Chapter 124 The final conclusion

"Director, will we encounter any supernatural phenomena?"

"I remember that something unusual happened in Jinmen a month ago?"

At this time, the other assistant rolled his eyes and couldn't help but speak in a low voice.

I remembered seeing reports about Tianjin on the Internet.

Although Jinmen and Kyoto are far apart, the two natural wonders that occurred in Jinmen before last month caused a stir on the Internet.

Most people in their earthquake bureau knew it.

Although the official has confirmed that it is some kind of natural phenomenon, many people still do not accept this explanation.

Firmly believed to be some kind of supernatural phenomenon.

They even discussed this matter after dinner.

Nowadays, this strange phenomenon is happening near Kyoto, which makes people inevitably not think too much.


The director took a deep breath.

Whether it's a supernatural phenomenon or a geological anomaly, they can't slack off.

After all, the lives of millions of people in several surrounding urban areas are at stake.

"Following the notice, everyone in the bureau will be suspended from vacation today and will be on standby at their posts. Report any situation at any time!"

On the other side, deep in Yandang Mountain.

As the instigator of the earthquake, Huang Miao stood under a waterfall and washed his body like a normal person.

As soon as he completed his transformation, he felt as if he had been reborn.

Huang Xian's head has long since disappeared.

At this time, it stands in the waterfall and pool water, like a finely carved handicraft.

Definitely worthy of the praise of Mo Shangren as jade, and the young master as peerless in the world.

Strong muscles and angular facial features all demonstrate masculine charm.

Perhaps because his true form is that of a Huangxian, his hair after the transformation was not pure black, but glowed with a faint dark golden color under the sunlight.

He has a tall and straight posture and an extraordinary temperament.

Looking at the reflection in the water, Huang Miao couldn't help but touch his face as white as jade.

The clean face is as fragile as a baby just a few days old.

If Feng Baobao is full of energy and has the appearance of a heavenly being, then at this moment he can be called a true immortal body.

If it were placed in ancient times, people would definitely regard it as an independent and independent immortal.

A pair of dark pupils look like ordinary people at first glance, but if you look closely, there is a seemingly invisible light shining in them.

The only flaw is that under his golden hair, two not particularly obvious animal ears are looming.

It still retains this bit of beastly characteristics.

At the last moment of his transformation, all the energy of heaven and earth had been consumed by him.

The Qi in the surrounding creatures' bodies was also absorbed.

However, this feature is of no importance.

It's very simple to completely eliminate it, you just need to continue to absorb some Qi.

After briefly rinsing his body, Huang Miao put on the clothes he had prepared and walked vigorously out of the deep forest.

Although the movement just now was much weaker than the previous time in Jinmen.

But it should still attract the attention of relevant departments.

People will be sent here soon to investigate. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, we should leave here first.

In the recent period, Xu San, Xu Si and the others have been busy with a lot of things in order to deal with the follow-up matters in Longhu Mountain.

There certainly wasn't much time.

Huang Miao had no intention of causing trouble for the two of them at this time.

According to the original plot, just dealing with the follow-up matters of Quan Xing and Longhu Mountain is enough to keep the two of them busy.

What's more, there are other things in the company, so I definitely have no time to take care of them.

So in order not to cause trouble to Xu Si, he deliberately stayed away from Jinmen and went to the deep mountains and old forests near Kyoto to transform.

Try to reduce the impact of the visions you have when you transform.

Huang Miao was extremely fast and kept passing through the forest.

When he was in Longhu Mountain before, he had almost mastered the Tongtian Lu.

Let’s not mention the talisman methods in the Tongtian Ru for the moment, which need to be coordinated with the talisman patterns.

Just talking about the mental method, he has completely integrated it with the source of Qi Ti and the general of Ju Ling.

From the time when he first integrated the Qi Ti Source and Ju Ling Qian General, he had already discovered that there seemed to be a greater secret in the Eight Wonders.

Now that he has mastered the Tongtian Ru, he is even more convinced of his previous guess.

