Chapter 155 Fishing in an aboveboard manner

"Hey, I was rude."

Lao Meng sighed lonely and stopped talking.

He also knew that his request just now was a bit abrupt. During this time, he and Huang Miao had not spoken a few words alone.

It is normal for the other party not to take action.

"As long as everyone has nothing else to do, let's prepare to make a plan."

"But since this is a temporary change of plan, we'd better communicate with the board of directors in advance."

The black tube spoke in a deep voice and asked several people for their opinions.

These temporary workers have a certain degree of autonomy every time they act, but before that they were all in contact with their respective persons in charge.

This time it is United Nations Operation, which is under the direct leadership of the board of directors.

Before taking action, it is best to report to the board of directors in advance.

"no problem."


"We might as well report it to the board of directors, lest these guys deliberately find trouble later."

At this time, on the other side, when the clarinet and others gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

Kyoto, in the conference room of Nadutong headquarters.

Several company directors were also sitting in the conference room at this time, discussing matters about Biyou Village.

This incident in Biyou Village is very serious. If it is not properly controlled, it will have great consequences and the impact will be very large.

If you are not careful, news about the stranger will be revealed to the general public.

No matter what happens then, it will not be what their board of directors and higher-ups want to see.

Outside the conference room, the heads of each major district were also taking the elevator one after another.

As the elevator door slowly opened, Xu Si put his hands in his pockets and walked out of the elevator with a serious expression.

It's very different from his usual carefree appearance.

Although he had discussed with several regional leaders in advance and reached an alliance, the joint action requested by the board of directors this time was beyond his expectation.

The company's top executives even hid something from the regional leaders.

"Hey, Xiaosi is here?"

Dou Le, who had previously had contact with Xu Si during Operation Longhu Mountain, saw Xu Si appearing and waved to him happily.

In front of him is a middle-aged man with a kind expression, a bit like a good old man who has been in the workplace for many years.

The man also greeted Xu Si.

"Old Hao, Brother Le is here so early."

Xu Si skillfully handed a cigarette to the two of them.

These two are both the person in charge of the region. Needless to say, Dou Le is the person in charge of the East China Region, and the middle-aged man next to him who looks like a workplace doormat is Hao Yi, the person in charge of the Southwest Region.

That is, Wang Zhenqiu's superior.

Even though this guy is smiling, he looks like a harmless good old guy, but who doesn't have the qualifications to become the person in charge of the region?

This guy is notoriously ruthless when using his full strength.

At present, among the several regions, Hao Yi's southwest region is the most peaceful.

"This time the headquarters even hid something from us. They really don't regard us as their own."

Dou Le took the cigarette and started yelling and complaining.

He didn't care at all about the closed conference room not far away.

"The company should also have its own considerations."

"After all, the impact of this incident is too great, and the company is also afraid that the action will be exposed in advance."

Hao Yi comforted him with a smile, and winked at Dou Le at the surveillance camera not far away.

"Okay, let's not discuss these topics today. Anyway, we will go to the conference room later and the guys on the board of directors will give us an explanation."

"I'm curious, Xiaosi, tell me honestly, where did you get such an expert?"

Dou Le nodded, then looked at Xu Si beside him. A look of curiosity.

Hearing this, Hao Yi beside him also turned to look at Xu Si.

Even the two people sitting on the sofa in the corner playing chess looked at Xu Si at the same time.

Although they were not direct leaders in the Biyou Village incident, they were all related to their respective temporary workers.

Therefore, everyone knew that a young man with mysterious origins appeared in their temporary work team.

"Huh? Haha, what kind of expert? Why don't I know this clearly?"

"Where did you get the news from?"

"How can I be so capable?"

Xu Si touched his head and laughed twice.

Of course he knew that the person they were talking about was Huang Miao, when Huang Miao decided to participate in the joint operation of temporary workers.

Xu Si knew that Huang Miao's identity was likely to be exposed.

These people in front of me are not fuel-efficient lamps.

To be able to become the head of a region, everyone has more or less their own network of relationships and intelligence agencies, independent of the company.

It would not be too difficult for these people to investigate Huang Miao's identity through clues.

After all, the time of Huang Miao's departure and the time of 'Huang Tian''s appearance were too coincidental.

