One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 139: What’s the point of fighting despite being trapped?

Chapter 139: What’s the point of fighting despite being trapped?
In front of the abandoned warehouse, Huang Miao stood on the spot and the four plates at his feet began to operate on their own.

"What is this?"

"Pretend to be a ghost."

The three masked people didn't know why. When the fourth set just appeared, they thought the other party would come up with something extraordinary.

However, as the four plates began to move under their feet, nothing happened around them.

Wang Zhenqiu and Xiao Zizai also stopped their hands and looked at Huang Miao quietly.

Since Huang Miao can turn four disks, he is definitely a warlock.

Warlocks have always been unpredictable in their methods.

There is no problem in dealing with ordinary aliens, let alone the three of them who have just become aliens.

Although they are all protected by magic weapons, as long as they step on the four warlocks, the three of them can only be called the lambs who stay.

"Don't know which technique you are good at?"

Wang Zhenqiu touched his chin, observed the layout of Qimen under his feet and muttered to himself.

He has learned hundreds of skills, and has also dabbled in sorcerer methods. Although he is not good at it, he still has some eyesight.

The four-disk pattern that appeared at his feet was extremely complicated.

This is not an ordinary Qimen game.

Huang Miao stood in the middle of Qimen Bureau and slowly took a step forward.

The rotating Qimen pattern under the three people's feet instantly froze, and all the movements of the three people on the opposite side were frozen at this moment.

As if still.

"They are really three guys who are insignificant to the functioning of the world."

Huang Miao spoke calmly, and the Qimen Bureau disappeared instantly under his feet.

But the three people opposite were still as motionless as sculptures.

Wang Zhenqiu and Xiao Zizai originally wanted to see Huang Miao's method of breaking through the three-person protective weapon.

However, no one expected it to end in this way.

The magic weapons of the three opponents were intact, but the three people remained motionless.

Huang Miao still didn't take action in a real sense, but just turned the Qi Men Si Pan at his feet.

"Brother Huang Tian, ​​what tricks did you use?"

"Is there such a technique in the Qimen layout?"

Wang Zhenqiu tentatively walked towards the motionless three people and found that they were still breathing and even conscious.

But he just stood there, unable to move.

It seems to be fixed.

"Qi Men Bureau - Luan Jin Tuo."

Huang Miao put his hands in his pockets and spoke six words sparsely and normally.

Like Wang Ye, Qi Men Huang Miao has also learned the bug-level skill of Luan Jin Tuo since practicing Feng Hou.

It's just that unlike Wang Ye's useless Luan Jin Tuo, Huang Miao's use of Luan Jin Tuo will almost never fail.

The so-called chaotic gold watch means using one's own world weight to influence and control the world weight of others.

Just like Wang Ye used Luanjin Tuo to deal with Zhang Zhiwei, like an ant pushing a cart.

Because the weight ratio of the two worlds is not the same.

Although Wang Ye's influence on the world is much greater than that of ordinary people, it is still not worth mentioning compared with seniors such as Lao Tianshi.

Therefore, he could only control the Heavenly Master for a moment, which consumed a lot of energy.

But Huang Miao is completely different.

His existence is an existence that can affect the direction of the world, so the weight ratio is very high.

Every time he used Luan Jin Tuo, he felt very relaxed.

"Lanjin Tuo?"

"What kind of magic is that? Why have I never heard of it?"

Wang Zhenqiu touched his head and recalled the techniques he knew in his mind.

Xiao Zizai also pushed up his glasses and looked at Huang Miao.

The rating of the blond young man in front of him has improved a lot again in his heart.

If it was a simple matter of capturing Chen Duo, the other party alone should be enough.

It seems that the company's task this time is definitely not simple.

the other side.

Rugged mountain road.

Feng Baobao was chasing a speeding truck.

In the car, Chen Duo looked through the rearview mirror at Feng Baobao's figure approaching her quickly.

Even though she had stepped on the accelerator, she was still not as fast as her opponent, and the girl's speed was still increasing.


"Has a tail."

Chen Duo asked for help through the intercom in the car, although he did not actually fight with the girl behind him.

But Chen Duo knew that the three new believers who had just become aliens could not delay for too long once he was entangled by the girl.

It would be difficult to escape again.

When the other temporary workers arrive, she will really be unable to fly.

"Don't worry, Master Chen. The leader has anticipated this situation. Daoist Zhao, Jin Yong, and I are on our way to you."

"And the leader told us to take back the girl who is chasing you this time."

A response came quickly from the communicator.

Chen Duo was slightly startled when he heard the command on the intercom.

