One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 134 Let’s stay in the same room at night to facilitate communication!

Chapter 134 Let’s stay in the same room at night to facilitate communication!

Everywhere is connected to the North China branch.

In the offices of Xu San and Xu Si.

The two of them were looking at Huang Miao curiously.

There were only four people in the office at this time: Huang Miao, Feng Baobao and brothers Xu San and Xu Si.

Huang Miao sat on the sofa and looked at Xu San and Xu Si helplessly.

"I said enough is enough for you two. Have you seen enough?"

Ever since Feng Baobao told the two brothers about his story, the two of them seemed to have seen a new world.

Keep looking at yourself.

The look in his eyes was like that of an old man who has been single for forty years and sees a beautiful woman.

See him through quickly.

"Senior Huang Miao, I never expected that you would actually achieve this step."

"It turned out to be completely successful!"

"If this news is released, the entire alien world may explode."

"Those guys from the Northeast are probably all rushing into the pass without their lives."

Xu San pushed up the frames of his glasses, his tone still filled with surprise that could not be concealed.

Although he and Xu Si had seen Huang Miao half transformed before, they knew that as long as Huang Miao was given enough time, he would be able to successfully transform completely.

But he originally estimated that it would take at least more than ten years.

Unexpectedly, in just over half a month, he would retreat from the mortal world and complete his perfect transformation.

You must know that as far as he knows, since the founding of the People's Republic of China, there has never been an example of the spirit genus taking a refined form.

"Yes, Mr. Huang, your figure and appearance look good after your transformation."

"I don't know how many ignorant girls I will charm when I go out."

Xu Si held a cigarette in his mouth and praised.

When Feng Baobao first led Huang Miao into their office, he thought it was some celebrity.

It can only be said that Huang Miao's skin is a work of art.

"Okay, keep this matter a secret for the time being and don't expose my true identity."

After the immortals transform, they generally do not enter the secular world.

If too many people know about this matter, not to mention the entanglement of cause and effect, there will still be a situation where the Tao is tired of winning.

It was only after he transformed that he understood some rules unique to the operation of this world.

"Don't worry, Mr. Huang, your temporary identity information is being processed."

"It should be out soon."

Xu Si nodded.

They have no problem getting temporary identity information from any company.

It can perfectly solve Huang Miao's identity problem.

"Now that Senior Huang Miao is back, he has also completed his transformation."

"Then I'm looking at the candidates for this mission. Senior Huang Miao and Bao Bao will participate together."

"Listen to the content of my meeting first."

Xu Si's expression suddenly became serious and he looked at Huang Miao and Feng Baobao.

"Master Huang, you should already know about the company's temporary worker system."

Although the company's temporary worker system has never been mentioned in front of Huang Miao, there are not many things that can be hidden from Huang Miao in today's alien world.

Presumably he has already heard about the company's temporary worker system.


Huang Miao nodded indifferently.

He was naturally aware of the temporary worker policy. In 1993, Xu Xiang deliberately proposed the temporary worker policy in order to conveniently hide Feng Baobao's identity.

Each person in charge of the company's seven regions will have a temporary worker whose identity is confidential.

This temporary worker only takes orders from the person in charge of the region.

The specific identity, including the chairman, is not known to more than three people.

To put it bluntly, the so-called temporary workers are the gloves that clean up troublesome areas for the district.

"Since Mr. Huang knows the temporary worker policy, it will be easy to handle."

"The reason why the head office is holding this meeting is that the person in charge of the South China Region was killed not long ago."

"According to the investigation, his murderer can basically be identified as a temporary worker in the South China Region."

"The task assigned to us by the headquarters this time is to let the remaining six temporary workers in the region catch the defecting temporary workers!"

"If you want to see someone alive, you want to see their corpse if they die."

"This is the first time that temporary workers from the six regions have cooperated. We are worried that Yibao'er's condition cannot handle this task independently."

"So I would like to ask Mr. Huang for your help and act together with Bao'er."

Xu Si looked serious and spoke seriously.

Not only is the task dispatched by the company this time very dangerous, but the other temporary workers in the company are also tyrannical people.

The two brothers would not be at ease if Feng Baobao alone participated.

But if Huang Miao was taking care of him, the situation would be completely different.

"Bao'er has mentioned this to me before."

"There's nothing wrong with me."

