Chapter 133 Senior, please help me!
Three days later, in the garden of the Wang family villa, Huang Miaozheng and Wang Weiguo were doing Tai Chi.

"Brother Huang Tian, ​​the conditioning method you taught me these days is really good."

"After using it, it's like a lively and energetic person."

"I wonder if you have any other secret recipes, would you like to share them?"

Wang Weiguo smiled and hugged Huang Miao's shoulders.

Wang Ye and Zhang Chulan have been dealing with those under surveillance these days.

Never came back.

Huang Miao simply stayed in the Wang family villa.

I have been boxing with Wang Weiguo every morning these days, and the two have become familiar with each other.

Huang Miao also helped Wang Weiguo treat the unspeakable secrets he had suffered for many years.

"Okay, I'll write you a recipe later."

"Follow this recipe and take the medicine."

"I guarantee that after three courses of treatment, my sister-in-law will complain endlessly."

"Hahaha, brother Huang Tian is still reliable."

"Then I'll wait."

Hearing Huang Miao's words, Wang Weiguo couldn't hide the smile on his face.

Since he tried the prescription given to him by Huang Miao last time, Wang Weiguo has regarded Huang Miao as the Holy Hand of Xinglin.

It can be said that he obeyed Huang Miao's words, and the two of them were considered equal.

"By the way, brother Huang Tian, ​​do you know what Xiaoye does when he is away from home every day?"

"Why did you sneak out again these days?"

Wang Weiguo could actually vaguely guess that Wang Ye had already changed from ordinary people when he came down from Wudang Mountain.

After all, China Shipping Group is definitely a well-established large enterprise in China.

Wang Weiguo knows many more things than ordinary people.

It's just that he is still an ordinary person after all, and some things are not particularly clear yet.

But this brother Huang Tian in front of him was brought home by Wang Ye, so he should know where Wang Ye has been these days.

"The king also went out to do something, there is no danger."

"Brother Wang, you don't have to worry."

"I guess he'll be back soon."

Huang Miao calculated the time and according to the plot, he should be back in a day or two.


"The main thing is not that I am anxious, but that your sister-in-law is anxious. You also know that Xiaoye hasn't been home for many years."

Wang Weiguo nodded, and it could be seen that Huang Miao didn't seem to want to say anything more to him on this matter.

No longer asking for trouble, he turned around and walked towards the villa.

Huang Miao was left alone to do morning exercises in the garden.

After understanding the Fenghou Qimen, Huang Miao has been staying in the garden these days, practicing the Fenghou Qimen.

This technique is different from Ju Ling Qi Jiang or Qi Ti Origin.

It doesn't happen overnight.

It also requires constant practice and improvement, just like Tongtianlu.

Although Wang Ye has also understood the Fenghou Qimen, the range of his Qimen is his flaw.

This has something to do with Wang Ye not being very interested in cultivation.

After these few days of practice, Huang Miao's Qimen range was now three or four times its original size.

Using Fenghou Qimen with all its strength, it can not only cover the Wang family villa, but also the flower bed in front of the villa and the grove behind it.

The scope of the Qimen Bureau that King Bi also used was more than ten times larger.

There is a high probability that he will be the same as Mr. Lu who just escaped from the inner scene.

And because Huang Miao had formally fought against Fenghou Qimen in the interior scene before, Huang Miao's understanding of Fenghou Qimen was actually far ahead of Wang Ye at this time.

As the huge Qimen formation moved at will, it appeared at Huang Miao's feet.

The brightly blooming flowers in the flower bed in front of him began to turn yellow and withered visibly to the naked eye.

The flow of time was inexplicably accelerated at this moment.

The original red flowers and green leaves fell one after another, leaving only the dead and decayed branches.

But soon something even more bizarre happened.

The petals that were already withered and yellow suddenly floated up from the ground as if they were traveling back in time.

Eventually they all returned to the branches.

The three realms behind the wind.

If the king is only the first realm, then Huang Miao is not far away from turning me into a king.

As long as he is within the scope of Qimen, Huang Miao can freely control the flow of time and the changes in the birth and death of all things.

"This method is quite successful now."

After breaking the gorgeous flowers in front of him, Huang Miao muttered a few words to himself, and then glanced towards the distant woods.

He threw away the petals in his hand and his voice became a little colder.

"Come out."

A rickety figure wearing a cloak slowly emerged from the shadows of the woods.

The mysterious man lowered his head, his cloak covering most of his face.

The rickety figure looks even shorter.


Huang Miao looked at the man who came in front of him calmly, without any wavering in his tone.

It was as if he had expected the other party to appear.


The man responded with a hoarse voice and slowly took off his cloak and hat.

