One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 146: You’re not some perverted tech geek, are you?

Chapter 146: You’re not some perverted tech geek, are you?

"Juling sent generals?!"


"How can this be!"

Ma Xianhong was in a daze, staring at the ghost that appeared out of thin air in the room and the talisman that appeared in front of him.

As the successor of the Eight Wonders, he has often collected rumors about the Eight Wonders over the years.

Naturally, he knew what the ghosts and talismans that appeared in front of him symbolized.

The young man in front of him actually displayed two of the Eight Magic Skills in front of him!

how can that be!

"I didn't dream!"

Ma Xianhong's breathing was a little rapid. How could these two eight magical skills appear in the hands of one person at the same time?

Isn't it a secret of the Huifeng family in the world to restrain their spirits and send generals?

Why would the person in front of me use it!
Could it be that the other party belongs to the player?
How to explain Tongtianlu!

If there are two major families who can use the Julingsending General in the alien world, then there is currently only one person practicing in Tongtianlu in the entire alien world.

The head of the Lu family, one of the ten men.

With Lu Jin's character, the other party would never teach Tong Tian Lu to others at will.

Even among the children of the Lu family, no one can cultivate the Tongtian Lu, let alone the Wang family.

and many more!

Ma Xianhong's memory flowed rapidly, a light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

Not long ago, at the Luotian Festival, Lu Jin taught the Tongtian Ru to a little girl from Nedotong Company.

Isn't that little girl Feng Baobao, the temporary worker who appeared in Biyou Village?
The other party most likely obtained the Tongtianlu cultivation method through Feng Baobao.

However, it had only been a short time since the Luotian Dajiao ended, and the other party had already completely mastered the Tongtian Ru.

You must know that even with his talent in refining weapons, it took him more than half a year to fully master the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements.

The guy in front of him, while mastering the other eight magical skills, took less than a month to master the Tongtian Lu.

No wonder the guy in front of him is so confident that he can master the magic machine.

Ma Xianhong stared at Huang Miao, took two deep breaths, and his eyes became more eager.

Maybe that idea of ​​mine really has a chance of success now.

A bold idea emerged in Ma Xianhong's mind again, an idea he had had a few years ago.

It was only because it could not be realized that it was finally delayed.

Now after seeing that Huang Miao has mastered at least three and eight magical skills, the thoughts that were originally hidden in his heart resurfaced again.

The eyes staring at Huang Miao became more and more fanatical.

"Does such a thing really exist?!"

"God has not failed me, hahaha!"

"I finally found the perfect test vessel!"

Looking at Ma Xianhong who suddenly became a little crazy in front of him, Huang Miao frowned slightly.

This guy won't be stimulated and will go crazy, right?

I didn’t do anything!

"Brother, please help me!!"

"Be sure to stay in Biyou Village for a while, so that I can study you well!"

After Ma Xianhong laughed twice, his mood finally returned to calm. After he stopped laughing, he looked at Huang Miao with a surprisingly serious expression.

The look was like looking at a perfect handicraft.

He grabbed Huang Miao's arm pleadingly or even pleadingly.

As a tech geek, Ma Xianhong naturally has his dreams.

Many years ago, after fully understanding the various Eight Wonders techniques, Ma Xianhong had a bold idea about the so-called Eight Wonders.

At that time, he wanted to try to integrate the power of the Eight Wonders through some means.

Create an unprecedented creation!

In his imagination, the Eight Wonders are not simply eight kinds of exercises, but more like representing eight kinds of magical power.

As long as these eight magical powers are condensed into a creation, it will definitely produce unparalleled effects.

After reviewing previous alien information, Ma Xianhong discovered that his idea had actually been thought of by predecessors.

And also achieve this.

Back in the Jiashen years, Bai Xiao, a completely evil man, was known as the great master who possessed two unique skills: talismans and mechanisms.

It is to integrate the two methods of mechanism and talisman, and finally cultivate the unique skill of ink tendons and soft bones.

This unique skill not only has extremely strong defensive capabilities, but its attack methods are even more unpredictable.

It is far beyond the comparison of ordinary talisman monks or mechanism methods.

As a weapon refiner, Ma Xianhong naturally hopes that he can refine a powerful magical weapon that is unprecedented and unprecedented.

And the refining magic weapon created by integrating the eight magical skills can definitely do it.

At the beginning, Bai Xiao only integrated two arts into one, and he has become a rare master in the alien world.

