Chapter 138 Do you think you can leave? !

Abandoned warehouse.

Simple wooden boxes were piled up everywhere. They seemed to be scraps from this warehouse.

The two vans finally stopped in front of the abandoned warehouse, and Huang Miao twisted his neck and walked out of the car.

Behind him are Wang Zhenqiu and others.

"Everyone, according to the news from the Northeast, this place should be Chen Duo's temporary base."

"As long as we capture Chen Duo, this mission will be considered a perfect end."

Wang Zhenqiu picked up his phone and looked at the location, then casually prepared to walk into the warehouse.

But before he could take a few steps, Huang Miao in front of him raised his arm and stopped him.

"There's something wrong with these mosquitoes around here."

"I advise you not to approach rashly."

At this time, countless flying insects were densely gathered in the air in front of them, and they could be vaguely seen under the moonlight.

Makes a buzzing sound.

Although the appearance of flying insects in the forest is a very normal thing, it is a bit abnormal to see so many at once.

Wang Zhenqiu and Xiao Zizai both raised their heads, their eyes falling on the mosquitoes flying towards them in mid-air.

If you feel it carefully, you can actually feel the presence of Qi from these mosquitoes.

Sure enough, as Huang Miao said, these guys are not normal!
These little things were too small just now. If Huang Miao hadn't reminded them, they wouldn't have noticed it.

"There are too many, use Qi to resist them."

Xiao Zizai and Wang Zhenqiu were instantly filled with Qi shields, but they had no intention of directly dealing with these mosquitoes.

Instead, he looked at Huang Miao at the front.

Since the other party can discover the existence of these mosquitoes, they must have a way to deal with them.

Just like dealing with those crazy rats.

Both of them were very curious about Huang Miao's methods and inheritance. Judging from Huang Miao's previous actions, they still couldn't tell what methods the other party used.

However, Huang Miao put his hands in his pockets and only glanced at Lao Meng who was following him. He didn't even open the protective shield.

"Don't be idle, Lao Meng, get ready to take action."

As an animal tamer, Lao Meng's animal taming skills have already reached an unprecedented level, and he is able to control microorganisms without any intelligence.

Dealing with these mosquitoes is a piece of cake.

It can be said that Lao Meng naturally restrained Chen Duo's poison.

"Oh well."

Lao Meng nodded. He didn't know why the other party knew his methods so well.

But now that the other party has spoken, he can no longer stand idly by.

A ball of transparent Qi flowed out of Lao Meng's hand, and finally condensed into a transparent ball in mid-air.

The mosquitoes that were flying towards them just now all poured into the transparent ball as soon as it appeared.

With a burst of fire explosion, the gathered mosquitoes turned into fly ash.

"Lao Meng actually has such a method."

"Brother Huang, how do you know this?"

"Is it possible that you have had contact before?"

Wang Zhenqiu looked at Huang Miao. From the beginning, he thought this blond young man was weird.

He casually revealed that he seemed to be very familiar with all of them.

Whether it was himself, Brother Xiao, or Lao Meng, the other party seemed to have a certain understanding.

You must know that these temporary workers have never cooperated before, and their information is kept confidential.

Their information is simply inaccessible to ordinary people.

I'm afraid this Huang Miao is not as simple as a temporary worker.

Wang Zhenqiu touched his nose and looked at the calm-looking Huang Miao, and a thought suddenly came to his mind.

Could this guy who calls himself North China Region be someone sent from the headquarters? !

It is a rule that there is only one temporary worker in each region. How can there be two people at the same time in the North China region!

Although Xiao Zizai didn't speak, he pushed up his glasses and looked at Huang Miao's back with a strange expression.

Obviously he and Wang Zhenqiu had the same idea.

It is suspected that Huang Miao is the person sent by the headquarters to monitor them as temporary workers.


Huang Miao spoke calmly and in a calm tone.

At this moment, the gate of an abandoned factory not far in front of a few people slowly opened.

A girl with long black hair and green eyes slowly walked out of the abandoned factory. Her long black hair was very smooth.

He was wearing green chemical protective clothing and wrapped tightly.

He looked at Huang Miao and the others calmly.

Not surprised.

The woman from years ago was their target this time - Chen Duo.

Behind Chen Duo, there were three mysterious men in masks, dressed similarly to the two men who were solved by Xiao Zizi before.

I think they are in the same group.

Chen Duo walked out of the abandoned warehouse with a calm expression, and his eyes swept over Huang Miao and the others.

No emotional changes can be seen.

