One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 128: Taoist Wang, your golden watch has failed again.

Chapter 128: Taoist Wang, your golden watch has failed again.

Wang also glanced at the incoming call on his cell phone.

【Zhuge Fox】

The caller ID was that guy Zhuge Qing.

"Hey~ I said you can do it. Zhuge Qing, I really didn't realize that you are the one who knows how to use this method."

Wang Ye rolled his eyes, and after answering the phone, his tone was calm.

From the methods of the three people opposite him, he could tell that they must be members of the Zhuge family, so he subconsciously thought that Zhuge Qing had sent the three of them here.

Zhuge Qing on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, then realized what happened.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, Wang Ye, have you already met those three guys with water in their heads?"

"Isn't it possible that he has already taken action?"

"Since we've already encountered each other, you might as well help out and teach those three guys a lesson."

"Let them know that the sky is high and the sky is high, so don't go out and cause trouble."

"Okay, I just got off the plane and I'll be looking for you in a moment. I'll hang up first."

Zhuge Qing on the other end of the phone laughed and hung up the phone.

Wang Ye was left alone and messy in the wind.

After listening to Zhuge Qing's words, Wang finally understood that the three guys in front of him were indeed members of the Zhuge family.

But it was not sent by the Zhuge family or Zhuge Qing.

And they are not the same group of people who monitor their own home.

"Hey, what are you doing waiting around?!"

"If you don't take action, we're going to get killed!"

Wang Ye looked at the three people shouting not far away and couldn't help but hold his forehead and smile bitterly.

It's really troublesome, and that guy Zhuge Qing is looking for trouble for himself.

But now that he has confirmed the identity of the other party, he also has a sense of measure.

"Since you want to take a look, let me give you a look. Who made that guy Zhuge Qing speak?"

Wang Ye took a step forward, and the Qimen Bagua Diagram under his feet instantly expanded, and the area quickly expanded, covering all three people not far away.

Without giving the three people a chance to react, the eight gates operated directly.

Fenghou Qimen is a means of overpowering Warlocks, no matter how well the three of them cooperate and whether they are powerful or not.

When Wang Ye used Fenghou Qimen, the outcome was already doomed.

Kyoto, Cantonese restaurant.

Bright lights.

A black Maybach came from a distance and parked in the parking lot in front of the restaurant.

Three young men and women with bruises on their noses and faces got out of the back seat. They looked like they had been badly beaten.

"Brother Du, you take them to order food first."

"I'll contact Zhuge Qing."

Wang Ye took his cell phone and left, waving to the three of them.

These three people were the three masked men who had just besieged him, descendants of Zhuge Wuhou's sect.

Because of Zhuge Qing's relationship, Wang did not do anything to the three of them.

"It's alright."

Du Ge nodded and led the three of them towards the restaurant.

Wang Ye took out his cell phone and prepared to call Zhuge Qing again to ask when he would arrive.

"Wang also."

But just as Wang Ye took out his cell phone, a cold voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

Call out Wang Ye’s name.

I saw a handsome young man with a slender figure slowly walking out of the dim street. He put his hands in his pockets and looked at Wang Ye calmly.

Her golden hair shines brightly.

The face is stunning and the eyes are indifferent.

It was Huang Miao.

"It's you?"

Wang Ye's expression tightened and he squinted his eyes to look at the person coming.

This man he had met not long ago was the stranger he met in the nightclub!

"who are you?"

Wang Ye took half a step back slightly and squinted his eyes to look at the person coming.

The other party met him again and again, but he didn't believe that it was all a coincidence.

And he can also hand over his name accurately.

Obviously he came prepared, unlike the three brothers and sisters of the Zhuge family.

"Hand over Fenghou Qimen."

Huang Miao's tone was calm, but he seemed to have no room for comment.


"You guys are the same group of people who spy on my family."

Wang Ye squinted his eyes again, a coldness flashing in his eyes.

The other party has evil intentions and is coming for Fenghou Qimen. There is a high probability that they are the ones spying on his family.

"Want Fenghou Qimen?"

"It depends on whether you have the strength to take it away!"

Confirming that the other party came with bad intentions, Wang Ye did not hesitate or be polite at all, and the Qimen situation immediately emerged at his feet.

This is located in the parking lot behind the hotel. Since the other party dares to do something here, there must be no surveillance nearby.

Wang Ye naturally had no worries.


"Haha, my strength should not be weak."

Huang Miao twisted his neck, not paying any attention to the Qi Mentu at Wang Ye's feet.

"Hmph, you just entered my Qimen Bureau. It seems that you don't know the strength of Fenghou Qimen."

Wang Ye saw that the other party had stepped into Qimen's layout unpreparedly, and most of the vigilance in his eyes disappeared, turning into a look of disdain.

As we all know, the most taboo thing when fighting a warlock is to step into the opponent's strange game.

The guy opposite didn't even know this bit of common sense, and he didn't know whether he was blindly arrogant or really ignorant.

But no matter what the situation, Wang did not intend to miss this opportunity.

The four plates under your feet started to move immediately.

"Li Zi Chi Lian!"

