Chapter 152 Oops

Yuanying, who had been lying quietly deep in the Dantian, sitting cross-legged, now opened his eyes for unknown reasons.

Begin to absorb the green energy generated by the operation of the divine machine.

A seemingly invisible green barrier appeared vaguely around Nascent Soul.

This layer of protective cover is like the appearance of a magic weapon, firmly protecting the Nascent Soul.

"The changes in the Nascent Soul are exactly like that."

"But it seems that there is insufficient energy for the operation of the divine machine? Why do I always feel that the green barrier is incomplete?"

Huang Miao looked inwards at himself, staring at the green barrier around Nascent Soul and muttering to himself.

This time, there are many weird things about practicing the magic machine.

The first is that the Qi in his body has not changed at all, or to be more precise, it is not that the Qi has not changed, but the change is too small.

To the point of being unnoticeable.

The Qi, which seemed to be condensed through hundreds of divine machine refinements, was tightly suppressed by several other energies in the meridians, unable to move.

Generally speaking, the Qi produced by practicing the Eight Magic Skills for the first time will be like a wild horse running wild, out of control.

hard to control.

Just like when he first practiced Fenghou Qimen.

This time, however, it was surprisingly quiet.

Furthermore, after each practice, the changes in Yuanying will be very obvious.

From the sinister aura at the beginning, to the talisman robes and the Eight Trigrams Qimen plate at the feet.

This time, although there is a thin protective shield around Yuanying, the protective shield is not complete.

It stands to reason that with Ma Xianhong's character, it is impossible to use the incomplete magic machine Bailian to fool himself.

There is no need for this.

Judging from the other party's attitude, it seems that he doesn't attach much importance to Shen Ji Bai Lian.

But all kinds of strange things inside his body inevitably made Huang Miao suspicious.

"Is it because I have too many Eight Wonders in my body that the Divine Machine Bailian was suppressed?"

"After all, the divine machine has been refined for hundreds of years, and it is not an orthodox cultivation method."

"However, it is one of the Eight Miracle Skills. Even if Shen Ji Bai Lian is not focused on cultivation, it should not be like this if he practiced the full version of Shen Ji Bai Lian."

Huang Miao squinted his eyes and fell into deep thought.

There is definitely nothing wrong with his cultivation method, which is to practice according to the Divine Machine Hundred Refiners given by Ma Xianhong.

If something goes wrong, it's definitely not your fault.

There is a high probability that it comes from the divine machine Bailian.

However, with Ma Xianhong's character, he would not deliberately give himself a incomplete Kung Fu.

The only explanation is that Ma Xianhong himself practiced incomplete skills.

But this magic machine is Ma Xianhong's family method. How could it be possible?
Suddenly, a name flashed in Huang Miao's mind.

Qu Tong!

Ma Xianhong’s sister!

Huang Miao frowned slightly. He had never heard anyone mention this name since he came to this world, as if he was not a famous person in the alien world.

But through the memories of his previous life, Huang Miao knew that this Qu Tong was not a simple person!
Ma Xianhong's magical skills were taught by his grandfather, but his grandfather seemed to have been connected with Qu Tong before that.

"Do you have both hands?"

"Could it be that Qu Tong used both hands to tamper with Ma Xianhong's memory?"

Huang Miao murmured to himself, and a bold idea appeared in his mind.

According to the memory of the previous life, Qu Tong was also secretly collecting eight magical skills. Although the purpose of doing this is not yet known, no matter how you look at it, this woman is very ambitious.

It is very possible that she intentionally tampered with Ma Xianhong's memory.

Otherwise, she would not have allowed Ma Xianhong to teach the Divine Machinery to others casually.

According to Qu Tong's cautious character, he would not allow such a terrifying technique to be spread.

In a sense, the method of great training and the practice of using both hands are similar.

All can change people's thinking consciousness and physical state to a certain extent.

It seems that if there is a chance in the future, I will have to get in touch with this Qu Tong.

Huang Miao became more and more interested in this woman he had never seen before.

He remembered that in his previous life, he had seen many speculations about Qu Tong's identity.

Some people said that the other party should be Duan Muying, who used both hands to occupy the body of the little girl from the Lu family.

But Huang Miao didn't think so.

According to Qu Tong's unscrupulous character to achieve his goals, it is difficult to connect him with Duan Muying, who is dedicated to treating diseases and saving people.

