Chapter 120 This looks too much like a Tibetan fox!

"Oh~ It's really a big project."

Huang Miao wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the hill that was seven or eight times higher than his body.

It took more than ten minutes to sort these instruments.

If I had known earlier, I would have asked them to carefully select the four cards before sending them to me.

Fortunately, most of the project was completed, and now it was time to sort out the things left by that old guy Wang Ai.

Thinking about it, he took out another sheepskin bag from his waist and weighed it in his hands.

It was the space magic weapon that I had snatched from that old guy Wang Ai before.

Something that can be carried around must be the favorite of that old guy Wang Ai.

The value is definitely not low.

Just like the visualization picture Wang Ai took out before.

In order to rescue Feng Baobao, he left in a hurry before he could see what other treasures were in the sheepskin bag.

But there is a high probability that there won’t be any junk stuff.

Wang Ai is one of the ten dignified men and the head of the Wang family.

It doesn't make sense to take a bunch of rags with you when you go out.

Huang Miao took out the fist-sized sheepskin bag, opened the opening and poured out all the contents again.

The next moment, dozens of colorful and bizarre treasures scattered from inside.

Among them are the most common life-saving elixirs and natural treasures.

For example, a ginseng that is almost transformed and looks like a villain.

A ten thousand-year-old ginseng of this quality can give life to human flesh and white bones with just one whisker.

Can save lives at critical moments.

There are also several bottles of healing elixirs, all of which are of extremely high quality.

"Wang Ai, this old guy is quite precious about his life."

I casually opened a porcelain bottle, and the next moment a fresh medicinal fragrance hit my face.

Without thinking, Huang Miao poured several high-quality healing elixirs into his mouth.


"I didn't expect it to taste good."

This kind of holy healing medicine, which is rare in the entire alien world, was chewed directly by Huang Miao as a soybean pill.

The elixirs are all refined from various precious spiritual treasures. Even though their main function is to act on flesh and blood, they also contain some essence of Qi.

For cultivation, it is somewhat helpful.

Moreover, Huang Miao ran into the deep mountains and forests early in the morning carrying a large bag of packages.

Didn't even have time to have breakfast.

I happen to be a little hungry now.

He simply ate these precious healing elixirs as breakfast.

In the entire alien world, Huang Miao is probably the only one who knows how to take these life-saving pills at critical moments as jelly beans.

If Wang Ai saw Huang Miao wasting the precious elixirs he had collected for many years, his heart would bleed.

Huang Miao chewed the pills and continued to look for other treasures left by Wang Ai in front of him.

In addition to these elixirs and heavenly materials and earthly treasures, the sheepskin bag also contains some techniques from various sects collected by the Wang family.

There are many techniques from ancient sects that have disappeared.

These techniques may be of value to other people, but they are of no use to Huang Miao.

He has no shortage of general skills.

And with his current strength, even if he only fights with his physical body without using martial arts, there are still several people who are his opponents.

So when Huang Miao saw the secret book of the exercises, he didn't even bother to look at it and just threw it aside.

However, there were a few other inconspicuous objects that intrigued Huang Miao.

One of them is a very old bronze box.

The box is about the size of a palm. It is covered with patina and has some very ancient patterns carved around it.

The things that could be collected by Wang Ai were certainly not ordinary things, but Huang Miao didn't feel any Qi flow on the bronze box.

It seems to be an ordinary box.

Apart from the strange lines on it, there is nothing strange about it.

Moreover, some of those lines and patterns have been severely worn, showing signs of breakage.

Can't see clearly at all.

Even Huang Miao didn't understand the purpose of this bronze box for a while.

After looking at it for a long time, Huang Miao knocked on the front cover.

This ancient bronze box seems to be imprisoned by some kind of mechanism. It should be able to be opened after cracking the mechanism inside.

Of course Huang Miao has the ability to break through this mechanism directly.

But Wang Ai has not forcibly broken open this mechanism for so many years, apparently because after breaking the mechanism, he would be exposed to the ancient bronze box or the things hidden inside.

Huang Miao didn't want to destroy it easily. If there was really any treasure hidden inside, the gain would outweigh the loss if it was destroyed.

Put the bronze box back into the sheepskin bag.

