Chapter 145 It’s just eight magical skills, nothing more than that

Ma Xianhong squinted his eyes and glanced in front of Wang Zhenqiu and others, and his voice became cold.

"Are you threatening me?"

The few people behind them exuded faint Qi, and their eyes were cold.

Always ready to take action.

Wang Zhenqiu grinned nervously and turned to look at Xiao Zizi and Black Guan.

"Brother Xiao, what do you think the clarinet said? Some people don't seem to welcome us!"

"Do you want"

The two balls of qi flowed between him, and he was not afraid at all in the face of the threats from Ma Xianhong and others.

Xiao Zizai pushed up his glasses and his eyes fell on the middle-aged Taoist with an upright and stern face behind Ma Xianhong.

There was no answer to Wang Zhenqiu's words.

But the flash of red light in his eyes seemed to indicate that he could take action at any time.

The clarinet didn't take much action. This time the action was based on the company's mission.

Naturally, he won't take the initiative.

But if these people in Biyou Village dare to take action, then there will be no problem if they do it again.

The atmosphere between the two sides suddenly became tense.

Even the surrounding villagers who were watching the excitement more or less noticed something strange at this time.

The people in front of me who looked like a tourist group did not seem to be seeking refuge with Village Chief Ma.

Instead, it seemed a bit like he was deliberately looking for trouble.

Ma Xianhong's face was dark, and his eyes finally fell on Huang Miao, who was silent in the crowd.

Take a deep breath.

"This friend, can you talk to me?"

Although this was the first official meeting between him and Huang Miao, he always felt a little close to each other.

It seems that both sides are the same kind of people.

When he saw Huang Miao, Ma Xianhong was already sure that the other person was definitely the person who broke the upper root weapon in the woods before.

And the other party definitely practiced the Eight Wonders of Skills.

All the successors who practice the Eight Wonders are somehow connected.

He had this connection when he met Wang Ye before.

Now that I see the blond young man in front of me, the connection seems to have become clearer.

Feng Baobao, Xiao Zizai and others also looked at Huang Miao.

Waiting for his answer.

On the way to Biyou Village, they had actually become familiar with each other.

Whether it is the dull and honest Lao Meng, the out-of-touch Qiu, or the boring clarinet.

Although their personalities are very different, they are all temporary workers in the company. It was a wonderful and natural way to get to know each other well.

But Huang Miao, who looked very normal, seemed to be born with a certain distance from them.

Xiao Zizai and the others couldn't see through this silent blond young man with mysterious origins.

The other party didn't seem to care at all about the task assigned by the company this time.

"it is good."

Huang Miao looked at Ma Xianhong indifferently and did not refuse.

Even if Ma Xianhong doesn't take the initiative to find him, he will find an opportunity to meet him alone.

He is determined to win this method of divine machine and hundreds of refinements.

"I would also like to ask you to exercise restraint while I speak with this friend."

"We in Biyou Village do not want to be enemies with you."

Ma Xianhong and Huang Miao walked into the wooden house.

Outside the house, Qiu Rang and several senior officials stood opposite Feng Baobao and others.

The atmosphere is still a bit solemn.

However, neither side has any plans to take action for the time being.

In the room, Ma Xianhong took the lead in sitting on the futon and poured Huang Miao a cup of tea.

"Although this friend doesn't know who you are, if I guess correctly, you should also be the successor of the Eight Wonders."

"Like Taoist Priest Wang Ye, are they both descendants of Fenghou Qimen?"

"As the heirs of the Eight Wonders, even if we can't be partners, I don't want to be your enemy."

"The purpose of your visit to Biyou Village this time is probably for Chen Duo."

"Tell me, how can we let Chen Duo go?!"

"Now Chen Duo is my partner. I promised her before she joined Biyou Village that I would protect her safety."

"It's impossible for me to hand over Chen Duo to you."

Ma Xianhong looked at Huang Miao seriously.

Huang Miao came to Biyou Village with Wang Zhenqiu and others, and he naturally regarded Huang Miao as a temporary worker in the company.

It was natural to think that he was here for Chen Duo.

But Chen Duo killed the person in charge of the company in order to join Biyou Village.

It was impossible for him to hand over Chen Duo to the company so easily.

If it weren't for Huang Miao's existence, Ma Xianhong wouldn't even have planned to let those from the company enter Biyou Village.

Although the company's temporary workers are not weak in strength, they are not ordinary people.

If it really happens, it is still unclear who will win.

Huang Miao glanced at Ma Xianhong lightly, and saw that the other party looked at him with a serious expression.

I couldn't help but smile.

