One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 140 Is this the level that an alien can achieve? !

Chapter 140 Is this the level that an alien can achieve? !
In the distant forest.

A somewhat slovenly middle-aged man was hiding in a tree, secretly observing Feng Baobao's battle.

The man is probably in his thirties, has slightly messy black hair, a beard, and a strong build. He habitually squints one eye to look at people.

A magic weapon similar to a black pipe is tied to his hand.

At this time, he was using some crude magical weapons on his wrists to fight Feng Baobao and several others.

The man is one of the temporary workers who has never shown up - the clarinet.

Although he has not appeared in front of Huang Miao and others tonight, he has been following them from a distance.

After all, this mission is a teamwork mission, and the clarinet cannot stand idly by.

In fact, even if Feng Baobao doesn't come to stop Chen Duo from escaping, he will take action.

However, seeing Feng Baobao chasing after him, he continued to be responsible for lurking remotely and waiting for action.

According to his observations, this temporary worker named Huabei Region is not weak, no worse than Chen Duo.

In theory, the opponent should be able to easily defeat Chen Duo.

But I didn't expect that Chen Duo would have helpers, and there were more than one.

Moreover, these three helpers who suddenly appeared all carried high-quality magic weapons, which caused Feng Baobao's battle to be temporarily at a disadvantage.

"It seems we can't sit still and wait for death, we have to prepare to take action."

The clarinet twisted his neck and slowly raised his right hand.

The black-tube magic weapon on his wrist shone slightly, and a energy was gathering.

The black tube on his wrist can fire extremely heavy energy bullets for long-range sniping. The maximum endurance is to inject power into three consecutive rounds.

In theory, it should be able to break through the defensive magic weapons of three people.

"The magic weapons carried by these guys are really tricky, and I don't know where they got them from!"

"After this mission, we have to let Ren Fei investigate."

The black tube said to himself, slightly aiming at Qiu Rang in front of Feng Baobao.

He was naturally confident in the power of his own black-tube magic weapon, but the magic weapons on the other three were not ordinary.

If there is only one person, he is still confident that he can directly break through the defense.

But there were three people on the other side at this time.

His clarinet can currently condense up to three energy bombs.

It may not be possible to directly defeat all three defensive weapons.

In fact, if Feng Baobao can continue to persist for a while, the clarinet has no intention of exposing his position so hastily.

His initial plan was to use Feng Baobao to hold back a few people, and wait until Xiao Zizai and others arrived before taking action.

Catch all the strangers who suddenly appeared.

At that time, a lot of useful information can still be found through interrogation.

It's just that the situation is urgent now, and it will be really dangerous if he drags the girl named Feng Baobao any longer.

Holding on for five minutes under the siege of the three opponents was already the limit of that girl.

If it drags on any longer, it may range from injury to death.

After all, these people are considered colleagues, and this mission was completed by several people together. He can't just ignore it.

Black Pipe took a deep breath, and a glimmer of light flashed in his vicissitudes of life.

He raised his hand and pointed the clarinet at Qiu Rang in front of Feng Baobao. At this time, the clarinet's temperament was the same as that of some skilled special operations soldiers.

"I hope the protective magic weapons those three guys have are not as powerful as imagined."

The energy of heaven and earth converged from his body along the meridians and into the black tube, and the dark steel tube glowed with light.

Just when the black tube was about to launch a sneak attack and use the energy bomb to destroy the defense of the three people.

He suddenly stopped what he was doing.

He turned his head and looked to the side behind him in astonishment.


I saw a handsome young man with blond hair who didn't know when he appeared on the branch of a tree behind him.

Less than five meters away from him.

The other party was crossing his arms and looking indifferently at the battlefield not far away.

Seems like it's been here for a while.

The clarinet saw the blond young man's face and recognized him at a glance.

It was the temporary worker from North China who came with the girl named Feng Baobao, who seemed to be named Huang Tian.

A young man who had never been heard of in the alien world.

"when did you come?"

After a brief period of astonishment, the expression on the clarinet's face returned to normal, but there was still an unconcealable shock in his eyes.

Just now, he didn't notice the other party's existence at all.

If it hadn't been for the opponent taking the initiative to reveal his breath when he was about to take action, he wouldn't have even known that the opponent was less than ten meters behind him.

You must know that he has received professional training in investigation and counter-investigation capabilities.