He has already thought about who has the ability to open this ancient bronze box.

If there is anyone in the alien world today who is the most proficient in mechanism manufacturing, then that person is definitely Ma Xianhong, who has practiced the magic machine hundreds of times.

Wait until you meet Ma Xianhong to see if he has the ability to open this bronze box.

If even Ma Xianhong is helpless in the end, then in the end he will have no choice but to forcibly break through this path.

However, it stands to reason that the miracle is called the pinnacle of various skills, and with the ability of the magic machine to be refined, it should not be difficult to open this bronze box.

Ten minutes later, Huang Miao sat cross-legged on the boulder again.

He had already rummaged through the items in Wang Ai's sheepskin bag.

Except for the most special ancient bronze box, he placed some other treasures that were beneficial to his cultivation on the boulder.

Magical weapons, elixirs, and treasures from heaven and earth.

After swallowing the pills in a porcelain bottle, he ingested a magic weapon from the air.

Finally, a demon pill was conjured out of thin air.

It was the demon pill that the Deng brothers gave him in exchange for Liu Kunsheng.

"If you refine all these magic weapons and heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it will take at least a whole morning, maybe even a whole day."

"Although it may take a little longer."

"But absorbing these qi should be able to help me improve my strength a lot."

Huang Miao said to himself and placed the demon pill in front of him.

Started his final transformation.

Kyoto, southern suburbs.

Huadu Institute of Biology.

Seven or eight young men and women in white coats gathered in the spacious hospital square.

Everyone has an internship nameplate from the institute affixed to their chest.

Obviously these people are all intern researchers at the Institute of Biology.

At this moment, several people were gathered in the square, holding notebooks in their hands and discussing with each other enthusiastically.

"I heard that the researcher who led us this time is the youngest director of the institute."

"He looks so handsome now."

"Yes, yes, I have watched his live broadcast. He is very handsome and very professional."

"Live broadcast? Director, is he still broadcasting?"

"Of course, you don't know?"

"Our Director Zhang is not only a director, he is also a part-time network anchor, specializing in identifying popular creatures on the Internet."

"I think I have millions of fans now. I'm a real internet celebrity."

Several people were chatting away, their eyes shining with admiration.

At the age of thirty-four, he became the director of the institute and also served as a member of the ecological committee.

It can be said that it has a bright future.

Not only is he handsome and has great professional achievements, he is now an Internet celebrity.

The legend of Tuotu Research Institute. "Do you have Director Zhang's online video? Let me take a look!"

"I haven't paid attention to Director Zhang yet."

Several young people who had relatively little information quickly took out their mobile phones and became interested.

I want to find relevant videos of their director on the Internet.

They really didn't expect that the dignified director of the Kyoto Institute of Biology would actually conduct a live broadcast online.

In their impression, the image of the old professor has always been relatively old-fashioned.

"You search Director Zhang to identify popular creatures on the Internet. That is the account name of our director."

"The number of fans is 3.26 million!"

"This time we go to that forest to collect specimens. The director seems to be recording the whole process live. Many people are waiting for our director to identify the organisms."

While everyone was talking, a man wearing camouflage clothing and holding a mobile phone was walking towards them in the distance.

The man wears glasses and the nameplate on the chest of his camouflage uniform says - First Class Researcher.

It is Zhang Chengliang, the youngest director of the institute.

He has a Tibetan fox face, unkempt beard, and is not very tall. From a distance, he looks like a Tibetan fox who always wears glasses.

"Professor Zhang is here!"

"professor Zhang!"

Seeing the man wearing glasses appear, several young men and women in research coats immediately approached him.

But after seeing Zhang Chengliang's appearance, several people were stunned.

Because Zhang Chengliang never showed his face in the short video, but everyone thought he would be a handsome guy based on his voice.

However, after seeing Zhang Chengliang's appearance, I can only say a few words.

"Who just said that our Director Zhang is handsome? Stand up!"

"Hahaha, don't laugh."

"Hold it!"

Everyone suppressed laughter and did not dare to look up at Zhang Chengliang.

"We are about to leave for Yandang Mountain today to collect specimens."

"The terrain there is relatively undulating, forming a small special climate area, so the biological population is relatively unique."

"If I can meet you, I will give you a good introduction."