He took a sip of tea.

This village chief Ma is really a technical geek with no brains.

If it were given to Zhang Chulan and the others, they would surely have thought that the company had gone to such great lengths to come to Biyou Village, and it couldn't be just for Chen Duo.

If it was really for Chen Duo, they would not have given each other a chance to escape as early as in the forest.

Ma Xianhong thought the problem was too simple.

But none of this has anything to do with him, whether it's the company or Ma Xianhong.

Their respective purposes have nothing to do with themselves.

Huang Miao didn't care whether Chen Duo stayed or went, nor did he care about self-cultivation and the so-called demographic red line.

His real purpose in coming to Biyou Village was just for the magical machine Bailian in Ma Xianhong's hand.

"why are you laughing?"

Ma Xianhong frowned slightly and stared at Huang Miao with an unhappy expression.

The other party's attitude made him very unhappy.

Even if he had a natural affinity for the successor to the Eight Wonders of Skills, Ma Xianhong could not help but feel angry at this moment.

Did the other party think that Biyou Village was destined to be defeated?
"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to laugh at you."

Huang Miao didn't care about Ma Xianhong's attitude and expression, and spoke calmly.

The moment the words fell, the figure disappeared from the place.

There was no waiting for Ma Xianhong's reaction.

Huang Miao had already appeared behind him.

One hand pressed on Ma Xianhong's head.

His tone was still unhurried.

Listening to the voice coming from behind, Ma Xianhong's expression froze and he was a little at a loss for a moment.

What method did this guy just use? !

Why is it so fast!

And why didn’t the protective magic weapon take effect?
Feeling the palm pressing on his head, Ma Xianhong had no doubt that the other party could easily crush his head.

Although his physical skills are good, without the blessing of many magic weapons, his strength is actually only at the middle level.

After all, as a weapon refiner, his mind is devoted to refining weapons, and he rarely focuses on other aspects of practice.

Even if he has mastered the magical skill of Divine Machine Hundred Refining and can quickly refine magic weapons, he is not proficient in physical training.

"Don't be nervous, I have no intention of attacking you."

Huang Miao's tone remained calm and he slowly removed his hand from Ma Xianhong's head. He walked back to the futon and sat down.

"I just wanted to let you know that as long as I want, don't talk about Chen Duo."

"I can kill your entire Biyou Village."

"I came to Biyou Village this time not for Chen Duo, and it has nothing to do with the company."

"Then why are you here?"

If Huang Miao said these words before, he might not believe it, but after seeing Huang Miao's methods, he had to believe it.

Just now the opponent didn't even use Fenghou Qimen, he could reach that speed just by relying on his own strength.

He even suppressed himself and couldn't even use the magic weapon freely.

As the blond young man in front of him said, if he really came here for Chen Duo, the other party wouldn't even need to talk nonsense with him.

Take action directly and no one in Biyou Village can stop him.

"I'm here for you."

"To be more precise, it's for the magic machine in your hand."

"Leave him to me, and I will not participate in the dispute between your Biyou Village and the company."

Huang Miao didn't hide anything and went straight to the point.

According to the memory of the previous life, although the Ma Xianhong in front of him attaches great importance to the successor of the Eight Wonders.

But I don’t actually care much about the Eight Magic Skills themselves.

It is not difficult to get an audit face from him.

According to the current progress, the other party should have taught Qiu Rang the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements.

He also made a rubbing and passed it on to Zhuge Qing.

If the other party can teach the skills to these two people, he must not care about one more person.

"The magic machine is perfected?"

"Do you want to practice the Divine Machine and Hundred Refinements?"

Ma Xianhong was stunned. He really didn't expect that Huang Miao's purpose of coming to him was actually the magic machine.

In his impression, after learning one Eight Wonders Skill, it would be difficult to practice other Eight Wonders Skills.

After all, a person's talent is limited.

The Eight Magic Skills themselves are the ultimate form of magic, so they are very difficult to practice and cannot be practiced casually.

It is already very difficult to be lucky enough to be able to cultivate one discipline.

It was not like his sister had never thought about practicing various Eight Wonders Skills before, but they all ended in failure.

Although the blond young man in front of him was very strong, he didn't think that his cultivation aptitude was better than that of his sister.

Able to practice two kinds of Eight Wonders.


"As for whether I can practice or not, that's my own business and has nothing to do with you."

Huang Miao saw the suspicious look in Ma Xianhong's eyes.

But he didn't explain.

He didn't know whether others could succeed in cultivation, but with his qualifications there was absolutely no problem.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about his own cultivation qualifications. After transforming into a human form, he is even more like a celestial being.

