One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 122 It’s not enough, it’s not enough, then let’s borrow some life energy!

Chapter 122 It’s not enough, it’s not enough, then let’s borrow some life energy!

"Daughter-in-law, leave quickly!"

Wang Weiguo jumped out of bed in a hurry, grabbed his wife and ran out of the house with his strong body.

He held his wife's hand tightly and seemed not to miss any money.

The three people ran out of the villa at extremely fast speeds, and the next moment they all looked to the horizon in shock.

At this time, a burst of colorful light shines on the clouds, like an aurora that only appears in the Arctic Circle.

Although it is very beautiful, it seems a bit strange to appear at this time.

This has never happened to them in Kyoto.

The three of them stood in the open space outside the villa, quietly looking at the colorful glow in the distance.

After a while, Brother Du looked around and reacted belatedly.

"Mr. Wang, did he not come out?"

Wang Weiguo was stunned for a moment, then turned to look around, feeling a little unsure.

"The boy hasn't come out yet?"

He was only focused on pulling his wife away just now, and he really forgot about this guy Wang Ye.

"Okay, dad, stop looking for me."

"I can't come out now."

Wang Ye's voice came from the door of the villa, and he yawned and slowly walked towards the open space.

"What are you kidding about? I didn't hear your Brother Du say there was going to be an earthquake, yet you dared to stay in the house."

"Let's go, let's go."

"First go to the official concentration point to check the situation."

With that said, Wang Weiguo was about to greet Wang Ye to leave the villa area.

However, the king didn't move at all. He just looked up at the sky, his eyes fixed on the colorful stream of light in the distance.

His brows furrowed.

He always felt that this earthquake warning came a little strangely.

Moreover, the colorful streamers on the horizon are not like the auroras, but they will be some kind of auspicious spectacle.

According to the records he had read in an ancient Taoist book, this colorful stream of light should have been a so-called auspicious spectacle in ancient times.

According to the "New Tang Book": "Fanjingxing and Qingyun are great auspicious stars, and their famous objects are sixty-four."

In ancient times, there were generally only two situations when auspicious clouds and auroras of this level appeared.

Either a saint was born, or it was destiny.

When King Wu conquered Zhou, the phoenix mingled in Qishan, and when Cao Pi replaced Han Dynasty, the unicorn came to the world. These are all auspicious signs that appear when destiny changes.

There is also the purple energy that Laozi left from Hangu in the west and came to the east. The Luoshu River map when the Yellow Emperor was born is the auspicious sign of the birth of a saint.

Although these statements are more illusory than ordinary people, to them, they are their own destiny.

The appearance of this level of auspiciousness must be caused by something.

Now is the time of peace and prosperity, and there will be no change of destiny.

Then there is a high probability that a saint will be born.

Wang Ye himself was also doubtful, as a highly educated talent.

He doesn't fully believe in the theory of destiny and auspiciousness.

"Forget it, let's do some fortune telling."

The more Wang Ye thought about it, the weirder he became, so he simply stopped thinking about it and entered the scene directly with both hands making secrets.

next moment.

The scene in front of Wang Ye's eyes flashed, and it reappeared in an illusory space.

It's the inside view of the Warlock.

Wang Ye made the secrets with one hand and began to deduce silently in his mind, with the four trigrams running under his feet.

He wants to figure out what is the reason for this auspicious appearance?

However, in order to avoid being trapped in the interior like last time, he arranged a formation for himself to force his way out of the interior.

And to be on the safe side, five major formations were arranged directly and continuously.

Ever since he was almost trapped to death in an interior scene last time, Wang Ye is now extra careful every time he enters an interior scene.

There is nothing wrong with being careful, after all, luck is not always on his side.

With the formation of the formation completed, Wang Ye felt relieved and began to silently operate the inner arts.

But as soon as his thoughts came up, the light ball in front of him instantly turned into a scorching sun.

As big as the sun.

The blazing fireball filled the interior void in an instant.


Wang Ye didn't even have time to react, and the Qimen Bagua Diagram at his feet instantly collapsed.

The large formation he had arranged in advance was like tissue paper, destroyed by the powerful suction released from the fire ball in the blink of an eye.

This strong suction force formed a gust of wind in Wang Ye's interior, pulling Wang Ye's body closer and closer to the fire ball.


"what's the situation?!"

"How come. How come it has such a big weight!"

This strong suction force made Wang Ye instantly think of the senior of the Xian family who had deduced it on Longhu Mountain.

This feeling of powerlessness was all too familiar to him.

It's like a mantis using its arms as a chariot.

That terrifying suction force was simply not something he could resist.

Wang Ye struggled to break away from this terrifying suction force, but no matter how hard he tried, it was to no avail.

