Chapter 153 Evenly matched opponents

Outside Biyou Village.

Surrounded by green trees, Huang Miao found a relatively flat open space in the woods.

I looked at the surrounding environment and the distance to Biyou Village.

He took out two bite bags from his arms and released the two dolls.

However, in order to distinguish them from Ruhua made by Ma Xianhong, Huang Miao defined these two dolls as soldiers.

The two puppets are also weapons of war. At this time, each of the two dolls has mastered one of the Eight Magic Skills. They are powerful and have no emotions.

He will only complete the assigned tasks, which is completely in line with Xuanmen's definition of a soldier.

Huang Miao, the soldier in charge of Juling's generals, named him Julingshen.

The soldier who controls Fenghou Qimen is called Taiyi.


"let's start."

Huang Miao flew back dozens of meters, leaving the field to the two soldiers.

In order to prove the strength of the two soldiers, he planned to let the two soldiers fight against each other to test their abilities.

After all, this was the first creation he had made using divine mechanics.

There are still necessary tests.

And in order to prevent the battle between the two soldiers from making too much noise, Huang Miao waved his hands and used various magical powers to isolate this area from the world while retreating.

Countless talismans floated in all directions from Huang Miao's body out of thin air.

Stabilize and lock the four directions of this area.

The strong evil spirit shrouded the sky in this area, blocking out all spiritual prying eyes.

The entire area seemed to be completely cut off from the world at this moment.

In the forest, two soldiers stood facing each other.

Each body released a powerful wave of energy.

These powerful energy fluctuations are at least no worse than a few temporary workers.

The complete Qimen Bagua Diagram suddenly appeared at Taiyi's feet. The display on the four plates was exactly the Fenghou Qimen Diagram, one of the Eight Wonders.

The Soul Gathering God's whole body was covered with rich black energy, and two ghosts were floating around him.

These two ghosts were the female ghost and the white immortal who were previously detained by Wang Bing, but they were snatched from Wang Bing by Huang Miao at the Luotian Dajiao.

During this period of time, the two ghosts had been attached to Huang Miao's body, absorbing the escaping evil spirit.

The strength of the two has increased a lot.

However, their strength is still a bit useless to Huang Miao.

Now Huang Miao simply transferred all the two ghosts into the soldier's body, although the Soul Gathering God is not a living being.

But after mastering the Juling Commander, you can also provide a shelter for these ghosts.

The Soul Gathering God took one step forward, his whole body filled with sinister black energy.

It was like Emperor Youdu walking in the underworld, his whole body covered in black ashes.

The ghosts of the White Fairy and the female ghost are always around, like right and left arms.


As for the Taiyi soldier opposite him, the four plates of Bagua under his feet were constantly rotating, and he was overwhelmed with all kinds of strange spells.

Although the knowledge stands still, it is the same as Fudo Myooh.

The Qimen Bagua and the Twelve Palaces are constantly circulating.

Everyone in this Taiyi soldier can use all the strange techniques that Huang Miao has mastered.

The collision of two strong energies caused the entire land to begin to tremble slightly.

Even if Huang Miao uses various talismans to suppress this world, strong energy fluctuations will still penetrate the protective energy from time to time.

"After all, the generals who are sent by Ju Ling are slightly inferior."

Huang Miao stood in the distance and frowned slightly as he watched the figures constantly interlacing on the battlefield.

The soldiers of Taiyi stood on the spot and used Fenghou Qimen for defense. They only needed to move four times and they were already in an invincible position.

The variety of spells is dazzling.

It's not that there's raging fire from the earth, or rolling thunder from the sky.

Standing in this space, the Soul Gathering God is already at a disadvantage.

Let alone keep fighting.

The whole person looked a little embarrassed.

Although it has not yet reached the point of immediate failure, both sides have made a decisive decision, and defeat will be a matter of time.

"In the final analysis, the soldiers failed to exert their true power of arresting spirits and dispatching generals."

Huang Miao waved his hand and removed the surrounding energy talismans that blocked the world.

The two soldiers also lost their strong energy and returned to normal.

In the battle just now, Julingshen almost all relied on his own means to attack, and did not fully display the strength of Julingshuang.

It stands to reason that even if the upper limit of Ju Ling's generals is not higher than that of Fenghou Qimen, there will not be a significant difference.

It is unlikely to form a pattern of judgment.

The final reason for this situation is that Huang Miao does not have too strong ghosts in his hands.

Although the white fairy and the female ghost that possessed the soldier were pretty good.

But it pales in comparison to the truly powerful Shadow.

If Huang Miao possessed his ghost in the Soul-Juling Shenbingren, Taiyi would be able to use Fenghou Qimen's magic to its full potential.

