One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 127: You have a small skill, but you still dare to do the same thing?

Chapter 127: You have a small skill, but you still dare to do the same thing?
The two looked at each other in unison.

Apparently their judgments are basically the same.

Feng Baobao's current state is absolutely inseparable from Huang Miao.

I just don't know the reason.

The only way to find out the truth is to wait for the great immortal to come back.

But the good news is that judging from the baby's current condition, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

It won't take long to heal.

On the other side, Kyoto nightclub.

Wang Ye and the others left the nightclub one after another after three rounds of drinking.

"Xiao Wangye, don't worry about borrowing money. I'll take care of it with my sister!"

"That's right, Wang Ye, brothers will definitely help you."

Jin Yuanyuan staggered out of the nightclub door with Wang Ye's support.

She originally wanted to get Wang Ye drunk today, but she didn't expect that Wang Ye could drink so well.

They took turns to play, but Wang Ye actually got him drunk.

"Okay, okay, I understand, brothers and sisters."

"You guys go home and have a good rest today."

Wang Ye blushed and pulled several people into the car.

After everyone left, he turned around and leaned on the wall, retching.

Even though he is a stranger, his physique is different from ordinary people.

But with these people taking turns to persuade him to drink, Wang could no longer bear it.

Not far from the nightclub, a muscular man stepped out of the brand new Maybach.

"Mr. Ye, what's going on?"

"Why did you drink so much wine?"

The person who came was none other than Du Ge, who was driving for Wang Weiguo.

"I just want Lao Jin to help me save a game and make some money."

"I didn't expect that I would go out to drink for money."

Wang Ye wiped his mouth with a towel and shook his head helplessly.

As the son of Wang Weiguo, his king would worry about money one day. If he told this, no one would really understand him.

Du Ge knew Wang Ye's difficulties and didn't say much.

Instead, he took out his cell phone and started checking the situation of the Wang family villa.

"Ye Zong, after you came out, people still seemed to be watching you at home."

According to the surveillance he secretly arranged, there are still some strangers sneaking in and out of the Wang family villa.

The behavior is very suspicious.

Wang Ye threw away the handkerchief after wiping his mouth, looked up and looked around, his expression silent.

There was silence all around, with dim lights in the distance.

From time to time, several figures flashed by.

"Brother Du got in the car, we were also being watched, and the people being watched were nearby."

Wang Ye felt something bad in his heart, and the two immediately walked towards the Maybach not far away.

The dark and complex environment around them is very suitable for those who hide their heads and tail to conduct an ambush.

"it is good!"

Brother Du didn't waste any time and started the car immediately.

As the engine roared, two high-beam lights illuminated the dark alley.

The car drove away.

At this time, Wang Ye didn't know that as soon as their car started, there were three black figures standing high up, looking at the direction he left.

Three mysterious men wearing hats and masks, with strong figures, rushed towards the direction Wang Ye left in the night.

Although this alley is dim, it is still close to the back entrance of this nightclub.

Occasionally someone would show up.

Taking action here can easily cause unnecessary disturbances.

The car was driving on a deserted road.

Du Ge glanced in the rearview mirror.

A white business car was following closely not far behind their car, not in a hurry.

"These guys just follow me without taking action."

"How annoying!"

Wang Ye also looked at the white business car that occasionally appeared in the rearview mirror, lying on his back on the seat.

"He's planning on spending time with us."

"Planning for a protracted war?"

"It's so unpleasant!"

It was obvious that this commercial vehicle was heading towards them.

But the other party just followed him from a distance and didn't make a move against him.

This made Wang Ye's strength useless.

"I can't get rid of him. The other party is following me too closely, and I don't care whether they are exposed at all."

Brother Du frowned. The other party was too arrogant to follow them so blatantly.

Wang also looked out the window and saw an open space not far away.

The vacant lot is a construction site, but it's quiet late at night and the workers have already gotten off work.

"Brother Du, lead them to the abandoned construction site."

"I'll take care of it, you leave first."

Wang also had an idea in his mind.

Of course it wouldn't work on the street, but there was no surveillance in that open space, and it wouldn't attract the attention of ordinary people.

"Mr. Ye, do you want to take action directly?"

"But you just drank so much, is that okay?"

"How about I call some brothers to come over and help?"

Du Ge followed the direction of Wang Ye's finger and saw the dim construction site.

Guess what the king wants to do.

However, he still felt uneasy about letting Wang Ye take action. After all, the other party should be prepared.

The number of people will not be too small.

Moreover, Wang had just drank, so he might not be able to display his strength.