According to his speculation, the effects of these eight wonders should correspond to the eight components of the human body: essence, qi, spirit, blood, flesh, tendons, and bones.

Maybe it really could be the legendary art of creating gods.

If you can really learn all the eight magical skills, you may really be able to ascend immediately.

He originally learned the flow of gas to be able to transform as quickly as possible, but learned to restrain the spirit generals to prevent himself from being restrained by them.

To be honest, he had not considered the importance of the so-called Eight Wonders before.

After all, with his strength, the Eight Wonders are nothing more than adding some means and are not very attractive.

But now that he noticed the unusual combination of eight magical skills, Huang Miao gradually had the idea of ​​mastering all eight magical skills.

From beginning to end, it seemed that no one except him had learned more than two of the Eight Magic Techniques. He wanted to see if mastering the Eight Magic Techniques could confirm his conjecture.

Now he has mastered three sects and eight miraculous skills, and he has also seen the Fenghou Qi sect.

When King Luotian Dajiao also fought against Zhuge Qing, he used Fenghou Qimen.

In the back mountain of Wudang Mountain, there is the Eight Diagrams of Fenghou Qimen.

If he wanted to practice, he could find an opportunity to go to Wudang Mountain and steal the Feng Hou Qi Men Tu, or he could go to Xiao Wang directly.

As far as he knew, Wang Ye once taught the Fenghou Qi Sect to the master of the Shuzi Sect, which directly caused the other party to lose his mind and fall into dementia.

In addition to Fenghou Qimen, although he has not seen other miracles, he still knows where the inheritor is now.

At present, the only practitioner of Shuangquan Hands is the mysterious Yaoxing Society Qutong, but in the future, that kid from the Lu family will also understand Shuangquan Hands.

Don't worry about this yet.

Ruan Feng, the comprehender of the Liuku Immortal Thief, is currently hiding on Nasen Island, which is too far away from China. Huang Miao has no plans to go to sea to find him for the time being.

As for another cultivator, Barun, Huang Miao has met him before.

However, according to the other party's temperament, it is obviously impossible for Ruan Feng to ask the other party about the cultivation method of the Liuku Immortal Thief before nodding.

Ma Xianhong, the inheritor of the magic machine Bailian, is now nestled in Biyou Village looking at his broken furnace.

It's not difficult to find him, and given his character, it shouldn't be difficult to learn the magic technique.

Except for the Daluo Cave, which has always remained mysterious, and the divine spirit, which has no roots in understanding, he already knows or comprehends the other eight magical skills.

Currently, the two Eight Wonders that are easiest to learn are undoubtedly the Fenghou Qimen mastered by Wang Ye and the Divine Machine Bailian mastered by Ma Xianhong.

Huang Miao frowned slightly, and after a moment of simple thought, he made a choice between Fenghou Qimen and Shenji Bailian.

Although Fenghou Qimen is difficult to enter, both the Wudang masters and the masters of the Shuzi Sect are trapped in the interior and unable to extricate themselves.

However, Huang Miao is still confident in his own strength. No matter what the inner situation of Qimen is, it is not that easy to trap him.

And I have also had contact with Wang, so it shouldn't be difficult to get Fenghou Qimen from the other party.

The king should also be in Kyoto at this time.

It's not that far from here.

It's quite convenient.

of course.

The most important thing is that there are many gold-selling caves in big cities.

Huang Miao finally transformed into a human being and could move around in a human body.

These days, you must enjoy yourself and enjoy the colorful world to corrode yourself.

Let’s not talk about how Huang Miao enjoys it.

The next few days.

The Yandang Mountain earthquake incident is gradually fermenting.

The phone number of the Kyoto Earthquake Bureau is busy almost 24 hours a day.

They all asked for details about the earthquake.

After all, the expected big earthquake did not come today.

But there’s no guarantee it won’t come tomorrow!

As long as there is no earthquake for a day, you will have to worry about it for a day.

It's just a lump in the throat.

Some people have even made long-term preparations and set up tents directly in the open space.

