Chapter 149 Broken
"Why can't this guy listen to what people say?"

"We are not ghosts. We were really invited by your mother. Your mother asked me to call you back!"

"In short, your life as an immortal is fake. In reality, you are just an ordinary office worker."

Zhuge Qing looked at Zhao Nian's extremely arrogant performance and couldn't help but hold his forehead.

If Ma Xianhong hadn't been given this face, he would have walked away by now.

There's definitely something wrong with this guy's head, and he can't listen to what he's saying at all.

"Hahaha, how ridiculous!"

"It's the same rhetoric as the last old man I killed."

Zhao Nian sneered twice, and the seven-star sword in his hand burst into dazzling light.

Suddenly, there was a storm.

Countless rays of light converged on the seven-star sword wound in Zhao Nian's hand.

"I did have a terrible dream before."

"In the dream world, there is an ugly, humble, and cowardly me. In that world, I didn't hurt anyone, but those people kept hurting me!"

"A bunch of ants are targeting me everywhere!"

As the words fell, the aura on Zhao Nian's body became more turbulent and vigorous.

He seemed to be angered by Zhuge Qing's words just now, or he was thinking of himself in the real world.

The seven-star sword in his hand burst out with dazzling light, and Zhao Nian ducked and arrived in front of Zhuge Qing almost instantly.

This world is Zhao Nian's conscious world, where he can do anything he wants.

If some strangers who have never practiced interior warlock enter this world rashly, no matter how strong they are in the real world.

They will all be defeated in the end.

After all, the world itself is the opponent's home field.

But for a warlock like Zhuge Qing, there is no such concern.

After all, fighting in the interior is also the warlock's home field.

A seven-star sword exactly like Zhao Nian appeared out of thin air in Zhuge Qing's hand.

In the sky, the wind and clouds meet.

As the two divine weapons collided, the terrifying air waves soaring into the sky directly blasted a huge hole in the sky.

Zhuge Qing took Zhao Nian's blow with one hand.

Easy and simple.


"How could you take my blow so easily?!"

"And the magic weapon in your hand. There is obviously only one Seven-Star Moon-Breaking Sword in this world!"

Zhao Nian looked at Zhuge Qing in disbelief.

He has never seen anyone take his full blow so easily!
The opponent's strength is at least in the late stage of Douzong.

And why does the opponent have a weapon exactly like his own in his hand?


"Because the world you live in is itself an illusion."

“Everything you experience is false imagery.”

"And that thing you don't want to recall is a dream, it's the real world!"

"Ask yourself Zhao Nian, how did you use the attack just now? How does the energy work?"

Zhuge Qing walked towards Zhao Nian calmly. There were only two ways to take these people trapped in the interior out of the interior.

The first is to let the other party fully understand the illusion of the inner scene.

This illusion naturally breaks down on its own.

Will not continue to sink into the inner scene, most warlocks are like this.

Of course there is a second way.

It is in the interior scene that it brings great shock to the other party and makes the other party feel awe and fear!
Let this awe be firmly engraved in your flesh and blood.

In this way, you can also step out of the inner scene and no longer be bound by it.

However, the second method is difficult to achieve. After all, if you want to defeat the opponent in the opponent's interior, you also have to make the opponent feel afraid.

This in itself is extremely difficult.

To put it bluntly, this world is the product of the other party's consciousness.

The opponent here is the legendary Heavenly Way. To defeat the opponent is as difficult as ascending to heaven.

Fortunately, it seems now that Zhao Nian is not too depressed when he is trapped in the inner scene. At least he can still remember some things in reality.

Zhuge Qing continued to speak, criticizing the reality of this world word by word.

He had already seen the confusion flashing in Zhao Nian's eyes.

Obviously under his guidance, the other party should have realized that this world is an illusion.

"Reality? Illusion?"

"This world is not real. Could it be that the dream world you mentioned is real?"

Zhao Nian was trembling all over, and his emotions seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

He has begun to be affected by Zhuge Qing's words, but he still has not completely denied the world.

"Of course!"

"Because that world makes more sense."

Seeing that Zhao Nian was beginning to waver, Zhuge Qing continued to strike while the iron was hot.

"It doesn't make sense to just casually attract the fine women here."

