Chapter 156 Death is the best destination
Outside Biyou Village, there are lush ancient trees.

The sun sets and the shadows of the trees dance.

The man in camouflage uniforms returned to the village from a short distance away.

After being stunned for a long time, Huang Miao patiently followed the other party.

But I didn't expect that this guy would return to the vicinity of Biyou Village again.

"Did this kid realize that he was being followed?"

"Impossible. With my strength, even if Zhang Zhiwei comes, it will be difficult to detect him."

Huang Miao stood on the top of the tree, squinting at the man in the distance.

He never expected that the other party would sneak around in a circle and return to the vicinity of Biyou Village again.

He just ran from the east end of the village to the west end of the village.

Spared a whole circle.

"He's wasted so much effort just to go around in a circle?"

Huang Miao rubbed his chin, and suddenly a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.


"I see!"

"There is actually a secret passage."

"No wonder this guy is sure to escape under the noses of the company people."

Just now, he scanned carefully with his spiritual consciousness and accidentally discovered a well-hidden cave.

Can directly connect to the outside world.

If this man hadn't led the way, he really wouldn't have found it.

Huang Miao jumped down from the treetop and planned to follow up to check the situation.

But just as he landed, a rustling sound suddenly came from not far away.

A girl with fair face and dark green eyes appeared under a tree not far away.

Wearing a tight-fitting chemical protective suit, there was a small native dog following beside him.

"Chen Duo?"

Huang Miao was stunned.

Unexpectedly, I met Chen Duo here.

At this time, there was fire in Biyou Village, and it was obvious that Feng Baobao and the others started to take action.

As one of the twelve superior weapons, Chen Duo did not choose to participate in the battle. Instead, he hid in the woods in the back mountain.

When Huang Miao discovered Chen Duo, Chen Duo also discovered him.

The two looked at each other, neither expecting to meet each other.

In previous actions, although Chen Duo had not fought against Huang Miao, he had met him.

It's the people who come with those temporary workers from the company.

Chen Duo stood up from the ground and looked at Huang Miao lightly.

"Are you still here to catch me?"

Chen Duo muttered to himself and stood up. What he just said didn't seem to be a question.

A little bit of black began to spread from her feet.

She didn't know Huang Miao's true identity, because Huang Miao was acting with Feng Baobao and others, so she naturally regarded Huang Miao as a member of the company.

She mistakenly thought that Huang Miao was specifically here to deal with her.

The black Qi was like a living thing. After being released by Chen Duo, it quickly began to spread around.

Wherever it passed, all living things began to wither and wither quickly.

The original flowers, plants and trees are declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This black energy seems to be able to swallow all life, which is very scary and strange.


Huang Miao stood there, watching the blackness gradually spreading under Chen Duo's feet.

No reaction was made.

Even when the black aura spread to his feet, Huang Miao didn't react.

The original poison released by Chen Duo is indeed powerful and can easily destroy all organic creatures.

Once the body is contaminated by these poisons, even if Huang Miao wants to clear it up, he will need some means.

But Huang Miao would not give these poisons a chance to contaminate his body.

From beginning to end, he was naturally surrounded by a thin layer of Qi.

This layer of Qi is like a protective shield, which can help Huang Miao isolate himself from the outside world.

It's just that unlike the body protection techniques such as the Golden Light Spell or the Iron Cloth Shirt, the Qi around him is formed naturally and is not a technique.

Nor can it block normal attack methods.

It can only prevent other Qi from approaching itself.

The original poison in Chen Duo's body is, to put it bluntly, a kind of existence between special energy and poisonous insects.

Huang Miao just stood there, not even taking the initiative to exercise.

The poisons that were spreading outwards all stopped obediently in front of him.

Chen Duo's methods may be avoided by others, but they pose no threat to him.

Chen Duo blinked and looked at the poisonous poison stopped in front of Huang Miao's feet with big eyes.

This was the first time she had seen this happen.

Is the original poison in her body suppressed?

Or is the other party actually a Gu Master?
Have a special way to control Gu?
Even she, as the host, cannot completely control these Gu insects. She can only use her Qi to suppress them.