Even if she encounters some kind of big change, it is impossible for Duanmuying to become the same as Qu Tong according to her character.

However, he has no plans to go directly to Qu Tong for the time being. According to the other party's methods and intelligence capabilities, there is a high probability that he has noticed him.

Before long, he should take the initiative to send someone to contact him.

On the surface, he has learned two of the Eight Magic Skills.

For someone like Qu Tong who is determined to collect the Eight Wonders, he will never let go of contact with him.

And for now, he has not yet fully mastered the magical method of small refining, and even if he learns the method of great refining, he will not be able to practice it.

"Let's prepare to refine those Ruhua first."

"Now that I have initially mastered the Divine Machinery Hundred Refinements, I can create several helpers through the Divine Machinery Technique and the Weapon Refining Method."

He took out several capsules that Ma Xianhong had given him before from his pocket.

With a thought, several braided dolls inside were released.

White face, big eyes, bold blush.

Although Ma Xianhong is good at refining weapons, he has to say that he really cannot praise his aesthetics.

Just these dolls he made.

If ordinary people met each other at night, they would definitely scare the person to the point of peeing.

The flower-like appearance of these dolls is almost exactly the same as the funeral paper figures, and those who don’t know think they are encountering some kind of funeral virgins.

Normal people's aesthetics would never be able to create such a thing.

However, Ma Xianhong not only produced it, but also produced so many at once.

I seem to really like this look.

Huang Miao casually moved a few inactive Ruhua to the bed.

According to Ma Xianhong, as long as the user's Qi will activate Ruhua.

The other party can imitate the user's methods to a certain extent.

Just like Zhang Kun's Ruhua among the twelve supreme root weapons, he can use Zhang Kun's earthly immortal magic.

And the few Ruhua in Jin Yong's hands can all use Jin Yong's Tiangang Qi.

A much-needed helper.

Although Huang Miao now has Quanxing Si Kuang and others as his subordinates, these people currently have their own tasks and are not by his side.

And their strength is only so much in the alien world.

If you meet a real master, it will only delay you for a while at most.

Huang Miao has to rely on himself to really fight.

That's why Huang Miao asked Ma Xianhong for a few flowers, if the functions of these flowers are as powerful as Ma Xianhong said.

As long as you use Qi to activate it, the opponent can use his own moves.

Then Ruhua who was activated by himself can be regarded as a good player in the entire alien world.

Many things will no longer need to be done by him personally, and can be left to these flowers to complete.

Of course, it is naturally impossible for Huang Miao to use these low-level flowers provided by Ma Xianhong.

These flowers are all mass-produced creations by Ma Xianhong. To put it bluntly, they are assembly line production. Used to complete some simple tasks.

Although it can still fight, it is limited by its material and the refining time is too short.

The strength is not that strong.

At least compared to the black and white double-double used by Ma Xianhong later, it was not even a little bit worse.

Feng Baobao and others can easily break these flowery arms, let alone those of the older generation in the alien world.

It's okay to use against some ordinary aliens, but in a real battle, it has no effect at all.

Huang Miao looked at Ruhua in front of him, raised his hand and slapped the opponent's head to pieces.

Then the limbs were removed cleanly.

He planned to take matters into his own hands and refining these dolls.

Since these dolls are going to be made into thugs, these materials must not be used originally.

There is no telling whether these ordinary materials can withstand the energy he releases.

Even if he could really withstand the energy released by Huang Miao, he wouldn't be able to withstand high-intensity battles at all.

No matter what method is used, as long as it enters the battlefield, there is a high probability that it will be directly decomposed.

It's completely useless.

bang bang bang~
There was a crisp sound.

I saw many flowers being folded and dismantled, and all the component parts were disassembled one by one.

In the blink of an eye, those several precision-assembled divine mechanical products were completely dismantled into parts.

Then Huang Miao waved his hand.

Countless green Qi emanated from the body, wrapping these scattered parts.

Under the influence of this green energy, the scattered parts began to float slowly into the air one after another.

Green energy is like a huge furnace.

Begin to immerse yourself in these parts at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I saw that the originally dull parts gradually glowed with metallic luster under the nourishment of Huang Miaoqi.

It seems that even the material has undergone fundamental changes.

Huang Miao has been refining it with Qi, and is beginning to use the special Qi produced by the divine machine to refine these parts again.

With the blessing of these qi, the originally ordinary materials transformed into chemical substances in an instant.

