One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 126 is about that Uncle Huang, it’s very mysterious!

Chapter 126 is about that Uncle Huang, it’s very mysterious!

"Yes, Wang Ye, our sister Jin has principles when borrowing money. Don't think that you will survive because you are young."

"Come on, come on, Wang Ye, let's drink!"

"You have owed us a lot of wine over the years."

"It's just that you come to the club and drink tea. If you don't know, you'll really think you're weak."

Following Jin Yuanyuan's order, several of the surrounding boys started to boo.

The atmosphere in the entire box instantly became lively.

The vague barriers between Wang Ye and these young people gradually disappeared.

Half an hour later, Wang Ye stumbled, holding on to the wall, pushing open the box door and staggering out of the house.

"You guys drink first while I go to the toilet."

"Be back in a minute."

"Xiao Wang, you can't escape drinking!"

"That's it."

"Come back quickly."

Wang Ye's face was dizzy and smelled of alcohol. He was swaying and obviously drank a lot.

But after taking a few steps, Wang Ye's confused eyes regained their calmness.

As an alien, it is easy to use the innate energy to disperse the alcohol.

How could Wang Ye really let himself get drunk when he knew that he had already been watched by many spies planted by certain forces at all times?
As soon as he walked out of the box, Wang Ye felt that several pairs of eyes were secretly watching him.

One of the waiters who was originally walking towards him lowered his head subconsciously, turned around and walked in another direction.

Apparently one of the people following him.

A cold light flashed in Wang Ye's calm eyes, and he quickened his pace to chase the waiter.

These people not only spy on himself, but also spy on his family, which has touched his bottom line.

Today he must find out who is behind the scenes!
After returning to Kyoto from Longhu Mountain, these tails have always been there, obviously he knows his itinerary very well.

Most likely, it was because he displayed one of the eight magical skills, Fenghou Qimen, on the Luotian Dajiao that he attracted the prying eyes of these people.

The waiter obviously knew that his identity was exposed, and he didn't dare to delay for a moment and speeded up again towards the crowd.

He planned to take the opportunity to get rid of Wang Ye.

"Hmph, want to run?"


Wang Ye squinted his eyes and increased the speed of his feet.

Having mastered Fenghou Qimen as well as Wudang Stepping on the Clouds and Tiyunzong, Wang Ye is not slow at all.

It was easy to catch up with the waiter.

As long as the opponent walks to a place where no one is around, he can directly take the opponent down!
The distance between the two was getting closer and closer, and the waiter had already panicked and turned towards a row of empty private room corridors.

Wang Ye looked happy.

He was about to use his means to take down the waiter who was spying on him.

At this time, the box door in front of him suddenly opened.

I saw a young man with a jade-like complexion and extraordinary handsomeness walking out of the box.

Golden hair makes a man look precious.

The upright posture gives people a feeling that strangers are not allowed to enter.

Wang didn't expect that someone would suddenly come out of the private room, so he subconsciously dodged and retreated to avoid colliding with the other person.

Eyes facing each other.

Wang Ye's eyes seemed to be attracted to the man in front of him unconsciously.

The faint aura of indifference exuded by the other party seemed to be a natural superior.

It was almost certain in an instant that the indifferent young man in front of him was no ordinary person.

Looking at the other party's pair of ancient and deep black pupils, Wang Ye was slightly startled.

He had never seen the young man in front of him before, but the other person gave him a vague feeling of déjà vu.

Especially the other party's cold eyes without much emotion made this feeling of déjà vu even stronger.

However, Wang Ye couldn't figure out why he felt so familiar.

The indifferent young man walked out of the box and just glanced at Wang Ye in front of him.

He drained the red wine in his hand with an indifferent expression.

Turn around and walk outside the club.

Wang Ye stared at the back of the blond young man and lost his mind for a moment.

The steps are light and the breathing is neither quick nor slow.

He was almost hit by himself just now, but he didn't look nervous or panicked at all.

Even after he dodged to avoid it, there was no look of surprise on his face.

Obviously the other party had predicted such an outcome.

Judging from the other party's various behaviors, he is definitely not an ordinary person.

Full of energy and energy, there is a spirit in his eyes.

It shows that this blond young man is a strange person, and he is also a powerful strange person.

