and power in front of Quan Xing disciples.

As for why we do this, the reason is very simple.

Just now, he saw a somewhat rootless shadow from Huang Miao.

As a complete old man, he has seen Wugensheng's behavior with his own eyes.

Nowadays, some young Quanxing Yiren think that Wugensheng is the whole Quanxing that is unified by its own strength.

Become the leader.

But this is not the case.

Although Wu Gensheng's strength is extremely powerful, this is not the real reason why he can become the leader of the whole sex.

After all, if purely based on strength, today's Ding Shimaan is fully capable of defeating everyone else.

But Ding Shimaan does not have the appeal to convince everyone.

The most important reason why Wu Gensheng was able to become the leader of the whole sex actually came from his character.

Free and easy-going, unrestrained, but sometimes extremely smart.

All omnisexual beings find great freedom in his presence.

This is the most rare and valuable thing about Wugensheng, and it is also the real reason why he can be recognized by everyone in the world.

Nowadays, the reason why they are all leaderless is that they cannot find a real leader.

It is because there is no such person who can gather all their disciples.

But now, he seemed to see this in the senior in front of him.

Maybe Xia He and the others really found a suitable leader for them all by mistake.

Under the mediation of Xia Liuqing.

The originally tense atmosphere suddenly cooled down and gradually relaxed.

Although Yuan Tao lost his precious magic weapon, he was still unhappy.

But I also know that my arms can’t twist my thighs.

It's better to just give in.

Who made them pick the wrong opponent and offend the wrong person?

You should pay some price.

It would be nice to be able to save my life.

If the magic weapon is gone, you can still practice it again.

Since I have a baby like Handan'er, I don't have to worry about anyone taking advantage of me.

Huang Miao was also too lazy to kill them all.

He is an immortal, not a butcher.

Killing people at every turn and killing anyone they don't like is the style of the underworld.

If the killing spirit is too strong, it will inevitably affect your practice.

After all, your state of mind determines how far you can go on the path of spiritual practice.

For Huang Miao, he couldn't quit drinking, sex and wealth, so he only worked on his anger.

"Senior, where are we going now?"

After Si Zhangkuang saw Huang Miao solve the immediate trouble, he respectfully stepped forward.

When Huang Miao was dealing with Quan Xing and others, Shen Chong and the others originally wanted to step forward to help.

However, he was stopped by Xia He.

According to Xia He, this is the most suitable time for this senior to establish his authority.

If they take action at this time, the effect will not be good.

And with the strength of the senior in front of him, even ten more Yuan Tao cannot be his opponent.

The few of them taking action at this time are not even the icing on the cake.

It might even arouse Huang Miao's disgust.

Not worth the candle.

Yuan Tao shrank his head, still secretly observing Si Zhangkuang and Xia Liuqing.

It can be seen that these guys have obviously seen this mysterious man before.

Moreover, the four crazy people are still vaguely led by each other.

It seems that the sudden disappearance of these people tonight is not without reason. They must have learned some information in advance.

Yuan Tao couldn't help but feel a drumbeat in his heart.

Was it a mistake for me to participate in the Longhu Mountain operation this time?

Do you want to follow Si Zhangang and the others and ask about the situation?

Now the old Heavenly Master is teaching the Heavenly Master's salvation, and I can't get away for the time being.

But if this person really wants to prevent them from causing trouble in Longhu Mountain, the effect will definitely be more effective than that of the Heavenly Master.

They really can't make a fuss.

For a moment, everyone looked at Huang Miao, wanting to see what he wanted to do next.

Huang Miao strung the Nine Dragon Sons together again and put them on his hand.

He glanced at Longhu Mountain, where the flames were gradually rising in the distance, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

It's almost done by touching the mountain and down the mountain.

Nowadays, there are battlefields everywhere in Longhu Mountain, which is the most suitable place for him to secretly paddle and fish.

At this time, it is appropriate to send out manpower to beat the autumn wind.

"You guys go around and bring back to me all the 'ownerless' things on the battlefield."

No matter how small a mosquito's legs are, they are still flesh, and if they add up, they will have some effect on his transformation.

However, after hearing Huang Miao's words, Xia He and others were slightly startled.

Look at each other.


"Senior, what is an ownerless thing?"

In today's Longhu Mountain, doesn't every plant and tree belong to the Tianshi Mansion?

Wherever there is something without an owner.

"How come you all have such poor understanding? Naturally, things that don't have owners are those that others don't want."

"For example, Jiulongzi was thrown out by Yuan Tao."

Huang Miao shook Jiulongzi's wrist and gave Xia He and others a blank look.

I can't even understand how IQ can be mixed with a complete personality.

Others don’t want it? The Nine Dragons that were thrown out?

Xia He was thoughtful, while Gao Ning was the first to recall and understand what Huang Miao meant.

He put his hands together and recited a Buddha's name.

"Amitabha, don't worry, senior, we know what to do."

Huang Miao nodded slightly.

"As long as you understand, I'll leave first."

"You guys should hurry up too."

With that said, Huang Miao and Feng Baobao walked away from each other, ignoring the others.

After Huang Miao's back disappeared, Shen Chong pushed up his glasses and turned to look at Gao Ning in confusion.

"What did senior mean just now?"

"What does it mean to find something that has no owner and bring it back?"

The other people also looked at Gao Ning doubtfully.

I want him to help explain something.

Gao Ning showed an inscrutable expression on his face, smiled and spoke slowly: "If I understand correctly, what senior just meant can be understood in layman's terms."

"It should just let us grab some treasures and bring them back."

"Of course according to our Buddhist teachings, this kind of behavior is called alms."

After listening to Gao Ning's explanation, several people suddenly realized.

"Alchemy, robbery?"

"I see."

"Senior is worthy of being a senior. Even robbery is so elegant."

As for an ownerless thing, as long as it is snatched from their hands, it will automatically become ownerless.

Yuan Tao touched his chin and couldn't help but glance at the mysterious man's leaving figure.

Not only is this guy strong, he also has a dirty heart.

And sanctimonious.

How do you feel that compared to that guy, he is the real one?

(End of this chapter)

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