One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 117 There seems to be something dirty on Longhu Mountain!

Chapter 117 There seems to be something dirty on Longhu Mountain!

A quarter of an hour later.

The front mountain of Longhu Mountain.

The two sides were fighting fiercely.

A thin man wearing a straw hat and mourning clothes was crying and waving a spiritual flag in his hand.

Fight against a white-haired young man wearing a mask.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I'm already in such a miserable state, just let me hit you!"

"You all bully me, I won't live anymore!"

The man in mourning clothes seemed to be crying and weak, but every attack was very cruel.

He doesn't look like the kind of person who has no fighting power at all.

The masked man opposite her had a dark face and kept waving the measuring ruler in his hand.

Among the younger generations of the Lu family, he is not weak in strength.

I originally thought I could easily resolve the battle with this mourning man, but I didn't expect that I would be entangled by him and find it difficult to escape.

And the more they fought, the more he became upset by the other party's crying voice.

"Fuck you, can you stop crying!"

"I'm sick!"

The measuring ruler suddenly struck the ground, and a crack was instantly opened on the ground.

A crack an inch wide has split the earth into two.

However, such a fierce attack was still blocked by the mourning man on the opposite side.

"Uuuuuu~ Bully me, bully me!"

"I'm so miserable, why can't you guys be beaten by me?"

"Uuuuu~ Why am I so unlucky?"

The man cried, and gloomy auras emanated from his body, making him look particularly terrifying.

Just when the other party's sinister aura was about to approach the masked young man, a blast of air suddenly struck from one side, interrupting the man's movements.

"Be careful, he's not just crying!"

"The other party is calling the soul!"

Xiao Xiao came from a distance and looked at the man in front of him warily.

The authorities are fascinated by the onlookers, and Xiao Xiao can tell at a glance that this seemingly weak and weak man in front of him is not simple.

"Calling the soul?"

"What do you mean?"

The masked young man held the celestial ruler tightly, and when the other party's crying stopped, he finally sobered up a little from his irritable mood.

But I still haven't figured out my thoughts.

"I heard that in the Northeast, in addition to the Dongxian family that Chuma's lineage can invite, there are other ways to invite gods."

"If your guess is correct, the man in front of you should be crying to his grave."

"Did you notice the summoning flag in his hand?"

"Don't you think this summoning flag doesn't look like an ordinary object because it causes so much trouble?"

Xiao Xiao's eyes were fixed on the seemingly ordinary soul-summoning flag in the other person's hand.

Because he had fought against Zhang Chulan, he was particularly sensitive to the Xian family and Yin spirits.

Although the soul-calling flag was not as scary as the immortal that Zhang Chulan invited, it gave him the same feeling.

Apparently possessed by a ghost.

"Uuuuuuuuah, it's so miserable, it's so miserable~ I'm so miserable, I only succeeded by a little bit."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"Oh my god."

After Xiao Xiao revealed his secret, the man's cry suddenly became louder, and ghosts suddenly floated out from his hand.

He stopped hiding and started to use his methods openly and openly.

"Humph, cry and cry!"

"Watch me kill you!"

The masked young man holds two sky measuring rulers, and a purple Qi is attached to the sky measuring rulers.

His eyes were fixed on the man in front of him, ready to go.

"He can't control our souls in a short time. We can definitely kill him first during this time!"

Xiao Xiao nodded and took a deep breath.

Although the ghost released from the soul-calling flag made him feel uncomfortable, he also had certain confidence in the strength of his soul.

I don’t think it will be controlled in a short time.

After all, there was nothing special about the other party from the beginning except calling his soul.

Although difficult to deal with, he is not particularly strong.

"I'll attack from the front, you attack from the flank!"

The masked young man shouted coldly, kicked his legs to the ground suddenly, and rushed forward suddenly.

I was very irritated by this guy's call just now. Although I was reminded by Xiao Xiao, I have regained my senses.

But now he still wants to kill him as soon as possible!

"Be careful with the summoning flag in his hand!"

Xiao Xiao quickly reminded.

However, the masked young man had already rushed forward several meters away, not paying attention to Xiao Xiao's reminder at all.

"Uuuuuuuuah, why is my life so miserable!"

"Ooooooo, uncles and aunties, elders, come and help me."

The mourning man cried and waved the soul-calling flag in his hand again.

The evil spirit has attached itself to the entire soul-calling flag.


There was a crisp crash.

The masked man's face suddenly froze, and his strength had actually weakened a lot!