However, the man in front of him can actually control these poisons easily and command and prohibit them?

Chen Duo's big eyes were clear and confused, and he was very curious about what methods the man in front of him used.

Huang Miao glanced at the black Qi at his feet, then turned to look into the distance.

Get ready to keep following that sneaky guy.

He didn't pay much attention to Chen Duo and her Gu insects.

The purpose of his coming here is not for Chen Duo. To him, Chen Duo is just a passerby on this trip to Biyou Village.

Huang Miao didn't have time to get entangled with Chen Duo too much.

Just as Huang Miao turned around to leave, her white and tender hands suddenly grabbed his cuffs.

Chen Duo's clear and cold eyes looked at Huang Miao quietly.

"Why aren't you afraid of poison?"

When asked this question, Chen Duo's expression did not change much.

Seems like just a student looking for answers.

Due to her special life experience, Chen Duo has no emotional changes in most things.

Even though she was very curious about this matter in her heart, her mood would not change.

Huang Miao originally didn't intend to get too entangled with Chen Duo, but when his eyes met, he suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu.

At this time, Chen Duo gave him a feeling very similar to Feng Baobao.

His eyes were clear and flawless, as if they were a blank slate.

It's just that Bao'er's clarity gives people a cute feeling, while Chen Duo is cold.

The coolness of having no desires or desires.

Huang Miao looked up and down at the girl in front of him, and soon noticed a hint of darkness in front of her chest.

It is caused by the accumulation of poison.

Chen Duo has been trying to suppress the poison in his body for these years, which has caused the poison to continuously erode his body.

Now that the poison has spread to the surface of the skin, it is obviously in its final stage.

Deep into the bone marrow.

When all the skin is eroded by the poison, Chen Duo's own life will come to an end.

"The situation is worse than imagined."

Huang Miao narrowed his eyes. Just now, his consciousness spread naturally and completely scanned Chen Duo's body.

The situation is worse than imagined. Chen Duo's body was basically infected and hollowed out by the poison at this moment. At this moment, she was a huge nest of poisonous insects.

Because the Gu worms must be suppressed in the body, those hungry Gu worms will use Chen Duo's Qi and flesh and blood as nutrients to devour.

According to the current speed at which the poison is spreading, Chen Duo will only have half a month to live at most.

Huang Miao frowned and looked at the slightly indifferent girl in front of him.

In fact, with his ability, it is not too difficult to cure the poison in the opponent's body.

Not only him, but now many people in the alien world can cure Chen Duo's poison.

Whether it's Ma Xianhong's magic skills or Qu Tong's hands, even some Xinglin masters have the ability to drive these poisons out of Chen Duo's body by their own means.

The main reason why Chen Duo has not received treatment all these years is because the original poison in Chen Duo's body is too powerful.

Just a single contact can kill someone in just a few breaths.

Although those people have the ability to treat, they cannot directly come into contact with the poison.

This creates an unsolvable situation.

It's not that Liao Zhong hasn't thought of ways over the years, but they all ended in failure without exception.

In the end, no one thought about treatment anymore.

However, the most unsolvable problem in theory presents no difficulty to Huang Miao.

Huang Miao touched his chin.

With his ability, he can easily draw out the original poison from Chen Duo's body, but there is another problem, that is, what should he do after drawing these original poison out of Chen Duo's body?
It is not difficult to save Chen Duo, but what comes next is difficult.

Now in this wilderness, there is no place to store those primitive poisons.

Once left alone.

Within a few months, the place that was once beautiful will completely turn into a poisonous swamp and a miasma.

And the original poison after it spills is the most terrifying.

The reason why the original poison is called primitive is because it is the ancestor of all poisons.

Under natural conditions, the original poison will evolve into thousands of kinds of poison.

It will be even more troublesome to deal with it then.

He had the ability to treat Chen Duo, but he didn't have the spare time to clean up the mess left behind.

"What are you thinking?"

Chen Duo stared at Huang Miao with a little curiosity, and there was an inexplicable softness in his cold eyes.

Just now, she saw a hint of déjà vu in Huang Miao's brows.

Uncle Liao would occasionally show that look.