Almost in tandem.

In addition, the information he forged for Huang Tian could not be hidden from the senior executives within the company.

If you want to investigate, it is easy to find out Huang Miao's origin.

After all, there is only one temporary worker file with the highest confidentiality level, and it is already occupied by the baby.

"Hahaha, Xiaosi, what else are you hiding from the rest of us?"

"How many of us brothers can sell you?"


"That one should be the legendary immortal family's incarnation."

"I really can't tell, Xiaosi, this boy's blessings are really profound, and he can actually be favored by a transforming immortal family."

"As a disciple who has been a disciple for generations, Lao Gao has never heard of any great transformation immortal being invited to help."

Hao Yi and Dou Le have determined Huang Miao's identity, although Huang Miao and Xu Si did this very secretly.

But it can't be hidden from people who are really interested.

Xu Si scratched his head in embarrassment and did not continue to speak.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't admit it, Huang Miao's true identity will not be exposed.

However, Huang Miao and Xu Si suddenly realized that since participating in the operation in Biyou Village, this person had not been in contact with him for a long time.

Xu Si is still very clear about Huang Miao's character.

This person is not someone who can live in a leisurely manner.

Every time he settles down for a few days, he will always get a huge surprise.

Xu Si swallowed his saliva and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

His intuition told him that in the Biyou Village incident, the immortal master seemed to be planning to cause trouble again.

No, I have to explain something to Huang Miao.

Xu Si took a deep breath and planned to call Huang Miao to give him some instructions.

The board of directors attaches great importance to this incident in Biyou Village and cannot cause any trouble.

If the matter really gets bigger, it's not like he, a small regional leader, can help cover it up.

But just as he was about to find a place to make a phone call, the elevator door behind him slowly opened again.

A short-haired woman wearing high heels and a dashing figure appeared.

He put his hands in his pockets and looked indifferent.

Although he is not very senior, he looks like a couple to Xu Si.

"Ren Fei is here."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

The woman is Ren Fei, the person in charge of the Central China Region, the person with the deepest background among the persons in charge of the entire region.

If it hadn't been for the other party's initiative to become the head of the region, he would probably be the youngest company director now. Ren Fei glanced at Xu Si indifferently, not intending to pay attention to him at all, but simply nodded to the other regional leaders.

"Now that everyone is here, let's go in."

The tall man in the corner who had been silent stood up slowly.

The man is tall, wearing a military green coat, hat and eyes. He looks a bit dull.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he spoke Mandarin that was full of rubbish.

It was Gao Lian, the person in charge of the Northeast Region.

Sitting on the sofa opposite him was a short, bald man, less than 160cm tall, and a middle-aged man with a somewhat funny appearance.

From a distance, it seems to be in sharp contrast to Gao Lian.

Hua Feng, the person in charge of the Northwest Region.

As several people pushed open the conference room door.

Several directors of the company were already sitting in the conference room, waiting for a long time.

Several senior directors of the company were present at this meeting, and they obviously took it very seriously.

The fat man headed by him is none other than Zhao Fangxu, the largest director on the company's board of directors.

The nominal leader of the entire Nadutong company.

"Director Zhao."

"Uncle Zhao."

"Uncle Zhao."

Half an hour later, everyone in the room waiting for the board of directors' response received a message on their mobile phones.

The black tube glanced at the message content on the phone, then looked up at Xiao Zizai and the others.

"Everyone must have seen the board's order."

"Get ready for action, starting with Lao Xiao's actions."

"After Lao Xiao started taking action, we each started to act according to the plan."

Xiao Zizai stood up and clasped his hands in front of several people, said "Amitabha", then bowed and turned around and walked out of the house.

He couldn't wait to meet his own kind.

"Leave that Zhao Guizhen to me. Don't worry, I won't let him escape."

Wang Zhenqiu chuckled and stood up.

The expression on his face was very excited and eager to try.

"I want to try the fairy boy among the twelve upper root organs. Others can do whatever they want."

The clarinet twisted his neck and looked at Lao Meng and Feng Baobao.

"According to the plan, Lao Meng, you are going to deal with Fu Rong and Zhuge Qing. Bao Bao is responsible for setting the fire and taking care of the uprooting devices that came to stop them. As for the other uprooting devices, I will handle them."

