Chapter 151 The Great Refining Method
Late at night, the bright moonlight shines through the windows into the guest rooms in Biyou Village.

Huang Miao sat alone on the bed.

In front of him is the rubbing book that has been refined for many years.

After completely watching the Hundred Refinements of Divine Machinery, Huang Miao was feeling entangled and hesitant in his heart.

Different from ordinary exercises, Shen Ji Bai Lian is said to be an exercise, but in fact it cannot be said to be a cultivation method. To be more precise, it is a mechanism technique.

Although this technique also requires practice, the above records are more about weapon refining techniques.

As long as you understand the weapon refining method, the divine machine will naturally be cultivated.

Ma Benzai, one of the thirty-six thieves back then, was not an unusual person who was good at cultivation.

As the saying goes, there are people with wrong names, but there are no people with wrong nicknames.

When he was called the three-foot-old Luban, you can see what kind of person Ma Benzai is.

On the one hand, we can see Ma Benzai's talent in weapon refining. After all, Lu Ban can be said to be the originator of weapon refiners.

The "Book of Lu Ban" he compiled is now regarded as a treasure book for refining weapons.

Ma Ben can now be called Xiao Luban, and his talent in the art of weapon refining is self-evident.

However, on the other hand, it can be seen that Ma Benzai is not good at fighting and training.

After all, it has the prefix 'three feet', which doesn't look strong at all.

However, as weapon refiners, there is no need to fight or practice. They only need to refine magic weapons to improve their own strength.

The reason why Ma Xianhong is called the first person of the younger generation.

It's because he has countless protective weapons.

It's not about how strong he is.

If you don't count those mottled protective weapons, Zhang Chulan alone can easily take down Ma Xianhong.

Most of the weapon refiners, like Ma Xianhong, do not attach importance to cultivation. They will focus more on weapon refinement.

This is why the talents valued by weapon refiners are different from those of other schools.

The process of refining a weapon is divided into three parts: transforming objects, controlling objects, and refining weapons.

Specifically speaking, the three processes are the three processes of refining weapons.

By impregnating it with its own Qi for a long time, the object becomes stronger.

This process is transformation.

Generally speaking, most aliens can do this without any difficulty.

Even if you are not a professional weapon refiner, you can still complete it.

Just like the Okamoto Zero-and-One in Feng Baobao's hand.

Over the years, Feng Baobao has continuously used his Qi to cultivate, and has reached the highest level of chemical transformation.

The strength is comparable to the legendary magic weapon.

Although it is still the most common steel, Feng Baobao can easily cut through even thick steel doors in his hands.

The second process is to control objects. This process is based on the transformation of objects. By controlling one's own Qi, one can control the objects impregnated with Qi.

For example, the two brothers Jia Zhengyu and Jia Zhengliang from Jiajia Village in the west.

Their method is to control things.

It has been able to control objects through the air.

This method is no longer something that ordinary people can achieve. It must go through secret methods and talents, as well as long-term practice.

Items that have reached the stage of controlling objects can actually be called semi-finished magical weapons in a sense.

However, there is still a big gap between it and the real magic weapon.

The final stage of weapon refining, which is the real weapon refining, is to obtain certain superpowers through one's own energy to command dead objects.

For example, Yuan Tao's Jiulongzi and the magical weapons in Ma Xianhong's hands.

These magic weapons already have their own powers, and they can produce specific powers even without the user's Qi control.

The ultimate goal of the weapon refiner is to use his own energy to produce various supernatural powers through various weapon refining techniques.

To reach this stage, even if you have mastered the weapon refining method, you still need to be soaked in Qi for a long time.

This usually ranges from a few months to a few years.

This is also the reason why magic weapons are rare in the alien world.

However, Shen Ji Bai Lian uses a special weapon refining method to greatly shorten the time for the magic weapon to be formed.

It would take an ordinary weapon refiner half a year to refine a magic weapon.

Ma Xianhong, who has practiced the magic machine hundreds of times, can use his Qi to create new low-quality magic weapons in just a few breaths.

If you want to practice the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements, the most difficult thing is to master the weapon refining method, which is also the biggest secret of the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements.

Since ancient times, weapon refiners have been a very rare kind of alien.

If you only need to know the methods to transform and control things, everyone can get started.

In addition to knowing the method, the method of refining weapons also requires considerable talent.

Even if you don’t have talent, knowing the method is useless.