Moreover, the two techniques practiced by the opponent are not top-level techniques in the true sense.

If all the eight magical skills could be integrated into one creation, Ma Xianhong could not imagine what a shocking magical weapon it would be.

It will definitely be the most perfect magical weapon in the world!
It's a pity that for so many years, he has not found a perfect carrier for the Eight Wonders.

Therefore the idea never had a chance to be realized.

In fact, his ultimate purpose in making the self-cultivation furnace was to create a carrier and at the same time bring together all the superpowers in the world.

It's a pity that after so many years of research, the Slimming Furnace has just completed the first stage of testing.

There is still a long way to go before the perfect slimming stove.

But now, things have turned around, and he sees new hope!

The person in front of me has already mastered three magical skills at the same time. If the other party can master the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements, then he has already mastered half of the eight magical skills!
Definitely the perfect vehicle for his research!

Huang Miao secretly sucked the Yahuazi.

This guy Ma Xianhong can't really be that kind of perverted tech geek, right? ?
It looks a little crazy!

"Brother, no, I should call you master!"

"Master, don't get me wrong, I just want to study the operation of the various eight magical powers in your body."

"According to my speculation, if the various energies of the Eight Wonders can operate under certain orderly rules, it may be possible to create gods!"

"You see, based on my speculation"

Ma Xianhong looked excited and took out the long-dusted drawings from a bag and spread them on the table.

He was like a man who had been claustrophobic for many years and finally found someone to talk to.

He began to talk endlessly about his ideas for Huang Miao.

Huang Miao originally didn't intend to listen to the other party's nonsense, but after seeing the drawings Ma Xianhong took out, he was slightly startled.

Because the guesses on Ma Xianhong's drawings were very different from the various energy trends in his own veins!

Blood, flesh, tendons, bones, and spirit each correspond to the energy of the Eight Wonders.

Just by relying on deduction, the rules of how the Eight Magic Skills operate in the body are pretty much the same!

For the first time, Huang Miao looked seriously at the long-haired young man in front of him who was talking endlessly and seemed to be neurotic.

Could it be that this guy is really a genius!

It took half an hour for Ma Xianhong to finish telling his speculation.

He stared at Huang Miao with burning eyes.

"Master, please!"

It's not easy to meet a genius who can practice a variety of eight magical skills.

Ma Xianhong never wants to miss it.

Huang Miao stared at the drawings in front of him, hesitated for a moment and then nodded slightly.

It was agreed.

According to Ma Xianhong's speculation, if the conflict of the Eight Magic Skills cannot be balanced within the body, the final result will be death by body explosion.

Huang Miao still agrees with this speculation.

As he mastered more and more Eight Wonders, he could vaguely feel that a certain balance in his body was being changed.

If it is not for the Nascent Soul in Dantian to balance. Perhaps as early as when practicing the third eight magical skills, the energy in the body will be completely out of balance.

If Ma Xianhong can really develop a way of balancing, it will be a reference for himself.

And he can just take advantage of this time to practice and master the divine machine.

Practicing here for a short period of time can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Thank you very much, Master!"

"I promise here that as long as you don't take the initiative to cause trouble in Biyou Village, our Biyou Village will never make things difficult for you."

"Of course, regarding Chen Duo's matter, please don't embarrass me, master."

"It's Chen Duo's own idea to stay in Biyou Village."

"As for killing the person in charge of the company, I will give the company an explanation in the future."

Seeing Huang Miao nodding in agreement, Ma Xianhong couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes.

By the way, the hostility towards Wang Zhenqiu and others has been reduced a lot.

"I don't intend to get involved in the affairs between you, Chen Duo and the company."

"I have said before that I only came here to practice my magic, and other things have nothing to do with me."

Huang Miao waved his hand and spoke calmly.

He was not from the company, so he went with a few people just because he promised Xu Si to take care of Feng Baobao.

Outside the house, only Qiu Rang and Feng Baobao were staring at each other.

Feng Baobao's eyes kept wandering to the gold-plated Ruyi on Qiu Rang's waist.

Qiu Rang stared at Feng Baobao warily.

Now that he doesn't have a protective magical weapon, he really may not be a match for the girl in front of him.

And the sly look in the other party's eyes made it seem like this girl didn't have any good ideas in mind.

Fortunately, as the door of the wooden house was pushed open, Huang Miao and Ma Xianhong both walked out of the wooden house.


