Chapter 119 Transformation, the last step!

Dou Le looked at Xu Si's performance and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

What he wanted was Xu Si's attitude.

As long as Xu Si can firmly oppose the board of directors' decision, then several of their other leaders can add fuel to the fire behind the scenes.

It is possible to achieve what they want without directly conflicting with those on the board of directors.

Regarding the temporary worker policy, the heads of several other regions must have the same idea as themselves.

None of them want the temporary worker policy to be abolished.

But they don't want to directly conflict with the company's board of directors.

Therefore, Xu Si, a young man who had just become the head of the region, became a knife in their hands.

With the relationship between Xu Xiang and Director Zhao, even if Xu Sizhen really fell out with the people on the board of directors.

Fatty Zhao can also save him.

Xu Si glanced at Dou Le and knew what he was thinking.

But he didn't mind either.

Because of this matter, if he didn't take the lead in taking the initiative, these old foxes would definitely not come forward.

Xu Si put his arm around Dou Le's shoulders.

"Brother Dou, I definitely can't challenge the headquarters on this matter alone."

"But aren't there still you guys?"

“It’s rare for us regional leaders to get together, so why don’t we get together before the meeting this time.”

"As the person in charge, I am purely taking over my father's duties. I will have to listen to the opinions of you seniors when the time comes."

If he wants to fight with the company's board of directors, he will definitely not be able to do it alone.

So before that, he had to find out what other people were saying.

If he was accidentally stabbed in the back, he would really have nothing to do.

"Hahaha, okay."

"I'll say hello to them too."

Dou Le chuckled and agreed, and the two foxes, one big and one small, walked away.

Of course he knew what Xu Si was thinking, and Xu Si naturally knew his plan.

This is just a tacit understanding between the two of them.

Time passed by minute by minute.

As the Tianshi Mansion disciples reacted, the company had already made arrangements in advance.

Most of the trouble has been settled.

Quan Xing, who came to Longhu Mountain to cause trouble this time, has either retreated or been arrested.

Not many are still active on the mountain.

It was only a matter of time before he was taken down.

The sun rises and the moon sets, and the sky is bright.

As the first ray of sunshine shone on Longhu Mountain, Longhu Mountain finally became quiet.

In fact, starting from the second half of the night, all the people in Longhu Mountain have been basically cleared away.

Zhang Zhiwei personally took action, coupled with the powerful attack of Nandotong Company, all those who failed to retreat in time were captured by the company.

As of dawn, a total of 132 omnisexual demons had been confirmed to have been killed.

There were one hundred and fifty-six full-sex demons arrested.

Last night alone, three hundred all-sexual demons were eliminated.

Of course, the losses to the company and those who stayed on the mountain were not small. Twenty-seven people were killed in the Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion alone, eighteen were seriously injured, and forty-three were slightly injured.

Even Tian Jinzhong, Zhang Zhiwei's younger brother and the most senior uncle in the Tianshi Mansion, died unfortunately.

This time, all members of the army were mobilized, prepared, and the purpose was very clear.

It can be said that the entire Longhu Mountain was basically turned upside down.

If it hadn't been for the company's intervention and Zhang Zhiwei's final move, the casualties would have been even greater.

And the news that shocked everyone even more was that there were actually undercover members of Quanxing within the Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion!

Moreover, the identity of the other party is not simple.

Gong Qing - the acting head of Quanxing!

Xiao Qingzi—a third-generation disciple of Longhu Mountain and Tian Jinzhong’s personal Taoist boy.

No one could have imagined that Tangtang Quanxing, acting head, would go to Longhu Mountain to become a Taoist boy, and he would stay there for three years.

In the past three years, he often acted under Zhang Zhiwei's nose, but he did not reveal any flaws.

To be honest, most people really can't do it.

For the first time, the alien world began to look squarely at the little-known head of Quanxingdai.

In the past, they had never heard of Quanxing having an acting leader.

According to their understanding of Quanxing's group of lunatics, they are a group of guys with no rules and cannot willingly accept the leadership of others.

Even Ding Shimaan couldn't do it.

Therefore, they always thought that Quanxing still remained leaderless.

However, they didn't expect that an acting head would emerge from there.

Even many people within Quanxing knew for the first time that they had an acting leader.

Almost overnight, the whole world of aliens was spreading news about Gong Qing, the head of the Quanxing Dynasty.

At the same time, another piece of gossip spread like wildfire in the alien world.

Even inside Longhu Mountain, a demonic ghost that can swallow magic weapons was secretly raised. During this battle, many of their magic weapons were lost.

