Chapter 150 It’s just a little effort

When Zhao Nian was shocked in his conscious world, Ma Xianhong in the hall also looked at the self-cultivation furnace in surprise.

The Slimming Furnace, which had always been running normally, was now trembling.

From time to time, mechanical sounds came from the stove, accompanied by a burning smell.

Dazzling light was released from the Slimming Furnace, as if it would explode and decompose at any time.

"What's going on?"

"Slimming furnace?!"

Ma Xianhong stood on the side of the self-cultivation furnace and observed the changes in the self-cultivation furnace.

It was also the first time he encountered this situation.

It stands to reason that the Self-cultivation Furnace is the most outstanding creation after he has refined his magic machine for hundreds of years, so it is impossible for such a problem to occur.

Why are there sudden signs of collapse today?

"Master Ma, why do I feel like something is wrong?"

Zhao Nian's mother couldn't help but speak. Even though she was a woman who didn't understand anything, she saw the changes in the self-cultivation furnace.

It doesn’t feel right either.

The operation of the Slimming Furnace was not the same before.

Ma Xianhong didn't bother groping for the self-cultivation furnace and directly turned on the central control mechanism.

Take out the core that controls the slimming furnace.

"No, we have to stop the Slimming Furnace first."

"Is the spiritual power in the interior scene too huge? The load on the Slimming Furnace is too large and it cannot operate normally?"

At this time, the Slimming Furnace had begun to crack because it could not bear the load.

The cracks visible to the naked eye continue to enlarge, as if it will collapse at any time.

Although I don’t know why this is the case, it should have something to do with Huang Miao.

After all, this kind of problem never occurred when the previous Slimming furnace was running.

In order to test Zhao Nian's physical condition, Grandpa Bi had not entered Zhao Nian's spiritual world.

There were no accidents.

With a cracking sound.

The various data of the Slimming Furnace have reached the threshold peak, and large and small cracks have spread to the entire furnace body.

Under the watchful eyes of Ma Xianhong and Zhao Nian's mother, the self-cultivation furnace began to break into pieces bit by bit.

But on the eve of complete collapse, a stream of steam came from the cultivation furnace.

The violent vibrations suddenly stopped, and the door of the Slimming Stove was slowly pushed open.

In the smoke, a thin Zhao Nian appeared in the stove.

Already regained consciousness.

However, compared with normal people, his expression is still a bit dull.

As if he had experienced some huge change, he walked out of the self-cultivation furnace in a dejected manner.

At the same time, Huang Miao and Zhuge Qing also walked out of their respective seats.

However, unlike Huang Miao's calm expression, Zhuge Qing seemed to have seen something surprising, and his expression was not quite right.

Especially the look in Huang Miao's eyes was a little more awe-inspiring.

Ma Xianhong didn't know what the three people experienced in the interior scene.

However, seeing Zhao Nian regaining consciousness, he also knew that Huang Miao and Zhuge Qing had succeeded.

"Master, Brother Zhuge really has you. Grandpa Bi and I have been treating him for more than a month and still can't wake up Zhao Nian from the inner scene."

"It only took you half an hour to rescue Zhao Nian from the interior scene."

"Thanks to Brother Huang for the matter of Master Ma, it has nothing to do with me."

"Being able to pull Zhao Nian out of the spiritual world is all because of Brother Huang's toughness."

Zhuge Qing recalled the huge Dharma image he had seen in the interior before, and still couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

The other party's spiritual power was something he had never seen before.

Even the mental strength of some of the elders in their Zhuge family pales in comparison to the man in front of them.

Huang Miao waved his hand and didn't pay much attention.

For him, this matter was just a piece of cake.

"I, I. I will never practice again."

"I'll never go inside again."

Zhao Nian on the side walked out of the self-cultivation furnace dullly, muttering to himself.

It seemed that he was really stimulated and his mind was a little unclear.

"Master, who is Zhao Nian?"

Ma Xianhong frowned slightly and noticed that Zhao Nian was strange. Although Zhao Nian had recovered his consciousness at this time, he did not look like a normal person.

"It must be that the stimulation given to him in the interior scene was too much. It's okay and I just need Brother Zhuge to comfort him with a few words."

Huang Miao waved his hand indifferently.

Even a professional warlock like Zhuge Qing would be shocked when he saw the appearance of his deity shown in the interior scenes.

Not to mention Zhao Nian, a half-baked warlock who only relied on a miscellaneous book to practice.

"Let me do it."

Zhuge Qing walked up to Zhao Nian and put his hand on his forehead.