He glanced at the girl who was following closely behind him, and then nodded.

"I know, I will lead her to the stone bridge ahead."

"You guys are ambushing me right there."

In the abandoned factory, Huang Miao picked up his cell phone and was about to send a message to Feng Baobao, asking her to just pretend.

There is no need to go to great lengths.

After all, the company's mission this time was not to capture Chen Duo. Those old foxes wanted to take a long-term approach to catch big fish.

It would be bad if Chen Duo was really captured.

Huang Miao was about to call Feng Baobao, but before he could click the button, a sharp and cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, as if he felt something, he turned to look at the place where Feng Baobao and Chen Duo disappeared just now.

Frowning slightly.

The situation seems to be different from the original plot.

Although the two sides were far apart, with his powerful spiritual perception, Huang Miao could clearly sense that three powerful strangers were rushing towards Chen Duo and Feng Baobao.

It seems that he is Chen Duo's helper.

"Isn't there only one person named Qiu Rang in the original work?"

"Why are there three now?"

Huang Miao put away his cell phone, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the place, flying towards the distance.

If only Qiu Rang showed up, there would be no problem for Feng Baobao and the gangsters who were following him from afar to protect themselves.

But if three upper-level devices appear together, the situation with the help of Clarinet and Feng Baobao may be really in danger.

These high-end weapons are not weak after being equipped with high-grade magic weapons given by Ma Xianhong.

At this time, Feng Baobao did not know that she was trapped in a circle.

Still following closely behind the truck.

Although her perception ability is also very strong, she is not as perverted as Huang Miao after all.

Moreover, Qiu Rang and the other three seemed to know Feng Baobao very well, and had prepared a magic weapon to conceal his aura before ambushing him.

Seeing that Chen Duo had driven the truck to a short distance in front of the stone bridge, suddenly the entire truck began to shake violently.

Then a cold light flashed from behind the train.

The truck split into two in an instant.

"Go back with me."

Feng Baobao appeared behind Chen Duo holding Okamoto Zero Point One, and then rushed towards Chen Duo.

But before Feng Baobao could actually take action, a golden light suddenly appeared from behind a tree not far away.

The golden light gathered into a line and directly stopped Feng Baobao.

The huge power tore a large hole in the ground in front of Feng Baobao.

"Little girl, I think it's best for you to come back with us."

A white-haired young man wearing simple clothes appeared on the stone bridge behind Chen Duo. The hand is holding a gilt Ruyi, and there is a jade ring on the thumb.

It is Qiu Rang, one of the twelve superior weapons of Biyou Village.

The gilded Ruyi in Qiu Rang's hand can improve the quality of his Qi and process it into any shape.

At this time, the gilded Ruyi is like a long whip that can be lengthened freely.

"Long time no see, Master Chen."

There were two more people following Qiu Rang, and they were also among the twelve superior weapons.

One of them was a middle-aged man wearing a Taoist robe, with a sinister look on his face.

It is different from the ordinary Taoist priests with immortal style.

As for the other person, he was a big man full of muscles.

The three of them briefly greeted Chen Duo, and Qiu Rang continued to walk past Chen Duo and Feng Baobao.

"Chen Duo, the village chief asked you to go back first."

"Leave this girl to the three of us."

Qiu Rang turned the gilded Ruyi in his hand and looked at Feng Baobao not far away with warlike eyes.

The original mission this time was to protect Chen Duo from returning to Biyou Village smoothly, but just when they were about to arrive here.

Ma Xianhong suddenly gave him a new task.

Just take the woman who is chasing you back with you.

Although he didn't know the purpose of the village chief's doing this, since it was a task assigned by the village chief, he must do it well.

"Little girl, our village chief invited you to visit our village. I didn't know that you took the initiative to come with us."

"Or do you want me to knock you unconscious and then take you away?"

Qiu Rang swung the whip formed by the golden light, leaving clearly visible marks on the ground.

Before coming here, Ma Xianhong warned him that none of the temporary workers in the company were ordinary people.

However, Qiu Rang didn't take it too seriously.

Although his own strength is not actually strong, the two magic weapons on his body are top-notch magic weapons given by Ma Xianhong.

The jade ring on his finger has strong defensive capabilities, and the gold-plated Ruyi in his hand is an offensive weapon.

He still didn't believe that he couldn't handle a little girl.

Feng Baobao looked at Qiu Rang who was standing in front of him, then at Chen Duo who was about to continue leaving, and slightly turned the Okamoto Zero Point One in his hand.

The next moment, he attacked Qiurang again.

The offensive is fierce.