In the previous attacks, he was able to directly knock the opponent back several meters each time, but at this moment, the strength of the two of them was actually about the same.

what happened? !

Did his strength suddenly weaken? Or is the opponent's strength increasing?

You must know that he is famous for his physical skills, but the mournful man in front of him does not look like a strong physical artist.

Why is this so?

"Oh, oh, oh, grandparents, my descendants are unfilial and I have to ask you to help me."

As the mourning man spoke, he waved the soul-calling flag in his hand.

Started a close fight with the masked young man.


"Is this influenced?"

Xiao Xiao was on the side and wanted to blow his breath to attack, but the two men were already intertwined, and he had no chance to take action.

The speed of the two became faster and faster, and the crying of the mourning man never stopped.

He, who was originally at a disadvantage, now vaguely took the initiative.

The masked young man who had been attacking so fast just now had drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

At this moment, he could feel that every time he collided with the opponent's soul-calling flag, the Qi on his ruler would be absorbed and consumed.

One's own strength will disappear inexplicably.

"We can't continue to pester!"


The masked young man had a dark face, and the two measuring rulers intertwined with each other, suddenly releasing a strong Qi.

Even if this blow could not seriously injure the opponent, he still had to get rid of the opponent's entanglement.

Otherwise, the more he fights, the more dangerous his situation will be.

Just as Xiao Xiao said, there is something wrong with that banner!

"Did you find it?"

"Uuuuuuuu, but it's too late."

The mourning man sprayed a mouthful of blood on his own filial son's flag to summon souls.

There were gusts of sinister wind, and all the ghosts actually crawled out from the soul-calling flags at this moment.

It was the dead soul he had cultivated over the years.


A strong wind and wave swept around.

Smoke and dust were everywhere.

The strong impact and reverberation force caused the weapons in both men's hands to be thrown into the air. The Sky-Measuring Ruler and the Soul-Calling Flag each flew several meters away and landed in the open space.

The masked man was breathing rapidly, panting heavily, and stared at the mourning man with vigilant eyes.

"I see!"

"You are really difficult to deal with. You are disgusted by strangers. You are happy with the dead, and you have the help of the ghosts of the dead. This is the method of you grave-weepers."

At this moment, the crying stopped, and he realized why his strength was inexplicably weakened every time he touched her.

It turned out that they were all absorbed by the ghost spirits on the soul-calling flags.

The man crying to the grave shook his aching arm and looked at the masked young man differently, his expression suddenly became normal.

No more crying.

"I didn't expect that even my cries would be so powerful."

"As expected of Mr. Lu's favorite disciple."

The reason why he chose to confront the opponent head-on just now was because he thought the time had come.

You can take action and deal with the opponent smoothly.

Now he is on Longhu Mountain after all. Although he has the advantage, if he is entangled, he will be the one in danger in the end.

But he didn't expect that even if the other party was poisoned by his own corpse poison, he could still fight to a draw with him.

"But then you won't have such good luck."

Tears welled up in the eyes of the man who cried at the grave again, and he was about to get his own filial son banner to summon souls.

Although the two of them were evenly matched just now, the opponent's condition has reached the point of running out of gas, and the blow just now was almost a sinking pot.

As long as the other party is entangled with him again, he will definitely lose.

"Xiao Xiao, don't let him get the soul-summoning flag!"

The masked young man gasped for air, and his voice became strong and dry at the same time.

He no longer has much physical strength and energy to fight with the opponent. If the opponent gets the soul-summoning flag, Xiao Xiao alone may not be his opponent.

"Uuuuuuuuah~ You are bullying people~ Don't bully people."


However, before Xiao Xiao could make a move, the mourning man who turned around to look for the soul-calling flag froze in place.

Even the cry could not be sustained.

His soul-calling flag had clearly fallen not far behind him just now, so why was it missing now?

On the grass behind me, there was no soul-calling flag at all.

He couldn't even sense the ghostly aura on the soul-calling flag.

It's like disappearing into thin air? !

All his skills were focused on the soul-summoning flag, but now that the soul-summoning flag had been lost, his own strength had been reduced to 77% or 80%.

The masked young man who had been a little anxious just now also noticed that the other party's soul-calling flag had disappeared, and his face suddenly lit up with joy.

He ducked to get the measuring ruler behind him.

This is really God helping me!

The opponent's weapon is gone, which is equivalent to cutting off his hands, and the threat level is instantly laughable.

As long as there is no soul-calling flag, he can keep the other party even without Xiao Xiao taking action!

