Chen Duo was silent and lost in thought, seeming to be stuck in some kind of memory.

Huang Miao frowned slightly as he watched the changes in the girl in front of him quietly.

Although he didn't know what Chen Duo was thinking, he could feel her emotions through the changes in Chen Duo's energy.

At this time, Chen Duo seemed to him like a lonely boat sailing silently in the sea.

Lonely, helpless, and ready to die at any time.

"What if this girl wants to die?"

"The plan of the third puppet soldier can only be shelved."

Huang Miao thought to himself.

A strange gate formation naturally appeared at his feet.

The original poison in Chen Duo's body is definitely the best material for making soldiers. If the opponent wants to die, then he will miss the perfect material.

All Huang Miao could do was rely on the changes in the Qimen game to make Chen Duo fall into memories.

He didn't have the skills to change Chen Duo's memory without using both hands. He could only use the distraction method in the Qimen formation to make Chen Duo recall part of his memory.

Thereby affecting the other party's choice.

Chen Duo stood there, still silent.

But some fragments began to appear in her mind, some fragments that she considered happy.

Woof woof woof ~ woof woof woof ~
At the same time, the little native dog next to her seemed to feel Chen Duo's emotional changes.

Started barking.

"Chen Junyan."

Chen Duo looked down at the puppy, recalling the little boy in the bunker in his mind.

He is Chen Duo's first friend, and perhaps his only friend so far.

Even the name Chen Duo was given by him.

"Chen Junyan, don't you want me to die?"

Chen Duo lowered his body and touched the little native dog's head.

There are only two men in her life who have a great influence on her, and the first one is Liao Zhong.

Liao Zhong is like a father to Chen Duo.

Even though Liao Zhong knew that he would survive if he killed Chen Duo, Liao Zhong couldn't bear it in the end.

He would rather die than save Chen Duo's life.

This result is Liao Zhong's own choice.

It was also the last choice he made for Chen Duo.

It has nothing to do with others.

The second most influential man in her life was Chen Junyan, whom she met just after coming to the bunker from the Yaoxian Society.

It was Chen Junyan's influence that turned Chen Duo from a machine that obeyed orders into a person with emotions.

If Chen Junyan had not been taken away by the Third Contact Agency, perhaps Chen Duo would not be like this now.

When he first left the bunker, Chen Junyan had a video call with Chen Duo.

But in recent years, Chen Duo has not had much time since he became a temporary worker.

Chen Junyan also seemed to be in trouble and started to get busy.

The two parties have not contacted each other for more than a year.

Chen Duo lowered his head and touched the little local dog's head, but at the same time, the image of Liao Zhong smiling at her with his big gold teeth appeared in his mind.

And the scene of a young boy running towards her rashly.

Although the two people in her mind didn't say anything, they both looked at her firmly, seeming to encourage her.

"Uncle Chen Junyan and Liao, do you all hope that I can continue to live?"

Chen Duo murmured to himself, his eyes turning from dead to confused.

Started thinking again.

Death or survival, Chen Duo has never really thought about this question.

This may be the first time that Chen Duo has thought about a problem so seriously. His cold brows wrinkled slightly, and his serious look was a bit cute.

It was like a sculpture, squatting in place motionless.

A colorful butterfly in the forest landed on her shoulder at some point.

The little native dog rubbed Chen Duo's palm and kept wagging its tail.

Gradually, Chen Duo's eyes changed from confusion to the coldness before, and he looked up at Huang Miao.

However, unlike the original silence and coldness, there seemed to be a little more light in Chen Duo's eyes at this time.

"Please help me, I want to take a good look at this world."

Chen Duo spoke slowly, his eyes firm.

Made my own choice.

If she could really get rid of the poison in her body, she really wanted to take a good look and experience the world.

This is what Uncle Liao has always hoped for.

As Chen Junyan said to her when she was a child, everyone has the right to choose.

Even if she is a so-called Gu body saint child, she should have the right to choose her own life.

No matter what the cost, even if it may happen soon.

She has no regrets either.

This is her own choice.

Hearing Chen Duo's serious answer, Huang Miao smiled knowingly. His third soldier puppet was on track.

As long as Chen Duo can cooperate obediently, it will be very simple to induce the poison.

Huang Miao casually summoned several Ruhua from the capsule.

Fortunately, he had obtained enough Ruhua from Ma Xianhong before, and he could get useful parts by simply disassembling them.