Huang Miao agreed indifferently, since he was going to Biyou Village anyway.

It is also a good thing to allow the company to arrange travel expenses for free, and it can also solve the identity problem.

"Thank you, Senior Huang Miao."

Xu Sanchao bowed his hand to Huang Miao to thank him, and Xu Si also handed the documents and files on the table to Huang Miao.

"Since Lao Liao died, his temporary worker file was officially lifted."

"This is the mobile phone and target mission information distributed by the mission company."

"Senior Huang Miao, take a look first."

"When your temporary identity information is ready, the company will send someone to take you to the airport."

Huang Miao took the file bag and opened it at will.

He knew clearly about this target mission even without looking at the file information.

Temporary worker in South China Region, the Gu-body Saint Boy——Chen Duo.

Three hours later.

South China Zhulin City, Home Inn Lobby.

Huang Miao and Feng Baobao appeared in the hotel lobby with their suitcases in hand and were checking in.

The two of them just got off the plane and went to the hotel designated by the company overnight.

This mission needs to be kept strictly confidential, so the company has equipped everyone with a mobile phone specially used for communication.

And he also thoughtfully formed a group for a few people.

But until now, there has been no movement in the group.

"Huang Miao, why aren't the people here chatting?"

Feng Baobao approached Huang Miao with his mobile phone and looked at the group of mobile phones doubtfully.

Before leaving, Xu San specifically told him to try to have a good relationship with other temporary workers.

But now it seems that these people are not easy to get along with.

"Maybe they don't have any interest in contacting other people."

Huang Miao glanced at the group chat.

Most temporary workers are taboo about having their identity information leaked, and no one spoke up along the way.

Like a dead group.

But just as Huang Miao finished speaking, a message popped out from the group.

The portrait of a middle-aged man wearing glasses and looking gentle was the first to speak in the group.

And unlike other people in the group who are secretive, the other party directly uses his real name to surf the Internet, and his WeChat name is his birth name - Xiao Zizai.

"It's nice to meet you all. This is my first time working with you. Please take care of me."

"Let me introduce myself. My man is 39 years old. He has a cruel personality and a hobby of killing people."

"Nice to meet you all."

"Boy, how many rooms do I need to apply for?"

The lady at the front desk smiled and looked at Huang Miao.


But before Huang Miao could speak, Feng Baobao was the first to answer.

Huang Miao was stunned and turned to look at Feng Baobao.

He has now transformed into a human form, not his true form.

After all, there are differences between men and women. Although he and Feng Baobao are both very young in real age, they both look young in appearance. Live in a room like this.

“One room, convenient for communication.”

Still before Huang Miao could speak, Feng Baobao explained directly.

"You two, please follow me."

The young lady at the front desk just thought that Huang Miao and Feng Baobao were young lovers visiting the hotel for the first time, and she was a little nervous.

Smiling, he opened a room for the two of them.

Huang Miao took the room card handed over by the front desk lady and no longer struggled with the matter.

It’s late at night and I’m on the road and catching a flight.

He barely got much rest and all he wanted now was a good night's sleep.

As soon as he entered the room, he simply lay down on the bed and closed his eyes to rest.

There was only a rustling sound in my ears.

But he didn't care much.

There were only him and Feng Baobao in this room, so nothing could go wrong.

However, reality soon gave him a hard slap.

"Huang Miao, do you want to take a bath together?"

Feng Baobao's voice rang in Huang Miao's ears, and he could even feel the temperature of his breath.

Huang Miao was frightened by the sudden sound.

He sat upright and opened his eyes.

When he fully opened his eyes, he was even more stunned.

I saw that Feng Baobao had already begun to take off his clothes in front of him. There was no concept of men and women being intimate.

"Bao'er. Bao'er, what are you doing?"

Huang Miao shrank back. Now that he has transformed, he can no longer be so casual.

However, Feng Baobao stared at Huang Miao with two big, innocent eyes, not realizing what was going on.

"Isn't it always like this before?"

"It's different, it's different."

"It's different now."

Huang Miao swallowed. Although he had seen it many times, he had to say that Feng Baobao had a really good figure.

Ding bell~
However, just when Feng Baobao was about to take off the last of his clothes, the cell phone placed aside suddenly rang again.

In the WeChat group, Xiao Zizai sent another message.