"Don't worry, Brother Du, there's nothing wrong with me."

"We're just dealing with these little minions, it's not a big problem."

"Besides, even if I can't deal with them, if I want to leave, they can't stop me."

"Let's meet at the south park in an hour."

Wang Ye smiled and made an OK gesture to Brother Du, feeling very confident in his own strength.

The alcohol in his body has been eliminated by his innate energy.

And with his extraordinary attainments, few people can stop him from leaving.

"Okay, then be careful."

"Something is wrong, tell me immediately."

Du Ge thought for a while and finally didn't force it.

He knows his own strength very well. He is a good player for ordinary people, but he is not very strong in the alien world.

Forcibly staying to help Wang Ye might drag the other party down.

Soon, the car turned to the construction site, and Wang Ye twisted his neck and got out of the car.

At the same time, three mysterious people wearing masks and covering their faces also got out of the white commercial vehicle.

Two men and one woman, they looked young.

Under the bright moonlight, the three of them slowly dispersed in a tacit understanding, and their respective positions were very particular.

They can cooperate with each other without interfering with each other, obviously after fighting together.

Wang Ye looked at the three of them, and the next moment he turned around and ran away, without immediately fighting with the three of them.

There are still several roadblock surveillances nearby, and it is easy to be exposed here.

Once these three people are lured deep into the construction site, you can decide whether to get rid of them or take action directly.

"Don't even think about running away!"


Under the night, four figures chased each other, constantly shuttling back and forth in the empty construction site.

The four of them were extremely fast, and under the cover of night, it was difficult for ordinary people to spot them.

"This difficult guy is really haunting!"

"Ganzi·deception method!"

"Dazzling flowers!"

As the Bagua Qimen moved under Wang Ye's feet, several Wang Ye clones ran in all directions at the same time.

"Oh, it's just a small skill! You dare to try your best?" "You think you can get rid of us like this?"

The masked man following Wang Ye snorted disdainfully, and his eyes locked on the Wang Ye running in the middle for a second.

To use magic in front of them is really like using a big sword in front of Guan Gong.

Seeing that Baihua's clone technique didn't work, Wang simply stopped.

If you can't get rid of it, forget it.

"Stop? Why don't you keep running?"

The three of them also stopped and slowly surrounded Wang Ye from different directions.

Wang Ye shook his arm, slowly took off the thermos cup from his waist, and took a sip of tea.

There was no panic at all on his face, but he looked at the three of them with slightly teasing eyes.

"You are really arrogant. Did you just plan to do something on the street where there are cameras?"

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter."

"No one knows who we are anyway."

"I didn't expect you, the third son of Zhonghai Wangwei to be a warlock."

The leader sneered twice and held his mask.

The next moment, the blue Qi on his body slowly emerged, and a Qimen Bagua formation expanded rapidly under his feet.

The reason why you can tell at a glance that Wang Ye is using Dazzling Flowers is mainly because they are also warlocks!
Moreover, Qi Men’s attainments are not shallow.

Therefore, the Dazzling Hundred Flowers cast by Wang Ye was like nothing in their eyes.

Wang Ye, who was slowly drinking water, subconsciously widened his eyes after seeing the Qimen formation at the feet of the leading masked man.

He has seen the strange formation at the opponent's feet before!

The Qimen of Wuhou Sect!

Are these three people from the Wuhou sect? Are the people who followed him and monitored his family before all members of the Wuhou sect?
Suddenly, countless possibilities came to Wang Ye's mind.

Based on his understanding of Zhuge Qing, it stands to reason that the Wuhou faction should not be able to do such dirty tricks.

But the man in front of him was indeed performing martial arts from the Wuhou School.

"Boy, you don't have time to drink tea!"

The masked man at the head spoke coldly and put on the two classic stances of Baji Quan.

The other masked man behind him stretched one hand forward and swung the other hand back, using Erlang Danshan Fist to hold his hand.

The only woman uses not Bajiquan, but Wing Chun's ground elbow with a small boxing frame.

"It seems that you are really people from Zhuge Wuhou's sect."

"Tell me, what is your purpose in finding me?"

Wang Ye looked at the three people's boxing indifferently, which was very different from when he fought against Zhuge Qing.

The three people in front of them are indeed descendants of Zhuge Wuhou's sect.

Since he is from Zhuge Wuhou's faction, his friendship with Zhuge Qing should not lead to fistfights.

Wang did not choose to take action immediately.

However, the three people on the opposite side did not give Wang Ye any chance to continue talking nonsense, and rushed towards him directly.

"Purpose? Humph!"

"Let's talk about it after we win!"

