One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 125: I’ll give you a way to invite spirits. Just go ahead and do it.

Chapter 125: I’ll give you a way to invite spirits. Just go ahead and do it.

Regarding Zhang Zhiwei's punishment, Shi Lao and the company's senior management actually discussed it for a long time.

After all, Zhang Zhiwei's strength and identity lie here.

No one dares to say what will really happen to him.

In the end, he was imprisoned in Longhu Mountain, but the thunder was louder and the raindrops were lighter.

It's not really a punishment, it's just a show for other strangers.

In this regard, other alien organizations have nothing to say. After all, they have now truly seen Zhang Zhiwei's tyrannical strength.

One person defeated twelve top masters all over the world.

What's more, his coming down to wipe out the whole sex this time actually had little impact on other alien organizations.

If someone can deal with the whole nature, they are naturally happy to see success.

The biggest casualty in this incident was Quan Xing. Half of Quan Xing's members were wiped out by Zhang Zhiwei, and all the masters of the sect were seriously injured.

If it weren't for some full-sex members staying away from the dispute early on, they would go into hiding.

Zhang Zhiwei may really wipe out Quan Xing when he comes down the mountain this time.

These people who avoided the dispute naturally included Quan Xing's four crazy people and Xia Liuqing.

They received Huang Miao's instructions early on and immediately found a place to hide after causing a scene in Longhu Mountain.

Try to keep a low profile.

Only then did they escape Zhang Zhiwei’s purge.

In a high-end club in Kyoto, a handsome young man with dark eyes and blond hair was lying comfortably on a water bed.

Watching the TV broadcast in the room.

It was Huang Miao who came out of Yandang Mountain.

He has been eating, drinking and having fun in Kyoto these past few days. It has to be said that prices in Kyoto are expensive, and the two hundred thousand he got from Xu San and Xu Si has almost been spent.

A woman with fair skin and delicate face stood beside him, her slender white fingers kneading and massaging Huang Miao's back.

Huang Miao yawned and twisted his neck, guessing that Xu Si's affairs were almost settled.

I've been having fun in Kyoto these days, and I'm a little tired of it.

It’s time to find time to return to Tianjin.

But before returning to Jinmen, there are a few things that must be arranged first.

Take out your mobile phone and simply send a text message to a number that has not been noted.

"I hope these four guys listen to my words and stay away."

He knew very well about the Celestial Master's descent from the mountain, so he had greeted Si Zhangang early.

Let them keep as low a profile as possible.

Not long after Huang Miao finished sending the message, there was a sudden knock on the box door.

"Senior, can you come in?"


Huang Miao slowly opened his eyes while lying on the bed, and then waved to the massage girl beside him.

The other party left wisely.

At the same time, several men and women dressed in different clothes outside the door also walked into the box one after another.

A bald monk with a bare chest and a naturally smiling expression.

Behind the great monk was a charming woman, wearing a pearl necklace around her neck. She looked like a young woman from a good family.

Next to the two of them, there was an It man wearing glasses, looking at the feasting box, a little reserved.

The three of them dressed up in different styles, but they were all incompatible with such a romantic place.

A monk, a lady, and an IT man who seemed to be here for the first time.

This combination comes to Fengyue Club, which makes people feel strange no matter how they look at it.

The massage girl couldn't help but take a second look.

The only normal one among them was probably the hot girl walking at the end.

The girl held a lollipop in her mouth, jumped into the box very lively, and looked around curiously.

It looks like this is also the first time.

The four of them are the four crazy people who have been disappearing and hiding their whereabouts during this period of time.

"They're all here."

"Don't be nervous, just sit down wherever you want."

"It's like arriving at your own home."

"Why is Shen Chong still so shy?"

Huang Miao watched several people enter the box and sat up.

Shen Chong looked at the three of them with some amusement.

It's hard to imagine that Tangtang, a man with all four sexes, would be unable to let go just because he came to a massage place like this.

Shen Chong smiled awkwardly and subconsciously pushed up his glasses.

Although he has a complete nature and is known to do all kinds of evil, as a foreigner, he still has to focus on cultivation.

He had never been to a massage place like this.

If Huang Miao hadn't specially arranged the meeting place in this kind of place, he might never have come in his life.

"It's okay if Gao Ning and Dou Mei can't let go, why are you so reserved too?"

"You're here to have fun in a place like this, don't be nervous."

Huang Miao rubbed his disheveled hair and looked at the people with some amusement.

Gao Ning was a monk before, and Dou Mei was a lady. It was normal that they had never been to a place like this.

But he didn't expect that this kid Shen Chong had never been here to enjoy it at such a young age.