Otherwise, he would have to refining the parts himself.

Quite troublesome.

Chen Duo stood there and watched Huang Miao's operations quietly.

She had seen these flowers before, and they were all creations of Ma Xianhong.

Originally, Ma Xianhong wanted to give her a statue of Ruhua.

I saw that these flower-like statues in front of me began to decompose bit by bit under the control of Huang Miaoqi.

Countless joints were removed, and fine parts were continuously peeled off from the numerous Ruhua bodies.

These flowers are like flowers, as if they are being skinned and cramped alive.

Chen Duo held his head in both hands and tilted his head to watch Huang Miao's operations quietly.

She didn't know much about these mechanism techniques, but she had learned them in a bunker before. Anyway, it was a rather complicated technique.

She had also heard of the eight magical skills that Ma Xianhong practiced before, which were the ultimate in weapon refining and mechanism skills.

It stands to reason that the creations developed through the divine machine should not be disintegrated so easily.

You must know that Huang Miao is not violently demolishing it now, but decomposing it like stripping silk and cocoons.

Only very skilled weapon refiners can do it.

Chen Duo blinked, with a little doubt in his eyes.

The man in front of me is obviously with the people from those companies, so why is he so talented?
Why did Ma Xianhong teach this method to the other party?
Could it be that the other party is not actually from the company?
Because of what happened before, Chen Duo actually didn't have a good impression of the company.

This is also the reason why Chen Duo chose to attack immediately after seeing Huang Miao.

But now it seems that the origin of the other party seems to be somewhat different from what she imagined.

Time passed little by little, about five minutes.

In front of Huang Miao, there were countless mechanical parts of broken limbs and broken arms. Those flowers had been disassembled into disgrace this morning.

There were flowery stumps everywhere nearby, as if they had just experienced a big battle.

Among the many disabled items, there was only one soldier puppet standing in front of Huang Miao with a complete figure.

"It's done."

Huang Miao clapped his hands and looked at the soldier puppet in front of him with satisfaction.

Different from the previous two puppets, this puppet is slimmer in appearance. Although he is wearing a mask, he still looks like an old man.

Ordinary people would not feel any threat at first glance.

However, when the original poison in Chen Duo's body is drawn into the puppet's body, this puppet, which poses no threat, will become a murderous weapon in the world.

In order to better preserve the original poison in Chen Duo's body, the structure of this puppet is different from the previous two puppets.

In order to be able to withstand the eight strange techniques, the shape of the limbs of the two previous puppets were reinforced.

However, the focus of refining this puppet Huang Miao is the core of the puppet, which is where the original poison is stored.

As long as the core of the puppet is not destroyed, it will not cause any harm even if the limbs of the puppet are forcibly destroyed.

Gu insects will automatically restore those damaged parts.

Chen Duo stood up, walked to the puppet soldier, and looked at the soldier up and down.

Different from the Ruhua mass-produced by Ma Xianhong, the puppet in front of her looked more like a real person.

Apart from being unable to breathe and unable to produce Qi on its own in the body, there is almost no difference from a real person.

If you don't observe carefully, you will never be able to find it.

"Are you planning to store the original poison in my body in this puppet?"

Chen Duo turned to look at Huang Miao, his tone slightly worried.

To be honest, her original poison can corrode most organisms in the world, even if all parts of this puppet have been refined.

But I'm afraid it won't be able to resist the poisonous poison for a long time.

Once the poison is leaked, the consequences will be disastrous.


"Don't worry, the core of this puppet has now been refined into a magical weapon by me, which can very well restrain your poison."

Huang Miao nodded, and a light green mechanical core appeared in his hand.

The core is a bead the size of the palm of your hand.

At this time, it was shining brightly in Huang Miao's hands, and there seemed to be a thin film of light on the surface.

This core was made by Huang Miao using his own Qi, and the thin layer of light film was condensed from his Qi.

Can isolate poisonous poison.

"Chen Duo, you need to sit cross-legged on the ground and circulate the poison in your body."

"As for the rest, just leave it to me."

Huang Miao spoke lightly, his eyes glowing with golden light, like a god descending into the world.

At this time, his eyes were like Sun Wukong's fiery eyes, seeing through all the illusions in the world.

The golden light swept across, and Chen Duo no longer had any secrets in front of him.

Not only can you see the primitive poisons entrenched in Chen Duo's lower Dantian, but you can even see Chen Duo's way of moving Qi clearly.

