Chapter 141 Monster! Absolutely a monster!

"Little girl, it's useless!"

"With these methods of yours, you can't break through our protective defense!"

Qiu Rang's whole body glowed with golden light, and he allowed Feng Baobao to chop with the steel knife in his hand.

His body-protecting magic weapon was refined by the leader himself, and it was of a higher level than other people's body-protecting weapons.

Ability to independently adjust defense intensity based on opponent's attack.

And it has certain self-recovery ability.

As long as there is no violent attack, it can recover slowly.

In the words of their leader, apart from the old monsters in the alien world, there are not many people who can break this defensive weapon by their own means.

bang bang bang~
There was a crisp metallic collision sound.

Feng Baobao kept swinging and slashing with a steel knife.

But it didn't help at all.

It was like cutting on a steel plate, leaving no trace at all.

"What a troublesome thing."

Feng Baobao took a few steps back, pressed his nose, and looked at the golden light surrounding Qiu Rang and the other three.

It stands to reason that Feng Baobao is guaranteed to win against the three of them. Whether it is his own strength or the Qi in his body, Feng Baobao is far superior to the three of them.

However, after the three people started carrying body protection, the situation became different.

Although Feng Baobao has endless Qi in his body and is very powerful, he is not without weaknesses.

Feng Baobao's most obvious shortcoming is that her attacks are not sharp enough. Her only moves that can be considered as Ah Wei's eighteen moves.

But among the Eighteen Awei styles created by Xu Laosi, there are no very powerful attack methods.

Therefore, every time Feng Baobao faced off against an alien with mainly defensive abilities, he could only rely on his own Qi to consume the opponent, and could not immediately defeat the opponent as quickly as possible.

Now the three people in front of her each have the blessing of a protective magical weapon. It is almost impossible for Feng Baobao to break through the magical weapon in a short time.

And if you plan to engage in a protracted battle, since the opponent uses magical weapons for defense, the consumption of your own Qi can be said to be minimal.

"Little girl, be obedient and surrender."

"Taoist Priest, I won't embarrass you."

Zhao Guizhen narrowed his eyes.

Although he said to let Feng Baobao go, his eyes were as sinister as a poisonous snake.

"Don't waste time, let's get rid of her as soon as possible!"

"Complete the mission ordered by the leader!"

"In a while, other temporary workers will arrive."

Qiu Rang waved the gold-plated Ruyi in his hand.

The battle that was originally expected to be resolved in a few minutes was dragged out for more than ten minutes.

If they don't deal with this woman quickly, they will have no choice but to withdraw.

Otherwise, when other temporary workers arrive, it may not be easy for them to leave.

"Okay, then we will use all housekeeping methods to deal with this woman as soon as possible!"

Jin Yong responded, and he could see that the woman in front of him would not submit obediently.

As soon as the words fell, the three of them attacked Feng Baobao almost at the same time.

At this time, deep in the mountains.

A young man with light pink-grey waist-length hair who appeared to be in his twenties was slowly putting down a telescope-like device in his hand.

There is a black mole directly under the young man's eyes, his eyelashes are very long, he is wearing white clothes and is barefoot.

There are various magic weapons on his wrists, ankles and neck.

This person is Ma Xianhong from Biyou Village.

"There's nothing special about this woman."

"Why is my sister so interested in her?"

Ma Xianhong put away the magic weapon in his hand and couldn't help mumbling to himself.

As early as when Qiu Rang and the others fought against Feng Baobao, he had been observing the woman named Feng Baobao with the magic weapon in his hand - clairvoyance.

Judging from the way the opponent attacks, it seems that he is just an ordinary stranger.

Nothing fancy.

Whether it's attack or defense, he looks very clumsy, as if he has never received formal fighting training.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for my sister to be interested in such a woman.

Ma Xianhong touched his chin, feeling that things were not that simple, and he was very confused.

As a technical geek, he had never seen or even heard of Feng Baobao. He was obviously not a celebrity in the alien world.

Originally, he would not forcefully invite an unimportant person to Biyou Village.

But the other person was the person his sister named to bring back, so he asked Qiu Rang and others to take action.

Prepare to forcibly kidnap the other party back to Biyou Village.

Originally, Ma Xianhong only regarded it as a simple task. After all, Feng Baobao was not well-known in the alien world. To put it bluntly, he was just an ordinary alien.

