One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 137 There is no difference between snakes, insects, rats and ants

Chapter 137 There is no difference between snakes, insects, rats and ants
"Everyone, stop it."

"This girl is so pitiful."

As soon as Xiao Zizai walked to the woman who fell to the ground, a plea came from the woods.

A middle-aged man wearing glasses walked out of the woods timidly.

It was Lao Meng, a temporary worker from the northwest.

Wang Zhenqiu and Xiao Zizai looked at Lao Meng at the same time. Wang Zhenqiu looked a little amused.

Tear off the mask of the woman who fell to the ground.

He glanced at the woman lying on the ground and then looked at Lao Meng who had just walked out of the woods not far away.

"Lao Meng, do you think she is pitiful?"

"Then do you want to take a look at the man who was forced to break the magic weapon by Brother Xiao."

Wang Zhenqiu pursed his lips and motioned to Lao Meng to look at the completely unconscious man at Xiao Zizai's feet.

The other party has been seriously injured.

Compared with him, the woman he had caressed with his love horse was obviously much better.

"By the way, Brother Xiao, you won't blame me for stealing your prey, right?"

Xiao Zizai pushed up his glasses and moved the completely unconscious man under his feet.

"will not."

"This mission clearly stated that the only person who can be killed is Chen Duo."

"Everyone else is left to my own judgment."

A flash of red light flashed in Xiao Zizai's eyes, he had murderous intent just now.

It's just that it hasn't reached the point where it's completely controlled by killing intent.

"Um. Actually, the reason why I showed up is to talk to you about this matter."

Lao Meng rubbed his hands and looked at Huang Miao and Xiao Zizai with some embarrassment.

"I wonder if you guys can let Chen Duo live?"

"That girl is also a miserable child."

This matter has violated the company's regulations, and Lao Meng also knew that he would definitely embarrass the people in front of him if he said such words at this time.

But when he thought about Chen Duo's girl's life experience, he couldn't bear it.

He was involved in the incident of rescuing members of the Yaoxian Society.

Therefore, it is very clear what kind of misfortune Chen Duo encountered and how he survived these years.

"Northwest, what did you mean by what you just said?"

"Are you going to betray the company, or are you going to ask us to abandon this mission?"

Xiao Zizai raised his head slightly, the red murderous intent that had just disappeared in his eyes reappeared, staring at the middle-aged man not far away who looked honest and honest.

As long as the other party dared to nod, he would kill him without hesitation in the next second.

Blatantly disobeying the company's orders is tantamount to betraying the company.

Xiao Zizai has never been merciful to such people.

Even Wang Zhenqiu, who was always smiling playfully, rarely looked serious.

Finally, he took a serious look at the honest and honest northwest temporary worker in front of him.

Just based on what the other party said just now, he had reason to attack him directly.

Is this guy really planning to betray the company?

He seems to be an honest person and doesn't seem like someone who could do such a thing.

Lao Meng immediately realized that what he just said was a bit strange, and faced the cold look Xiao Zizai looked at him.

Lao Meng suddenly had an idea in his heart.

He waved his hands repeatedly.

"no no."

"Brother Xiao, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that."

"I just hope that you can save Chen Duo's life in this mission."

"Bring her back to the company alive."

"The head office will naturally handle his affairs."

Lao Meng pleaded with a very sincere tone.

As an old man in the company, he naturally knows the company's rules.

Even he couldn't openly disobey the company's rules.

He just wanted to keep Chen Duo alive as much as he could.

After hearing Lao Meng's words, the murderous intent in Xiao Zizai's eyes gradually subsided, but his voice was still a bit cold.

"What is your relationship?"

Although he has some psychological problems, he is a pervert.

But he's not stupid.

It is impossible for the person in front of me and Chen Duo to be strangers and meet by chance.

Since the other party can plead for Chen Duo, it is obvious that he has known Chen Duo for a long time and has a close theoretical relationship.

Wang Zhenqiu also showed a gossipy look.

If the uncle in front of me doesn't intend to violate company regulations, then it won't be a big problem.

Instead, he began to be curious about the relationship between the other party and Chen Duo.

It stands to reason that as they are all temporary workers in various major districts, their identities should be kept secret and there should be no excessive interactions.

It was as if I had never met Brother Xiao from East China and those two guys from North China before.

Facing the probing gazes of several people, Lao Meng sighed deeply.

Quite helpless.

"I was the one who brought him out of the Yaoxian Society."

"it is me."

