One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 123 just disappeared? ! It’s against common sense!

Chapter 123 just disappeared? ! It’s against common sense!

Everyone looked at the sound.

I saw that the trees and grass that were originally lush and lush now began to turn yellow.

Normal herbaceous plants wither and bloom once a year.

Today's season is the transition between spring and summer, which is most suitable for plant growth.

How could the leaves turn yellow?

And this is not an isolated phenomenon. Many leaves turn yellow at a speed visible to the naked eye while they watch.

Then dropped.

"Director. Director, how do you explain this?"

As intern researchers, they have a very clear understanding of some common sense about biology.

Never heard of such a phenomenon.

Even in late autumn, the leaves are turning yellow little by little.

Zhang Chengliang raised his head and looked around, his eyes full of doubts. He didn't know why the leaves changed suddenly.

This is totally against the laws of nature.

Is it also caused by magnetic field disorder?

It shouldn’t be!

I have never heard that magnetic field disturbance can cause such changes in plants.

"Director. Director, why do I feel like I have no strength all over my body?"

"My legs are a little weak."

"Yeah, I'm a little unwell."

Zhang Chengliang was also panicked at this time, because after being mentioned by several people, he himself felt that his body's strength seemed to be draining away.

He had never encountered this situation before.

It cannot be explained by existing science.


Without waiting, Zhang Chengliang got up and left with several people again.

The earth shook again.

The muffled roar was like muffled thunder coming from the ground.

The surrounding trees were shaking, and their yellow leaves were falling.

"Quickly, find an open place to hide first."

"Let's get out of here after the earthquake sensation disappears."

The brief vibration made Zhang Chengliang's heart rise again. He looked at the towering ancient trees shaking, and even slight cracks appeared on the ground.

This level of shaking is definitely a sign before a major earthquake.

Several intern researchers who had just regained their composure became nervous again.

The whole person was squatting on the ground and shivering.

"Director, is there really going to be a big earthquake this time?"

"Will we be completely buried in the mountains like those missing persons reported on the Internet?"

"Director, will a rescue team come to rescue us?"

"Calm down, everyone, stay calm!"

"We are currently located at the center of the earthquake, but theoretically, the closer we are to the center, the stronger the earthquake will be but no other phenomena will occur."

"We just need to wait until this earthquake is over and evacuate the forest."

"There will be no life-threatening danger!"

Zhang Chengliang hurriedly offered words of comfort, but he was actually just as nervous inside.

An earthquake of this magnitude is likely to cause other natural disasters.

Once something goes wrong with the mountain, all of them will be buried directly in an instant.

As the vibrations under their feet became more and more intense, everyone could no longer maintain their balance.

Seeing that the real earthquake was about to come, everyone lay tightly on the ground.

Many people began to pray silently.

However, as time passed, the earthquake that everyone expected did not come.

The sound of the earth shaking suddenly stopped at a certain moment.

The entire forest fell into an eerie silence for a moment.

The colorful light in the sky disappeared silently without knowing when.

"The knot is over?"

"Is this the end?"

Zhang Chengliang slowly supported the ancient tree beside him, stood up and looked into the depths of the forest with confusion.

The earthquake was felt from deep in the forest, but suddenly and inexplicably disappeared.

This is very unreasonable.

The sudden stop of the earthquake left Zhang Chengliang a little baffled.

Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case.

Judging from the early earthquake sensations, it is impossible for the thunder to be heavy and the raindrops to be small. At least a major earthquake will occur.

However, at this moment, the colorful auspicious lights on the horizon gradually disappeared and returned to calm, as if it had never happened.

Just wait for the glow to disappear for a moment, and not wait for everyone to wonder why.

A more dazzling light suddenly appeared from the depths of the forest.

The dazzling light illuminated almost half of the sky, and the entire forest was shrouded in dazzling white light.

The whole sky was as bright as day.

All the dark clouds that had appeared originally dispersed, and this dazzling white light was like a beam of light at dawn, and half of the sky was illuminated by the white light.

"The sky. Look at the sky."

In fact, no one needed to speak, everyone's eyes were subconsciously looking at the dazzling white light beam.

The sudden light was too noticeable.