In order to avoid any accidents during this mission, he specially dispatched three superiors to act together.

Anyone who can become a superior person is a good player in the circle.

Coupled with the high-quality magic weapons given by himself.

For an ordinary stranger, it can be said that he was implicated.

It stands to reason that there would be no accidents in this mission.

However, just when Ma Xianhong was about to put away the magic weapon and report the situation to his sister, Qiu Rang's body suddenly glowed with a dazzling golden light, and his protective magic weapon was directly activated.

The whole body was instantly covered by golden Qi.


The sudden change made the three of them stunned. They didn't understand why Qiu Rang's protective magic weapon suddenly started to operate on its own.

And it also releases the most powerful defensive capabilities.

Three green leaves with a metallic luster stabbed towards the three of them from the depths of the forest.

In the end, Qiu Rang was the first to react and shouted a reminder to Jin Yong and Zhao Guizhen.

"Hurry up and turn on the power of the protective magic weapon to the maximum!"

Qiu Rang didn't even have time to explain the reason, he just reminded the two of them to increase their defense to the maximum.

His protective magic weapon can independently defend according to attacks, and adjust its defense strength according to the opponent's attack power.

Now the golden light around him has reached the highest power of magic weapon defense.

Although Zhao Guizhen and Jin Yong were confused, they didn't know why.

But after traveling in the world for so many years, the two of them immediately activated their own protective gear when they sensed something was wrong.

Almost at the same time, three sonic boom sounds came from the woods.

Three black lights were like a long line, shooting straight at the three people.

Qiu Rang and the others didn't even have time to see clearly what was attacking them, but the three black lights had already appeared in front of them.

The originally indestructible golden defense suddenly cracked like glass as it came into contact with the black light.


As the speed slowed down, Qiu Rang and the other three people could clearly see the object attacking them. However, after seeing it clearly, the three of them exclaimed in disbelief almost at the same time.

The thing that suddenly attacked them was not some famous hidden weapon.

But three leaves with a metallic luster all over them!
Qiu Rang's eyes widened and he couldn't believe his eyes.

What kind of leaves could cause such destructive power?

Before he could think about it, the originally indestructible golden protective energy in front of him cracked inch by inch and finally reached the limit that it could bear.

Accompanied by a crisp sound.

The energy shattered, and countless golden substances scattered in the air.

The defensive magic weapon that claims to be able to withstand most attacks has its defense broken! Cracks appeared on the jade ring on Qiu Rang's thumb, and eventually it was broken into pieces.

As for Zhao Guizhen and Jin Yong, they were even more unbearable. Their defensive weapons were not as good as Qiu Rang's.

Without even being able to block a single breath, the defense was forcibly broken. The two jet-black leaves continued their attack unabated and passed directly through their shoulders.

The clarinet hidden deep in the woods in the distance looked at the incredible scene in front of him, staring straight at the blond young man in front of him.


Absolutely a monster!

You must know that even if you use the black tube magic weapon in your hand to carry out a charged attack, it will take at least three attacks to break through the defensive energy of one of them.

After all, the magic weapons carried by the three of them were not ordinary.

He never imagined that the young-looking blond young man in front of him was just holding three leaves casually.

It actually destroyed the opponent's defensive energy at the same time.

Not only that, but he also directly injured two of them.

This kind of strength, in the clarinet's perception, may only be of the same level and strength as Yi Jue Ding and Two Heroes.

What kind of monster is the blond young man in front of me? !
How could he have such strength at such a young age!

Although each of their temporary workers was very strong, they seemed to pale in comparison to the blond young man in front of them.

Where on earth did the company find this monster?

The black tube's eyes were fixed on Huang Miao. He was really curious about the identity of the young man in front of him.

Before coming, Ren Fei didn't tell anyone that there were experts of this strength among the temporary workers!
As a temporary worker in Central China, Ren Fei, the direct superior of the clarinet supervisor, has a very extraordinary background and has a very strong say in the company.

It is simply not comparable to other regional leaders.

Even some secrets that are only known to the company's top executives, Ren Fei knows very well.

As a temporary worker under him, the clarinet had actually obtained relevant information about temporary workers in other regions before arriving.

For example, Wang Zhenqiu from Southwest China's best method is the divine mask, which he learned from the famous Xia Liuqing.

The two strong ones in the Northeast are new abilities created by the fusion of innate and acquired abilities.