"Zhao Nianjing is careful. Since you have been able to enter the inner scene, I will teach you some regular sorcerer training experience."

Zhao Nian slowly raised his head, his eyes regained some sparkle, but he still looked at Zhuge Qing doubtfully.

Didn't the other party say before in the interior scene that he can no longer practice recklessly?
Why teach methods again?

"The reason why you fell into the interior scene is entirely because you have no control over it."

"You know the concept of being distracted."

Ignoring Zhao Nian's confused look, Zhuge Qing began to explain on his own.

"Practitioners in the past compared the heart and lungs to monkeys, which are responsible for the mind and yang."

"The liver and kidneys are compared to pigs, and the seven emotions and six desires are compared to yin."

"The five elements of the spleen and stomach belong to earth and are used to reconcile yin and yang, so they are called sand monks."

"And the so-called imaginary horse can be understood as everyone's thoughts."

"The monk sitting on the horse is the soul called Tripitaka."

"We are usually confused, but dominate our consciousness at critical moments."

Zhuge Qing used the Journey to the West team as a prototype and began to explain the sorcerer's training methods to Zhao Nian.

These metaphors are actually not a secret in the circle, and everyone with a little bit of family history knows them.

But for someone like Zhao Nian who has become a monk halfway, it is extremely valuable.

Zhao Nian's expression gradually became serious, and he listened with rapt attention.

"Do you want to know the dangers of not subduing the mind ape to those who practice Taoism?"

Zhuge Qing continued to speak, as if he was really a gentleman who preached and solved doubts.

"Remember that monkey in heaven? He is the mental monkey I just mentioned."

"Obviously you have achieved a pure Yang body, but you still have the temperament to eat peaches secretly."

"The peach is real, has benevolence, and is pure yang."

"If a pure Yang body takes flat peach, it will be Double Ninth Festival, also known as Yang pole."

"The yang pole generates yin, so after taking the flat peach, I met the seven fairies."

"Seven fairies, the most yin aspect."

"When the positive pole meets the negative pole, the power is broken."

"He also faced Yang Jian with his skills broken. Yang Jian is the Prime Minister of Shaoyang."

"The great sage with broken merits will be defeated if he fights against Yang Jian."

"Ultimately leading to a tragic ending for the monkey."

"This is the truth behind the trouble in the Heavenly Palace."

Zhuge Qing spoke calmly, but Zhao Nian was confused when he heard what he said, seeming to understand but not understanding.

I don't quite understand what Zhuge Qing is talking about.

“The monkey in the Heavenly Palace is our unconquered mental ape.” “For those who practice Taoism, as long as they fail to truly subdue the mental ape, no matter how they change, the final result will not change. "

"The only way is to be trapped under the Five Elements Mountain."

"There is no cure."

Zhuge Qing's face suddenly turned serious, and he looked at Zhao Nian with narrowed eyes.

Being unable to subdue the mental ape is a big taboo for those who practice Taoism.

Even if he and Huang Miao rescue Zhao Nian from the inner scene this time, as long as they don't really conquer the heart, there will be countless hardships in the future.

When he heard the words "no cure", Zhao Nian couldn't help but swallowed.

"Looking back now, where do you think the monkey's collapse started?"

"Reverse. Contrary to the Royal Horse Supervisor?"

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Nian was unsure about the answer in his mind.

"That's right, it's the traitor to the Horsemaster!"

"As the saying goes, if you trust the reins of a horse, you will inevitably encounter disaster."

"From the moment you don't do Bi Ma Wen, the monkey is already doomed to failure."

"Havoc in Heaven is a negative lesson taught to us by our predecessors. In fact, the mental ape is best at controlling the imaginary horse."

"Later on the journey of learning the scriptures, the monkey also completed the task of controlling the imaginary horse very well."

"Among the three, Sha Monk has the aspect of spleen and earth, the body of yin and yang, and his fruition status is the golden body Arhat."

“A strong body is also conducive to controlling your horse.”

"It can be regarded as the skill of a person who cultivates his body and cultivates his character."

"The only person who cannot control the mind horse is Shui Hai. He is transferred to the Seven Emotions and Six Desires. Once he starts to control the mind horse, it will be the beginning of disaster."

"The reason why you went crazy in the interior this time is because your consciousness was affected by lust."

"A strong mentality and a strong body are the only ways to conquer your horse."

"This is what we cultivators often call dual cultivation of life and life!"

Zhuge Qing went from the shallower to the deeper, instilling the orthodox path of Taoism into Zhao Nian bit by bit, and explained clearly why he went crazy in the interior scenes.

Zhao Nian, who was originally in a cloud, now gradually became clear from the confused look in his eyes at the beginning.