There are few people in the entire alien world who can follow him without being discovered.

However, this young man was able to get so close to him silently.

He didn't even notice.

If the other party really has evil intentions against him, he would really launch a sneak attack from this distance.

Even if he doesn't die, he will definitely be seriously injured.

In other words, if the other party really wants to hurt himself, it can be said to be easy.

To be honest, the clarinet has never thought of such a thing happening.

He has always had absolute confidence in his own strength.

But this time, the black tube's eyes changed again and again when he looked at Huang Miao, and he felt a little scared.

Fortunately, the other party did not show any malice, otherwise he would most likely be lying on the ground at this time.

Where did North China get this kind of monster?

Huang Miao stood on a tree branch, looking at Feng Baobao not far away, not paying attention to the clarinet in front of him.

I didn’t pay attention to the issue of the clarinet.

He felt that someone was ambushing Feng Baobao here, so he rushed over to check the situation.

Originally, with the strength of Feng Baobao and the clarinet, they could still handle a small ambush.

But the three people in front of them were obviously no small group.

Although the three of them have never been seen, judging from the costumes of the three who fought against Feng Baobao and their relationship with Chen Duo.

Huang Miao still guessed the identities of the three people.

Biyu Murakami's root tool!

He recognized the white-haired Qiu Rang and Zhao Guizhen at a glance.

As for the muscular man at the end, although he didn't know his name.

But to be able to appear together with Qiu Rang and Zhao Guizhen, he must be a high-level weapon.

There are a total of twelve high-level masters in Biyou Village. If Chen Duo is included, one-third of them are gathered here.

In order to protect Chen Duo and bring Feng Baobao back to Biyou Village, Ma Xianhong was very generous.

If he didn't take action this time, Feng Baobao and the gangster might not be able to stop them.

Huang Miao squinted his eyes slightly, looking at Qiu Rang and the three of them with a pair of deep black pupils.

According to the original plot, the only person who came to meet Chen Duo this time was Qiu Rang.

Moreover, there was no incident of wanting to take away Feng Baobao.

Obviously, things at this time are no longer consistent with the original timeline.

Although Huang Miao has been reducing his influence on the original direction of the world during this period, his appearance still affects the normal operation of this world. Since learning Fenghou Qimen, Huang Miao's perception of the world has become clearer and clearer.

I also learned many secret rules that were not clear to me before.

Fenghou Qimen allowed him to clearly feel the real rules and regulations of this world, which is what the world often calls the way of heaven.

Heaven is impermanent, but it always has its own set of rules of operation.

Almost everything happens in an orderly manner under the operation of heaven.

Whether it is Tian Jinzhong's death or the life trajectories of Zhang Chulan and others, they are all moving under the influence of heaven.

The reason why sorcerers can do divination and fortune-telling is that they can judge what will happen in the future through the laws of heaven's movement.

But even if you know what's going to happen in the future, it's difficult to change it.

Because no matter how it is changed, everything will be forcibly distorted by the operation of heaven to become its original appearance in the future.

This is also a famous saying among warlocks - warlocks must go with the flow.

Even the most powerful warlock in ancient and modern times, the real founder of Zhuge Wuhou Sect - Zhuge Wolong.

He also has no strength to change the movement of heaven.

Even though he knew he couldn't do anything but did it, he still failed to help the Han Dynasty and restore orthodoxy.

Therefore, before practicing Fenghou Qimen, Huang Miao always believed that the development sequence of this world would be the same as the plot trend he was familiar with.

Nothing will change.

However, when he really understood Fenghou Qimen, he suddenly realized a serious problem, that is, it is indeed difficult to change the movement of heaven under normal circumstances, but there are exceptions to everything.

And he himself is the so-called exception!
As a soul traveler who came to this world, Huang Miao himself is an existence that breaks out of the constraints of this world.

Not in the Five Elements.

It can be said that his appearance has broken the original rules of heaven in this world.

The whole world has moved in an uncertain direction.

In order to avoid more uncontrollable factors, Huang Miao has been keeping a low profile recently, trying his best to reduce his impact on the world.

But... it's all in vain.

Huang Miao looked at the three people fighting with Feng Baobao.

As someone who traveled through time and came to this world, he knew who the village chief the three people were talking about and who the woman behind the village chief was.