It can be said that this weapon refining method is a strange art that combines innate and acquired skills, so there are very few people in the world who have mastered it.

Although Huang Miao is very confident in his cultivation talent, in a certain sense, weapon refining is not considered real cultivation.

No matter in his previous life or this life, Huang Miao had never participated in weapon refining in a real sense. He was really a layman in weapon refining.

Therefore, after seeing the cultivation method of Shenji Bailian, he understood why Ma Xianhong said that it was not easy for him to practice Shenji Bailian.

For those who have no experience or talent in refining weapons, this magical book is the true book of heaven.

Huang Miao had never heard of such weapon refining techniques as Tiangong Kaiwu, Lu Banshu, and Mo Gongshu.

If practicing the other eight magical skills is a matter of course, then practicing this magical skill requires you to start from scratch.

Expand little by little.

When I was practicing Fenghou Qimen before, at least Wang Ye was there to explain it.

Nowadays, no one explains how to practice the magic machine of hundreds of times.

Moreover, if you don't understand something like weapon refining yourself, even if someone is explaining it, it won't be of much use.

Everyone has different talents.

If you don't have the talent to refine weapons, even if you have the experience taught by the master of weapon refinement, it won't be of much use.

This is also the reason why there is no orthodox inheritance family of weapon refiners from ancient times to the present.

Even the Gongshu family, which was very prosperous back then, was known as the largest weapon-refining family.

But as the first few generations withered, they gradually faded out of the alien world.

Nowadays, there is no successor to the Gongshu Refining Artifact. It is said that there is a Lu Ban book circulating in the alien world.

Although Huang Miao's other cultivation talents are top-notch, his weapon-refining talents are hard to describe.

He simply couldn't understand the weapon refining techniques explained in Shenji Bailian.

"If we follow this cultivation efficiency, it would take at least half a year to get started with the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements."

Huang Miao frowned and stared at the divine machine in front of him.

Although he was not short of time, he always felt that it was a waste of time to spend so long just to practice the Divine Machine.

In the past, he could basically master the Eight Magic Skills in a day or a few days at most.

"Do you really want to give up?"

"Shenji Bailian is not suitable for you?"

Huang Miao was hesitant in his heart, considering whether to waste half a year on practicing the Divine Machine.

If other strangers knew, Huang Miao was considering whether to give up practicing the Eight Wonders.

I'm afraid they all think he's crazy.

If ordinary people can acquire one of the Eight Wonders, they will feel like they have acquired a treasure.

I can’t wait to practice immediately.

Just like those Wudang Patriarchs in the back mountain of Wudang Mountain, they wanted to be able to practice Fenghou Qimen.

But it took the rest of my life. If other people knew about Huang Miao's idea, they would definitely think that he was wasting his resources.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, an idea appeared in Huang Miao's mind, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Looking at the divine machine Bailian in front of me.

If I remember correctly, the flow of time in the interior is different from that in reality.

He had experienced it before when he was practicing the Fenghou Qimen in the interior scene.

When he was practicing Fenghou Qimen in the interior scene, he clearly felt that about half a month had passed, but in reality it was only one afternoon.

If you can practice the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements in the interior, will it be able to greatly reduce the training time?

Huang Miao blinked. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that this method was feasible.

Although you can't really practice and improve your strength in the interior scene.

But you can learn knowledge and weapon refining techniques.

Coincidentally, the most important thing for Shenji Bailian is the weapon refining method. As long as he can learn the magical effects of those methods, the final training of Qi Huang Miao can be completed easily.

"Although you can't really practice in the interior, there should be no problem in mastering the weapon refining method."

Huang Miao thought for a moment and decided to test his guess.

If one could really practice the Divine Machine Hundred Refining Method in the interior scene, it would save a lot of time.

Huang Miao sat cross-legged, slowly closed his eyes, and gradually immersed himself in his inner world.

It is difficult for ordinary strangers to enter the inner world, but after becoming a warlock, it is much easier to enter the inner world.

As his eyes closed and opened, Huang Miao opened them again.

The scenery in front of me is very different.

The guest room had long since disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already in the boundless void.

An ancient book appeared in front of him out of thin air.

It is the magic machine in memory.

As long as the memory exists in his mind, Huang Miao can appear concretely in the interior.

"It really worked."

Looking at the divine machine Bailian that appeared in front of him, Huang Miao's eyes flashed with joy.

It seems that his guess is correct, the divine machine technique can indeed be practiced in the interior.