Almost instantly, the direction under Huang Miao's feet changed from the character "Gen" to the character "Li", and a huge fire snake rose up from the ground beneath Huang Miao's feet.

The fire snakes were swaying and circling, completely submerging Huang Miao's figure.

In the blazing firelight, only the swaying figures could be seen.

"Is that it?"

Wang Ye stared at the mysterious young man in the pillar of fire suspiciously, originally expecting some confrontation.

But what surprised him was that the opponent was so vulnerable.

He was directly entangled by the fire snake Chilian.

"The talisman breaks the precious breeze!"

A cold voice came from the flames, and a blue talisman seal appeared out of thin air.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind all around.

The talisman was like a bottomless pit, and a strong suction force began to absorb the blazing flames wrapped around Huang Miao's body.

"Amulet method?"

Wang Ye was slightly startled, looking at the opponent's method of drawing talisman in the air.

Subconsciously, I thought of the Shangqing sect from the famous Fulu clan.

But he soon realized something was wrong. The methods of the Shangqing faction seemed to be unable to draw talismans in the air.

"What you just used is the Eight Wonders of Tongtianlu!?"

"Are you from the Lu family?!"

"No, you can't be from the Lu family!"

"Who are you!"

Wang Ye subconsciously blurted out that except for Mr. Lu Jin, he seemed to be unable to think of anyone else who could use the Tongtian Ru in the alien world.

Although Feng Baobao got the secret book of Tongtianlu's skills, the time was too short and he would definitely not be able to develop any skills.

What's more, Feng Baobao is a woman, very different from the blond man in front of her.

In the entire alien world, the most likely people are the Lu family.

However, the Lu family is a well-known and upright family. With the character of the Lu family, it is absolutely impossible for them to do such a thing.

After dispersing the flames around him, Huang Miao did not answer Wang Ye's question. There were still blue qi dots on his hands, and he once again drew talismans with his hands in the air. Not long after he cultivated the Tongtian Ru, this would be the first time he used it.

I plan to test the power of Tongtianlu.

The king in front of you is the best whetstone.

"The Talisman, the Five Thunder Talisman of Heaven!"

The moment the cyan talisman was formed, streaks of white lightning appeared around Huang Miao.

It is similar to the Yang Lei that Zhang Chulan once used.

The talisman means that one can use various powers of the Five Elements without any scruples. If there is a reason, he can even mobilize the Yin Lei Talisman.

The four plates under Wang Ye's feet changed again. His Gan position became Gen position, and Huang Miao's Li position also changed to Xun position.

"Genzi·Three Gates!"

"Xunzi·Pai Feng Painting Screen!"

Two strange arts were performed almost at the same time.

A high wall of earth rose from the ground to block the oncoming white lightning.

Wind blades appeared out of thin air around Huang Miao, and the strong wind made a harsh whistling sound.

These strong winds are like extremely sharp blades. If an ordinary person does not use protective techniques, walking in these strong winds will be like being struck by thousands of sharp blades.

"It's a trivial skill, so don't use it anymore."

Huang Miao walked against the wind blade, and a burst of golden light naturally appeared around him.

Walking leisurely towards the king.

The surrounding wind blades touched these golden talismans, making a crisp metallic collision sound.

The golden light is not a body protection method like the golden light spell, but the result of layers of talismans.

"Hand over Fenghou Qimen obediently."

Huang Miao stretched out his hand and cast another Five Thunder Talisman, and the entire palm of his hand was attached by white lightning.

Wang Ye was shocked. Seeing that his two consecutive attacks were easily resolved, he was already thinking about retreating.

The other party has obviously cultivated Tongtianlu to the point of perfection!

If I stay here and carry it on at this time, I'm afraid it will be a disaster.

"Luanjin Tuo!"

With his mind made up, Wang Ye immediately put his fingers together and used the golden watch to cast the body-fixing technique!

Fenghou Qimen claims to be able to control everything in the world, including time and space.

This Luanjin Tuo is a kind of spell to control time.

It's just that when you use Luanjin Tuo, the immobilization time will be adjusted according to the weight ratio of the opponent's world.

The next moment, time around Wang Ye stood still, and both the beating lightning and the wind blade stopped moving at this moment.

Naturally, this also includes Huang Miao, who is walking towards Wang Ye.

Wang Ye looked a little confused. This time when he used Luan Jin Tuo, he didn't feel any burden.

The weight of the person in front of me in the world is no different from that of ordinary people! ?
It shouldn't be.

How could a person with such strength be less important in the world than an ordinary person?
Wang Ye was confused, but looking at the man in front of him, he was indeed frozen.

"I really didn't expect that he would be a person of no importance to the world."

Wang Ye spoke calmly, turned around and prepared to leave.

However, when he just turned around, the corners of Huang Miao's mouth, which had been motionless, twitched slightly.

The next moment, the whole person disappeared from the place and appeared in front of Wang Ye.

A punch hit Wang Ye hard in the abdomen.

"Boy, your golden watch is really worthless."

Huang Miao looked at Wang Ye who was slowly falling to the ground, smiled and shook his head.