He seemed to be considering her question.

Huang Miao shook his head slightly, intending to ignore this topic.

Since there is no good solution, don't give Chen Duo any hope.

But before he could say anything, a solution came to his mind.

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

At present, in the wilderness, he indeed has no container suitable for storing poison, but he forgot that he had just practiced the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements!

With the divine machine's ability to be refined, it is not easy to refine a container!
Huang Miao suddenly had a more exciting idea in his mind.

Chen Duo's ability is almost incomprehensible to others, and the other party's abilities are all attributed to the original poison.

If you collect these primitive poisons and use them against the enemy.

Almost instantly, Huang Miao conceived a new type of puppet soldier in his mind.

He can completely store the original poison in the puppet soldier's body, which will not only solve Chen Duo's problem.

You can also get a powerful subordinate to help you.

Although the original Gu is not as magical and weird as the Eight Magic Skills, it is not much weaker than the Eight Magic Skills in terms of its ability to deal with enemies.

Thinking of this, Huang Miao finally became a little interested.

When he was making puppet soldiers, he had imagined making twelve soldiers imitating the ancient Chi You.

If Chen Duo could be fooled into pulling the original poison into the puppet's body, his original idea of ​​twelve soldiers would be somewhat promising.

For others, the original poison in Chen Duo's body is a tiger that cannot be avoided, but for him, it is a rare help.

The corners of Huang Miao's mouth curved slightly.

Look at Chen Duo.

The next question depends on whether Chen Duo cooperates.

Most people would definitely cooperate without hesitation if they knew that poisonous poisons could be eliminated from the body.

But Chen Duo is not an ordinary person after all.

Many of her ideas cannot be understood by common sense.

Moreover, the original poison is her life-saving talisman, but it is also the source of Chen Duo's strength. Once these original poisons are eliminated, Chen Duo's strength will drop by several levels.

Huang Miao subconsciously touched his chin again, thinking about how to speak.

A girl like Chen Duo is different from Feng Baobao. Obviously, she cannot be fooled like when she first met Feng Baobao.

The best way is to let her choose.

Huang Miao thought of the memory of Chen Duo in his previous life.

The other person's life is almost like a puppet arranged by others.

Whether she was a member of the Yaoxian Society at the beginning or became a temporary worker later, there was essentially no difference to her.

Obviously freedom of choice seems to be more important to her.

Even if the result of the choice is death.

"Chen Duo, I am going to tell you something very seriously now. Next, please listen carefully to what I say."

Huang Miao's expression suddenly became serious.

"You should be very clear about your own physical condition."

"Even if you are not captured by the company, you only have half a month left in your life."

Chen Duo didn't understand why Huang Miao suddenly said this.

But he still nodded, but his expression did not change.

Her physical condition was indeed very poor, and she didn't care about how long she could live.

Perhaps for her, death is relief.

"Chen Duo, I don't know what your inner thoughts are."

"But now, I can give you two choices."

Huang Miao held out two fingers with a serious expression.

Hearing the word "choose", Chen Duo's calm eyes flickered again.

"First, if you maintain the status quo, you will be eroded by the poison in your own body and die."

"Just end your life like this."

"Second, I will help you get rid of the poison in your body."

"Although there will be some costs for doing this, I can guarantee that you will have the right to live freely like other ordinary people in the future."

"It doesn't matter whether you are going out shopping, making friends normally, or even getting married and having children."

Chen Duo, who had been keeping calm just now, rarely chose silence after hearing Huang Miao's words.

For a moment, I felt a little dazed.

He seemed to be seriously understanding what Huang Miao had just said.

In fact, from the moment she met the company's temporary workers, Chen Duo had already silently made a choice in her heart.

Her whole life has always been lived on the road arranged by others.

The only choice that can be made independently may be death.

But now, the man in front of him gave himself a second choice.

Chen Duo had a complicated expression and seemed to be yearning for the future Huang Miao described for her.

But soon, the originally bright eyes dimmed again.

For her, her life seems to have no meaning?
Friends, family, friendship, family affection. She has never felt it before.

Perhaps death is the best destination for oneself.

(End of this chapter)

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