If he guessed correctly, it was his accidental appearance that caused Feng Baobao to be prematurely exposed to the woman's sight.

With Ma Xianhong's temperament, he would not forcefully take Feng Baobao back to Biyou Village.

And there is only one person who can instruct Ma Xianhong to do this.

That is Qu Tong, the president of Yao Xing Society who has practiced both hands.

Even Huang Miao, a time traveler, knew very little about Qu Tong.

This woman has a mysterious life experience, mysterious background, and mysterious strength.

The whole person is a mystery.

"It seems that if you have the chance, you should go to Yao Xing Club and meet this Sister Ma in person."

Huang Miao narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

He originally wanted to secretly investigate this mysterious Qu Tong, but the other party openly dealt with Feng Baobao, and there was a high probability that Feng Baobao's secret had been discovered.

In this case, there is no need to investigate secretly.

Huang Miao had a vague feeling that Qu Tong would definitely be a hidden danger in the future.

The Yao Xing Society founded by the other party is just an information reselling center on the surface, but secretly it has used both hands to win over a large number of foreign experts.

Qu Tong has many extraordinary people under her command, and she has even collected a lot of Eight Magic Skills.

Huang Miao knew at least two of them.

Even Ruan Feng, who created the Liuku Immortal Thief, is also the opponent's target.

Character, strength, and means. This woman has it all.

In fact, when preparing to collect all eight magical skills, Huang Miao had the woman Qu Tong in mind.

Judging from the plot of the anime, this woman definitely knows some information about the Eight Wonders.

After Huang Miao left Longhu Mountain, he had the idea of ​​going directly to Yaoxing Society to find Qu Tong.

But later, in order to keep a low profile, the idea was not implemented.

Although his own strength is absolutely invincible in the alien world, that Qu Tong is not simple either.

If they really can't reach an agreement, according to their own temperament, they will definitely take action directly.

When the time comes to make matters worse, it will not end well.

And Huang Miao always had a feeling in his heart that Qu Tong definitely had some back-up plan that he didn't know about.

The most feared thing about the Eight Magic Skills, apart from the Julingshuijian who can restrain the Yin Shen from leaving the body, is the double hands that can change memories.

If you are not careful, you can easily fall into the other party's trap.

"Forget it, let's solve the immediate trouble first."

"We can talk about other things after that guy Lu Liang realizes the complete hands."

Huang Miao restrained his thoughts, knowing that it was useless to think too much now.

I saw a Qi ball condensed in his right hand, condensing three green leaves not far away in the palm of his hand.

The Qimen Bagua Bureau is naturally displayed under the feet.

In an instant, the Qimen Bureau under Huang Miao's feet expanded hundreds of times with him as the center.

It directly enveloped Feng Baobao and others who were still fighting.

The four plates at Huang Miao's feet began to change, and his position quickly shifted from the Sunda position to the exchange position.

The surface of the trees he stepped on began to have a metallic sheen for no apparent reason, and from a distance it looked like rows of iron trees.

The three green leaves in his hand also became black and shiny.

In the Qimen Bureau, Huang Miao was able to freely control the Five Elements. At this time, he converted all the wood attributes of the Five Elements into metallic attributes.

The three leaves in his hand were now attached to the metallic Qi.

It is no different from ordinary magic weapons.

call out!
A harsh sound broke through the air quickly.

Three leaves flew in the air, producing a sonic boom and drawing a shadow in the air.

Even because the speed is too fast, sparks are caused by friction with the air.



"how did you do that?"

Kuronan's pupils shrank suddenly and he couldn't help but speak.

He could see clearly what Huang Miao had done just now.

Whether it is deriving the Qimen Bureau or transforming the Five Elements.

He's seen it all.

However, even if he saw it with his own eyes, Black Guan still couldn't believe his eyes for a moment.

It's not surprising that the young man in front of me is a warlock.

After all, there are many warlocks in the company.

What really surprised him was this young man's five-element transformation method. He had never heard of any warlock who could change the properties of matter!
He has seen many sorcerers' spells, no matter what kind of spell, no matter how subtle.

Its essence is to make use of the laws of nature and follow the trend.

It does not change the properties of the substance itself.

But the opponent's actual combat methods just now have surpassed those of normal warlocks or normal humans!
Directly change the inherent properties of existing things.

This is like turning stone into gold or condensing water into fire. It is theoretically impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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