The masked man headed by him flashed in front of Wang Ye in an instant, and struck Wang Ye's ribs with his Chaoyang Palm.

Wang didn't expect that the opponent would choose to attack directly. He subconsciously took a half step forward to cross the opponent's position, and used a Tai Chi move to avoid the opponent's fierce attack.

The two of them clashed with each other.

Wang Ye took advantage of the situation and used his strength to throw the masked man several meters away.

It was only the first time they met, and they had already made a decision.

Which one is strong and which one is weak can be seen at a glance.

"Don't be stunned, this guy has two brushes, let's use them together!"

The masked man held his aching chest, his expression a little more solemn.

Just after these few moves, the guy in front of me is indeed no ordinary person!
No wonder he became famous in Luotian Dajiao.

Wang also held up his hat, his face showing no fighting spirit at all.

"You are no match for me. I would like to advise you to just give up."

"Let's talk?"

Judging from the previous confrontation, these people were no match for him at all.

And he didn't make any killing moves. He didn't seem to be the same group of people as those who were monitoring him.

However, none of the three people on the other side took Wang Ye's words to heart.

Still watching with eager eyes.

"Don't underestimate people, now we are starting to take serious action."

A ball of flame emerged from the hands of the leading masked man, and the next moment a Qimen Bagua diagram appeared at his feet.

"Li Zi·Bolide!"

Countless fireballs were thrown out of the man's hands and shot towards Wang Ye.

Very fast and numerous.

And at some point, eight black holes appeared around Wang Ye, corresponding to the eight gates of life, death, rest, and injury.

"Eight-door transport!"

The woman who had not made any move gave a cold shout.

The next moment, fireballs also appeared in the eight black holes surrounding Wang Ye.

The technique of transportation is one of the Qimen Dunjia.

The ability to transfer space within a short distance is similar to Tianxiahui Fengshayan's innate ability.

The fireball and the transportation technique cooperated with each other, and Wang Ye was instantly surrounded by fireballs and unable to escape.

"The transportation technique combined with Qimen seems to be serious."

Wang Ye spoke calmly, looking only slightly surprised.

Invisible power emerged from his hands, and a huge Tai Chi diagram appeared in front of him.

"Tai Chi!"

"Tangled, sticky, and drawn."

"Three strengths!"

When the fireball touched the Tai Chi diagram, it was immediately swept away by an invisible force.

Involuntarily, they gathered towards Wang Ye's palm.

Countless fireballs were instantly gathered into huge fireballs, converging on Wang Ye's hands.

Wang Ye used the power of Tai Chi to cleverly turn the fireball attacking him to his own use.

This is the beauty of Tai Chi.

This Tai Chi technique alone will never reach this level without ten years of intensive practice.

The last masked man who had not made a move could not help himself at this moment, and quickly attacked Wang Ye.

Among the three, he is best at close range attacks.

"Eight Powers!"

"White Tiger!"

Two balls of white Gang Qi condensed in his hands, with a terrifying momentum.

The man's figure instantly appeared above Wang Ye's head.

Both fists suddenly hit from top to bottom.

With a rumble, the ground at the construction site that Wang Ye had just stepped on suddenly sunk into a large pit.

A half-meter deep dent was created by this person's huge force.

Wang Ye fell back several meters, using the force of his retreat to stabilize his body.

The moment the opponent's fists hit him, he retreated backwards, so he was not injured.

"One uses the Geographical Bagua Formation, the other uses the Eight Human Pan Techniques, and the Eight Divine Powers of the Heavenly Pan!"

"These three guys are no weaker than Zhuge Qing in their respective fields."

Wang Ye dusted himself off and took a few steps back.

After stabilizing his figure, his expression finally became somewhat serious.

If Zhuge Qing is an excellent student with a score of 90 or above in every subject, then the three people in front of him are extremely special-oriented geeks.

There are three spells for heaven, earth and man, and each of the three has a perfect score.

With the cooperation of the three of them, what he was dealing with now was an enhanced version of Zhuge Qing.

It seems that these three people cannot be quickly eliminated without using Fenghou Qimen.

Wang Ye took a deep breath and had a plan in his mind.

If he is dealing with only one or two people, he can handle it with his Tai Chi strength.

But to deal with three people at the same time, it is still three warlocks who cooperate tacitly. To be honest, it is really impossible if Fenghou Qimen is not used.

It’s too difficult!

As soon as he stepped out, Wang Ye planned to use the Qimen Bagua technique.

But before he could use Fenghouqimen, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Jingle bells ~ jingle bells ~
(End of this chapter)

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