As a result, all the tents in Kyoto are almost sold out. Various official media, self-media and marketing accounts have also begun to follow suit.

Dazzling reports followed.

Reporters are stuck in the working hall almost every day, asking the reception staff one question after another.

These days, since the Yandang Mountain earthquake, these reporters have been stuck in the lobby of the Earthquake Bureau every day.

The little girl in charge of reception was already helpless.

He said he wanted to know the conditions monitored by their earthquake bureau that day.

Originally, their director planned to come forward to explain the reason.

But these reporters were greedy and wanted to access the surveillance footage from that day.

The surveillance of the Seismological Bureau is confidential and cannot be accessed casually.

Moreover, on the second day after this incident, the supervisor was transferred by people from the Supervision Bureau.

They had no surveillance video at all.

Therefore, this matter has never been properly resolved.

And it started to cause quite a stir on the Internet.

After all, when the earthquake warning came, everyone ran outside to the open air and could clearly see what was happening on the horizon.

The colorful aurora has long been captured on video and posted online.

Naturally, many people associate auroras with earthquakes.

Nowadays, this incident is very popular on the Internet, no less than the previous Tianjin incident.

Even because of the previous Tianjin incident as a foreshadowing, various speculations are now appearing on the Internet.

Some people said that this was not an earthquake at all, but an earth dragon turning over, because they heard the roar of a dragon coming from Yandang Mountain.

Some people say that it should be the auspiciousness that comes from heaven in Yandang Mountain, and the colorful aurora in the sky is the best proof.

Some fanatical superstitious people even believe that the earthquake in Yandang Mountain should be a sign that a certain underground palace has been unearthed.

Many adventure enthusiasts have rushed to Yandang Mountain these days.

Anyway, almost everyone connected the Yandang Mountain earthquake with some kind of supernatural phenomenon.

Even some staff from the Seismological Bureau were curious about the cause of the earthquake in Yandang Mountain and wanted to investigate the cause.

After all, the phenomenon at that time was too abnormal.

Various versions of this strange phenomenon in Yandang Mountain have been circulated on the Internet.

The most common theory is that there is a real dragon turning over.

When seeing the colorful aurora and the phenomenon of earth rumbling, without understanding the principle, everyone will instinctively and blindly move closer to feudal superstition.

Finally, out of desperation, the earthquake director had no choice but to stand up and explain.

There was originally no intention to issue any official statement on the matter.

But this matter has caused too much public opinion on the Internet, unless a reasonable explanation is given.

Hard to convince.

Finally, a simple press conference was held at the Earthquake Bureau, which was broadcast by countless self-media software.

It tells about the principle of magnetic field disturbance caused by earthquake, which leads to the appearance of aurora.

As well as the so-called dragon roaring sounds on the Internet.

It is just a normal phenomenon of earthquakes. As long as you have a certain basic knowledge of nature, you should know that this kind of earthquake phenomenon is very common.

Officials have also begun to popularize the basic knowledge about earthquakes to deepen the public's understanding of basic knowledge about earthquakes.

In the shortest possible time, the so-called claims of strange powers and deranged gods were eliminated, and many reasonable explanations were given for those rumors on the Internet.

To prevent public opinion from escalating again.

at the same time.

When an earthquake had just occurred in Yandang Mountain and ordinary people were discussing the earthquake in Kyoto, the alien world was all focusing on Longhu Mountain.

During this period, major events of great impact also occurred in the alien world.

This matter has to start when Huang Miao just left Longhu Mountain.

Ever since Quan Xing caused a riot in Longhu Mountain, the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei convened many Zhengyi disciples to hold a secret meeting.

No one knows what Zhang Zhiwei said.

What is known is that after this meeting, Zhang Zhiwei left Longhu Mountain with a direct disciple.

News about the Celestial Master's descent from the mountain spread like wildfire and quickly spread in the alien world.

You must know that since taking over the position of Heavenly Master, Zhang Zhiwei has rarely left the mountain in recent years.

Now that he comes down, all parties will definitely pay attention.