I suspect it was the sinister ghost.

Almost all the strangers who participated in last night's battle had more or less one or two magic weapons missing from their bodies.

However, this news was denied by the Taoist priests of Tianshi Mansion.

I firmly refuse to admit that such a thing exists.

How could their Celestial Master's Mansion, a dignified place of cultivation, possibly support ghosts!

But after all, everyone lost the magic weapon to protect Longhu Mountain, so their Tianshi Mansion is willing to bear part of the cost.

It's just that the Tianshi Mansion cannot pay the compensation immediately.

This time, their Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion was also severely damaged and suffered heavy losses.

Even several famous palaces in remote locations were affected.

For example, the very famous Star Observatory and Fox Fairy Hall were set ablaze by fire, and the entire three-story Fox Fairy Hall collapsed.

These buildings need to be repaired at a huge cost, and even the Tianshi Mansion cannot spend so much money at once.

Many disciples of the Tianshi Mansion spontaneously went down the mountain to raise money, and some even saw a Samoyed carrying a package walking out of the ruins of the Fox Immortal Hall and walking down the mountain.

It can be said that this time Quanxing made a big fuss in Longhu Mountain and caused a lot of trouble to their Tianshi Mansion.

The entire Longhu Mountain has been in plain weather for three days, and the whole mountain is white.

Zhang Zhiwei personally announced that he, the contemporary Celestial Master of the Celestial Master's Mansion, was ready to go down and eradicate Quan Xing!

Kill every one you see!

Leave no one behind!

It can be said that Quanxing's riot in Longhu Mountain caused an uproar in the alien world, but all this has nothing to do with Huang Miao.

Huang Miao had already left Longhu Mountain before dawn.

Suddenly I need to find a quiet place to complete the last step of transformation.

A few days later.

In a mountain on the outskirts of Kyoto.

The lush woods cover up the sunlight, making the entire forest look much darker.

Like a virgin forest.

Huang Miao stood alone on a huge rock. Under the huge rock was a large package with an open pocket.

It's as tall as a person.

The package was open, and the jewels and jewels were shining inside, and everything was there.

Huang Miao yawned and looked around with satisfaction.

Surrounded by wilderness, not to mention people, there is not even a shadow of a ghost. It is definitely an inaccessible Feng Shui treasure land.

It was not in vain that he found such a good place after searching for three days.

Since leaving Longhu Mountain, he has been looking for a place with few people to refine the treasure he obtained. Since he completed his quest for the title, he caused quite a stir during his two training sessions.

Although Xu Si and the others found reasons to help cover it up in the end, if they made such a big noise every time.

Even a fool knows something is wrong.

Therefore, he learned from the last lesson and must find a more secluded place to practice again.

And in order to avoid suspicion, he deliberately stayed away from Jinmen.

Arrive at the outskirts of Kyoto.

In this way, even if he is discovered in the end, it is unlikely to be linked to him.

Huang Miao touched his chin, silently applauding his wit.

Then he released his spiritual consciousness and carefully inspected several kilometers in radius.

Although there shouldn't be many people in this kind of place, don't be afraid of 10,000 just in case.

Therefore, before officially starting the practice, Huang Miao released a spiritual detection to ensure that he was sufficiently concealed.

After about five or six breaths, Huang Miao, who was standing on the huge rock, took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes.

There is no trace of human activity within a radius of ten kilometers.

"This place is deserted, so there shouldn't be any witnesses."

After making sure there was no one around, Huang Miao sneakily brought up the big bag under the stone.


He poured out a whole bag.

The dazzling array of things inside were all scattered on the ground in a messy manner.

Stacked together, it looks like a hill.

"The harvest from Longhu Mountain this time is much more than expected."

Looking at the shining thing at his feet, Huang Miao touched his chin.

Some of them were obtained from the Tianshi Mansion warehouse. Originally, there should be more treasures than these.

It’s just for the purpose of cultivating Tongtianlu.

It consumed a lot.

Huang Miao jumped into the hill-like pile of treasures.

Most of them were 'unwanted things' that he and the Four Mad Men picked up on the ground when Quan Xing was causing trouble in Longhu Mountain.

Relative to what the Tianshi Mansion warehouse has already received from Wang Ai.

The quality of these magical instruments is somewhat uneven.

At that time, in order not to waste time, he put everything into a sack.

Huang Miao casually picked up a boxing glove on the ground and kicked it away.


This glove is just an ordinary weapon and does not contain much Qi at all.

They are not considered magic weapons.