Various impurities originally present in the parts are continuously eliminated under the erosion of energy.

The whole process is like cleansing the human body.

Not a moment.

The green Qi gradually dissipated, and those dull ordinary parts, like the steel knife in Feng Baobao's hand, gave off a different luster.

All parts have completed the chemical stage.

Huang Miao can easily complete the two most time-consuming stages of mastering the divine machine and refining it, transforming objects and controlling objects.

Huang Miao took a deep breath, and a set of puppet drawings seemed to naturally form in his mind.

When he just dismantled various parts, he had already memorized the various compositions and relationships of these parts.

They also practiced the divine machine through hundreds of refinements. Just talking about the theory of divine machine, Huang Miao was not much worse than Ma Xianhong.

Qiu Rang is much stronger than Qiu Rang, who practiced Shen Ji Bai Lian earlier.

Although Huang Miao practiced the Divine Machinery Hundred Refinements in real life for just one night, in the interior scenes he practiced the Divine Machinery skill with all his heart for at least half a year.

With his magical abilities, even assembling dolls like Ruhua by himself is not a problem.

What's more, he now has Ruhua made by Ma Xianhong as a template.

The originally disorganized parts began to fit together.

There was a clanging sound in the room.

In just a few breaths, these scattered parts have formed a torso.

As one piece after another is put together, the doll's shape gradually takes shape.

Soon, two brand new dolls appeared in front of Huang Miao.

Different from the fake flowers at first glance, the two dolls assembled by Huang Miao are now taller and more realistic in appearance.

From the appearance alone, it looks almost indistinguishable from ordinary humans.

The appearance of the doll was created by Huang Miao based on the incarnation that appeared in the interior scenes.

The doll on the left looks like a middle-aged man, with a handsome figure and a handsome appearance, exuding an elegant and noble temperament.

The doll on the right is a skinny old man with a sinister face, giving people a sinister feeling.

It is the incarnation of Feng Houqimen and the incarnation of Ju Lingqiang in the previous interior scene.

At this time, both dolls have not been activated yet.

Huang Miao looked at the work in front of him that he had created for the first time by using the magic machine to refine it, and nodded with satisfaction.

Judging from the appearance of these two dolls alone, ordinary people would not be able to tell whether they are genuine or fake.

Even some strangers with poor eyesight may not be able to tell that the two people in front of them are actually dolls if they only look at their appearance.

Huang Miao put his hands on the shoulders of the two dolls, and his eyes suddenly turned scarlet.

At the same time, a strange gate and eight trigrams array formed naturally under the feet.

Huang Miao began to use Feng Hou Qi Men and Ju Ling Qi Jiang at the same time, injecting two different types of Qi into the puppet's body.

Although these two dolls have been refined by Huang Miao, their materials are much harder than ordinary dolls.

But after all, the material of the doll is not as good as Huang Miao's own body.

At least with the current manufacturing materials, the doll is not strong enough to withstand two powerful energies at the same time.

As the two energies continued to be injected, the meridians of the puppet began to be activated, giving off a faint light.

When making these two dolls, they were specially copied according to the eight extraordinary meridians of human beings. Both the meridians and acupuncture points were restored one-to-one.

The purpose is to be able to better use the Eight Wonders.

It can be said that except for the lack of intelligence, these two dolls are almost indistinguishable from humans.

The doll, whose eyes were originally closed, opened them almost at the same time.

At the same time, two strong auras emerged from both bodies at the same time.

The strong wind blew open the windows and doors of Huang Miao's room.

Two conflicting energies kept colliding in the room, making a buzzing roar.

The energy of Fenghou Qimen and Julingqianjiang gradually condensed into the core of the eyebrows of the two dolls.

Between the old man's eyebrows, a mark in the shape of a black ghost slowly appeared.

It made the old man's already gloomy face look even weirder.

What is condensed between the middle-aged man's eyebrows is the Qimen Bagua array.

"It should be done."

Huang Miao glanced at the marks between their eyebrows and murmured.

Judging from the energy contained in the two dolls, activation has been completed.



Before Huang Miao could continue to observe, the two dolls turned to look at him with respectful expressions.

Although the two dolls have no intelligence, like artificial intelligence, both dolls can perform simple operations independently.

"It turned out to be true."

"You two come with me."

Huang Miao waved to the two puppets, turned around and walked out of the house.

I plan to personally test the actual combat capabilities of these two puppets.

(End of this chapter)

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