What's more, it was such a sensitive period. Quan Xing had just finished causing trouble in Longhu Mountain and Tian Jinzhong died just a few days ago.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Zhang Zhiwei was targeting Quan Xing when he went down the mountain this time.

And the fact is just as everyone guessed, the first thing Zhang Zhiwei did after coming down from the mountain was to find an alien who had withdrawn from the whole sex.

Asking the other party to help give Quan Xing a message, Zhang Zhiwei issued a fatwa to Quan Xing.

From now on, if you see Quanxing, kill every one you see!

However, neither Quan Xing nor other strangers took Zhang Zhiwei's words to heart at first.

Just think he was angry.

After all, although Quan Xing is hateful, the world today is not the old society, and we certainly cannot kill people as we please.

Even if Zhang Zhiwei had this ability, he would not be able to kill everyone on sight.

This is a society governed by the rule of law.

The first thing to consider is the impact.

Even if the other aliens' abilities were ignored, the company would never allow Zhang Zhiwei to do this.

In addition, Zhang Zhiwei's impression over the years has always been that of a mature and steady Celestial Master.

Except for a few old guys, no one believed that the other party would act out of spite of the overall situation.

However, the day after the news spread, the day after Zhang Zhiwei came down from the mountain.

He took down three of Quanxing's strongholds at once and killed all seventy-eight Quanxing members.

The methods are clean and neat, and no one is left alive.

More complete than complete sex!

Only then did everyone understand that what Zhang Zhiwei said before was not an angry word.

He actually planned to kill everyone in the world by himself.

Fortunately, the company and the other ten guys responded very quickly. After realizing that Zhang Zhiwei was serious, they immediately stepped forward to stop Zhang Zhiwei's indiscriminate killing behavior.

I hope he puts the overall situation first.

If they continue to kill indiscriminately, with the character of Quanxing and those lunatics, they will definitely jump over the wall if they are forced to panic.

I still don’t know what outrageous things I will do.

By then, the existence of aliens will inevitably be known to ordinary people.

It is not conducive to social stability.

Several people showed their affection and reasoned with Zhang Zhiwei, hoping to persuade him, but they obviously underestimated Zhang Zhiwei's determination for revenge.

Not only did Zhang Zhiwei not stop, but he became even more domineering.

Sometimes they were even killed directly in the street with thunder from the sky.

In three consecutive days, he massacred a total of 1,356 omnisexuals, regardless of the length of time they had been a member of the Inhumans, and did not consider whether they had committed a crime by killing someone or not.

As long as they meet, they will be killed by thunderous means.

In just three days, twelve Quanxing strongholds were wiped out.

In order to calm down this incident.

The company had to come forward to solve the problem, and the company's board of directors came up with a compromise.

Wei Quanxing had a battle with Zhang Zhiwei.

In the end, under the leadership of the head of Quan Xingdai, Quan Xing dispatched twelve top masters of the sect and decided to fight Zhang Zhiwei in the prairie.

The twelve-man lineup this time is full of luxury, including Ding Shimaan, one of the two heroes, Sanzitu Junfang, and the Six Evils.

It is almost considered to be the top combat power in the world.

Although Zhang Zhiwei is known as one of the best, few people have seen the opponent actually take action in so many years, and now that he is too old, no one knows how strong he is.

Many people in the alien world believe that this will be an evenly matched confrontation.

But the final result surprised everyone.

Zhang Zhiwei escaped without any injuries.

Of the 12 people killed, three were slightly injured, five were seriously injured, and four died.

If Quan Xing had not come forward as the leader in the end and saved others with his own life, I am afraid that all the top combat power of Quan Xing would have been lost this time.

As for the old Celestial Master Zhang Zhiwei, it is said that he was not even slightly injured and that no twelve people in the world could get close to him.

Because the impact of this incident was extremely bad, after discussions between the company and the ten guys, it was absolutely necessary to give an explanation to the alien world at the cost of Zhang Zhiwei not being able to leave Longhu Mountain for the rest of his life.

This can be regarded as a final conclusion for this incident.

(End of this chapter)

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