It is also impossible to resist the opponent's attack.

The most important factor in determining whether a spirit-detaining general is powerful or not depends on the elves and ghosts being detained.

If we can find some powerful spirits who have been practicing for more than a thousand years, then the ability of Julingsang will be infinitely improved.

Among all the eight magical skills, only Julingshuang's ability fluctuates the most.

Like Wang Ye, Zhang Chulan and others, Feng Xingtong is also a descendant of the Eight Wonders.

However, it is obvious that Feng Xingtong is not as good as Wang Ye and Zhang Chulan in the evaluation of the younger generation in the alien world.

Not even as good as Zhang Lingyu and Zhuge Qing.

The ultimate reason is that Feng Xingtong himself did not capture powerful elves, and the elves and ghosts attached to him were all minor characters.

To put it bluntly, it is useless.

This also leads to most people being absolutely convinced that Spirit Dispatch is the weakest of the Eight Magical Techniques.

However, in the alien world, there are no weak spells, only weak users.

Ju Lingqian's decision to fall into Feng Xingtong's hands was like a pearl covered in dust.

"It seems that we need to find an opportunity to detain some powerful spirits."

Huang Miao stretched and casually put the two soldiers back into his bag.

Overall, I am quite satisfied with the results of this test.

At least the two soldiers can fully display the eight magical skills. Whether it is Feng Hou Qi Men or Ju Ling Qi Jiang, there is no difficulty in performing them.

With the strength of these two soldiers, they are already considered good players in the alien world.

Without using the Eight Magic Skills, the probability is similar to the white puppet in Ma Xianhong's hand.

Once you display your eight magical skills, you can give them a try even if you face ten guys.

Of course, the final result will most likely be defeat, but this is enough.

You must know that Shi Lao is a recognized strong person in the Chinese alien world, except for Master Jiekong who has been abolished.

Which one is not a powerful master in the alien world.

"These guys are really sharp."

"You can feel the slightest fluctuation of Qi."

Huang Miao sighed for no reason.

When he had just put the two soldiers back into their pockets, he suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Biyou Village.

Several black figures in the distance were rushing toward him.

Although the fluctuations in the battle between the two soldiers just now have been reduced to a minimum by Huang Miao.

However, the moment the energy shield and talismans were removed, the violently changing Qi fluctuations here still attracted the attention of the strangers in the village.

Jin Yong, Qiu Rang and others among the twelve superior weapons rushed towards Huang Miao's location.

On the other side, the clarinet, Xiao Zizai and Wang Zhenqiu also sat up suddenly from the bed.

Staring in the direction of the woods where Huang Miao was.

They all also felt this strange fluctuation, which was obviously not normal.

Several people came to Biyou Village to investigate the specific situation here. At this time, there was such a strong Qi fluctuation.

The three of them walked out of the house without hesitation and rushed towards Huang Miao.

Both groups came towards the woods where Huang Miao was from two directions with the same purpose of finding out.

Huang Miao put away his consciousness and quickly disappeared into the woods. Ma Xianhong promised that he would no longer interfere with matters between the company and Biyou Village, so he planned to keep a low profile as much as possible.

Soon, Huang Miao disappeared into the woods.

Wang Zhenqiu and the three of them rushed to the woods together.

"Brother Xiao, clarinet, look over there."

Wang Zhenqiu pointed to the open space not far away and narrowed his eyes.

The ground cracked inexplicably, all flowers, plants and trees were uprooted, and there were burnt marks on the ground.

Apparently there had just been a big fight here.

"The two sides fighting are not simple, and their strength is not weak."

Xiao Zizai pushed up his glasses, observing the battle traces and analyzing them secretly.

Judging from the width of the cracks in the ground, the fight between the two sides should have lasted for a while.

And the methods used by both parties are at least beyond the scope of ordinary people.

"It stands to reason that a battle of this level cannot be silent."

"Why didn't we hear anything just now?"

"And why did it end so quickly?"

Clarinet rubbed his beard, feeling suspicious in his heart.

The two sides fighting each other can destroy the ground in such a way.


Then the momentum during the fight will definitely not be small.

At least with his hearing, he wouldn't be unaware.

"Could it be that people from Biyou Village are testing some magic weapon?"

Wang Zhenqiu rubbed the scorched earth on the ground and looked at the clarinet and Xiao Zizai.


"Could there be any other weapons of mass destruction in Biyou Village that we don't know about?"

Looking at the devastated ground, which looked like scorched earth blasted by missiles, Black Pipe did not doubt the possibility.

He served for a time in the Special Operations Forces.