The next moment, a huge black shadow appeared in the sky.

The black shadow looked particularly eye-catching under the light beam.

It's just that this black shadow appeared suddenly and disappeared quickly.

The moment it appeared, it disappeared again, giving no one a chance to observe.

Everyone just vaguely saw the shadow of a creature.

"Did something strange appear in the sky just now?"

"I saw it too, it seems there is indeed one."

"It seems to be some kind of creature. I just saw a huge tail."

"Is it an atmospheric creature?!"

Several intern researchers looked at each other and spoke uncertainly.

Because the black shadow dissipated so quickly, they were not sure whether they were dazzled or not.

Everyone looked at Zhang Chengliang at the same time. As the person with the most say among the people, Zhang Chengliang's words were obviously more convincing to everyone.

However, Zhang Chengliang was staring at the disappearing shadow in the sky at this moment, his eyes blank.

Although it was only for a moment, he could clearly believe that he was right. There seemed to be some kind of animal shadow in the sky.

But because the black shadow dissipated so quickly, he was not yet sure what kind of creature the shadow looked like.

"Just now. Just now that was"

Zhang Chengliang swallowed, feeling that the knowledge he had learned over the years was not enough.

For a moment, I didn’t know what language I should use to explain to these intern researchers.

Even he himself was not sure what happened and why that black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky.

Is it really caused by changes in the magnetic field?

This explanation seems far-fetched.

"Director Zhang, look!"

"My camera just seemed to have captured that black shadow!"

"Come quickly and take a look."

Suddenly, an intern researcher in the crowd shouted and pointed to the camera in his hand.

His camera had been automatically capturing and shooting just now. When all the black shadows appeared, the camera automatically took pictures.

Hearing this, Zhang Chengliang and others all came closer.

After all, the black shadow disappeared too quickly, and they couldn't see it clearly. If it was actually photographed, they would be able to identify it better.

"Open it, let me take a look." Zhang Chengliang took the camera from the intern researcher and looked through the photos he had just taken.

The photo is a bit blurry.

I saw a huge black shadow covering the sky in mid-air, and most of the sky was shrouded in black shadow.

Judging from the figure of the black shadow alone, it is tens of millions of feet tall.

There are dark clouds surrounding the black shadow, making it very mysterious.

The black shadow seemed to be the shape of some kind of animal, which was suddenly enlarged.

Because a huge tail and animal ears can be vaguely distinguished through the blurry photos.

"It looks a bit like some kind of mammal."

Zhang Chengliang was able to determine the general outline of this black shadow just through some vague marks.

But because it’s still a shadow, and it’s still a photo.

As a result, he couldn't be very sure.

"Director Zhang, do you think this is really an animal?"

"If such a big black shadow is really some kind of animal, there can't really be any gods and monsters in this world."

The black shadow in the photo is indeed a bit weird. After all, this huge figure that can hold up half the sky cannot be the creature they know.

Although everyone is a firm materialist, after experiencing the dangerous situation just now, they saw this weird photo again.

They also had to beat the drum in their hearts.

Zhang Chengliang frowned slightly, his eyes fixed on the blurry black shadow in the photo that held up half of the sky.

If he hadn't just seen it with his own eyes, he would even doubt the authenticity of this photo.

"Judging from the outline in the photo, this is indeed some kind of creature."

"It's most likely a mammal."

"However, from the currently known biological point of view, there is indeed no such huge creature."

Zhang Chengliang's face was solemn, and his eyes were fixed on the black figure in the photo.

If this photo were circulated on the Internet, it would definitely be considered to be a photoshopped photo. It is impossible for such a large shadow of a creature to appear in the world.

Even he couldn't believe it himself.

But what you see with your own eyes cannot deceive you.

This huge black figure did appear in the sky.

"Director, could the earthquake just now be caused by this creature?"

"Like in a science fiction movie?"

The intern researcher holding the photo couldn't help but speak in a low voice.

Nowadays, many science fiction movies use this mysterious creature as the theme, whether it is Godzilla or monsters, this is the plot.

People subconsciously think of these science fiction movies.

Zhang Chengliang opened his mouth, wanting to say something but held back in the end.