Seeing Ma Xianhong appear, Qiu Rang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Qiu Rang, these few are now our guests in Biyou Village. Please arrange accommodation for them."

"Don't mess with them."

Ma Xianhong was in a good mood. After giving orders to Qiu Rang, he respectfully saluted Huang Miao with cupped fists.

"Master, I have to arrange things in the village next."

"I won't accompany you anymore."

"You can move around freely in the village. After arranging things in the village, I will personally invite you to visit Biyou Village in the afternoon."


Huang Miao didn't care much about these mundane things.

If it weren't for helping Ma Xianhong study the situation of the gathering of the Eight Wonders, he wouldn't have even planned to leave the room.

In the entire Biyou Village, the only thing that interested him was the Slimming Furnace.

"This girl has offended a lot of things in the past."

"The reason why I took action against you was because I was entrusted by others."

"Please don't mind."

"Since you are the master's friend, you are also my friend in Biyou Village."

"We will not attack you again."

Ma Xianhong's eyes fell on Feng Baobao again. Even if Ma Xianhong's emotional intelligence was low, he could still tell that he had a close relationship with Huang Miao.

Ma Xianhong directly apologized for ambushing the opponent.

Feng Baobao looked at the young man in front of him stupidly, scratched his head and said oh.

I have no idea what the other person is talking about.

Of course she had an impression of the battle a few days ago, but she didn't remember that the person in front of her had participated.

"Okay, let's go, Bao'er."

"Let's go to the village first, so as not to delay Village Chief Ma's business."

Huang Miao yawned, turned around and walked towards the village with Feng Baobao.

I have to say that the place chosen by Ma Xianhong is not bad. It is far away from the busy city and has beautiful scenery.

It can be regarded as a paradise and tourist attraction.

"Oh, okay Sa, Qiu and the others have already wandered around the village."

"They asked us to go to the east end of the village."

Feng Baobao pointed in the direction.

She did not forget the purpose of entering Biyou Village this time.

Several people gathered clues separately to see if they could find a way to transform ordinary people into aliens in Biyou Village.

In front of the cabin.

Ma Xianhong and Qiu Rang looked at the backs of Huang Miao and Feng Baobao.

Qiu Rang looked worried.

"Village Chief, can you just let these people hang out in our Biyou Village?"

"What if they suddenly attack Chen Duo?"

"Don't worry, I've already sent people to guard Chen Duo."

"Tell the superiors that as long as the other party doesn't take the initiative, we try not to provoke the other party."

"Don't reveal the identities of these people to ordinary people in the village."

"Their goal this time is Chen Duo. As long as these people don't take the initiative to attack Chen Duo, we will treat them as ordinary guests."

"Of course, if these people don't care about life and death, they will still attack Chen Duo."

"Then you don't have to be polite!"

"As for the master, he has promised me that he will not interfere in the affairs between us and the company."

"The other party is our real guest in Biyou Village!"

"You must not provoke him!"

Ma Xianhong spoke slowly, and there seemed to be unconcealable joy in his tone.

Qiu Rang's eyes followed Huang Miao's back.

"Don't worry, village chief, we will never take the initiative to cause trouble."

If this blond young man is really the mysterious man who made an attack in the forest before, then even if he had ten more courages, he would not dare to provoke him.

With the strength the opponent showed that night, he could crush anyone in the village.

Fortunately, the other party agreed not to interfere in the affairs between the company and them.

Otherwise, the two sides will really conflict.

Their side is almost certain to lose.

"By the way, village chief, there seems to be a new situation with Grandpa Bi."

"After he asks you to come out, go and have a look at the Slimming Furnace."

"The guy trapped inside seems to be losing his mental strength."

"Why did you disappear suddenly?"

On the path of Biyou Village, Feng Baobao suddenly scratched his head and looked around in confusion.

From the moment she entered the village, she felt like she was being watched by someone.

But I never found out who was spying in secret.

But just now, this feeling suddenly disappeared.

Huang Miao moved his fingers and easily crushed a buzzing mosquito between his fingers.

Although Ma Xianhong is a bit naive, he is not a fool.

How could we trust a few temporary workers to wander around the village with such arrogance?

As a skilled weapon refiner who has practiced magical weapons for hundreds of years, Ma Xianhong naturally has an endless supply of magical weapons.

Although the entire Biyou Village looks simple and natural, there are many technological methods that are higher than modern technology hidden in the secret.

(End of this chapter)

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