"Medicine Fairy Club?"

"The mission briefing did say that Chen Duo is the Gu Body Holy Boy of the Medicine Immortal Society."

"But what exactly are the Medicine Fairy Association and the Gu Body Saint Boy?"

"I checked the information before and found no relevant records."

Wang Zhenqiu walked up to Lao Meng with a smile and patted his shoulder, telling him not to be so nervous.

Since the other party does not intend to betray the company, they are still colleagues.

There's no need to be so nervous.

Compared to the two temporary workers Xiao Zizai and Huabei, the honest middle-aged man from the northwest in front of him looked more like an ordinary person.

Very different from other temporary workers.

"The Gu Body Saint Boy."

"The Yaoxian Society is a Taoist sect that has been secretly spread in Raojiang for hundreds of years."

"Most of the sect leaders are masters of voodoo techniques."

"In order to pursue the ultimate in voodoo skills, they will secretly cultivate 7749 babies using voodoo skills."

"Finally, the surviving babies will be centralized for training."

"The strongest person who survives in the end will be called the Gu-body Holy Boy."

Lao Meng slowly told the story about the origins of the Medicine Immortal Society and the so-called Gu Body Holy Child.

Including how he met Chen Duo later and how he rescued her from the Yaoxian Society.

"In other words, Chen Duo was actually rescued from the Yaoxian Society by you?"

Wang Zhenqiu looked at Lao Meng in even more surprise.

It was not that he doubted the authenticity of what Lao Meng just said. After all, there was no need for the other party to deceive him about this kind of thing.

He was just surprised that Lao Meng, who looked harmless, could actually rescue Chen Duo from the Yaoxianhui.

Judging from what he just described, this Gu body holy boy is obviously extremely important to the Medicine Immortal Society.

"Yeah, that's right."

Lao Meng sighed again.

"If everyone else in the Yaoxian Society is dead, Chen Duo is innocent."

"Hey, I don't like to deal with people. I often complain about the dangerous work."

"But the moment I saw Chen Duo, I couldn't complain at all."

"She never had a complete education from birth."

"Actually, I'm happy for her that she became a temporary worker."

"Although she can't live like other girls, she is at least like a human being."

"Brother Xiao, Qiu and the two from North China, I'll just tell you the truth."

"The purpose of my coming here this time is to prevent you from killing Chen Duo!"

Lao Meng, who had always been submissive, seemed to have mustered up the courage to say this.

He raised his head and looked firmly at Xiao Zizai, Wang Zhenqiu, Huang Miao and Feng Baobao.

"I know I'm no match for you."

"But if you really want to do something to her, then I have no choice but to"

Lao Meng's tone was still pleading, but his eyes showed no hesitation. Apparently some kind of determination had been made.

Huang Miao, who had not spoken a word, looked at the baby next to him, and then looked at Lao Meng not far away who was sweating profusely but did not take a step back.

He coughed lightly and spoke calmly.

"The mission assigned by the company did not say that he must be killed."

"Then the company's decision on whether to kill Chen Duo directly should be decided by the temporary workers themselves."

Perhaps Lao Meng's relationship with Chen Duo is the same as Xu Xiang's relationship with Feng Baobao.

It's just that the two methods used are different, and the results obtained are also different.

"I support Lao Meng, Chen Duo can catch him alive."

"I have no opinion."

Before Xiao Zizai and Wang Zhenqiu could express their opinions, the clarinet and Northeast High School sophomore Zhuang, who had never shown up, had already expressed their thoughts in the mobile phone group.

Wang Zhenqiu glanced at the messages on his phone.

"At present, three people have agreed to capture Chen Duo alive. It seems that the matter is settled."

Judging from the attitudes of Lao Meng and the two people who have never shown up, they should be inclined to capture Chen Duo alive.

The two people in North China seemed to be more inclined to capture them alive.

Then the opinions between him and Brother Xiao are irrelevant.

However, he himself did not care whether Chen Duo was captured alive or not.

It might be a little troublesome, but he is not a person who is afraid of trouble.

Lao Meng looked at Xiao Zizai. To be honest, he was still very nervous when he just said these words.

But after he finished speaking, he relaxed.

And judging from the current situation, most people agree to capture Chen Duo alive.

Only Xiao Zizai did not make a clear statement.

"Brother Xiao, what do you think about this matter?"

Xiao Zizai pushed his eyes and became gentle again.

"Since Lao Meng has made another request to everyone, I also want to ask you something."