One weapon after another was thrown aside by Huang Miao.

The treasures picked up that night can be roughly divided into three types.

The best of them are complete ritual objects, such as Yuan Tao's Nine Dragons and the Grave-Weeping Man's Filial Son Banner.

This kind of magic weapon has been cultivated and produced unique powers.

For example, the Filial Son Banner can contain Yin spirits and ghosts, while the Nine Dragon Sons have their own unique functions.

This type of magical weapon contains a large amount of pure Qi.

It has been warmed and nourished by people with their own Qi over time, and the Qi contained in it is not inferior to some heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Of course, this kind of magic weapon is very rare in the entire alien world.

After all, the weapon refiner is a profession that depends on talent.

And even if you can become a weapon refiner, it will take time to refine a magic weapon over time.

Unless a talented genius like Han Dan can refine the magic weapon in a short time.

Or like Ma Xianhong, who has practiced the Eight Magic Skills for hundreds of times.

It is not easy for a normal weapon refiner to refine a complete set of magic weapons in a lifetime.

After searching for so long, Huang Miao only found a total of three complete magic weapons.

In addition to this complete magic weapon, there is also a semi-finished magic weapon.

There are quite a few such magic weapons.

Compared with complete magic weapons, these semi-finished products are much easier to refine.

Almost all aliens with status have one.

These semi-finished products do have a certain amount of Qi, and if absorbed, they will have some effect on cultivation.

For example, the measuring ruler passed from Yun's hand, over time, it contained Yun's Qi.

It's just that the power belonging to the magic weapon itself has not been awakened.

Compared with the so-called semi-finished magic weapon and the real magic weapon, in addition to the content of Qi contained in it, the most important thing is that it can awaken the magical power of the magic weapon itself.

Just like Jia Zhengliang's immortal-killing flying knife, it is also a semi-finished magical weapon.

Able to control as desired, able to control objects.

But compared with Yuan Tao's Jiulongzi, the ability and effect of the immortal-killing flying knife are very different.

It's because the Immortal-Destroying Flying Knife has not yet awakened its own abilities.

According to Jia Zhengliang's strength, if he did not specifically learn how to refine magical weapons, his immortal-killing flying knife would need at least thirty years of cultivation before it would be possible to acquire supernatural powers.

This is why there are so many semi-finished magic weapons compared to real magic weapons.

Huang Miao casually picked up two semi-finished magical artifacts of relatively good quality.

One of them is like a wishful shape, carved from jade, crystal clear.

This semi-finished Ruyi magic weapon is a defensive magic weapon and is of extremely high quality.

It is only one step away from becoming a real magic weapon.

As long as Qi is injected into it, this Ruyi can automatically protect itself, which is a rare treasure.

The defensive effect is no worse than Yuan Tao's Jiulongzi.

Holding this jade Ruyi and scratching his face, Huang Miao remembered that there seemed to be someone in Biyou Village who owned a similar magical weapon.

"I almost forgot. There are countless magic weapons at Village Chief Ma's place. You can visit them once if you have time."

"Go for a spin, the harvest should not be small."

Huang Miao blinked.

Ma Xianhong's magical machine, Hundred Refinements, can refine magic weapons in a short time, and the quality is very high.

The so-called weapon refining is actually to restore one's own Qi to its purest state, and then attach it to the magical weapon.

Finally, different abilities are produced according to the properties of the magic weapon.

The higher the quality of the magical instrument, the purer and pure the Qi attached to it.

This is the most essential principle of weapon refining.

And the qi absorbed by their general practice in the immortal family is actually this kind of pure qi that has not been refined by the day after tomorrow.

The Qi attached to the magical artifacts cannot be absorbed by ordinary people, but to immortals like them, it is no different from heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Therefore, sometimes people will call some immortals who are successful in cultivation as treasure-swallowing beasts.

While thinking about it, Huang Miao picked and threw some rubbish ordinary weapons into the distance.

I have made up my mind that after this practice, I will go to Biyou Village to look for Ma Xianhong when I have time.

According to the opponent's temperament in the anime, getting a few magic weapons won't be a problem.

This guy can even give away his magical skills at will.

At that time, I may not need to use any strong tactics, that guy will take the initiative to give me the Divine Machine Bailian.

After a while, the pile of magic weapons as high as a hill was reduced by one-third.

Those useless ordinary swords, guns and swords were all thrown into the woods.

Huang Miao kept those semi-finished magical instruments and instruments of good quality in front of him, preparing to devour them all.

(End of this chapter)

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