Chapter 136 Is this person a Gu Master?

Xiao Zizai frowned slightly and stared at the blond young man not far away.

Not only was Wang Zhenqiu shocked, but he also didn't realize what method the young man opposite used.

It was actually able to force the worms out of these mice.

Could it be that the other party is also a Gu Master?
As expected, the company’s temporary workers cannot be underestimated.

Huang Miao stood there and paid no attention to the mice in front of him.

The mouse, which was controlled by the Gu, fled in an instant.

Scattered again into various sewers and dark corners.

"Brother Huang is really good at it. I wonder what method you used just now to make those Gu insects leave your body?"

"Is it possible, brother, that you are also a Gu Master?"

"Can you teach me a thing or two about this method?"

Wang Zhenqiu approached Huang Miao with a playful smile, his eyes shining.

It's like seeing your lover.

He liked handsome men the most, and the blond man in front of him simply matched his aesthetics.

Huang Miao was stunned for a moment, then took two steps back to distance himself from Wang Zhenqiu.

He has no interest in this second chair.

"Okay, stop making trouble."

Xiao Zizai walked up to a few people and glanced at Huang Miao and Feng Baobao again.

It always felt like the man in front of me seemed familiar, but I couldn't recall where I had seen him before.

"There are only four of us now, haven't the other temporary workers shown up yet?"

Glancing at his watch, Xiao Zizai frowned slightly.

According to what was said before, several people should have gathered by this time.

"Where are the three of them from Northeast China, Central China, and Northwest China?"

There are currently four people present, and three people have not yet arrived. Logically speaking, everyone should be here at the time just mentioned in the group.

ding dong~
Just when Xiao Zizi spoke, his phone suddenly vibrated.

I saw a photo suddenly sent by Lao Meng in the group.

The photo shows an old house. The house is in a mess and seems to have been deliberately disturbed.

And it can be seen from the traces that a fight took place.

"What does Lao Meng mean by posting this picture?"

Wang Zhenqiu stared at the photo for a moment, but didn't see any clues.

Lao Meng, what do you mean? Didn't we agree to meet at Baozi Shop? ?

Why did you get here?
Wang Zhenqiu asked via voice in the group.

But before Wang Zhenqiu could continue to ask, Lao Meng directly sent a video invitation.

I saw a middle-aged face wearing glasses and looking honest and honest appeared on the mobile phone screen.

It was Lao Meng, another temporary worker who had not shown up for a long time.

"Qiu, Lao Xiao, hello everyone."

Lao Meng briefly greeted everyone and then turned the camera.

A simple wooden house appears on the screen.

The wooden house is very simple, but it is made of wood and looks antique.

It is the same wooden house that appeared in the previous photo.

"Lao Meng, where is this?"

Wang Zhenqiu looked at the wooden house puzzledly, but found nothing special.

Lao Meng coughed twice, and then slowly spoke.

"This is Jinfeng's residence."

Originally, he planned to meet you at the Baozi Shop, but he received an address from the company on the way.

The company has investigated Jinfeng's address.

Originally, Lao Meng wanted to find Jinfeng to understand the situation. After all, Chen Duo specifically asked for Jinfeng's address, so he must have some intention.

Then, when he got here, he realized something was wrong.

Jinfeng has long since disappeared, and it seems that he must have been kidnapped.

"That's probably what happened, but I'm not proficient in this kind of thing."

"If possible, you'd better come here and investigate in person."

Lao Meng gave a brief introduction to a few people, and his tone was still very honest.


Wang Zhenqiu turned his head and glanced at Xiao Zizai and Huang Miao.

"What do you think? Do you want to go there?"

Huang Miao actually didn't care about this. Xia Liuqing had already told him about the news about Jinfeng.

And he now knows where the group of people who kidnapped Jinfeng are.

The reason why I didn't go to Biyou Village immediately was just that I didn't want to expose too much. To put it bluntly, I was just acting with the company.

Xiao Zizai rolled his eyes, and when Huang Miao didn't directly express his opinion, he spoke first.

"In that case, let's go take a look together."

"In case we can find any clues."

"This time the company gave us instructions that we must complete the task."

"Okay, then let's go take a look."

When Wang Zhenqiu saw Xiao Zizai speaking, he immediately agreed.