In his previous practice, he had to cross the river by feeling for the stones, but now that he heard Zhuge Qing's words, he finally found a correct path of practice.

"Let me give you one last piece of advice."

"Do you know what the white dragon horse Sanzang rides on shows in the hexagram?"


"No, not sure."

Zhao Nian shook his head. He had done some research on the Qimen Bagua, but not much.

It is even unclear what other references the white dragon horse has in the hexagram.

Zhuge Qing took out a Bagua copper coin from his pocket and handed it to Zhao Nian.

"The other identity of Bai Longma is the Third Prince of Xihai - Long San of the West."

"In terms of hexagrams, it is also called - the three lines of Qian!"

"The three lines of Qian: A gentleman works hard all day long, and is vigilant at night, without any blame."

"When you go down the mountain to practice in the future, remember this sentence."

"Three lines of stems. Three lines of stems"

"A gentleman works hard all day long and is vigilant at night, and he has no fault."

Zhao Nian murmured a few words to himself, his eyes became brighter, and he had completely regained his consciousness.

After standing up, he bowed respectfully to Zhuge Qing, Huang Miao and Ma Xianhong.

"I remember Master Qing."

"Thank you to my three benefactors for rescuing me from danger and helping me resolve my doubts."

"From now on, I will remember the master's teachings, strengthen my body and strengthen my mind."

Huang Miao and Ma Xianhong were both standing in front of the scrapped self-cultivation furnace at this time, not paying attention to the conversation between Zhao Nian and Zhuge Qing.

"As promised in advance, this stove has nothing to do with me."

"You asked me to rescue this guy Zhao Nian from the interior scene."

Looking at the self-cultivation furnace that had completely lost its function, Huang Miao stretched.

Although this self-cultivation furnace is most likely damaged because of its too strong ability displayed in the interior scene.

However, all this was caused by Ma Xianhong letting himself rescue Zhao Nian from the interior scene.

"Don't worry, Master, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"And this stove is ruined!"

Ma Xianhong didn't show any displeasure on his face, but there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

This time, before it was about to be scrapped, he finally found the correct energy operation method by observing the operation trajectory of the furnace.

Although the self-cultivation furnace could operate before, he always felt that something was missing and it seemed incomplete.

Now he finally understood the reason.

"Master, don't be nervous, this self-cultivation furnace is just a shell."

"As long as the inner core is not damaged, a brand new furnace will appear soon."

Ma Xianhong stretched out his palm, revealing a spherical mechanical part.

It is the core mechanism of the self-cultivation furnace.

At the same time, the door of the main hall was pushed open.

A dozen weird-looking dolls appeared outside the hall.

It is Ma Xianhong's artificial intelligence creation - Ruhua.

These Ruhuas each held different tools in their hands and filed into the hall.

He started banging on the badly damaged self-cultivation stove in the hall, very skillfully.

"This is a creation that I refined through the divine machine. It can independently complete the tasks specified by the user."

"And it can also model the user's Qi to a certain extent."

"In some cases, these flowers can be more useful than human helpers."

Huang Miao touched his chin and looked at the busy Ruhua in front of him.

Especially after hearing what Ma Xianhong said, these flowers can imitate the user's abilities when receiving the corresponding Qi.

A bold thought emerged from his mind.

"Mr. Ma, do you still have this gadget?"

"Give me a few for your convenience and let me go back and study them."

He has now obtained the Divine Machine Hundred Refining Skills, although he still knows nothing about refining weapons for the time being.

But as long as he learns how to master the magic machine, I believe it will not be difficult to imitate and create such a flowery robot.

When the time comes, he can try to create the imaginary humanoid magic weapon.


"No problem at all."

"When you complete the Hundred Refinements of the Divine Machine, you can create this ordinary flower at will."

Ma Xianhong nodded, but did not refuse.

I didn't ask Huang Miao what he was going to do with these flowers.

He casually took out a few capsules from his pocket and threw them to Huang Miao.

The bite bag can store unconscious objects, which is exactly the best container for storing flowers.

"Master, I should be here repairing and renovating the Slimming Furnace in the past few days."

"If you have any questions about weapon refining or cultivation, you can go to Qiu Rang."

"Now he can be considered to have mastered part of the magic machine."

Ma Xianhong looked at the self-cultivation furnace in front of him with warm eyes, and countless novel ideas poured out of his mind.

If it weren't for the presence of Huang Miao and others, he would have definitely taken out the drawings and started writing.

For a tech geek like him, nothing is more exciting than a new technological breakthrough.

(End of this chapter)

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