Huang Miao looked at the girl in front of him calmly. In a sense, the girl in front of him was actually somewhat similar to Feng Baobao.

There were no normal human emotions in the beginning.

It's just that Chen Duo met his uncle Liao Zhong, while Feng Baobao met Gouwazi's family when he just came down the mountain.

Gouwazi's family initially regarded Feng Baobao as an ordinary girl who had lost her memory.

Let Feng Baobao enjoy a normal life.

Chen Duo, on the other hand, has been living in a bunker, so his character has certain deformities and distortions.

Several people looked at each other, and the scene became a little quiet for a moment.

Huang Miao sniffed his nose gently.

Even though he was several meters away, he could still smell the unique poison aura on Chen Duo's body.

The opponent's body was like a poisonous insect nest that had been mostly eroded, and his flesh and blood had long been covered with poisonous poison.

Rather than saying that Chen Duo is a person now, it is more accurate to say that she is a huge Gu.

"Chen Duo, we meet again."

Lao Meng walked forward slowly, looking at the girl in front of him with a sad expression.

"Do you know me?"

"you are?"

Chen Duo turned slightly and looked at the most inconspicuous middle-aged man.

Just now, her eyes were attracted to the blond young man at the front. When facing the blond young man in front of her, the Gu worms in her body seemed to be excited and afraid.

This is the first time she has encountered this situation.

Therefore, he was always observing the blond young man in front of him.

If the middle-aged man hadn't spoken, she would have ignored such an inconspicuous person.

"Don't you remember me?"

"No wonder, after I rescued you from the Yaoxian Society, I never saw you again."

"But Lao Liao is a good man, why do you want to kill him!"

Lao Meng's mood rarely fluctuated. Obviously, he couldn't accept Lao Liao's death in Chen Duo's hands.

The girl in front of me didn't look like she would kill Lao Liao.

"Forget it, Lao Meng, this girl has no remorse."

"It is better to complete the tasks assigned by the company as soon as possible."

Xiao Zizai pushed up his glasses and looked at Chen Duo, although he expressed sympathy for the life experience of the girl in front of him.

But the tasks that need to be completed still need to be completed.

"Brother Huang, aren't you going to take action?"

Wang Zhenqiu also gathered his Qi, but before walking towards Chen Duo, he still glanced at Huang Miao, who had his hands in his pockets.

This blond young man has never officially made a move since they met. I had never seen him make a move at Baozi Shop before.

Rats controlled by poisonous insects seem to wake up naturally.

At present, he does not know any information about the other party, and neither his apprenticeship nor the methods he is good at have been exposed. "Master Chen, leave these people to us."

Before Huang Miao could answer Wang Zhenqiu's words, the three mysterious men in black who were following Chen Duo stood up with ferocious smiles on their faces.

Each holds a magic weapon in their hands.

Huang Miao and the others were not taken seriously at all.

An honest and honest middle-aged man, a working man who looked like a white-collar worker, a pair of college students who looked like lovers, and a second chair.

The combination of these people is not very powerful no matter how you look at it.

The magic weapons in each of the three people's hands glowed with light, and the next moment they attacked Huang Miao and the others.

"A magic weapon, another magic weapon."

"How come these magic weapons are like free of charge?"

"Where did these guys get so many magic weapons?"

Xiao Zizi couldn't help but murmured. His opponent was currently controlling two iron ball magic weapons.

As for Lao Meng and Wang Zhenqiu, who joined the battle from the side, the opponents they faced also each had a few simple magic weapons.

Although the quality of these magic weapons is not very high, it is still not normal for so many magic weapons to appear at one time.

You must know that there are only a few known weapon refiners in total.

It is impossible to refine so many magic weapons in a short period of time.

Where did the magic weapons in these people's hands come from?

Could it be the batch of stolen magic weapons from Longhu Mountain?

Xiao Zizai frowned slightly. He had personally participated in the encirclement and suppression of Quanxing at Longhu Mountain that day.

It is clear that many bizarre things happened that night.

That night, the magic weapons carried by many people were inexplicably lost and never appeared again.

Could it be that the magic weapons on these people were the ones that disappeared on Longhu Mountain?
Xiao Zizai used the Buddhist dragon claw hand and the golden bell to cooperate with each other to resist the opponent's attack, while secretly observing the magical weapons carried by these people.

As the culprit of the stolen magic weapon incident, Huang Miao was standing there with his hands in his pockets.

Did not participate in this battle.

"Huang Miao, should we take action too?"

