One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 121 The sky suddenly appears and the earth dragon turns over

Chapter 121 The sky suddenly appears and the earth dragon turns over


The young man was stunned, his brain seemed to have shut down, and he stared blankly.

Although Professor Zhang said that the climate conditions here are special.

You can see many strange and strange creatures.

But it’s not so special that it produces a pet dog that walks upright!

He rubbed his eyes.

Look in the same direction again.

Only to find that the white figure had disappeared.

Is it an illusion? !

He quickly ran forward and searched around.

Indeed there was nothing.

With full of suspicion.

The young man came to Zhang Chengliang with a strange expression.

"Well, Professor Zhang, do you think there might be a Samoyed that walks on two feet in our forest?"

"The kind who can also carry luggage."

"Wang Gang, what are you talking about?"

"Aren't you awake?"

"Although there are many popular creatures on the Internet here, they are not just made up."

"Yes, let's not talk about whether there is a Samoyed here. Even if there is a Samoyed, it is impossible to walk on two legs."

Before Zhang Chengliang could answer, several people on the side couldn't help laughing after hearing Wang Gang's words.

Either Wang Gang drank fake wine, or he didn't wake up.

Chun Chun is being funny.

They are all graduate students studying biology. Although they are only intern researchers, these are common sense.

Let alone them, even if you ask a three-year-old child, he will know that there is no way for a dog to walk upright.

Zhang Chengliang stood up and patted the dirt on his butt.

"Under normal circumstances, the Samoyed's spinal structure cannot bear its own weight."

"And the structure and joints of its hind limbs cannot allow it to walk upright for a long time."

He did not laugh at Wang Gang directly, but used science to explain it.

I don’t know why Wang Gang asked such a simple question, but as a teacher, he has the responsibility to answer questions formally.

Wang Gang scratched his head and looked in the direction of the disappeared Samoyed.

For a moment, I couldn't tell if I had seen it wrong and was hallucinating.

Rationally, he agreed with the statements of other students and Professor Zhang that the creature he described could not exist in the world.

But emotionally, he didn't feel like he was hallucinating.

He did indeed see with his own eyes a white creature carrying a backpack passing not far in front of him.

"Okay, students, we've almost rested, let's continue walking deeper into the forest."

"In about half an hour, we can reach our destination."

Zhang Chengliang took out his mobile phone and glanced at the map.

It was less than five kilometers away from where they expected to arrive.

No one noticed at all that dark clouds began to gather in the sky not far away, which was obscured by dense trees.

At this time, Huang Miao was sitting on the boulder, concentrating on refining the Qi attached to the magic weapon.

Countless magic weapons were scattered around the boulder.

The extremely pure Qi was extracted from various magical weapons.

The strands condense into shape.

Although these magical instruments appear to be placed very casually, they actually have hidden meanings.

It conforms to the principle of the operation of the five elements.

The cyan light flickers faintly on the ground. If someone can look from above, it can be clearly seen.

The area around the boulder where Huang Miao was was now arranged into a formation.

Different magic weapons are regularly distributed at different angles.

Within the formation, the techniques of the five elements circulate individually.

The boulder Huang Miao was sitting on was the center of the formation, the most critical position of the Tianshu.

The refined Qi naturally flows into the Tianshu position along with the power of the five elements of the formation.

Huang Miao sat cross-legged in the formation, surrounded by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. He didn't even need to actively absorb it. The spiritual energy of these days would naturally enter his body.

The position he was in at this moment was like a furnace that tempered life.

The magic tools he placed in various directions were dry wood to help the stove burn.

As long as the magic weapon is still there, it can maintain the operation of the entire formation.

This formation is called - Heaven and Earth Furnace Formation.

It was one of the formations that Huang Miao found in the sheepskin bag of old Wang Ai.

The Wang family's ancestral method is the art of divine painting, which can be used in conjunction with formations.

Therefore, Wang Ai naturally collected many precious formation diagrams.

Just like the drawing of talismans using the talisman method, if you want to set up a formation, you must first learn how to lay out the formation diagram.

In a sense, the formation lineage is more like a combination of talismans and magic.

Huang Miao originally planned to forcibly refine the heaven and earth spiritual energy on these magic weapons, but after discovering this formation diagram.

He gave up his original idea.

The Heaven and Earth Furnace Formation belongs to the spirit gathering array lineage, but it is much more complicated than the simple spirit gathering array.

After the formation is formed, it can automatically condense the power of the five elements, and use the principle of mutual generation and restraint of the five elements to refine various mottled spiritual energies in the formation.

For example, in the "Li" position in the formation, as long as the heavenly materials and earthly treasures are placed, the wood qi contained in the heavenly materials and earthly treasures can be refined into the purest qi through the fire of the five elements.

The fire-attributed magic weapon placed in the 'Kan' position can also activate the fire Qi through the water of the five elements.

Refined into pure Qi.

With the help of this formation, his efficiency in absorbing and refining magic weapons was greatly accelerated.