However, just when he was about to pick up the measuring ruler on the ground, he saw two measuring rulers that were lying quietly on the grass just now.

Suddenly disappeared from his sight.

He only felt that his eyes were blurred, and the two measuring rulers that were not far away from him suddenly disappeared.

It disappeared from under his nose.

"Ah~my measuring ruler?"

The masked young man was also confused. He stood there for a moment at a loss. The breath on his ruler seemed to have been completely wiped out.

what's the situation?

Is there really something dirty on Longhu Mountain? !

"Xiao Xiao, don't be stunned. If that guy runs away, chase after him!"

"Don't let this all-sexual monster get away!"

Unable to find his measuring ruler, the masked young man could only let Xiao Xiao deal with Quan Xing, the mourning monster.

Now that the opponent doesn't have the soul-summoning flag, with Xiao Xiao's strength, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with him.

However, at this time, Xiao Xiao was still standing motionless, no matter how much he shouted, he remained unmoved.

The other party was about to leave here, and the masked man's voice became excited.

"Xiao Xiao, what's wrong with you!"

Xiao Xiao did not answer his question, but his face suddenly turned pale, as if he was recalling some bad memory.

His expression was dull.

"That... that smell!"

"I really want to feel that breath!"

He swallowed and muttered to himself.

It seems that a familiar aura appears nearby.

He was so frightened that he didn't dare to move.

The masked young man saw that Xiao Xiao was still motionless, and could only grit his teeth and turn his head, planning to chase the grave-crying man who fled far away.

But before he could make any move, Lu Linglong's voice came from the woods behind the two of them.

"Xiao Xiao, Yun, you are here."

Lu Linglong and Hua'er walked out of the woods supporting each other, and they looked injured.

But the injury didn't look serious.

The two of them soon noticed Nozomi lying unconscious beside them.

And Xiao Xiao stood there, motionless.

"Yun, what's going on with Xiao Xiao and Xi?"

Lu Linglong looked at the two of them doubtfully. Neither of them had any obvious injuries, but their condition was obviously not right.

"Xi was injured when fighting the man who cried the grave just now, and he has been unconscious since then."

"It should be that evil spirits have entered the body."

"As for Xiao Xiao, I don't know what's going on."

"He was fine just now, but suddenly he stood still. If he had been able to move just now, he would have definitely taken down that guy crying in the grave!"

Yun was a little regretful and annoyed. Originally, as long as Xiao Xiao took action this time, the opponent would never be able to escape.

As long as she hangs on him for a moment, Lu Linglong and Hua'er will arrive.

The other party is unable to fly.

But I don't know why Xiao Xiao suddenly stopped moving. Compared to Xi who was unconscious, he seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit.

Lu Linglong glanced at the grave-crying man who had disappeared. At this time, it was obvious that he could no longer catch up.

"Okay Yun, don't blame yourself. Being able to defeat that grave-crying man is already pretty good."

"Yes, according to Mr. Lu, the opponent is not too weak among all the people."

"You are able to escape unscathed from the opponent's hands, which is very impressive."

Hua'er also advised from the side that she and Lu Linglong were dealing with the Three Corpses Tujunfang, if Zhang Chulan hadn't appeared in time.

The two of them may have confessed.

Compared to the two of them, Yun and the others were pretty good at beating away the man who cried to his grave.

However, facing Hua'er's praise, Yun scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Actually, it was a surprise to be able to beat the opponent away this time."

"The soul-calling flag in the other party's hand seems to have been lost inexplicably."

"He just left."

"Otherwise, Xiao Xiao and I might not be able to defeat each other. That grave-crying ability is too weird."

Yun was a little embarrassed. Originally, he thought he should be able to defeat the opponent easily, but he didn't expect that he fell into the opponent's trick.

If Xiao Xiao hadn't reminded him, he might have been seriously injured.

This time he also saw the strength of these all-round monsters, and they were all very difficult to deal with.

The ghost attached to the soul-calling flag is very strange and powerful.

Not only can they absorb his Qi, but they can also carry out ghost attacks, constantly corroding their spiritual power.

The longer the fight lasts, the more dangerous it becomes.

If the other party hadn't lost the soul-summoning flag for no reason, besides Xi, there should be himself and Xiao Xiao lying on the ground now.

After hearing Yun's explanation, Hua'er and Lu Linglong, who had just been comforting Yun, seemed to have remembered something and their expressions suddenly became strange.

"Is the magic weapon lost?"

"This kind of thing also happened here?"

(End of this chapter)

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