He was no stranger to this Grandma Jinfeng.

After all, the other party is the goddess of half of my master. When I was learning Kung Fu from Xia Liuqing, I had a lot of contact with Grandma Jinfeng.

Now that Jinfeng is missing, he is still somewhat worried.

Although Jinfeng is the same as his half-master, he is a fully human being.

Contrary to the company's position.

Feng Baobao glanced at Huang Miao and nodded when he saw that Huang Miao did not refuse.

"Then I'll send you the location."

Soon, Lao Meng sent a location message on his mobile phone.

It's in a forest in the suburbs.

late at night.

Moon stars are rare.

Several black figures were moving through the woods at extremely fast speeds.

It was Huang Miao and his party who arrived at Jinfeng's address from Baozi Pu.

The strength of the four people is considered to be a good player in the alien world, and the speed at this moment is not slow.

The journey that was originally expected to take twenty minutes was already half done in just five minutes.

We were about to arrive at the address sent by Lao Meng.


Just when a few people were on the only way to Jinfeng's address, countless energy bombs suddenly hit them in front of them.

In the dark woods, colorful Qi shot towards several people like bullets.

Xiao Zizai, who was running at the front, paused in his steps and suddenly dodged.

The ball also quickly hid behind a tree beside him.

Although they did not expect to be ambushed, both of them are combat masters and have sufficient combat experience.

He dodged immediately.

Huang Miao and Feng Baobao were not attacked by Qi bombs because they followed them from a distance.

But the two of them also jumped to the top of the tree immediately.

Suddenly, the woods were filled with smoke and dust.

"Huang Miao, shall we take action?"

Feng Baobao looked deep into the woods and could vaguely see two black shadows looming.

"No need, just let those two do it."

The two people who carried out the attack in the woods were just minor players. Huang Miao was not interested in getting involved, leaving it to Wang Zhenqiu and Xiao Zizai to deal with it.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from far to near.

Two men in black wearing masks appeared from the woods, each holding a strange magic weapon in their hands.

The body exudes red and blue Qi.

Apparently it was the two of them who suddenly launched an attack on Huang Miao and the others.

"Are they just these people?!"

"It should be right. They are working together with the honest man wearing glasses, and they want to cause trouble for Mr. Genji."

"These guys are not as weak as that honest man."

"If that's the case, then you are really overestimating your capabilities."

The two glanced at Xiao Zizai and Wang Zhenqiu who were hiding behind the tree, and their tone was quite disdainful. It is not difficult to tell from the conversation between the two that the two of them should have solved Lao Meng.

"That's right, if Master Shanggenqi didn't want us to save that guy's life, that guy would have been destroyed by us long ago!"

Xiao Zizai pushed his eyes and slowly walked out from behind the tree.

Just now he was worried about accidental injury, but now he doesn't have to worry after hearing the exchange between the two.

Since they are enemies, there is no such thing as accidental injury or accidental injury.

"Oh, you still dare to come out."

Seeing Xiao Zizai appear from behind the tree, the two of them were obviously more excited, and the energy in their bodies became more intense.

Rushed towards Xiao Zizai.

Xiao Zizai pushed his eyes calmly and raised his hand gently.

next moment.

A huge wave of energy blasted out from his palm.

He rushed straight towards the two of them.

The forest made a loud noise.

The whole forest was shocked.

The two people who had just rushed towards Xiao Zizai suddenly retreated tens of meters and were covered by the thick smoke.

There was even a huge ravine on the ground.

Xiao Zizai just shot at will, and the strength he displayed was beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

"Brother Xiao, you can do it. This hand of great mercy is already extraordinary."

Wang Zhenqiu said with a smile. Although he had seen Xiao Zizai display his great mercy before, he also knew that he was quite capable.

But with this blow just now, Xiao Zizai was obviously more serious than before.

It can also be said that he is really murderous.

"The idea is a bit tricky!"

"It seems that he is different from the loser just now. This guy has two brushes!"

In the smoke, a figure in black jumped high.

Then it fell heavily towards where Xiao Zizi was.

Covered by the smoke and dust just now, the timing of appearance was very unexpected, and in the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Xiao Zizai.

His hands moved from top to bottom, attacking Xiao ZiZai's head.


There was a sound of metal hitting.