The extremely pure Qi followed Huang Miao's every breath and entered his body.

At this time, Huang Miao's body could almost be called a clean body.

As the heat of these days entered the body, Huang Miao's entire body became translucent and crystal clear.

Like jade, it is extremely beautiful.

The only traces of black impurities left in the body were slowly expelled from the body under the wash of spiritual energy.

There are records in Taoism of Taoist masters becoming immortals and passing away like immortals.

The so-called feathering can actually be more commonly understood as jadeization, which means that the body is as pure as jade.

This is exactly what Huang Miao is now in, his body transformed into jade, immortal and immortal.

If Huang Miao looked inside his body, he could still find that the Nascent Soul deep in his Dantian was being wrapped by gentle spiritual energy.

Nascent Soul also vaguely began to breathe slowly, really like a baby, stretching its hands.

The sinister aura above that originally belonged to the Immortal Family began to fade away little by little with Nascent Soul's breathing.

Time passed like this minute by minute, and Huang Miao was completely immersed in his own cultivation.

The entire formation glowed with faint light, forming a small world of its own.

What Huang Miao couldn't notice at this time was that the surrounding earth had begun to roar because of his practice.

The entire surrounding land was shaking like an earth dragon turning over.

Countless cracks appeared from around the boulder, as thick as a fist.

The woods and mountains were shaking.

At the same time, colorful streams of light began to appear in the sky, like the aurora in the direction of the North Pole.

Green light filled the sky, extremely bright.

It's like the heaven and the earth are singing together, auspiciousness descending from the sky.


In the forest, Zhang Chengliang and others who were heading inside felt the earth shaking crazily.

Several people were swaying around, unable to stand firm, and fell to the ground.

Many towering old trees were uprooted and fell to the ground.

"What's going on?"

"what happened?"

"Professor, this?"

Several inexperienced researchers were all frightened, lying on the ground and looking around in horror.

Zhang Chengliang was not nervous. He hurriedly squatted on the ground and held his head, and then shouted to several people around him at the top of his lungs:

"You guys, squat down quickly and hold your head."

"This is an earthquake. Don't be nervous. This area is an earthquake zone and it is a normal phenomenon."

"It's happened here before. It will be over in a while, there will be no problem."

"We will return the way we came when there is a break in the earthquake."

Yandang Mountain is located at the junction of two continental plates, so earthquakes are not uncommon.

When I usually come here to collect specimens, I sometimes encounter small earthquakes.

As a biological researcher, he often needs to live in the wild and has encountered various dangerous situations.

Now I have experience in handling it.

But before he came this time, he checked the earthquake warning, and it didn't show that there would be an earthquake!

How could such a severe earthquake suddenly occur?

Judging from the initial earthquake alone, the magnitude of this earthquake is definitely not small!

"Everyone, please wait in the open area for a moment. I will confirm with the staff of the Seismological Bureau."

With that said, he picked up the satellite phone and planned to call his friends from the Earthquake Bureau.

If the magnitude of the sudden earthquake is too high, he will ask the institute to dispatch helicopters for emergency rescue. Toot. Toot. Toot.

But no one answered the phone.

There was just a busy tone.

At this time, the staff in the Earthquake Bureau were already extremely busy.

The entire earthquake bureau's red warning lights flashed and sirens buzzed.

All the staff were busy operating the instruments in front of them with nervous faces.

The only sounds in the control room were typing on keyboards and blaring sirens.

A disheveled man who looked to be in his forties ran into the control room.

"what happened!"

"what's the situation!"

"Why did the alarm go off!?"

With a nervous look on his face, the man rushed directly to the main console and stared at the big screen on the main console.

As the head of the Kyoto Earthquake Bureau, he knew exactly what this warning meant.

The engineer at the main console was also sweating heavily on his forehead, frantically typing on the keyboard to compare various data indicators on the screen.

"Director, half a minute ago our seismic monitoring equipment detected a sudden abnormality in geological activity in the direction of Yandang Mountain."

"And unlike previous earthquakes, this geological event was preceded by no warning of magnetic field fluctuations and disturbances."

"When the geological activity started, the magnetic field suddenly became very disordered."

"And according to our observations, there is also a very rare ground light phenomenon near Yandang Mountain."

The assistant quickly summarized the situation and reported it to the man.

In just half a minute, the phone number of their earthquake bureau was about to be filled with calls.

The man's eyes were fixed on the monitoring screen regarding the data on the water level monitoring instrument, electromagnetic wave measuring instrument and seismic parameter monitoring in the Yandang Mountain area.

These data have far exceeded normal levels, and some have even reached historical peaks.

"Quick! Hurry up and issue a red earthquake warning!"

"Notify all relevant departments in the city to enter a state of emergency!"

"Send staff and start evacuating the crowd immediately!"

At the end of the sentence, his voice began to tremble, and he used all his strength to speak every word.

According to data from monitoring instruments, an unprecedented and huge geological disaster is about to occur near Yandang Mountain.

If there are no problems with the data on the monitoring instruments, this earthquake will definitely be the largest earthquake in history!