Huadong Xiao Zizai was originally a disciple of Master Jie Kong, one of the ten masters.

Lao Meng is the master of animal taming.

Even Feng Baobao, whose identity has been hidden by the North China Region, knows some information about the other party.

However, there was only the blond young man in front of him who called himself Huang Tian.

Before the mission operation, he did not obtain any information about the other party.

It was as if the whole person was conjured out of thin air.

"Could it be that this guy is the eighth largest temporary worker secretly trained by the company?"

"It seems that after this mission, Ren Fei will have to investigate it carefully."

Clarinet muttered to himself.

He didn't believe that there was really no clue.

No matter how well the company does its confidentiality work, it is impossible for the other party to have no news for so many years based on the strength and means of the other party.

Huang Miao put his hands in his pockets, his figure flashing in the woods and approaching Feng Baobao.

He didn't care about the shocked look the clarinet gave him.

He doesn't even care about the other party's so-called investigation.

Except for those few people who knew the details of his body that had just transformed, no one else knew about it.

Even the bureau investigation couldn't find anything.

"No, there's an ambush!"

"Let's retreat!"

Zhao Guizhen covered his arm dripping with blood and looked towards the woods in the distance with a horrified expression.

The figure is constantly retreating backwards at this moment.

He didn't even see the guy who attacked him clearly, and he was already frightened.

There are only a handful of people in the entire alien world who can break through their own defensive magic weapon with just one leaf.

He even wondered if Zhang Zhiwei from Longhu Mountain had sneaked down the mountain again.

If the opponent can pierce his arm with leaves, he can also pierce his neck with leaves.

Zhao Guizhen didn't feel that he was strong enough to block the opponent's sneak attack.

Jin Yong did not choose to leave directly, but looked at Qiu Rang.

Qiu Rang was the commander of this operation.

"This guy!"

Qiu Rang gritted his teeth as he looked at Zhao Guizhen's retreating figure.

If Zhao Guizhen didn't retreat on his own initiative, he might plan to fight again.

But Zhao Guizhen has left, and it makes no sense for the two of them plus Chen Duo to stay. The mission assigned by the leader this time is considered a failure!


Chen Duo stood behind Qiu Rang and the two of them and spoke in a calm voice.

His eyes fell on the woods in the distance.

The mysterious man hiding in the dark should have just acted as a warning.

If the other party really wanted to kill them, the blow just now would not have been aimed at the arms of the three of them.

Obviously the other party intended to let them go.

Qiu Rang glanced at Jin Yong, who was covering his arm beside him. Although he was still unwilling to do so, he also knew that staying here would only make it more dangerous.

None of his protective weapons could withstand the opponent's blow.

If they continue to stay, they don't need the sneak attack. The woman in front of them is enough for them.

Without the protective weapon, they are no longer invincible.

"Withdraw, I will talk to the leader about this matter."

Seeing that several people wanted to leave, Feng Baobao was ready to take action again.

But before she could move, a hand fell on her shoulder.

"Let them go."

Huang Miao stood behind Feng Baobao, staring at the departing figures of several people.

Play the long game to catch the big fish.

Neither he nor the company's board of directors aims to achieve success.

Huang Miao's eyes slowly moved to the distant mountains. His consciousness could sense that someone in the distant mountains was paying close attention to every move here.

Deep in the mountains, Ma Xianhong was also amazed.

He knows best how effective the protective magic weapon he has refined is.

The opponent actually destroyed the body-protecting magic weapon he refined with only three leaves!
how can that be!

Ma Xianhong didn't believe there was such a person in the world!
Although those protective magic weapons are not the top magic weapons, ordinary people cannot shake them at all.

Is it really the Heavenly Master?
Ma Xianhong moved his eyes through the magic weapon, intending to see clearly who was behind Feng Baobao.

But before he could point the magic weapon at the figure walking out of the woods, the telescope-like magic weapon began to break apart.

The magic weapon that was intact one second turned into powder the next second.

Ma Xianhong stiffened, as if he was being watched by someone.


"How keen is this sense?"

Ma Xianhong frowned slightly and turned to look around. After confirming that no one was there, he looked at the stone bridge in the distance again, feeling suspicious in his heart.

The feeling of being watched just now faded away, but he still felt it clearly.

Could that guy be able to feel himself thousands of meters away?
(End of this chapter)

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