Fortunately, he had arranged the formations in advance, although three of them were destroyed instantly.

Seeing the fireball getting closer and closer to him, Wang Ye could already feel the temperature coming from the burning fireball.

The formations arranged in advance under the feet suddenly lit up with bright light.

The originally blocked meridians became inexplicably smoother, and the innate Qi circulated on its own, bringing his spirit out of the inner scene.

The scenery in front of me suddenly changed.

When he opened his eyes again, the huge fireball that expanded enough to occupy the entire void disappeared and turned into his own villa.

Two lines of blood flowed from his nose.

Even if he was forcibly dragged out of the inner scene by the formation, Wang Ye's spirit was severely damaged.

It is impossible to escape unscathed in interior scenes.

How could this be?

Wang Ye wiped his nosebleed and had no time to care about his injuries. His eyes were full of disbelief and his heart was even more horrified.

His usually calm expression was no longer calm.

How could there be an existence with such a large proportion of weight in Kyoto?

Could it be that a saint really came to this world! ?

It is certainly not an ordinary person who has such a great influence on the world.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Xiaoye, why do you have a nosebleed?"

Wang Weiguo was about to turn around and tell Wang Ye to leave quickly, but when he turned around, he saw blood on Wang Ye's nose.

But before he could ask clearly why, Wang Ye had already waved his hand.

"Mom, Dad, I have to go out for something."

"Brother Du, please help take care of them."

the other side.

In the deep mountains of Yandang Mountain.

There is mist surrounding a huge rock, making it look like an ethereal fairyland.

There was silence in the forest, and even the chirping of insects miraculously disappeared.

Various magic weapons and elixirs are scattered around the boulder.

It's just that the originally gleaming magic weapons and those vibrant elixirs all dimmed at this moment.

There is no more spiritual energy.

In the mist, a vague figure loomed, sitting cross-legged on the boulder.

It was Huang Miao who had turned into a human form.

Huang Miao's body was only a vague figure at the moment, and his whole body was covered with streams of pure energy.

Most of the flesh, flesh and organs of the body have completed their transformation.

After experiencing the last transformation, it is now much easier for Huang Miao's body to transform into another form.

A little bit of energy is gathering into the physical body.

If Lu Jin saw Huang Miao at this time, he would definitely be shocked.

Extremely shocking.

Because Huang Miao's current state is similar to that of their Trinity Sect's three levels of reverse birth.

The body undergoes energy transformation and is entirely composed of innate energy. Flesh and blood begin to transform between the innate energy. When Zuo Ruotong, the leader of the Trinity Sect, reached the second level of rebirth, he was able to invigorate the internal organs and flesh and blood in a short period of time to avoid damage and recover from injuries.

At this time, Huang Miao's condition was even worse than that of Zuo Ruotong.

He has not only invigorated part of his internal organs and flesh and blood for a short period of time, but has invigorated all his flesh and blood.

And for hours.

And after it was completely transformed, it was condensed and formed again.

In fact, there are only two steps in this whole process. The first step is to transform one's own flesh and blood.

This step is very difficult and requires Pang Qi's first match.

It cannot be done except by those with extraordinary strength.

And this second step is the most dangerous step.

It is to re-condensate the scattered Qi.

The so-called "no one can reach the third level" of the three levels of reverse birth of the Trinity Sect means that they fail at this step.

Once it cannot be re-condensed, then the whole person's spirit and flesh and blood will all turn into Qi, and finally dissipate into the heaven and earth.

Become a formless, formless, soulless, soulless ethereal nothingness.

Huang Miao had transformed before, and after experiencing the thunder tribulation, he had already achieved the step of condensing the transformation.

It's just that at the most critical moment, he lacked some pure spiritual energy, which prevented him from completely transforming.

In the end, he can only appear in a half-demon and half-human state.

Now that he is transforming again, he has prepared enough Qi, which should be able to support his complete transformation.

Wisps of pure Qi continued to pour into Huang Miao's ethereal humanoid body, and gradually the bright red flesh seemed to appear out of thin air.

After an unknown amount of time, Huang Miao's human body had been condensed with Qi.

The original Huangxian head is also condensing little by little.

Even the Nascent Soul in the body slowly opened its eyes at this moment, sitting cross-legged in the Dantian to help Huang Miao gather his body.

It's just that the originally strong Qi became thin at this moment.

Although Huang Miao's handsome and strong face is clearly visible, there are still some Huangxian characteristics on his face.

For example, the pair of furry animal ears on the head and the beard and hair at the corners of the mouth.

It has not completely disappeared.

"Lingqi is still a little short of that."

Huang Miao frowned slightly. In the Five Elements Refining Array where he sat, all the magical weapons, heavenly materials and earthly treasures had been refined.

