One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 129 The Qimen behind the wind, the art of stealing the sky

Chapter 129 The Qimen behind the wind, the art of stealing the sky

at the same time.

Inside the Cantonese restaurant.

Zhuge Qing stood in front of the dining table, looking helplessly at the three living treasures of the Zhuge family in front of him.

Zhuge Qing couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw the other party's playful face with a bruised nose and swollen face.

Wang Ye's attack was too gentle, so he should have beaten these three guys until they couldn't get out of bed.

I'm still in the mood to eat here.

"You guys, why are you causing trouble for me?"

"What I told you when you were at home, don't just ask anyone to do anything."

"You guys just don't listen."

"Brother Qing, please stop talking. I'm convinced now. No wonder that guy can beat you to tears."

"Yes, yes, his method is too weird. My four coils and eight gates actually work on their own."

"What means did he use?"

While the three of them were eating, they looked at Zhuge Qing in confusion.

When they were fighting Wang Ye just now, they almost didn't see clearly how Wang Ye took action.

They automatically collapse after four sets.

Not a match at all.

Zhuge Qing looked reminiscing, obviously recalling the scene when he fought Wang Ye at the Luotian Dajiao.

Four dishes were also seemingly disturbed.

Especially when the other party says, I am the direction.

He knew at that time that if we were just talking about the Qi Sect, the opponent's Qi Sect had completely crushed the Qi Sect of their Wuhou sect.

Later, through inquiring, he also learned that the strange method used by Wang Ye was one of the eight strange skills, Fenghou Qimen.

However, this matter has not yet spread in the alien world.

Therefore, it is not yet clear who Zhuge Ge is.

"You should ask the king yourself about this kind of thing."

"By the way, where is that boy Wang Ye?"

"Didn't you say you were going to greet me? Why were you nowhere to be seen?"

Zhuge Qing just called Wang Ye after arriving at the location, but the other party did not get through.

Brother Du at the wine table also looked at his phone in confusion.

He just called Wang Ye, but the other party didn't get through.

"I'll try and find it."

Du Ge had a vague feeling in his heart that the Wang family was being monitored by alien forces.

And there is a high probability that he is here for Wang Ye.

"Okay Brother Du, let's go together."

Although Zhuge Qing didn't know what happened, he could guess from Du Ge's face that Wang Ye must have encountered some trouble.

But before the two of them got up, Zhuge Qing suddenly turned his head and looked outside the restaurant door.

"Brother Du, there's no need to go."

Zhuge Qing took Du Ge's arm and shook his head at him.

He had already felt Wang Ye's aura through the Wuhou Sect's Qi Watching Technique.


Brother Du was stunned and looked at Zhuge Qing doubtfully.

He had not studied Qi-watching, so he naturally didn't know that Wang was walking towards them outside the restaurant.

"The king is outside the door and will be here in a moment."

"But Brother Du, apart from you and Wang Ye, is there anyone else going out this time?"

Zhuge Qing squinted his eyes and kept staring at the restaurant door.

Just now, he discovered through the Qi Watching Technique that besides Wang Ye, there seemed to be someone following him outside the door.

And judging by the surging aura of the other party, it is most likely that he is a strange person.

The so-called qi-gazing technique is also a magical method of the Zhuge Wuhou sect. As the saying goes, the emperor's qi-gazing can determine life and death.

The qi-gazing technique of Zhuge Wuhou's sect was also passed down from Wuhou. When Uncle Liu Huang paid three visits to the thatched cottage, Wuhou had used the qi-gazing technique to observe the three brothers.

Only then did he finally decide to help.

Some sorcerers who are skilled in the art of gazing can even see through destiny and national destiny.

Just like Zhuge Wuhou and Liu Bowen who killed the dragon.

Of course, Zhuge Qing does not have this strength at the moment, he can only wait and see the general strength of the individual.

At this time, he discovered that there was someone with extremely high destiny beside Wang Ye.

For the other party to have such luck, he is obviously no ordinary person.

However, the other party's luck is extremely mysterious. With his current level of cultivation, he can only make general observations, but he cannot tell the difference between yin and yang, good or bad.

"Yes, Mr. Zhuge, there is no one else except me and Mr. Ye when we go out this time."

Brother Du nodded, not sure why Zhuge Qing asked this question.

"Oh~it's okay."

Zhuge Qing nodded and stared at the door with squinted eyes.

It seemed that the person following Wang Ye at this time was also an uninvited guest.

As the door of the Cantonese restaurant was pushed open, Wang Ye walked in side by side with an unusually handsome young man with blond hair.