The ending has been doomed since Wang Ye cast the Golden Watch. In the plot, the opponent's chaotic Golden Watch never seems to have fixed anyone.

From the beginning, it was Lao Tianshi, then Scarface, and then Chen Jinkui, the head of the Shuzi Sect.

Although Wang Ye's Luan Jin Tuo is a bug-type skill, unfortunately, the people he meets are not weak at all and are not afraid of his Luan Jin Tuo at all.

The Heavenly Master is too powerful, and Luan Jin Tuo cannot restrain him at all.

Scarface is suspected to be Gu Jiating, the owner of Daluo Cave Temple, and he is not afraid of Fenghou Qimen's chaos.

As for Chen Jinkui, although he will be suppressed by Wang Ye Luan Jin Tuo, the opponent has learned that the turtle fly body can perfectly restrain Luan Jin Tuo.

Therefore, this golden watch has become the most useless skill. It is a waste when used against weak chickens and useless against strong ones.

Wang Ye held his stomach and felt a cramp in his abdomen.

He looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief.

How can it be? !
Why is my own golden watch ineffective? It was obvious that he had been restrained just now!
"Boy, hand over Fenghou Qimen."

"Stop wasting your and my time. If you don't hand over the Qi Men Tu today, you won't be able to leave here."

Wang Ye gasped for air. After a while, the severe pain disappeared, and he slowly stood up.

This time he did not choose to continue taking action or escape.

Judging from the opponent's actions just now, it was obvious that he was no match for him.

As for escaping.

None of his tricks worked, and he couldn't escape at all.

"Big brother, given your strength, even if you don't have this magical technique, you still have few opponents in the alien world."

"And if I read it correctly, what you just used is the Tongtian Rui, which is as famous as Fenghou Qimen. Since you have already learned the Tongtian Rui, why should you be obsessed with Fenghou Qimen."

“Know that you can bite off more than you can chew.”

"This has nothing to do with you, you just need to hand over the Feng Hou Qi Men Tu."

Huang Miao's tone was calm. With his strength, he really didn't need Fenghou Qimen to walk sideways in the alien world.

But he wanted to find out whether it would be the same as he guessed if he gathered all eight magic skills.

Wang Ye was quite helpless when he saw that Huang Miao had made up his mind.

As the successor of Fenghou Qimen, he naturally knows how difficult Fenghou Qimen is to learn.

As long as there is desire in the heart, one will be drawn into the inner scene by Fenghou Qimen and cannot extricate himself.

This has nothing to do with strength, nor does it have anything to do with human nature.

I think that the three senior masters of Wudang were trapped in the inner scene for decades because of their understanding of Fenghou Qimen.

Therefore, from the moment he came down from the mountain, Master Zhou Meng said that Fenghou Qimen should not be taught to others easily.

Unlike the other eight magical skills, the practice and comprehension of Fenghou Qimen is extremely demanding.

In the entire alien world for so many years, only he and Zhou Sheng, who created the Fenghou Qimen, were able to step out of the inner scene.

The reason why he didn't want to teach the other party Fenghou Qimen was actually because he was worried that the other party would accidentally enter the inner scene and be unable to extricate himself.

"The understanding and practice of Fenghou Qimen is different from other techniques."

"If you insist on practicing and learning, I can also teach you, but you need to bear the consequences yourself."

"Although Fenghou Qimen is one of the Eight Magical Techniques, it is still one of the Qimen Techniques."

"If you want to truly understand and master it, you must master the basic warlock skills."

"I think the attack you just made should be a master of talismans and physical skills, but you are not a warlock."

"So before practicing Fenghou Qimen, you need to understand and become a warlock first. This process may take a long time."

Wang Ye spoke seriously, hoping to dissuade the young man in front of him from practicing magic.

In order to practice the technique, he practiced with Mr. Lu for several months, and he could barely turn four disks.

If the opponent is not talented enough, it may take several years to master the most basic techniques.

"I have a lot of time, so I can learn slowly."

Huang Miao said calmly. With his talent, it was not difficult to become a warlock.

What's more, he has a lot of time. Compared to Feng Baobao, he is the real immortal existence.

"Brother, do you really want to stop thinking about it?"

"If you don't have enough talent, training is just a waste of time."

Wang Ye also wanted to continue persuading.

I made it so clear, but I didn't expect the other party to persist.

Although the sorcerer's training is not as difficult as refining weapons, it is not easy either.

Requires extremely high talent.

"It doesn't matter. I believe that with my talent, I should be able to master the four-set operation very quickly."

Huang Miao spoke calmly, and four sets of strange skills half a meter wide appeared at his feet.

These are some of the four-game moves he recorded when he watched Wang Ye play against Zhuge Qing.

However, since there is no real Qi Men Tu, he cannot operate the four-game pattern at his feet.

Wang Ye looked at the opponent's four sets and sighed helplessly. It seemed that the opponent had made up his mind.

"As promised beforehand, there are certain dangers in practicing Fenghou Qimen!"

"If you are trapped in the interior, even I can't help you get out."

"Don't blame me then."

(End of this chapter)

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