He was hit in the head by the opponent, but Xiao Zizai didn't move at all.

And one hand has already pinched the neck of the man in black in front of him, as if pinching a chicken.

"At this level, there is no need to kill."

Xiao Zizi spoke slowly and knocked out the man in black who was still struggling in front of him with one palm.

As a pervert, he can innately feel the amount of killing caused by the other party.

Although the man in black in front of him acted erratically, his hands seemed to have never been stained with blood.

Wang Zhenqiu was also whistling at this time and walked out from behind a tree very comfortably.

"Golden bell, tweezers."

"It's neat, Brother Xiao."

In the simple exchange just now, Xiao Zizai had already used two Buddhist methods.

Although they are some basic methods of Buddhism, these techniques are easy to learn but difficult to master.

In particular, the golden bell cover technique, if practiced to a high level, is not inferior to the Golden Light Curse of Longhu Mountain.

Can easily withstand the threat of bullets.

At this time, Wang Zhenqiu had roughly guessed the martial arts training of the man in front of him.

He should be a disciple of Shaolin Buddhism.

Xiao Zizi touched his hair and didn't care about Wang Zhenqiu's speculation behind him.

Quietly look towards the distance where the smoke and dust dispersed.

Another graceful man in black was standing not far away.

It should be a woman.

"Tell me, who are you."

Xiao Zizai spoke calmly, but there was a flash of killing intent in his eyes.

Unlike the man in black just now, this man's hands were stained with blood and he was killable.

"Want to know who we are?"

"Ask the King of Hell."

The man in black shouted and rushed towards Xiao Zizai with two short blades emitting purple energy.

"Brother Xiao, leave this woman to me."

This time Wang Zhenqiu took the initiative to speak and appeared in front of Xiao Zizai.

"The reason why your attack was ineffective against her just now is not because the other party has any powerful body protection skills."

"It's just that she carries a protective magic weapon with her."

"In other words, it's not considered a magic weapon, it's too low-level."

"It only responds to malicious attacks."

With that said, Wang Zhenqiu ducked in front of the opponent and stood in front of the man in black.

A soft and weak palm slapped directly on the opponent's chest.

The next moment, the woman who had just been hit by Xiao Zizai's powerful Merciful Hand was unharmed and flew backwards several meters away.

"Whether you refined it yourself or someone else gave it to you."

"It's best not to expose such low-level things to embarrass people."

Wang Zhenqiu looked at the woman in front of him with a smile.

The woman in front of her was flushed, her body was slumped to the ground, and her eyes were white.

It was as if a great battle had just occurred.

"What exactly did you do to me?"

The woman gasped and looked at Wang Zhenqiu with a face filled with resentment.

Her protective magic weapon can obviously defend against any attack, so why was she suddenly hit by the opponent!

Although the body was not harmed, what exactly is this feeling?

The woman's body began to tremble unconsciously.

"Whatever, it's still very comfortable."

"What on earth did you do!"

"Why. Why is this happening!"

The woman's body kept twisting on the ground, as if she was enduring torture.

There was no expression of pain on her face, but one of extreme enjoyment.

"My trick of loving the horse to kill the chicken is pretty good, isn't it?"

"This is a new type of move that I modified based on other techniques. It mainly stimulates the senses of the person being attacked and will not cause any substantial harm to you."

"So your magic weapon is useless to me."

Wang Zhenqiu walked up to the woman who was lying limply on the ground with a mean smile on his face.

He didn't care at all that the woman would suddenly take action.

No enemy who has been struck by the horse of his love can stand up.

"Tell me, who are you?"

"What is the root device you are talking about!"

"And where is Chen Duo?"

Xiao Zizai rolled his eyes and walked up to the woman.

His tone was emotionless and he spoke calmly, but his tone was cold and biting.

He would never be merciful towards this kind of prey.

As long as the other party falls into his hands and fails to cooperate, there is only one result waiting for the other party.

"Be obedient."

"Be honest, or I will let you know what regret is."

"Don't come here!"

"I do not know anything!"

"What are you going to do!"

The woman struggled to stand up, but her body had no strength at all.

Xiao Zizai turned his head and winked at Huang Miao and the others.

"Everyone, please stay away first. The next scene may be a little bloody."

"It will most likely cause you discomfort."

(End of this chapter)

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