"It seems that you don't plan to go back with me. If that's the case, don't blame me."

"Daozhang Zhao, Jin Yong, you two don't interfere yet."

"Let me play with this little girl alone."

Qiu Rang saw Feng Baobao attacking him without any panic on his face.

The golden whip in his hand drew countless streaks of golden light in the air, and the surrounding area where he stood suddenly flew into pieces.

The crisp sound of metal collision kept coming from the flying sand and rocks.

Qiu Rang waved the golden whip in his hand, but looked at the ordinary-looking steel knife in Feng Baobao's hand.

Unexpectedly, the ordinary steel knife in this girl's hand turned out to be a magic weapon soaked in Qi!
And the quality is not low.

Ordinary weapons have been damaged long ago after they collided with the gilded and processed Qi so many times.

However, there was no chip at all on the steel knife in this girl's hand.

"I don't know what you think about using Qi to cultivate an ordinary steel sword!"

Qiu Rang couldn't help but taunted him.

He has now been taught the Divine Machinery and the Hundred Refinements by Ma Xianhong, and he already has his own understanding of magical weapons.

He can now be said to be stronger than ordinary weapon refiners.

Naturally, it can be seen that Feng Baoyun's method of raising this steel knife is very rough, without any skills, almost just the most primitive method.

Use massive Qi to cultivate.

This method not only wastes energy and time, but is also extremely slow.

If he had this energy and time, he might be able to refine a truly top-quality magic weapon.

However, Feng Baobao paid no attention to Qiu Rang's ridicule.

His eyes were just staring at the golden Ruyi in Qiu Rang's hand.

She was tired of playing with the flying knives she got from Jia Zhengliang last time.

"There is no one around now. If we deal with this guy, we should be able to take that thing away."

Feng Baobao talked to himself, and his speed couldn't help but become a little faster.

The body disappeared from the place in an instant, and appeared in front of Qiu Rang the next second.

Avoiding the attack of the long whip, Okamoto stabbed straight towards Qiu Rang.

There was another crisp metal crash.

"so hard."

Feng Baobao suddenly stepped back several meters.

At this time, golden Qi appeared out of thin air around Qiu Rang's body, and her whole body was solidified and protected by the golden Qi ball.

Feng Baobao's attack just now had no effect on him.

"The little girl actually hides her strength."

Qiu Rang was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the woman in front of him could burst out with such speed.

It really surprised him.

If he hadn't been protected by the jade ring just now, he might have been seriously injured.

But there are not so many ifs in the world.

Qiu Rang gently twisted the jade ring on his thumb.

"This magic weapon can withstand most attacks in the world."

"It's impossible for you to break through its defense."

"Go back with me, obediently."

Zhao Guizhen and Jin Yong, who were watching the excitement, also walked behind Qiu Rang.

"Qiu Rang, don't continue playing. Don't forget the mission assigned by the leader."

"If other temporary workers arrive, our mission will fail."

Jin Yong patted Qiu Rang on the shoulder, while Zhao Guizhen looked at Feng Baobao with squinted eyes.

"The little girl is quite strong, but if the three of us join forces, you will be no match."

"Listen to Pindao's advice and follow us back obediently."

"Pindao guarantees with our character that none of us are bad people."

"Our village chief can also improve your strength, why not?"

"There is no need for the relationship to be so tense."

Zhao Guizhen pretended to be kind, but the gloomy look in his eyes was not completely concealed.

At this time, the three of them had formed a faint encirclement.

It is almost impossible for Feng Baobao to leave again.

Feng Baobao looked at the three people with unchanged expressions, and suddenly shot Okamoto Zero Point One in his hand towards the three people.

Then the figure disappeared from the place again.

The speed has improved a lot.

I plan to have a simple and crude one versus three fight.

"What a stubborn little girl."

Zhao Guizhen smiled, and the gloomy look in his eyes became more intense.

The three people each condensed Qi balls on their bodies.

Like Qiu Rang, both of them were given defensive magic weapons by Ma Xianhong.

It would be very difficult for Feng Baobao to break through the magic weapon when one on one, let alone one on three at this time.

"What's the point of fighting despite being trapped?"

With the help of the other two people, Qiu Rang's golden whip became more flexible.

Although they still couldn't take down Feng Baobao in a short time, with the combined efforts of the three of them, if Feng Baobao made a slight mistake, he would be seriously injured by his whip in an instant.

Moreover, they are blessed with protective magic weapons and are basically invincible.

Even though Feng Baobao's attacks became more and more sharp, he still couldn't break the three people's protective magic weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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