Xia He, the only one who was open-minded, was just curious about this kind of place and had obviously never been in before.

"That's right, seniors have told me if there are any outsiders here, Shen Chong, don't be shy."

Xia He licked the lollipop and patted Shen Chong on the shoulder, looking around curiously.

As soon as she walked into the club, she could feel the lust of most people here, and they were all ready to move.

"Senior, let's talk about your next plan first."

"During this period, because the Heavenly Master came down to deal with Quan Xing, all of us in Quan Xing have suffered heavy casualties."

"Even the acting head was killed by Zhang Zhiwei in the prairie a few days ago."

"Today's integrity is worse than before."

"Those top masters who escaped from death all hid themselves to heal their injuries."

"Now Quanxing is a piece of loose sand, without a leader, and his situation in the alien world is extremely bad."

"I've heard that many newcomers who have just joined the industry want to secretly quit Quanxing."

After Gao Ning finished speaking, he clasped his hands together and tried not to listen to the confusing sounds around him.

Although he has already quit Buddhism and returned to secular life, he has not been close to women in recent years.

When it came to business, Xia He also stopped joking. Shen Chong and Dou Mei both looked at Huang Miao.

Huang Miao's expression did not change at all.

He had long expected that Zhang Zhiwei would go down the mountain to wipe out Quan Xing.

Not much different from the original plot.

"Zhang Zhiwei beat Quan Xing into pieces, and we just took the opportunity to unite Quan Xing."

"With the current situation, how many members of Quanxing do you still control?"

Quanxing has never been a monolithic group. Newcomers who have just joined Quanxing will basically rely on some old people.

Although each of the four crazy people is not very strong individually, they cannot hold up against the four of them as a whole.

Therefore, there are also many newcomers who have taken refuge in Quanxing.

However, because this time the Celestial Master came down to destroy and intimidate many Quanxing members.

Even if the Four Kuangs had reduced their numbers and kept their members low-key, it was still inevitable that many of them would be killed by Zhang Zhiwei.

"Zhang Zhiwei's attack was too ruthless this time. Half of our disciples were hanged."

"Today there are only about 5,700 full-sex members scattered across the country."

"And we now have about 430 people under our command."

"Less than a tenth."

Before coming to see Huang Miao, they specially collected some information.

A general survey of today's omnisexual forces.

As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Even though the whole body is now severely damaged, it is not without masters.

With the four of them and the stragglers under their command, I'm afraid they won't be able to control the situation. It is difficult to fully conquer other people of all genders.

Shen Chong and others looked at Huang Miao in embarrassment. This mission was too difficult for them.

"Don't worry."

"Don't worry."

"Next, I will attach part of my Yin spirit into your bodies. If you encounter an opponent that is difficult to deal with, you can ask the spirit to come to you."

Huang Miao made secrets with his hands, and a sinister evil spirit slowly floated from his fingertips.

Finally, it split into four, and quietly got into the bodies of Shen Chong and Xia He.

"Part of my Yin Shen has already attached itself to your body. You just need to keep feeding it with Qi every day."

Xia He and the others watched Huang Miao's operation of dividing his Yin Shen into four parts, feeling shocked and delighted.

His eyes were full of shock.

Generally, the possession of immortals is one-to-one, because although the immortals are generally powerful, their soul strength is no different from that of ordinary people.

It is already very difficult for the Yin spirit to leave the body and possess it.

It is almost impossible to split it in two and possess it twice.

Unless there are some powerful immortals who have practiced for more than a thousand years, they can divide the Yin spirit into two and possess them separately.

But even if it is possible, the effect after possession will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, ordinary immortals will not do this.

Get twice the result with half the effort.

Not to mention that like Huang Miao, he directly divided his Yinshen into four and attached them to four people respectively.

Even in the Immortal Family, no one has ever been able to try this kind of operation.

However, Huang Miao not only succeeded, but also did so calmly and effortlessly.

The strength of the senior in front of them was indeed much beyond their imagination.

After a few breaths, Xia He and the four of them recovered from their shock and looked at each other again.

Each face was full of joy.

Facts have once again proved that their bet was right this time!

"Promise to live up to the trust of my seniors!"

"We will definitely complete the tasks assigned by our seniors!"

"Senior, please rest assured!"

Their own strength is already at the upper-middle level in the universe, and now they can be possessed by their seniors.

What's more, most of the experts in the world were seriously injured. There is no reason why they can't complete the tasks assigned by their seniors.

Possessed by Huang Miao's Yin spirit, several people couldn't wait to rush towards Huang Miao and clasp their fists to say goodbye.

Turn around and walk out of the box.