“It’s true that you can’t communicate with women on an equal footing and you can’t do whatever you want.”

"Tao is reality, reason is reality. Isn't the evidence that the dream is true in your memory?"

"Isn't this fictional world in front of you based on your memory?"

"Zhao Nian, wake up!"

"You are not a proud man, you are just an ordinary worker!"

"Your life is boring and boring. There are no women, no friends, and no entertainment. That is the real you!"

Listening to Zhuge Qing's righteous revelation of the truth, Huang Miao was slightly startled.

Blinking, he looked at Zhuge Qing beside him speechlessly. Is this guy mentally ill?
Is he helping Zhao Nian get out of the inner scene, or does he want Zhao Nian to continue to sink?
If it's as Zhuge Qing said, who the hell wants to go back to that shit real world?
Isn’t that just looking for abuse?
In this world, Zhao Nian is the son of good fortune, embracing him every day and enjoying the life of an emperor.

Who wants to continue to be a cow or a horse?

Zhao Nian, who had already regained some sanity, began to look even crazier again.

"Hahaha, whether it's real or illusory!"

"I don't even care anymore!"

"As long as it makes me strong, that's true for me!"

"If it is true as you say, this world is controlled by me, then please go to hell!"

Zhao Nian laughed loudly like crazy, and his aura surged again.

Once again sinking into the inner scene.

And this time, he actively chose to perish.

Rather than being confused by the interior scenery.

Just like those at the back of Wudang Mountain, they voluntarily fell into the inner scene.

The ground beneath their feet began to tremble violently with Zhao Nian's laughter, and huge blue vines sprouted from the ground.

Like a swimming dragon.

"You two guys, go to hell!"

"Bluesilver grass - entangled!"

Countless huge blue vines rushed towards Huang Miao and Zhuge Qing from all directions.

In just one breath, the two of them were surrounded.

After Zhuge Qing's explanation, Zhao Nian realized that he might be the king of this world. Countless moves that he had never practiced before could be condensed out of thin air at this moment.

The power is also far beyond normal.

Zhuge Qing looked at Zhao Nian who suddenly went crazy and was confused.

I don't understand why the other party suddenly went crazy? !
It was obvious that he had just shown signs of rescuing him from the inner scene, and the other party should have realized that the inner scene was an illusory world.

Why continue to sink?
"Brother Zhuge, I've told you a long time ago that it's useless to argue with people like this."

"He just took a beating."

"The best way to face such a person is to completely defeat him and engrave awe in the deepest part of his consciousness." Huang Miao stretched his waist. For a warlock without professional training, even if he realizes that the inner scene is... Fantasy world.

It is inevitable to sink into it.

This is human nature.

Huang Miao was originally not optimistic about Zhuge Qing's method of persuading Zhao Nian to wake up through talk.

But since Zhuge Qing wanted to try it, he just regarded it as a show.

"Wake me up?"

"Hahaha, you are so arrogant!"

"Since you said that I am the master of this world, then why do you defeat me in my world!?"

"Forged by Three Thousand Avenues·The third of the three world-destroying demon swords - kill together!"

Zhao Nian's body slowly rose into the air, wild and uninhibited, and the exclusive bug appeared naturally again.

At this time, the entire void was on the verge of collapse.

The terrifying sword was extremely fast, cutting through the void and coming towards Huang Miao.

"Young man, you are so impulsive."

Zhuge Qing took two steps back slightly, shook his head helplessly and sighed.

Zhao Nian had no problem taking action against himself, but he absolutely shouldn't take action against the guy next to him.

Based on his understanding of this guy, he is not a soft-hearted guy.

Moreover, the other party has already mastered the Fenghou Qimen. Although the world here is Zhao Nian's consciousness, for Huang Tian who practices the Fenghou Qimen.

As long as he is in the inner scene, he can activate Fenghou Qimen to the extreme.

You can really turn me into a king!

Zhuge Qing hurriedly ran to hide behind a huge rock.

In the next battle, he will not continue to get involved. Since Zhao Nian doesn't listen to reason, let him experience boxing and kicking skills.


The dazzling sword light accompanied by the huge vines around him instantly enveloped Huang Miao.

The powerful impact caused the earth to fall apart.