But these pure Qi still cannot satisfy his complete transformation.

This time, the transformation did not have the help of thunder and calamity. It only relied on the transformation of flesh and blood to condense, which consumed a lot of money.

The spiritual energy contained in dozens of magical artifacts and various heavenly materials and earthly treasures have been absorbed, but he still has not been able to completely condense into a human body.

Huang Miao frowned slightly as he touched the beard on his cheeks and his two furry ears.

I can't go out and meet people like this.

Although the head is no longer like a yellow fairy, the two animal ears are too abrupt.

A normal person can tell at a glance that something is abnormal.

Taking a deep breath, Huang Miao looked around again, looking at the lush ancient trees around him, and had an idea in his mind.

All living beings in the world are composed of Qi, and their bodies contain Qi from heaven and earth.

At this moment, if he wanted to complete his final transformation, he could only rely on absorbing the Qi from the surrounding creatures.

In an instant, a huge black shadow of nothingness appeared behind Huang Miao.

The Dharma form exudes endless evil energy, and his eyes are scarlet.

The body shape is no different from the Huangxian sitting cross-legged in the temple, with a huge tail swaying behind him.


Huang Miao's eyes bloomed with a bright light.

The huge Dharma image behind him also opened its mouth wide at the same time.

Suddenly, countless spiritual energy from heaven and earth began to pour in from all directions towards Huang Miao's location.

With the boulder he was on as the center of the circle, the originally lush grass and trees began to turn yellow visibly to the naked eye.

The pure white spiritual energy is pulled out of these vegetations like being peeled off cocoons.

Continuously gathering, wandering in the air like tiny snakes.

Just now Huang Miao's body was nearly depleted of earth energy, but it was replenished again.

However, the Qi that had just been replenished was consumed here almost instantly.

Just a drop in the bucket.

"Not enough, not enough, not enough!"

"Need more."

Huang Miao's eyes glowed brightly, and he continued to run his heart tactics. The huge statue behind him suddenly grew in size.

The evil spirit continues to spread in all directions.

Help Huang Miao plunder the Qi from the surrounding creatures.

same moment.

Somewhere in Yandang Mountain.

Zhang Chengliang squatted in an open area with a group of intern researchers.

The shock felt just now has disappeared.

The forest was calm again.

"It's over. Is it over?"

The intern researcher, who was already scared to death, carefully raised his head and looked around.

They could no longer feel the earth continuing to shake.

Except for the aurora in the sky, everything seemed to be back to normal.

"Let's go, let's get out of here now."

"It should be a short period before or between earthquakes, and we are not out of danger yet."

"We have to get out of the mountain as soon as possible to avoid road blockage and getting trapped in the mountain."

Zhang Chengliang stood up with his waist hunched over, and hurriedly pulled up several frightened intern researchers around him.

He had to take advantage of the fact that the ground was no longer moving and get out of here as soon as possible.

The recent earthquake and the aurora that appeared in the sky due to magnetic field chaos are definitely precursors of a large earthquake.

A more powerful earthquake may occur again at any time.

There was not much time left for them to evacuate.

You must leave the forest as soon as possible and return to an open area where the earthquake is less felt.

If a major earthquake really occurs, the mountain forest where they are located is the most dangerous place.

There is a high possibility of ground surges.

In other words, the two plates moved abnormally, causing the entire ground to sink into the ground.

When an earthquake occurred in a certain place, this kind of ground surge phenomenon occurred in the local forest.

The entire hill was razed to the ground overnight, leaving no trace of anyone in the mountain.

It was the first time for several intern researchers to experience this kind of thing. They were so frightened that they had no intention of observing at all.

After hearing Zhang Chengliang's words, everyone followed him with numb expressions.

He didn't notice at all the strangeness between the trees behind him and the surrounding trees.

Before they could take a few steps outside the memorial service, a palm-sized bird suddenly fell from the sky.

With a clatter, it landed in front of several people.

Completely out of breath.

Then one or two more birds fell from the sky, just like the dead bird that had lost its breath.

"What's going on?"

Several people looked up at the sky with puzzled faces, only to see countless black dots falling continuously in the sky.

They are all birds that live in the forest.

"Don't be nervous, everyone."

"It should be that the magnetic field is disrupted, causing these birds to lose their senses."

Zhang Chengliang pushed up his glasses and quickly gave a more reasonable explanation.

According to records, when many birds fly, they mark their direction with magnetic fields.

There have been cases where earthquakes or certain operations that change the magnetic field have caused strange deaths of birds.

at this time.

Someone in the crowd behind suddenly shouted.

"Look! There are trees all around!"

(End of this chapter)

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