Zhang Chengliang said hello to several intern researchers who came towards him.

Today, he originally planned to go to the National Ecological Park to collect specimens, but who knew that the dean also asked him to bring these intern researchers with him.

Although it is not very dangerous to go to the wild to collect specimens this time, some basic equipment and medicines must be carried with you.

just in case.

"Wear all the equipment."

"Let's get ready to get in the car."

A bus from the research institute soon came from a distance.

Zhang Chengliang did not continue to talk nonsense and led everyone to get on the bus one after another.

This trip to Yandang Mountain to collect specimens was not difficult for him.

After about half an hour's drive, everyone stopped at the entrance of the mountain forest.

Yandang Mountain is huge, stretching for hundreds of kilometers.

There are several mountain ranges combined.

There are many species of vegetation and a rich variety of wildlife.

A group of people stepped off the bus and faced a high mountain.

Surrounded by dense woods, the lushness looks almost like the primitive jungles in movies.

Very ancient primitive style.

They have reached the Yandang Mountain Park area, and the bus cannot go further.


"so beautiful."

"It feels like a return to the original."

The intern researchers got out of the car and looked at the surrounding scenery, and they couldn't help but feel excited.

They have just entered the institute, and this is their first time to carry out practical activities in the forest.

Zhang Chengliang turned on his mobile phone, pointed into the distance while taking pictures, and introduced to several researchers:

"Did you see the flat land far ahead?"

"There used to be a village over there, Dragon Bone Village on the outskirts of Kyoto."

"It looks like the bones of a long dragon from a distance."

"But there was a geological change here more than 50 years ago, which was the largest earthquake on record."

"The village was razed to the ground, and now there are basically no traces of it, leaving only an abrupt plain."

Zhang Chengliang is very familiar with the changes in his surroundings.

As the youngest professor and director of the institute, Sudun is not young but extremely professional.

The researchers who had just stepped out of the car took pens to record.

"The place where we collected the specimens this time is the mountain behind this plain."

"We call that mountain the Forest of Ancient Trees."

"Because there is a Bhutanese pine tree that has survived for thousands of years."

"We will encounter many unusual creatures during this period, and I will introduce them to you one by one."

The sun shines at noon.

The fiery sun hangs high in the sky.

A group of people walked through the dense jungle.

The scorching sunshine is blocked by the lush leaves, and only a few rays of sunlight shine through occasionally.

It made the whole forest a little dark.

The temperature was originally very high today, but walking in the woods was indeed cool and gloomy.

Zhang Chengliang and several researchers sat in an open space with a wide view to rest.

After driving for most of the day, although they all rode off-road vehicles, it was their first time to practice in the forest and they were all a little tired.

"Look at the flower on the left, it's the wild linhuan flower that is more common in northern forests."

"The flowers are pale yellow, and the leaves and rhizomes have jagged patterns."

"This kind of flower grows in a relatively humid environment and is very dependent on water."

"So places with this flower are usually not far from water sources."

Zhang Chengliang pointed to a small yellow flower on the left side of the group and taught by words and deeds.

Sometimes the knowledge learned through practice is easier to remember than what is seen in textbooks.

"There are many animals and plants around here that are rarely seen on weekdays. You can take advantage of this break to look around."

As he spoke, Zhang Chengliang had already picked up his camera to take pictures, and several researchers also started to observe around with interest.

"Hey, look, there's actually Lu Xucao here. This is a national second-class protected plant."

"This is the first time I've seen one alive."

"Shh, look what I saw, a purple ladybug."

This kind of pristine natural landscape is rare to see.

Several people seemed particularly novel, and they were all busy taking photos.

A young man who took the photo first stood up and planned to continue looking for other rare vegetation.

But just as he stood up, he was suddenly startled.

Because it's right in front of him.

A creature with snow-white hair that resembled a Samoyed was slowly walking by.

of course.

If that were the case, it wouldn't surprise him so much.

The problem is that the "Samoyed" in front of me actually walks upright on two legs!

What's even more exaggerated is that the other party is carrying a thin straight tree branch on his shoulder, with a rag package tied behind the branch.

He looked like he was carrying his luggage and wandering around.

What the hell? !

A runaway dog? !

(End of this chapter)

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