At least he won't be weaker than himself.

Wang Ye squinted his eyes and looked at the direction in which the mysterious man was leaving, a trace of doubt rising in his heart.

As a young stranger, why didn't the other party participate in the previous Luotian Dajiao?

Is it a conflict with the Tianshi Mansion, or does it mean that he simply doesn’t care about the requirements of the Tianshi Mansion?

Kyoto is one of the most important cities, and there are many strange people living here.

However, there are not many strangers with such strength, not to mention that they are still so young, and there seems to be no such person in his memory.

Did you come to Kyoto recently?

So what is the purpose of his sudden appearance?
Could it be that you are also here to monitor me?

Wang Ye stood in the corridor and began to think secretly.

Recently, he has been a little suspicious under the surveillance of those aliens. Today, he suddenly discovered that a powerful alien appeared in Kyoto.

It is inevitable that you will overthink it.

I stood there thinking for a long time, but still couldn't clear my thoughts.

Only then did Wang Ye remember the sneaky waiter before, and looked up to see where he could be found.

In this stunned moment, the other party had long since disappeared.

"He ran away!"

"what a pity."

"After you have alerted the enemy, it will not be that simple to lure you into a trap."

Wang Ye sighed, a little annoyed that he shouldn't have been distracted at this time.

This may be his best chance to catch the opponent, and it is almost likely that there will not be a second such opportunity.

After all, after learning this lesson, the other party will definitely become more cautious.

"It seems that we have to consider the second plan. This kind of professional matter still needs to be handled by professionals."

Wang Ye took out his mobile phone from his pocket and found Xu Si's phone number.

This was when I went to the Luotian Dajiao before and found Xu Siyao's contact information.

Kyoto is under the jurisdiction of the North China Region, and Xu Si is the person in charge of the North China Region.

Wang Ye was thinking that he might have many friends and many ways to use Xu Si in the future, so he took the initiative to ask for Xu Si's contact information.

He was just preparing for emergencies, but he never expected that he would have to ask for help so soon.

As a law enforcement unit in the alien world, Nadutong Company will accept other legal entrustments in addition to delivering express delivery.

For example, investigation, escort, protection.
Originally, Wang also thought that if he could solve this problem, he would not ask the company to help.

But he didn't expect that the other party would be so difficult to deal with. He seemed to be unable to solve the current dilemma by himself.

Wang was not an indecisive person and immediately pressed Xu Si's call.

After a blind tone, the call was connected. An angry and impatient voice immediately came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, who is it?"

"looking for me!"

It was Xu Si's voice.

He was so busy these days that he hadn't slept for several days, and he was already in a irritable mood. Now he could finally rest, but he was woken up by a strange phone call late at night.

Xu Si had already calmed down his temper even if he didn't curse anyone directly.

"Hey fourth brother, it's my little king."

"Wang also."

"Calling you so late doesn't disturb your rest."

Wang Ye laughed awkwardly, glanced at the time on his phone, and then noticed that it was almost early morning.

It's really not appropriate to call the other party at this time.

Xu Si, who was on the other end of the phone, was stunned for a moment when he heard Wang Ye announcing his home. After he realized what he was doing, his tone immediately became much more cordial.

"Hahaha, oh oh oh, Taoist Master Wang Ye."

"No interruption, no interruption."

"I was just watching TV."

"I don't know what's the reason why Master Wang Ye suddenly called me?"

Xu Si changed his previous arrogance and became much more polite when he spoke.

This king is a leader of the younger generation in both status and strength. Xu Si is naturally happy to be able to make friends with him.

The most important thing is that the other party's identity and background are not just as simple as a third-generation Wudang disciple.

As the person in charge of the North China Region, Xu Si can be said to have a thorough knowledge of all the strangers in the North China Region.

As long as he thinks about it, there is no identity that he doesn't know.

After watching Wang Ye's competition at Luotian Dajiao, and Huang Miao's reliance on Wang Ye.

Returning to the North China Region, Xu Si began to investigate Wang Ye's life experience.

If you don’t check, you won’t know. If you check, you will be shocked.

The identity and background of this Wang Ye really surprised him.

A top student at Kiyotaka University in Kyoto.

He officially became a monk in Wudang Mountain a few years ago. In only a few years, he was able to possess such strength, which shows his cultivation aptitude.