Seen the ground bombarded by missiles.

Much like the current situation.

"Should we report this news to the company headquarters?"

Xiao Zizai's eyes flashed red, wondering if such a large-scale murder weapon really existed in the village.

Then the company's danger level to Biyou Village may continue to increase.

"If this matter is reported to the headquarters"

Xiao Zizai was about to continue speaking when his voice suddenly stopped.

The three of them looked to the side behind them at the same time.

As the shadows of the trees swayed, several figures appeared from behind them.

It was Qiu Rang, Jin Yong, and the extraordinarily tall Hari Chagai who were members of the Twelve Great Generators of Biyou Village.

"What are you doing here!"

"What did you guys do?"

"You were so sneaky early in the morning, what did you do to this place?"

Qiu Rang and the other three suddenly looked wary after seeing Wang Zhenqiu and others appearing here.

As twelve superiors, they all knew the purpose of these people coming to Biyou Village.

He doesn't have a good look on several people.

If Ma Xianhong hadn't specifically told him, don't provoke the other party until the other party takes the initiative to cause trouble.

They are now planning to attack the three of them directly.

"Brothers, please don't be so angry this morning."

"We just arrived here and haven't figured out what happened yet."

"The things here have nothing to do with us."

"Three eldest brothers, please don't wrongly accuse good people."

Wang Zhenqiu, Clarinet and Xiao Zizai looked at each other, and then showed a look of no hesitation.

The clarinet officer will also hang up the phone call to the headquarters.

Judging from the expressions of Qiu Rang and the other three, they probably didn't know what was going on here.

If even the senior officials of Biyou Village don't know what happened, then there is a high probability that something went wrong with their previous guesses.

The situation here may really have nothing to do with Biyou Village.

"Go, go, who is your big brother?"

"Tell me honestly, what exactly are you doing here!"

"You say it doesn't matter if this place has nothing to do with you?"

"You're talking nonsense, show us the evidence!"

"If you can't produce any evidence, you guys will just follow us back to the village and accept the investigation!"

Qiu Rang slapped Wang Zhenqiu's arm off his shoulder with a displeased expression.

He didn't have a good impression of the temporary workers in these companies.

Jin Yong on the side also squinted his eyes and looked at a few people with evil eyes, as if he was ready to take action at any time.

Wang Zhenqiu's arm was slapped off by Qiu Rang, but the smile on his face did not change, and he still looked like he was not stingy.

But when he turned to look at Clarinet and Xiao Zizi, his tone became much colder.

"Brother Xiao, clarinet, these guys seem to be fined wine if they don't drink the toast."

"How to do?"

"Why don't we just kill these guys while there's no one around?"

Although Wang Zhenqiu said it lightly, he seemed to be joking.

But Xiao Zizai and the clarinet knew that Wang Zhenqiu was serious this time.

Xiao Zizai suddenly raised his mouth slightly, took two steps forward and came to Wang Zhenqiu's side.

He pushed up his glasses slightly, his eyes flashing red again.

“While these guys are not to my taste, it’s okay to have a few hors d’oeuvres before enjoying the big meal.”

The clarinet twisted his neck and rolled up his sleeves.

Look around.

"It's okay to teach these guys a lesson."

"Anyway, they were the ones who provoked me first."

Although the three of them are all high-grade magic weapons, they most likely carry high-grade magic weapons given by Ma Xianhong.

But in a one-on-one situation.

These people in front of them are really no match for them.

Qiu Rang and the other three also looked serious, each of them taking a stance, ready to take action at any time.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"By taking action on the territory of our Biyou Village, are you looking down on me as the village chief?"

"Or are you planning to make an enemy of Biyou Village?"

Ma Xianhong's voice came from a distance.

After feeling the fluctuation of Qi, he came from the Self-cultivation Furnace Hall to investigate.

Although he wanted to renovate the self-cultivation furnace, the energy fluctuation just now was very abnormal.

As the village chief, he must ensure the safety of these villagers in Biyou Village.

"village head!"


Seeing Ma Xianhong's arrival, Qiu Rang, who had been looking nervous just now, and the three of them looked happy.

Wang Zhenqiu and the other three who originally planned to take action directly looked at each other and calmed down their desire to take action again.

According to the plan, they cannot conflict with Ma Xianhong for the time being until they find a way for the other party to transform ordinary people into aliens.

"Hahaha, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Village Chief Ma has misunderstood."

"We just had a little joke with the three of us."

"I'm too sleepy. Brother Xiao, let's go back and take a nap."

Wang Zhenqiu laughed, not caring whether he would be embarrassed or not.

Anyway, you can't do it now, so don't break your skin immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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