"Hi~ Zhuge Qing."

Wang Ye took the lead in waving towards Zhuge Qing, but Zhuge Qing kept staring at the blond young man beside Wang Ye with narrowed eyes.

He had never seen this person before.

It stands to reason that people with such energy are by no means ordinary people, although there are sayings that there are dragons lurking in the abyss, such as the Beggar Emperor back then.

But judging from the demeanor of the other party, it must have experienced the transformation of fish and dragon, and the hidden dragon has long since emerged from the abyss.

This kind of person must not be an ordinary person in the alien world.

But he has never seen it!
"Wang Ye, who is this?!"

Zhuge Qing stared at the young man beside Wang Ye.

When Wang Ye first came to Jinmen, although he concealed it very well, he still judged from Wang Ye's abnormal aura that Wang Ye was probably injured.

And the person who can hurt Wang Ye is most likely the mysterious young man in front of him.

Du Ge also looked at Wang Ye with a puzzled look.

Obviously he didn't know the young man next to Wang Ye either.

"This is a helper I just hired to help."

"Mr. Huang Tian."

Wang Ye secretly winked at Zhuge Qing.

Obviously Zhuge Qing should have seen some clues just now.

However, the Huang Tian beside him was extremely powerful. Even if he and Zhuge Qing teamed up, they would probably not be their opponent.

What's more, judging from the domineering style of this guy just now.

It would be unwise to fall out with the other person at this time.

Zhuge Qing squinted his eyes and withdrew his scrutinizing gaze. He understood that Wang Ye was secretly giving him a wink.

"Zhuge Qing, a descendant of the Wuhou Sect."

Wang Ye briefly introduced the people at the table to Huang Miao.

Huang Miao looked at a few people expressionlessly, then found a place to sit by himself.

I have no interest in communicating with the three Zhuge brothers.

Among the people present, only Zhuge Qing could catch his eye. As for the others, in his eyes, they were just passers-by.

What's more, at this moment, his pseudonym is Huang Tian.

There is no need to have contact with Zhuge Qing.

Originally, Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye planned to have a good get-together, but due to Huang Miao's sudden appearance, the meal was extremely awkward.

Even the three heartless Zhuge family treasures could tell that the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward.

The meal was quickly rushed.

"Zhuge Qing, you go back with Brother Du first."

"I have already arranged your accommodation for you."

"When I'm done with this period of time, I'll go find you."

After the meal, Wang Ye first sent Zhuge Qing and the others into the car.

Zhuge Qing glanced hesitantly at the blond young man not far away.

"It won't be a problem for you to be alone, right?"

"That guy is not simple."

"Do you want me to stay too?" At the dinner table just now, he reminded Wang Ye in a low voice because he could not tell Wang Ye directly about the other party's luck.

Wang Ye turned to look at Huang Miao and sighed.

Then he patted Zhuge Qing on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, I know everything. I'll talk to you in detail tomorrow."

"Xing Laowang, if anything happens, call me immediately."

"Don't be embarrassed."

Zhuge Qing also knew Wang Ye's character, and he was not the kind of reckless person.

Since you dare to leave the other party by your side, you should be mentally prepared.

So he didn't insist either.

The Maybach slowly drove away from the hotel door, and Huang Miao came to Wang Ye's side from a short distance away.

He asked calmly: "Can we start now?"

"Hey~ That's enough."

Wang Ye sighed and nodded helplessly.

He couldn't beat the guy behind him, and he couldn't even talk about leaving.

"Come on, let's go to a secluded place."

"There are so many people here."

The two walked for about thirty minutes and came to a forest in the suburbs.

The surroundings were dark, with only a few streetlights dimly lit in the distance.

"I'm still following. These guys are not tired."

Wang Ye turned his head and looked behind him, shook his head slightly, and couldn't help mumbling.

The group of people who were spying on him were still following them from a distance.

"Brother, do you think this is okay? I can teach you Fenghou Qimen, and I can also tell you some insights."

"But can you help me with something?"

Huang Miao glanced at Wang Ye lightly, but was not in a hurry to agree.

"Do you want to negotiate terms?"

"Then let's talk about it."

"If it's suitable, I can consider it."

"But if your conditions are too harsh, then I'm sorry."

When he obtained the Juling Dispatch General from Feng Zhenghao before, he agreed to Feng Zhenghao on one condition.

Now there is nothing wrong with agreeing to Wang Ye on one condition.

Of course, if Wang Ye, a little lion, opens his mouth, then forget it.

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass you."

Hearing Huang Miao's tone, Wang also breathed a sigh of relief.