If it weren't for today's incident, he would definitely deny this view without hesitation, but he had just witnessed that weird scene with his own eyes.

I couldn't make up my mind for a while.

Unfortunately, the photo is too blurry to confirm the specific appearance of this black figure.

"Save the photo and we'll discuss this later."

"Let's all get out of here first."

"Although those weird things have disappeared, we can't confirm whether the earthquake has really stopped."

"This is still a dangerous area!"

Zhang Chengliang thought for a while and did not rush to a conclusion.

I plan to wait until I return to the research institute to observe the shadows in the recruitment to see if I can find any clues.

The knowledge he had learned over the years made him subconsciously not believe that such a huge creature could appear in the world.

But the series of strange phenomena just now made him suspicious and uncertain.

Judging from this blurry black shadow picture, there are probably two situations that may cause this situation.

The first is that they did accidentally discover some kind of huge creature that had never been discovered before.

But this probability is too small. After all, if such a huge creature really exists, it cannot be that it has not been discovered for so many years.

There is a second, more scientific explanation, which is that this huge black shadow may be caused by light being refracted and then amplified under certain special circumstances.

This strange phenomenon occurs.

Just like how a projector works.

As a staunch scientist, Zhang Chengliang himself prefers the second possibility.

However, he could not draw a conclusion directly before returning to the research room to study it carefully.

At the same time, the Earthquake Administration.

As the earthquake fluctuations disappeared, the piercing sirens in the emergency control room also stopped.

The entire control room seemed very quiet.

It seems like everything is business as usual.

Dozens of staff members all stared at the big screen in the control room with doubts in their eyes.

The shock mark on the screen has long since disappeared, and all surrounding data has returned to normal.

Even the values ​​on various monitoring instruments in the forest are visibly decreasing.

The values ​​detected by electromagnetic fluctuations, water meter values, and energy pulse detectors all strangely dropped from extremely high levels to normal quickly.

Especially data charts related to magnetic fields and gravitational waves.

This gravitational wave is also called a seismic wave. When an earthquake occurs, it will hardly change at ordinary times, but when an earthquake is about to occur, it will show obvious differences.

This is why seismological bureaus in various countries can detect earthquakes in advance.

By observing seismic waves to determine whether an earthquake will occur, there is almost no error.

This time, however, something didn't seem right.

The fluctuations of the seismic waves just now were obviously very violent. In this case, a strong earthquake must occur.

However, in just a few minutes, the seismic waves returned to normal levels strangely.

"it's over?"

"It ended suddenly?"

"The testing equipment won't malfunction, right?"

In the hall, I don’t know who spoke first.

Looking at the data on the big screen, I couldn't help but murmured a few words.

Judging from the data information on the testing equipment just now, it was clearly close to the edge of an outbreak. How could it suddenly return to normal?

This doesn't make sense.

It's like an active volcano about to erupt. When the magma is about to burst, it suddenly enters a dormant cooling period.

This is impossible to happen.

The violent changes in the magnetic field just now indicate that there have indeed been huge changes deep in the heart of the Yandang Mountains.

Once this change occurs, it is irreversible.

I have never heard of any place where earthquakes suddenly disappear.

"Director, all data has returned to normal now."

"Can this earthquake warning be cancelled?"

After a while, the assistant came to his senses and looked hesitantly at the equally astonished director.

Now various data have shown that earthquakes seem to suddenly disappear!

Then the earthquake warning they just issued should be revoked.

"Wait a little longer."

"If it is a very large earthquake, it cannot disappear so easily."

"Maybe it's just that the interval in between is relatively long. Pay close attention to the testing data!"

The director rubbed his eyebrows and carefully observed the various data on the big screen.

I don’t believe that the earthquake detected by this early warning will suddenly end without any reason.

Earthquake is a natural disaster that cannot be prevented by human power at present.

The reason is that the earth gradually accumulates huge energy in its continuous movement, and finally explodes in the relatively weak part of the earth's crust.

causing dislocation or fracture.

Even earthquake disasters with the lowest hazard level can generate energy far beyond imagination.

There is absolutely no chance that this energy will disappear for no reason.

This is not common sense!

(End of this chapter)

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