An old face appeared in Huang Miao's sight. It was Xia Liuqing, the all-powerful old man and villain.

It's just that Xia Liuqing's face at this time was very ugly and pale.

No blood could be seen on the lips.

The whole person seemed to have aged several years, which was completely different from the time when I met him in Longhu Mountain not long ago.

Even breathing is disrupted.

The injuries were obviously serious.


Xia Liuqing's eyes were full of sorrow. When she came to Huang Miao, she knelt down on the ground without any extra movement.


"Senior, please take action and help save Jinfeng!"

Xia Liuqing knelt in front of Huang Miao, pleading in her voice.

As the saying goes, a man has gold at his knees, but Xia Liuqing has no regard for any dignity at this moment.

He just wanted Huang Miao to save Jin Feng!
After leaving Longhu Mountain, he followed Huang Miao's suggestion and found a place to hide.

After all, Quan Xing made things big this time, and Xia Liuqing knew that Zhang Zhiwei would never give up.

Therefore, after leaving Longhu Mountain, he did not even go to gather with the other people in Quanxing.

He went directly to find Jinfeng with Gui Lao.

Even if Zhang Zhiwei really takes action, he will never cause trouble to Jin Feng.

Because the older generation of strangers all know that although Jinfeng is also a member of Quanxing, the reason why she joined Quanxing is just to get closer to Wugensheng.

Never harm anyone.

Moreover, Jinfeng himself also knows some medical skills. Many people in the world have been saved by Jinfeng.

It can be said that Jinfeng is the person with the best reputation in the world.

The past few days were indeed as Xia Liuqing guessed. Although Zhang Zhiwei wiped out many strongholds in Quanxing after coming down from the mountain, he did not take action against Jinfeng.

Originally, he thought this matter would end just like that.

Unexpectedly, a group of people appeared out of nowhere.

Although these people are not very strong, each of them has many protective weapons.

The other party claimed to be from Biyou Village and wanted to invite Jinfeng to Biyou Village as a guest.

Naturally, Xia Liuqing couldn't let these unknown people take Jin Feng away, so he started fighting with them directly.

Unexpectedly, although these people are not very strong, each of them has many protective weapons.

Not only did he get injured, but he also kidnapped the golden phoenix.

Xia Liuqing originally wanted to gather everyone in Quanxing to go to Biyou Village to rescue people, but with his prestige, he couldn't command those lunatics in Quanxing.

And now Quan Xing has just been purged by Zhang Zhiwei. There are not many people in the door who are not injured because of their strength.

After thinking about it, he suddenly remembered what Huang Miao had said to him before on Longhu Mountain.

If Huang Miao helps him, he can definitely rescue Jinfeng from those people who call themselves Biyou Village.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Xia Liuqing found Huang Miao's current location.

Then he rushed to Kyoto without stopping.

"Senior, please save Jinfeng. I can accept it at any price!"

"As long as you can save Jinfeng from those people."

Xia Liuqing knelt in front of Huang Miao and begged sincerely.

The person in front of me is probably the only person who can rescue Jinfeng now.

Huang Miao glanced at Xia Liuqing calmly. From the time he was at Longhu Mountain, he had already expected that this guy would come back to beg him.

Therefore, he was not surprised when Xia Liuqing appeared.

According to the plot, Jinfeng should have been kidnapped by the group of people in Biyou Village at this time.

"It's no problem to save people, but the conditions I told you before are the same."

Huang Miao spoke calmly, his tone unhurried.

Naturally, he could not help Xia Liuqing rescue Jin Feng in vain, and Xia Liuqing's favor was worthless to him.

All he wanted was for Xia Liuqing to obey him.

"Senior, don't worry!"

"As long as you can help me rescue Jinfeng from those people, my life, Xia Liuqing's, will be yours from now on."

"Even if I go up a mountain of swords and go down into a sea of ​​fire, I, Xia Liuqing, will never complain!"

Without waiting for Huang Miao to speak further, Xia Liuqing directly assured him with firm words.

For him, Jinfeng's life has long exceeded his own, and he can give up anything for Jinfeng.

Huang Miao glanced at Xia Liuqing with a strange look, then nodded slightly.

Xia Liuqing must be telling the truth.

After all, this person is known as one of the four biggest lickers.

In the words of today's young people, maybe this is a pure love warrior.

It's a pity that even if Xia Liuqing licked it to the end, he still had nothing.

Maybe this is the fate of licking dogs.

Huang Miao didn't want to comment on this pair of old men and women who were obsessed with each other. He just wanted Xia Liuqing to be obedient.

"Leave Jinfeng's matter to me. I should take action soon. You can stay near Biyou Village first."