Chen Duo nodded silently and sat cross-legged.

As she moved, the black primitive poison emerged from her body again and was released bit by bit.

Over the years, Chen Duo has continued to suppress the Gu insects in her body, and now her lower Dantian has become a veritable insect nest.

When she stopped suppressing them, these Gu insects went completely crazy.

It kept emerging outside Chen Duo's body.

Like black waves.

Huang Miao's eyes were like torches, and a white energy rose up around him. These energy surrounded Chen Duo and the primitive poisons like flames.

When the original poison touches these white flames, it will immediately make a sizzling sound, as if it is really being burned by the flames.

Countless black energy turned into ashes.

Faced with this situation, Huang Miao looked as usual.

The white Qi around the body is the Qi produced by the source of the Qi body, and can decompose all the Qi in the world.

The end of the technique, the source of Qi body.

The original poison is indeed terrible, but the source of Qi body is the nemesis of all Qi in the world.

Huang Miao put his fingers together, and a little white Qi condensed between his fingers, touching Chen Duo's upper dantian.

For a moment, the Gu insect that was extremely active in Chen Duo's body seemed to feel some threat and began to frantically restless.

Chen Duo, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, frowned slightly.

She could clearly feel that the Gu worm in her body seemed to be afraid of something.

This was the first time she had encountered this situation in so many years.

"Be still and keep your mind."

"Protect the five internal organs with your own Qi."

Huang Miao's voice rang in Chen Duo's ears, his expression indifferent.

As his Qi enters Chen Duo's body, those Gu insects will most likely launch a final counterattack.

Over the years, Chen Duo's internal organs have become the shelter of these Gu insects, and they cannot be allowed to retreat so easily.


Chen Duo hummed softly and concentrated all his Qi into his five internal organs to suppress the restless Gu insects.

She also knew that there was a high probability that the most critical step was about to come.

The white light between Huang Miao's fingers suddenly lit up brightly.

The rich white Qi was like a flood from a broken embankment, rushing crazily along the upper Dantian and pouring into Chen Duo's body.

The bright white light even illuminated all the meridians in her body.

As Huang Miao expected, the Gu worms in Chen Duo's body began to attack the energy from outside the body like crazy.

The two Qi energy collided in Chen Duo's Dantian, and there was a bit of a stalemate for a moment.

Chen Duoliu frowned slightly, with a somewhat painful expression.

She only felt that her flesh, blood, meridians and even bones were being torn apart.

It was very similar to the feeling Huang Miao had when he was practicing Ju Ling Dispatch General.

This kind of pain will most likely only be understood by those who have experienced it personally.

Fortunately, this severe pain came and disappeared quickly.

After all, the original poison in Chen Duo's body could not counterbalance the Qi produced by the source of the Qi body, and began to retreat from the lower Dantian.

The dark poison flows along the meridians of the body to the pores, and is eventually eliminated from the body.

The organs in her body that had been seriously eroded by the poison gradually recovered under the influence of this special Qi.

Wash the essence, cut the marrow, reverse growth and build bones.

"The Source of Qi Body actually has this kind of ability. It seems to be very similar to the second level ability of the Trinity Sect's three levels of reverse generation!"

Feeling the changes in Chen Duo's body, Huang Miao couldn't help but murmur to himself.

Originally, he planned to create another organ for Chen Duo through the power of the divine machine.

But I didn't expect that Qi Tiyuanliu could restore these severely damaged organs.

In addition, as the poisonous poison was continuously eliminated from Chen Duo's body.

Huang Miao found that the small Nascent Soul in his Dantian, which had always been quiet, also became a little excited.

It seems that he wants to actively absorb these primitive poisons.

Huang Miao could clearly feel the emotional changes of Nascent Soul in his body.

Could it be that the terrifying primitive poison that others could avoid was actually full nourishment for the Nascent Soul in his body.

This was the first time since the Nascent Soul was formed in his body that he felt the emotional changes of the Nascent Soul in his body.

This is an instinctive need, just like a newborn baby's need to eat.

"Could it be that this primitive poison in Chen Duo's body can also help the growth of Nascent Soul?"

"If that's the case, then this is really an unexpected surprise."

After the Nascent Soul in his body transformed from him, there were basically no changes except for practicing the eight magical skills on both sides.

Now there seems to be a turning point.

(End of this chapter)

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