Although the data this time came was too abnormal, it was too late to worry about it now and the crowd had to be evacuated first.

at the same time.

In a wealthy area of ​​Kyoto, a brand new black Maybach slowly parked in front of a luxury villa.

The iron door was slowly opened.

Facing the fountain is a pool. It is said to be a villa, but it is actually more like a manor.

The door of the Maybach was pushed open.

The young man wearing a simple robe got out of the passenger seat and couldn't help but yawned as he looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar scenery in front of him.

I haven't been back for more than three years.

The young man was Wang Ye, who had just participated in the Luotian Festival and was subsequently expelled from Wudang Mountain.


"Hahaha, you are back."

As soon as Wang Ye got out of the car, a lady with orange hair hurriedly ran out of the villa.

He hugged Wang Ye.

He rubbed Wang Ye's head lovingly.

"Haha, Mom."

Wang also scratched his head in embarrassment. He was also a little overwhelmed by his mother's enthusiasm.

"You said you're a kid in the mountains, why don't you go home to see your mother?"

"Mom misses you so much."

The woman looked at her little son up and down and couldn't help but complain.

Over the years, she missed her little son no less than the mahjong she played every day.

"Look at how thin I have become, and the dark circles under my eyes have appeared."

"Is it because the food on the mountain is not good?"

"Mom, my dad. Let's talk about my dad first. What's wrong with my dad?"

"I heard Brother Du say on the way here that my father is sick?"

Wang Ye looked at his mother worriedly.

On the way here, the driver Du Ge told him that his father seemed to be seriously ill this time.

I just want to see him.

It stands to reason that although my father has gotten older over the years, he should be in good health.

Why did he suddenly become seriously ill?

"Hey, please take a look at your dad."

The woman took two deep breaths and tried to pretend to be lonely on her face.


Come with Wang Ye to the luxurious master bedroom of the home.

As the bedroom door was pushed open, a fat old man with a facial features similar to Wang Ye was lying on the huge and soft bed.

He opened his eyes very weakly and raised his hand towards Wang Ye.

"Xiao Xiaoye."

"Xiaoye, you are finally back."

"Hey, I've already seen the best doctor in Kyoto."

"It is said that excessive thinking has caused weakness in the heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidneys, as well as neurasthenia in the eyes and insomnia."

Wang Ye's mother stood at the door. She got a white handkerchief from somewhere and pretended to wipe the tears on her face that were not there.

Wang Ye took two quick steps forward and looked at his father who was lying on the bed with an unusually rosy face.

The tension on his face disappeared instantly, and he rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"Don't worry, Xiaoye, I just miss you."

"The old master of Wudang Mountain called me a few days ago and said that you are no longer from Wudang Mountain."

"You can go home soon."

"As soon as I heard this, my illness was mostly cured."

"It's okay now, go home and help dad with things."

Wang Weiguo, who was on the big bed, didn't notice Wang Ye's expression and still spoke weakly and passionately.

It really looked like a person who was seriously ill.

However, before he could continue to speak, Wang Ye took his hand out of Wang Weiguo's palm.

He knelt down and started rummaging through the drawers under the bed.

In the drawer under the bed, there is indeed a box full of medicines, with everything in sight.

Wang also took out these medicines from the drawer one by one.

"Liuwei Rehmannia glutinosa, wolfberry, dried seahorse, and kangaroo essence."

"If I go, do you still have this blue Xiaoyao Pill?"

"Dad, I say you have a weak spleen and stomach, neurasthenia, depression and insomnia."

"But I haven't seen any related medicines."

"Okay daddy, stop pretending, you are always getting stronger and stronger. I almost thought I had a little brother."

"Next time, just pretend to have kidney deficiency."

Wang Ye casually put the medicines he took out back into the cabinet and walked to his father's bedside.

He had just checked his father's pulse, and there was nothing wrong except for some kidney deficiency.

How could it be that he was recovering from a serious illness?

Listening to what Wang Ye said, Wang Weiguo's face suddenly darkened.

Just pull the quilt off your body.

"Fuck you brat, I'm not pretending to be sick just to get you home."

"Anyway, Wudang doesn't want you this time, so just go home and help me!"

In the room, Wang Ye and Wang Weiguo were noisy, and suddenly a colorful glow appeared in the sky in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, several people's mobile phones sounded emergency warning sounds, and then emergency warnings began to sound over the entire city.

The sudden siren shocked everyone in the room.

Didn't understand what happened.

There was no notice that there would be an air defense drill today.

"Mr. Wang! Mr. Wang!"

"I just got the news that the Earthquake Administration has issued an emergency warning that an earthquake is about to happen here."

"There's an evacuation going on outside right now!"

"hurry up!"

The driver Du Ge, who had just taken Wang Ye home, quickly rushed into the room.

A nervous look on his face.

He just received the news that the Earthquake Administration has issued the highest warning alert this time.

"What, there's an earthquake coming?!"

(End of this chapter)

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