The most difficult items among the twelve items have been picked up by others, and the remaining ones are all low-grade items.

The clarinet thinks he can handle it alone.

"Okay, let's get ready to take action."

Wang Zhenqiu couldn't wait. He was almost out of order these days.

Several other people also stood up and prepared to take action.

Only Feng Baobao didn't move. He just tilted his head and looked at Huang Miao blankly.

No intention of taking immediate action.

"what happened?"

Huang Miao looked at Feng Baobao in confusion. This girl had been a little strange since she saw the text message just now.

"Xu Si just sent me a message asking me to look at you."

"He said there was a change in the operation and you should not be involved in this operation."

Feng Baobao took out her phone and handed the text message Xu Si sent her directly to Huang Miao.

If he was dealing with Chen Duo alone, Xu Si certainly wouldn't mind Huang Miao helping him. With Huang Miao's strength, he would definitely be able to deal with it easily.

But after this mission change, the impact was too great.

If the mission fails due to Huang Miao's behavior, or the impact expands, the consequences will be too serious.

The safest way Xu Si could think of was to let Huang Miao be an outsider and stop getting involved in this matter.

After reading the content of Xu Si's text message, Huang Miao curled his lips.

Makes it look like he's nosy.

If it weren't for the magic machine Bailian in Ma Xianhong's hand, he wouldn't have come to Biyou Village to get involved in this muddy water.

But now this result is just right.

Ma Xianhong had originally promised not to get involved in the dispute between Biyou Village and Nadutong.

Now with Xu Si's text message, he can fish openly.

"Okay, Bao'er, didn't I say before that I will not interfere in the affairs of the company and Biyou Village."

"Just complete the task with peace of mind."

"I have other things to do."

Huang Miao yawned, with an indifferent expression on his face.

There are two main purposes for coming to Biyou Village. The first is the Eight Magic Skills and Divine Machinery, which he has already obtained.

As for the second one, it is the Golden Phoenix.

After the golden phoenix was snatched away by Ma Xianhong's people, Xia Liuqing begged him to handle the matter.

According to memory, after Jinfeng was taken away, he should have been sent to Qutong by Ma Xianhong.

Qu Tong peeked into Jinfeng's memory through both hands.

However, she did not embarrass Jinfeng, and finally sent Jinfeng back safely.

Huang Miao stretched and roughly determined his thoughts of action.

I don’t know if Fairy Ma Xianhong sent Jin Feng to Qu Tong.

It would be a bit troublesome if Jinfeng had been sent to Qu Tong.

He couldn't really go to Qu Tong's Yaoxing Club to find someone in broad daylight.

Ten minutes later.

A mountain path leads from Biyou Village to the outside world.

The man in camouflage uniform was looking around furtively.

Be very careful.

It seems that he is preparing to leave Biyou Village.

Men barely show up in Biyou Village and never even use mobile phones.

Therefore, even Er Zhuang did not collect any information about this man.

Even some villagers in Biyou Village did not know the existence of this man.

"You are really a cautious guy. Did you get any notice in advance?"

"It seems that my guess is correct. This guy is most likely the middleman who keeps in touch with Qu Tong."

In the forest hundreds of meters behind the man, Huang Miao was strolling and mumbling to himself.

According to his observations, Tianma Xianhong did not take the initiative to contact Qu Tong these days.

But with Qu Tong's character, it is definitely impossible to let Ma Xianhong escape his control. The other party must have planted nails around Ma Xianhong.

And that nail is most likely the liaison between her and Ma Xianhong.

In this way, he can not only hide his identity well, but also be aware of Ma Xianhong's situation at all times.

In fact, on the first day he came to the village, Huang Miao had already thought of this possibility after discovering that Ma Xianhong had no direct contact with Qu Tong.

Therefore, from the beginning, he had already enveloped the entire village with his spiritual consciousness.

Based on his observations in the past few days, he has roughly found the middleman between Ma Xianhong and Qu Tong.

Having used his spiritual perception to lock onto the opponent from a distance, Huang Miao didn't worry about the opponent slipping away at all.

The reason why I didn't take action immediately was to see if I could lure bigger fish.

According to Qu Tong's cautious character, the man in front of him is most likely a pawn.

(End of this chapter)

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