"Everyone is here, right? Didn't anyone mention the gathering?"

"They don't even look interested."

"That's right. If it hadn't been for this mission, I wouldn't have wanted to meet you."

"Everyone has read the mission briefing. After Chen Duo came here, he came into contact with a man named Wan Liangcai."

"After that, I lost track of Chen Duo."

"Since no one is planning to show up, it's up to me to contact Wan Liangcai. I can complete this task alone."

This time Xiao Zizai spoke in words, his tone was calm and neither impatient nor impatient, and not much emotion could be heard.

Huang Miao stood up from the bed and threw the clothes by the window to Feng Baobao.

"Bao'er, don't take a shower, go on a mission first."

"We can't let Xiao Zizai really go on a mission alone."

Although Huang Miao didn't come here for the company's so-called mission, he still had to do some cosmetic projects.

Now that Xiao Zizai has spoken, there is a high probability that the other temporary workers will also come.


Feng Baobao nodded and put on his coat without changing his expression.

ding dong~
At this time, the phone beeped again.

This time it was a message from another mean smiling avatar in the group.

"Everyone, I am Wang Zhenqiu from Southwest, you can just call me Qiu."

"We all go out together. This mission is so exciting."

"I don't know if that guy Chen Duo is good at it."

Then another guy who had been diving in the group started bubbling.

"I would like to advise everyone, don't think about this mission too easily."

"The information about Chen Duo was provided by my informant."

"I should be the first one here."

"But by the time I got here, my informant had been killed."

"The wounds do not match Chen Duo's methods in the records."

"I suspect that Chen Duo may have helpers."

The man's voice was low, and there was not much emotion in his tone.

"Since the task is not simple, I think we should gather together first."

"The location was chosen near Wan Liangcai's shop."

"Brother Xiao and I are already here, please hurry up."

"no problem."

"But there's a bit of traffic on the road, so we might be late."

A temporary worker named Lao Meng also sent a message in the group.

Huang Miao glanced at the location of the mobile phone sent by Wang Zhenqiu.

Just three words entered simply and concisely - five minutes.

At the speed he and Feng Baobao were going, it would only take up to five minutes to get from the hotel to the location sent by Wang Zhenqiu.

On the other side, a dark street.

Because it was already late at night, the street lights were out and the shops on both sides had already closed.

It makes the street look a bit eerie.

A gentle middle-aged man wearing glasses stood in front of a bun shop, tall and tall.

Next to the man was a man with dyed yellow hair, a delicate appearance and a delicate appearance.

It was Xiao Zizi, a temporary worker from the East China Region, and Wang Zhenqiu from the Southwest Region.

"Brother Xiao, is this the bun shop?"

"Why can't I feel any Qi aura? Logically speaking, if it was a stranger, we should be discovered."

Wang Zhenqiu was holding a skateboard and his tone was very casual and frivolous.

The gentle Xiao Zizi is more mature and calm.

"It is mentioned in the information that this Wan Liangcai is not a stranger."

"When you talk for a while, please be careful."

Pushing up his glasses, Xiao Zizai knocked on the door of the bun shop.

About a few minutes later, a short, fat, middle-aged man rubbed his eyes and opened the door.

He glanced at the two people outside the door doubtfully.

"who are you?"

"Who are you looking for?"

"Wan Liang is the one. We are from the National Security Agency and we have something to ask you."

Xiao Zizai casually took out an ID from his pocket and handed it to the middle-aged man.

Although the company cannot use force directly to deal with ordinary people, the company also has other methods.

About three or four minutes later, Wang Zhenqiu and Xiao Zizai walked out of the bun shop.

This Wan Liangcai is just an ordinary person, and the information he knows is very limited.

But even so, the two found some clues.

Xiao Zizai took out his cell phone.

"Anyone who has information, check on a strange person named Jin Feng."

"According to Wan Liangcai's description, Chen Duo only came to him to ask for Jinfeng's address."

"Of course he seemed to know that we were back here and left a note specifically."

"Jinfeng, the elder figure of all natures."

"I was kidnapped not long ago by a group of unknown people."

As soon as Xiao Zizai's voice fell, two figures appeared on the street in the distance.

Huang Miao and Feng Baobao walked side by side from the end of the street.

"Feng Baobao and Huang Tian, ​​temporary workers in North China Region."

(End of this chapter)

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