Feng Baobao stood beside Huang Miao and looked at Chen Duo not far away. Their mission was to bring back the girl in front of them.

"No, this mission is not as simple as you think."

"Let others deal with those miscellaneous soldiers first."

Huang Miao grabbed Feng Baobao who was about to step forward and looked at Chen Duo who was about to drive away.

No blocking.

The current mission assigned to them by the company is indeed to capture Chen Duo, but the ultimate goal of this mission is not Chen Duo.

The company's board of directors actually deliberately targeted the regional leader.

The real tasks were not told truthfully to the person in charge.

The so-called arrest of Chen Duo was just a pretense to gather temporary workers from various regions.

The company’s real purpose is actually to take over Biyou Village!
However, this true purpose is currently only known to a few people on the company's board of directors.


Feng Baobao nodded and watched Chen Duo leave quietly.

If Huang Miao and her take action at this time, they will definitely be able to prevent the other party from leaving.

But she didn't know why Huang Miao let him go on purpose.

"Brother Huang, why don't you stop Chen Duo?"

"Help me."

"I can't stand it anymore. This guy is too difficult to deal with."

Seeing that Chen Duo had started the car and was about to leave, Lao Meng immediately urged Huang Miao to take action.

After finally finding Chen Duo, he didn't want Chen Duo to leave just like that.

As long as Chen Duo can honestly admit his mistake, he will still try his best to request the company.

"Tch, stop Master Chen? Just you?"

The man in black who was fighting Lao Meng had a look of disdain on his face and kept attacking with sharp blades in both hands.

Although he had only become a foreigner not long ago, the middle-aged man in front of him was obviously no match for him.

He didn't even regard Lao Meng as his opponent at all. Instead, his eyes fell on Huang Miao, eager to try.

"You two from North China, don't forget the company's mission."

"Coming here is not just a tourist trip."

"At least we have to show it. Those guys on the company's board of directors may be using satellite surveillance to monitor our actions."

Xiao Zi held an iron ball in his hand and kindly reminded him.

Chen Duo had already started the car and was about to escape.

If the mission fails due to the lack of effort from Huabei, they will report to the company's senior management.

When the top executives of the company are blamed, things will get into trouble.

"Okay, Bao'er, let's just show off."


Huang Miao didn't care. Seeing that Chen Duo had driven away, he planned to follow him.

Just in time to follow Chen Duo's traces and find Biyou Village and Ma Xianhong.

"Follow up?"

"Do you think you can leave?"

Before Huang Miao could take a few steps, a cold threat suddenly came from behind him.

The sound of a sharp blade cutting through the air came from behind Huang Miao.

The man in black who was still pestering Lao Meng just now changed his target of attack from Lao Meng to Huang Miao.

"Master Chen wants to leave, so you guys want to stop him?"

"Stay here obediently."

Huang Miao took a step back to avoid the oncoming intelligence attack.

Looking at the menacing man in black holding two sharp-edged magic weapons in front of him, he couldn't help but laugh.

"My strength is not great, but my courage is commendable."

"In that case, Bao'er, you go chase him first."

"I'll play with this guy."

"Have fun?"

"Haha, I don't know who is talking so shamelessly."

The man in black jumped up high and slashed straight down with both blades, coming towards him.

I didn't think the blond man in front of me was that powerful.

He possesses a defensive weapon given by the leader and two offensive weapons of good quality, both of which are among the best among the lower-level weapons.

According to the leader and several superiors, his strength is already considered a good player in the alien world.

Usually the younger generation is not their opponent.

The blond young man in front of him looked young, so how could he be his opponent?

Huang Miao put his hands in his pockets and looked at the man in black who jumped into the air.

The tip of his toes gently touched the ground, and the four-pan Bagua Qimen formation under his feet instantly expanded to tens of meters.

Not only the men in black in front of them were included, but also the men in black who were entangled with Wang Zhenqiu and Xiao Zizai.

"What is this?"

Seeing the strange blue formation that suddenly appeared under their feet, the three men in black were stunned.

I have never seen this method before.

They had just been transformed into aliens not long ago, and they had no idea about Qi Menshu and the alien genre.

I don’t understand that what Huang Miao used at this time was a strange method.

Xiao Zizai and Wang Zhenqiu on the side were also a little surprised when they saw the Qimen formation covering them.

Strange magic! ?
The blond young man in front of me is actually a warlock?
"Being humble means being humble."

"Your fates are really insignificant to this world."

Huang Miao put his toes on the bottom and ignored everyone's astonishment.

The four plates under my feet began to move on their own.

(End of this chapter)

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