In this way, the time can be greatly reduced.

Huang Miao sits cross-legged in nothingness, and there is no concept of time in the interior scene.

His eyes were constantly checking the weapon refining methods recorded in the Divine Machine Hundred Refinings.

In the dark eyes, dense words kept flashing.

At this moment, Huang Miao was like an emotionless machine, constantly processing and calculating the words that appeared in his eyes.

Ordinary Qigong cultivation can be divided into two types, either cultivating one's nature or cultivating one's life.

However, "The Hundred Refinements of the Divine Machine" is very different from these techniques. Learning the weapon refining methods in "The Hundred Refinements of the Divine Machine" is more like learning a new type of programming.

Dense words continued to pour into Huang Miao's mind.

Even though his mental power is countless times stronger than that of ordinary people, he can accept so much information in a short period of time.

I still have a severe headache and swelling.

"Decompose, fuse, reorganize. Change the form of matter."

"The true meaning of weapon refining."

After an unknown amount of time, the books that originally appeared in front of Huang Miao had all turned into golden text.

One after another poured into him.

Huang Miao was like a machine running at high speed, and everything in the world was constantly being analyzed and reorganized in his mind.

At this moment, Shen Ji Bai Lian has transcended ordinary cultivation techniques, and is more like some kind of commentary on the forms of all things in the world.

Only then did Huang Miao truly understand what the true meaning of 'Hundred Refinements' was.

Shenji Bailian itself is a combination of two techniques. Needless to say, Shenji is the art of Shenji.

For example, Ma Xianhong's creation is like flowers.

It is the embodiment of the art of divine machine.

But 'Hundred Refinements' is not a weapon refining technique in the ordinary sense.

Ordinary weapon refiners use their own Qi to refine dead objects in the world.

However, the 'Hundred Refinements' method in the Divine Machine's Hundred Refinements can refine everything in the world.

According to the final definition of Shenji Bailian, weapon refining is divided into two methods: large refining and small refining.

Ordinary weapon refining is a small refining method.

The true method of great refining is to refining nothing.

Mountains, rivers, vegetation, birds and animals. Everything can be refined.

"The art of causing chaos!?"

"I see."

Huang Miao's eyes gradually recovered and he frowned slightly.

After truly understanding the ability of Shen Ji Bai Lian, he finally realized why Zhang Zhiwei called the Eight Magic Skills the art of causing chaos? !

Whether it was the Tongtian Ru, Qi Ti Yuanliu or Ju Ling's General, Huang Miao didn't find it too scary.

For him, it is nothing more than a means of attack.

However, Shen Ji Bai Lian is different.

The art of great refining has transcended the realm of aliens.

As long as you have enough energy, you can even refine the entire world into a magic weapon.

The sun rises and the moon sets.

Huang Miao is constantly studying the weapon refining method in the inner scene.

Originally, he had always thought that Shenji Bailian was an auxiliary spell.

For orthodox cultivators, cultivating both life and life is the right path, and using external objects to enhance strength is ultimately a minor path.

Therefore, Huang Miao never paid much attention to it.

But ever since I learned about the great refining method mentioned in Shenji Bailian, I have attached great importance to this spell.

"To me, perhaps the most difficult technique to practice among the eight magical techniques is the divine machine."

In the guest room, Huang Miao slowly opened his eyes. The sun rose outside the window and shone on him.

Before I knew it, one night had passed.

The light green Qi flowed naturally between his fingers.

After mastering the most critical weapon refining method of Shen Ji Bai Lian, he can operate the cultivation method of Shen Ji Bai Lian on his own.

However, because he has not practiced in the true sense, although Huang Miao has been able to generate unique Qi, he is not yet able to refine weapons.

And even though he had mastered the key weapon refining technique, he always felt that there was still a big gap between him and the great refining technique recorded in the Divine Machine Hundred Refinings, whether it was due to his talent.

There is no way to break through that barrier.

It seems that there is a flaw in the technique, that it has been missing some key ability.

And after practicing the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements, the Qi in his body did not change at all.

"Is it possible that I have practiced a fake Eight Wonders skill?"

Huang Miao was suspicious. According to past experience, this shouldn't be the case.

After practicing the Eight Wonders, the Qi in the body will have certain conflicts due to the conflict between various techniques.

But this time it was surprisingly quiet.

The only thing that has changed is the Nascent Soul deep in the Dantian.

(End of this chapter)

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