Huang Miao counted the days and estimated that he would soon enter the plot of Chen Duo in Biyou Village.

In fact, even if Xia Liuqing didn't come to request, he would definitely go to Biyou Village.

Ma Xianhong has the magic machine in his hand that has been refined for a long time, and he is bound to win it.

"no problem!"

"As long as senior can help rescue Jinfeng this time, I, Xia Liuqing, will look after you."

Xia Liuqing nodded repeatedly, put on the cloak again without further delay.

At this time, footsteps suddenly came from outside the villa, and it seemed that someone was back.

It was Wang Ye and the others who had been missing for several days.

"Huang Tian, ​​nothing happened at home these days, right?"

Wang Ye saw Huang Miao standing in the garden. He seemed to be in a good mood and said hello with a smile.

Apparently those troubles are solved.

"It's okay. I took care of a few guys who tried to sneak in before."

"Since then, I have been much more honest."

"Last night, those who were following us all withdrew overnight."

Huang Miao briefly talked about what happened in the past few days, which were all insignificant things.

Feng Baobao on the side walked to Huang Miao and looked at Huang Miao with big watery eyes.

She took his hand very casually.

"Xu Si just sent me a mission, saying that after this matter is over, he wants me to go to the south."

"Do you want to go together?"

Although Feng Baobao's tone did not change much, it was the same as usual.

But Huang Miao could still feel the expectation in her tone.

Zhang Chulan followed Feng Baobao and quickly covered Feng Baobao's mouth.

"Sister Bao'er, are you crazy?"

"Fourth brother said this mission is top secret, how could you just tell others about it casually?"

Zhang Chulan hurriedly reminded in a low voice, looking at the unusually handsome blond young man in front of him with vigilance.

From the beginning, he felt that Sister Baoer was unusual for this boy.

But he had asked about this matter before when he was chatting with his fourth brother.
It was certain that Sister Baoer had not known this guy named Huang Tian before.

I don’t know what kind of ecstasy drug he poured into Sister Baoer!

Especially after Xu Si learned about this incident, he specifically told her to be optimistic about Sister Baoer.

Don't get too close to this guy named Huang Tian.

"Zhang Chulan, let go."

"Huang Huangtian is not an outsider."

Feng Baobao shook his head and broke free from Zhang Chulan's restraints.

He looked at Huang Miao with big eyes, seeming to be looking forward to his answer.

Huang Miao was at a loss as Feng Baobao's big, watery eyes stared at him, and he touched his nose and nodded.

"I'm just planning to go take a look."

"Then let's go together."

"Hey hey hey, what are you doing together!"

"Did you make a mistake?"

"We didn't agree to be with you!"

"You know who we are. This mission is confidential. Why are you, an outsider, just joining in the fun?"

Zhang Chulan's eyes widened. He didn't expect that the guy named Huang Tian in front of him was even more shameless than himself.

He actually followed Sister Bao'er's words and agreed.

How to call them together? !

Who invited him?
Huang Miao glanced at Zhang Chulan lightly, and his expression returned to indifference.

This guy really didn't fight for three days.

Is it because I haven't dealt with him recently and this guy's skin is tight again?
Dare to talk to yourself like this.

Is it Zhang Chulan who has drifted away, or is he unable to hold the knife?
Zhang Chulan was about to continue speaking, but when he was about to speak, he suddenly noticed Huang Miao's penetrating eyes.

Extremely cold.

He was so frightened that he suddenly jumped up and swallowed back the words that just came to his mouth.

Why does this guy's eyes look so scary?

And it seemed like I had seen it somewhere.

Zhang Chulan shrank his neck and moved his body behind Feng Baobao.

"I'm from the company. What's that look in your eyes? I'm warning you, don't come over."

Zhuge Qing, who was standing aside, ignored Zhang Chulan, who was playing tricks, and cupped his hands towards Wang Ye and Zhang Chulan.

"Lao Wang, Lao Zhang, now that we are done with things here, I still have some things to deal with at home."

"Just leave now."

"I will invite you to Wuhou Village next time I have the opportunity."

"Zhang Chulan, let's go too."

"Niubi, the company has other tasks, so we'll leave."

Feng Baobao grabbed Zhang Chulan's ears and said goodbye to Wang Ye.

"Since you have other things to be busy with, I won't keep you any longer."

"Thank you for your help this time. I will thank you properly next time when I have the opportunity."

Originally, Wang also planned to invite Zhang Chulan and Huang Tian to have a meal together as a token of appreciation.

But since the other party has a mission, it is not convenient for him to ask the other party to stay for a long time.

Everyone parted ways, and Huang Miao, Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao boarded the company's express truck.

(End of this chapter)

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