The other party didn't refuse directly, but there was an opportunity to talk.

"You should also feel that there are a few bugs following us."

Wang also pointed to the forest path behind him.

Although those guys were following from a distance, even I could detect their aura, let alone the person next to me.

The other party must have discovered the traces long ago.

Huang Miao nodded. He had indeed noticed those guys from the very beginning when he approached Wang Ye.

But it was just a few rotten fish and shrimps, and he didn't bother to pay attention to them.

"Because of Luo Tian Dajiao, I used Fenghou Qimen, and now some strangers are investigating me and my family."

"Actually, if they only target me, it won't be a big deal."

"But now they have become a threat to my family."

Wang Ye's face became a little gloomier, this matter had touched his bottom line.

As the saying goes, no harm will come to the wife and children, but the other party is already unruly when investigating his own family.

What's more, his parents are ordinary people.

"If one day, my family really encounters misfortune, I hope you can take it for granted that I teach Fenghou Qimen."

"Help when necessary."

Wang Ye's tone was sincere. He had thought about asking someone else to take action on this matter.

However, although there are many powerful aliens in the alien circle now, his financial resources are not enough to afford them.

As for those ordinary strangers, to be honest, their strength was not even comparable to his own. The king was not at ease if he asked them to protect his family.

After much thought, the only option was to ask Nadu Tong to come forward.

But now that he met Huang Tian, ​​he had another good candidate.

With the strength of the other party, as long as he can lend a helping hand when his family is in trouble, there is a high probability that the trouble can be solved.

It's also double insurance.

"this matter?"

"That's no problem."

Huang Miao nodded. For him, this was really a piece of cake.

And according to the plot, the people on the other side are most likely sent by the old guys Chen Jinkui and Wang Ai.

In the end, this matter was cleverly solved by Zhang Chulan.

There is no need to take action yourself.

Huang Miao agreed.

Wang Ye's face became a little more relaxed.

The heart that had been hanging around these days finally calmed down.

Although I don’t know the identity and personality of the other party, since I promised myself, I shouldn’t break my promise.

"Okay, if that's the case, I won't hide it anymore."

Wang Ye took out a rolled-up sheepskin picture from his arms but did not open it.

The content on this picture is exactly the picture of Fenghou Qimen that countless people dream of. However, after Wang Ye took it out, he did not directly open the parchment scroll.

"This sheepskin picture is Fenghou Qimen, but before learning about Fenghou Qimen, you must first understand what Qimen is."

"Let's start with the most basic Qimen layout."

As he spoke, a Qimen Bagua diagram immediately appeared at Wang Ye's feet.

It's just a simple odd game.

"The so-called Qimen magic is actually subdivided into three types: Qimen, Liuren, and Taiyi."

"When it was first created, there were a total of 4,320 rounds. Later, it continued to become 1,080 rounds, 72 rounds, and finally the most used nine rounds of Yin Escape and nine Yang Escape rounds, a total of eighteen rounds. "

"If you want to learn strange magic techniques, you first need to identify the direction."

"A total of eight people are Qian, Kun, Gen and Li"

Wang also knew that the young man opposite was a novice in magic, so he started to explain the basics of magic.

Huang Miao nodded, and a strange layout naturally appeared under his feet.

Then the Qimen layout moved slowly, following the direction Wang Ye said, and began to rotate.

Qi Men Dun Jia is actually a technique that evolved based on the changes in the stars and the sky. It was originally a technique of stealing the sky.

Huang Miao's realm has long reached the unity of heaven and earth.

Therefore, it is difficult for ordinary people to understand these magical knowledge. He only needs to listen to it once and he can easily operate it.

"Using yourself as an anchor to control the operation of the four disks?"

"It's really interesting."

Huang Miao spoke calmly, with four sets of Bagua reflected in his dark pupils, running slowly.

After just listening to the introduction once, I already mastered the most basic tricks.

Wang on the side also looked at Huang Miao's feet in amazement as the four plates were spinning.

Somewhat unbelievable.

He was certain that the other party did not have any knowledge of magic before this.

But just after listening to the introduction once, you can already run four games?

Although he was a little unfamiliar, the four sets were indeed moved by him!

This shows that this guy has already half-stepped into the threshold of a warlock.

You must know that even I had to be taught by Master Lu for two days before I could run four games in front of me.

Ordinary people probably don't have three or four months of contact, and they can't move the dial at all.

Wang Ye stared blankly at the more and more skillful four-set changes on the ground, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

If he wasn't sure that the other person wasn't lying, he would have thought that this guy was pretending to be a pig.

(End of this chapter)

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