"Your companions have been reduced to ashes!"

"Trapped by the blue silver entanglement, no one can break free!"

"You're next!"

Zhao Nian turned his head to look at Zhuge Qing who was hiding behind the boulder with contempt in his eyes, and ignored Huang Miao who was buried in the blue and silver vines.

Zhuge Qing revealed his head, narrowed his eyes and pointed behind Zhao Nian.

"That great immortal, you'd better look back."

"Your blue and silver entanglement doesn't seem to be working very well."

The huge vines began to fall off layer by layer, and the evil spirit spread from them.

Huang Miao walked out of the vines wrapped in a strong evil spirit, unscathed.

After taking Zhao Nian's blow that could cut through the void, Huang Miao acted like a normal person.

Not even the clothes on his body were damaged.

"How is it possible!"

"My strongest attack can even shatter the void. How could that happen!?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"What kind of monster are you? Isn't this my world?"

Zhao Nian's eyes widened and he looked at Huang Miao coming out of the vines in shock.

The rich black energy released from the other party actually made him feel a little scared.

This emotion was something he had never felt before.

"Young man, do you really think you can do whatever you want in your mind?"

"Sometimes I really admire you people, you know it's fake, but you still indulge in it."

"What's the point?"

Huang Miao patted the dust on his body and couldn't help but sneered when he heard Zhao Nian's unbelievable words.

"I advise you to open your eyes and take a good look at the world."

"Is this really your conscious world now?"

Huang Miao flashed in front of Zhao Nian in an instant.

She opened her fingers slightly and grabbed his face.

The arrogant force directly pushed his whole body to the ground.

Zhao Nian, who was extremely arrogant a second ago, now doesn't even have the ability to resist.

It was like a piece of fish that was being slaughtered by others, but Huang Miao was ravaging it like a little chicken, and pinned it to the ground.

Zhao Nian was pinned to the ground. He wanted to struggle but was horrified to find that his strength began to fade away little by little.

"No, it's impossible, how could it be possible?!"

Zhao Nian's eyes were horrified, and his whole body began to tremble.

He looked at Huang Miao in fear.

"What exactly did you do to me?"

"My power. Where is my power?"

His originally handsome appearance began to change little by little, and his blue hair turned into ordinary jet black.

The perfect figure also began to shrink.

Soon, Nicholas Zhao Nian, who was extremely handsome just now, turned into a really wretched look.

The power, abilities, and appearance brought to him in the conscious world all began to dissipate.

Those memories in the real world become increasingly clear.

"Stop talking and watch."

Huang Miao's cold voice sounded in Zhao Nian's ears. Although it only contained six words, it sounded like a huge force in Zhao Nian's ears.

Zhao Niansheng could not afford to resist at all.

The next moment, something even more horrifying happened in his eyes.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering sound.

The world they were in began to tremble and collapse.

There is only nothingness left around him, as if he is in the vast and boundless universe.


"My world is broken?"

Zhao Nian's pupils shook violently, and he opened his mouth wide for a long time before uttering a word.

His world is shattered?

According to what the blue-haired guy said, isn't this his own conscious world?

Why did it suddenly collapse?

Not only Zhao Nian, but also Zhuge Qing did not expect such a thing to happen, and stared at the blond young man in front of him in disbelief.

The other party actually dragged Zhao Nian from his conscious world into the inner scene!
Unheard of methods!
However, what shocked them was far more than that.

"Then what is that?"

Zhao Nian suddenly exclaimed, his pupils staring closely into the distance into the void.

His face was full of fear and horror, as if he had seen something terrible.

In the depths of the universe, one can vaguely see a ten-thousand-foot-long dharma image.

The Dharma Prime Minister sat cross-legged, his whole body shrouded in an eerie and terrifying aura.

The height far exceeds human cognition.

It seems to have opened up the entire void universe.

Just the scarlet eyes are as huge as the sun, moon and stars.

Huang Miao lifted Zhao Nian up with one hand and pressed his head so that he could fully see the Huangxian Dharma in the universe.

"Remember what it looks like."

"Keep him etched in your mind."

"When I have the opportunity to enter the interior again in the future, I will worship it as a god!"

(End of this chapter)

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