"If everyone agrees, I will carry out this mission on the premise of capturing him alive."

"I hope everyone can help me hide one thing in the report on the completion of the mission."

Xiao Zizai walked up to Wang Zhenqiu and looked at the woman lying on the ground.

"This woman wasn't hit by Wang Zhenqiu, is that okay?"

Wang Zhenqiu glanced at Xiao Zizai and seemed to guess why he did this.


"I'm OK."

Naturally, Lao Meng would not refuse, although he didn't know why Xiao Zizai did this.

But this matter itself is that I am asking for help from others.

"That's okay with me too."

"Just do whatever you want."

Huang Miao glanced at the woman lying on the ground with a cold expression.

After reaching a certain level, he has already reached the level of indifference to ordinary life.

As the saying goes, the Supreme Being forgets his love.

Although Huang Miao has not abandoned all emotions and desires, he will not feel pity or sympathy for strangers casually.

He is not the Virgin.

In his eyes, some people were no different from ordinary snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

People who have reached his level of affairs have actually transcended worldly things.

The other two people in the group naturally replied in agreement.

Although they didn't show up, they obviously knew every move here.

Xiao Zizi put on his gloves and slowly lowered his body.

"If that's the case, then I believe you."

"Don't betray me!"

With a calm tone, he grabbed the woman's neck with both hands, his eyes filled with red murderous intent again.

A look of fear flashed in the eyes of the woman who was lying limply on the ground, but she didn't wait for her to struggle.

Just hear a crisp click.

Xiao Zizai's neck was directly broken, and the body was separated.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Xiao Zizai wiped the blood on his face, and there seemed to be uncontrollable excitement in his eyes.

"I'm not belligerent, just a little cruel."

"The one who gave birth to me cannot do it, and the rest cannot do it."

"This is a disease and there is no cure."

"Please remember that I am a patient."

When Lao Meng looked at Xiao Zizi's appearance, cold sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead, and he was a little scared.

He should have known that the other temporary workers were definitely not easy to mess with.

However, there was no change in the faces of Huang Miao and others.

There was no surprise at all about Xiao Zizi's appearance.

"Okay, Brother Xiao, it's time to work after eating."

"The guy from the Northeast just sent a message to the group, saying that he has found Chen Duo's location."

"It should be too late for us to rush over now."

Wang Zhenqiu was holding his mobile phone, with a location displayed on the screen.

The location was not too far away from them, and a moving red dot appeared on it.

That's where Chen Duo is.

"Lao Meng and the two from North China, are you planning to join us?"

"There seem to be four people on the other side."


Huang Miao twisted his neck. He hadn't moved his muscles these days, and his hands were itchy.

And he agreed that Xu Si would participate in this mission, but it was not good to take Feng Baobao paddling with him all the time.

Judging from the message sent by the Northeast High School sophomore Zhuang, the other party's group of four has found no trace of Jin Feng for the time being.

According to the route, Chen Duo's destination should be to an abandoned factory in the suburbs.

It was only half an hour away from their bamboo forest.

"I'll go too." Lao Meng said quickly.

Although everyone has said that they should try not to kill Chen Duo, there is no need to say more about the danger of this mission.

It would only be safe if he went in person.

And he also thought that he could persuade Chen Duo not to take action and go back with them obediently.

After all, as a Gu-body holy boy, Chen Duo's own methods are not weak.

After half an hour.

Dark clouds obscured the bright moon, and two vans were driving rapidly on the rugged mountain road.

Both vans were abandoned vehicles without any license plates.

In order to conceal their identities, the company specially prepared it for Huang Miao and the others.

Far below the mountain road, an abandoned factory is hidden in the woods, looming.

It can be seen vaguely by the moonlight.

It looked like it had been abandoned for a long time.

"That's where Chen Duo is hiding?"

"This is too shabby."

Wang Zhenqiu sat in the back seat of the van, sticking his head out of the window and looking at the abandoned project in the distance.

The tone was very excited.

He likes interesting things the most.

Being able to fight against masters of Gu magic was very interesting to him.

I just don’t know if Wang Zhenqiu didn’t pay attention or was too excited to notice.

At this time, several mutated mosquitoes in the woods were buzzing towards the mountain road.

It seemed that the target was the two vans.

But for some reason, these mosquitoes clearly targeted the van, but they didn't get close yet.

And in the distance, inside the abandoned factory in the woods.

Just a moment ago, there was still a faint light, but now it was completely extinguished.

(End of this chapter)

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