Looking at the four people's retreating figures, Huang Miao had a calm look on his face, obviously confident that the four of them could complete their mission.

Although Si Zhangkuang and the others are not strong in strength, their character and intelligence are both inferior.

Now that these four people can summon spirits, I believe there should be no problem in cleaning up the mess of Quanxing.

"You can put the whole sex thing on hold for now, but Xiao Wang should put it on the agenda."

Huang Miao twisted his neck, put on his coat and followed him out of the box.

at the same time.

In another box in the same club.

Several young men and women were singing and drinking, and a handsome young man wearing a hat sat among them.

The young man was holding a thermos cup in his hand, which was slightly different from the lively scene around him.

"You are such an awesome person who has been around in Wudang Mountain for so many years. Why do you think that we are so young this time?"

"If you come looking for us as soon as you come back, there must be nothing good going on!"

Beside the young man, a cool girl with short hair held up a red wine glass and asked jokingly in the young man's ear.

The young man was Wang Ye who had just returned to Kyoto from Wudang Mountain.

These people around him are his friends since childhood.

"Hey, Sister Yuanyuan, look at what you said, am I that kind of person?"

"I just came down from the mountain and don't know what to do."

"Money has been a bit tight lately, so I thought I'd borrow some money from you."

Wang Ye touched his nose. He didn't expect that he was the son of Wang Weiguo, a famous wealthy businessman in Kyoto.

One day he would even ask someone to borrow money.

Although all of them had good family conditions when they were young, they are all successful people now and have no shortage of money.

But I was still a little embarrassed to ask them to borrow money.

"Oh, did I hear correctly?"

"Wang Ye, what are you talking about?"

"You asked us to borrow money!?"

"Did your dad stop your pocket money or something? Why did you borrow money from us?"

Jin Yuanyuan couldn't help being stunned when he heard Wang Ye's words.

Others around him also took the opportunity to look at Wang Ye.

They all grew up from small to large, and since Wang Ye asked, they would definitely lend him money.

But Wang is also the son of the majestic Wang Weiguo!

Although they all have good family conditions, after all, it would not be too bad to be a child with Wang Ye.

But compared with Wang Ye's family conditions, there are actually many gaps.

Wang Weiguo is very doting on Wang Ye, and he will never be short of money for anything.

How could Wang Ye be short of money?
"Wang Ye, please tell us the truth. Is it because you want to become a Taoist priest in the mountains again that I stopped your pocket money?"

"If that's the case, don't blame the brothers for not giving you face. We can't lend you this money."

"Yes, Wang Ye, you have been the boss on Wudang Mountain these years. Every time we get together, we feel like something is missing."

"Listen to my brothers' advice and stop being a Taoist priest."

Everyone tried to persuade him, subconsciously thinking that Wang Ye had made his father unhappy again.

That’s why Wang Ye’s pocket money was stopped.

"No, no, what are you thinking about?"

Wang Ye waved his hands in embarrassment. Is his character so insignificant in the eyes of these little people?

"I just thought that after returning to the foot of the mountain, I planned to do something by myself to impress my father."

"Isn't this a lot of start-up capital? That's why I thought about asking my brothers to help me."

The main reason why he needed so much money was because he discovered at home that his family was being monitored by a group of alien forces of unknown origin.

In order to protect his family, he could only pay someone to protect his parents secretly.

Asking someone to take action would naturally cost more than ordinary people can afford.

And he had to hide this money from his parents, so after thinking about it, he had no choice but to borrow money from young people like himself.

Jin Yuanyuan and others looked at Wang Ye with suspicious eyes, not believing what he said.

Regarding Wang Weiguo’s family business, what else does Wang Ye need to prove?
Just go to the company to work directly.

Besides, even if he really planned to start a business, it was impossible for Wang Weiguo not to provide start-up capital.

In theory, Wang Ye will not be short of money.

"Wang Ye, tell your sister, did you lie to her?"

"Yes, Wang Ye, you are not fooling us, are you?"

"How is that possible? Don't worry."

"I really don't want to go back and continue to be a Taoist priest."

Wang Ye waved his hands repeatedly. If he had no other choice, he would not be able to borrow money from these young people.

"Okay, since Xiao Wang has said so, I will believe you."

"Xiao Li, go get the wine!"

Jin Yuanyuan smiled and hugged Wang Ye's neck, throwing aside the thermos cup in his hand.

Pass a glass of beer to Wang Ye's hand.

"Xiao Wang, since you are here to borrow money, we have to follow the rules of the world."

"I'm so happy to be with my sister today. Not to mention borrowing money, my sister is all yours."

(End of this chapter)

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