Moreover, his father Wang Weiguo is still a wealthy man in Kyoto, and even Feng Zhenghao's Tianxia Group is not enough in front of him.

Looking at the whole country, they are the richest people in the world.

This kind of person needs an identity, a background, and strength.

How could Xu Si not pay attention to it.

"There is indeed something I want to ask my fourth brother for help with."

"It was this time after I came back from Longhu Mountain that I found that I and my family seemed to be being watched by a group of strangers when I returned home."

'Those guys do it every day'

Wang also talked to Xu Si over the phone about what he had discovered these days.

And the other party’s purpose of monitoring themselves.

Xu Si listened to Wang Ye's story and touched his nose.

According to what Wang Ye said, although the other party was monitoring him and his family, he did not do anything extreme.

Before the other party takes formal action, if it is just surveillance, the company has no right to intervene.

After all, the other party did not touch any red lines, let alone attack ordinary people.

"Master Wang Ye, if this is just the case, the company may not be able to help you solve it."

"The other party obviously knows the company's rules and has always walked outside the red line."

"Fourth brother, I understand what you are talking about."

"I have no intention of involving the company directly in this matter."

"I want to hire employees from the company to help me investigate this matter, find out who is behind it, and solve this trouble."

"I think the company should have this business scope."

Before Xu Si finished speaking, Wang also spoke directly.

He and several small businessmen borrowed money in order to pay the company and ask the company to send people to take action.

"If that's the case, it can be done."

Xu Si touched his chin, but he didn't expect that even Wang would resort to subterfuge.

If Wang also hires a company to help with the investigation, then things will be different. Employees of their company can help each other in their own name.

"Okay, then leave this matter to me."

"Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the staff responsible for handling this matter will go to Kyoto to meet with you."

The two briefly communicated the situation on the phone before hanging up.

Jinmen is the North China branch of Nadutong Company.

After Xu Si hung up the phone, a playful expression appeared on his face.

Wang Ye, a rich young man who is not short of money, is generous and spends more generously than he imagined.

If this business order can be completed, maybe the North China Region will no longer have to worry about funding problems this year.


Xu Si came to the third floor of the company.

At this time, Xu San was squatting beside the bed, taking care of Feng Baobao, who was bedridden.

Baobao Feng was lying weakly on the bed, with an ice pack on his head and his cheeks showing a sickly red color.

It doesn't look normal.

I don’t know why, but Feng Baobao, who has always been in good health and has never had any illness, left the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

Inexplicably, he developed a severe high fever and passed out at the airport.

Then I was bedridden for a whole week, and I was completely sick.

When this situation first appeared, it frightened Xu San and Xu Si.

They are naturally very clear about Feng Baobao's physical condition, and can recover quickly even from fatal injuries.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of high fever would cause Feng Baobao to suddenly faint and then become bedridden for a week.

Fortunately, as time goes by, although Baobao Feng's body is still weak and not getting better, his temperature is constantly dropping.

"Xu San, how is the baby doing now?"

The door of the building was pushed open, and Xu Si walked in from outside.

He looked at the sleeping baby lying on the bed with concern.

These days, he has been busy dealing with the Longhu Mountain incident and the finishing work of Tianshi's descent from the mountain. The job of taking care of Feng Baobao fell on Xu San.

"It's no longer a big problem."

"The temperatures have definitely dropped a lot these days."

"According to the normal healing speed, it will take about two days of rest. Based on the baby's condition, he will probably be able to fully recover tonight."

Xu San glanced at the data on the testing equipment. Feng Baobao's physical data were quickly returning to normal levels.

Although he had already speculated about this, Xu Si was relieved after hearing Xu San's words.

"This thing is really strange. Why did the baby suddenly fall ill after coming down from Longhu Mountain?"

"This has never happened before."

"Maybe this matter has something to do with Senior Huang Miao."

"Since Senior Huang Miao disappeared, the baby's health has deteriorated rapidly."

"In the letter left for the baby, Senior Huang Miao also specifically mentioned that the baby should not move around casually recently and should meditate and cultivate."

"The specific reason was not stated clearly."

"Anyway, it's about that Uncle Huang, it's very mysterious."

(End of this chapter)

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