"I can teach you this skill of Shen Ji Bai Lian."

"But I want to know, where did you practice the Feng Hou Qi Sect from?"

Ma Xianhong's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes became more scrutinizing.

"As far as I know, brother, you are not from the Wu-Tang Clan."

"Today's Fenghou Qimen, it seems that only Taoist Master Wang Ye has practiced it. Brother, how did you obtain Fenghou Qimen?"

Because his great-grandfather Ma Ben was here at the time, and his personal experience with his grandfather, Ma Xianhong didn't have a good impression of those who wanted to steal the Eight Wonders.

If Huang Miao was the orthodox successor of the Eight Wonders, he would definitely teach the magic skills and skills without hesitation.

But if the other party is the same as the group that hunted down their family, they obtained the Eight Magic Skills through other means.

Then even if he died, he would never hand over the Divine Machine Bailian.

"Fenghou Qimen?"

"You have already said that Wang Ye is the only one in the entire alien world who has practiced the Fenghou Qimen. So if I want to practice, Wang Ye must teach me."

Huang Miao spoke casually, not paying attention to the way Ma Xianhong looked at him.

Even if he is extremely talented, he doesn't have the ability to realize the Fenghou Qimen out of thin air without the Fenghou Qimen map in Wang Ye's hands.

However, after hearing his words, Ma Xianhong's eyes became sharper.

"Taoist Master Wang Ye taught?"

"Brother, you must have used some extraordinary means to force Taoist Master Wang Ye to teach you such a precious technique!"

Although he didn't care about the Eight Wonders, Ma Xianhong didn't believe that anyone could teach the Eight Wonders to others so casually like him.

There is a high probability that the person in front of him is thinking the same thing as him, forcing Wang Ye to teach Fenghou Qimen to him through some means.

As far as he knew, not long ago, Wang Yedao's family was threatened by a certain force.

Could it be the person in front of me?

Feeling the sudden change in Ma Xianhong's expression, Huang Miao also roughly guessed what the other party was thinking.

chuckled out loud.

"Extreme measures?"

"Ma Xianhong, are you thinking too much?"

"If it is really an extraordinary measure, do you think the king is capable of escaping from me?"

"Besides, isn't the other party in your Biyou Village now?"

"If I had used tricks, do you think he could still be so leisurely?!"

The Ma Xianhong in front of him was exactly the same as the tech geeks engaged in scientific research in his impression.

IQ is very high, but emotional intelligence is somewhat unsatisfactory.

If it were Wang Ye, Zhang Chulan and the others, they would never ask such a stupid question.

After he had just shown his strength, he would definitely hand over the Eight Wonders obediently.

After all, if everyone is a knife and a fish, there is no capital left to negotiate.

If he hadn't known that Ma Xianhong was like this, he would have been a naive person.

Huang Miao had already given this kid a slap in the face to let him know that he would easily get beaten if he talked too much nonsense.

Ma Xianhong blinked and thought about what Huang Miao just said.

It actually makes some sense.

If the other party really used extraordinary means to force Taoist priest Wang Ye to hand over Fenghou Qimen, Taoist priest Wang Ye would not have been able to greet the opponent so leisurely just now.

"Well, I thought too much, sorry, brother."

"Since you are also an orthodox descendant of the Eight Wonders of the Arts, there is no problem if you want to practice the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements."

As he spoke, Ma Xianhong took out a bite bag from his pocket.

It is a round ball only as big as the palm of your hand.

Similar to storage bags or space magic weapons in the world of cultivation, although they are only the size of a small palm, the internal space is extraordinary.

The real space of the capsule in his hand is as big as a room.

Ma Xianhong casually threw the bag to Huang Miao, which contained the rubbings of the magic machine.

"But I told you in advance that if you want to practice the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements, you must at least have a certain talent for refining."

"Shen Ji Bai Lian and Feng Hou Qi Men belong to completely different directions."

"Although you can successfully cultivate Fenghou Qimen, you may not really be able to master my magical skills."

Huang Miao simply glanced at the bag with his spiritual consciousness and put it in his arms.

Hearing Ma Xianhong's reminder from behind, he smiled indifferently.

Then he took a sip of tea, and the evil spirit naturally emerged from his body.

With just one breath, a terrifying ghost appeared out of thin air in the room, wrapping around Huang Miao.

At the same time, Huang Miao dipped his hand into the tea splashed on the table.

In mid-air, a blue talisman was drawn out of thin air.

"In the final analysis, the Eight Wonders are just eight techniques, and they are not difficult to master."

(End of this chapter)

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