One person: Reborn as Huangxian, seeking the title of Feng Baobao at the beginning

Chapter 158 Different paths lead to the same destination

Huang Miao took a deep breath and looked at the dark poison at his feet.

These poisonous poisons look somewhat similar to Zhang Lingyu's Yin Thunder, giving people a strange and dark feeling.

As the protective Qi shield on his body was lifted, the poison forced out of Chen Duo's body seemed to have discovered a new world in an instant.

All of them began to flock to Huang Miao.

Suddenly, a tingling sensation came from the body surface.

It feels like being burned by fire.

The clothes on his body were swallowed up by the poison almost instantly.

"Absorb it and see if it has any effect."

Huang Miao directly circulated Qi in his body and actively began to absorb these poisons.

Anyway, with his current strength, these poisons that can kill people in just a few breaths pose no threat to him.

Even if the poison invades his Dantian, Huang Miao has the ability to remove all the poison.

Now he just wants to see if the Nascent Soul in his body can really absorb these primitive poisons.

Along with the flow of qi, the poison began to enter various meridians in Huang Miao's body, and eventually all flowed to the lower dantian.

His meridians have already been baptized by the power of the Eight Magical Skills and are impregnable.

If it were an ordinary person, I am afraid that all the meridians would have been corroded by the poison before the poison could flow into the lower Dantian.

Died violently.

In the entire alien world, Huang Miao is the only person who dares to absorb the original poison in Chen Duo's body.

As the poison continued to flow into his lower Dantian, Huang Miao began to look inwards at his own body.

He wanted to see why his Nascent Soul was interested in these poisons.

After transforming, the demonic energy in his Dantian has been washed away, and in theory he is no different from an ordinary stranger.

It is no longer filled with evil spirits.

But it's fair and square.

But as the poison entered the Dantian, the originally bright Dantian was infected again.

The original Gu worms continued to erode the Qi in Huang Miao's Dantian, and quickly occupied most of the space in the Dantian.

It was as if he had found a new place to live and regarded Huangmiao Dantian as a new nest.

The poison began to spread in Huang Miao's heart, and a piece of infected black skin appeared on his chest.

These poisons seemed to intend to train Huang Miao into a new holy boy with a poison body.

Not only does Huang Miao possess a massive amount of innate Qi in his body, but these Qi are also extremely pure.

Chen Duo is not comparable at all.

Even though Chen Duo is a Gu-body holy boy trained by the Yaoxian Society.

However, just when the original poison was about to take over the entire lower Dantian, he suddenly noticed the Nascent Soul deep in the Dantian.

Nascent Soul, who should have closed his eyes to practice, opened his eyes at this moment, and his bright eyes looked at the poison that invaded the Dantian.

The face that was originally expressionless actually started to laugh.

The next moment, all the original poisons that were trapped in Huang Miao's Dantian surged towards Nascent Soul uncontrollably.

The Nascent Soul villain laughed and opened his mouth.

Like a whale swallowing the sea.

"Really. Eaten alive?"

Huang Miao frowned slightly. He had thought of all the ways to absorb the original poison, but he did not expect that the Nascent Soul in his body would use such a direct method.

Eat it alive!

The primitive poison is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of the Nascent Soul villain, with no power to resist at all.

It was sucked directly into the mouth.

As the original poison was continuously devoured, the Nascent Soul villain's belly became a bit bigger visibly to the naked eye.

"Don't eat them all."

Seeing that the Nascent Soul villain was about to eliminate all the original poisons, Huang Miao quickly reversed the movement.

The few original poisons left in the Dantian are forced out of the body by the reverse flow.

If the little guy swallows all the original poison, his puppet soldier plan will come to nothing.

In the dantian, the Nascent Soul villain wiped his mouth with unsatisfied intentions, and then patted his slightly bulging belly.

He began to sit cross-legged, as if refining the poison he had just absorbed.

A faint Qi emanated from the body of the Nascent Soul villain, and Huang Miao felt a pure hot energy appear in his Dantian.

His cultivation actually began to improve inexplicably.

"It seems that this primitive poison is really nourishment for the Nascent Soul."

Huang Miao looked at the palm of his hand, only a little bit of the original poison was left.

Originally, he only wanted to create a puppet soldier, but he unexpectedly discovered another effect of the poison.

At this time, Chen Duo had woken up from meditation.

The ulcerated skin on her body was all intact, like a newborn baby, white and rosy.

Not only were all the poisons in the body pulled out of the body by Huang Miao, but also after the baptism of Xiantian Yiqi, the essence and marrow had been washed away.

Although the poison was gone, it had a great impact on Chen Duo.

But after purifying his essence, Chen Duo's talent has already surpassed the so-called genius.

As long as she wanted to, even if she started practicing other techniques from scratch, she could quickly reach her previous level.

"there is none left?"

Chen Duo opened his palms, his cold eyes filled with disbelief.

This scene is so unreal.

She never thought that the poison in her body would one day be eliminated.

In other words, Chen Duo has a cold nature. If it were an ordinary person, he would be crying with joy.

Huang Miao ignored Chen Duo's surprise and focused on observing the small ball of black poison in the palm of his hand.

"Chen Duo, do you know how to cultivate this thing?"

Since this thing is the nourishment of Nascent Soul, Huang Miao plans to try whether it can be cultivated artificially.

It stands to reason that the Yaoxian Association can cultivate the primitive poison, but I have no reason why I can't.

Chen Duo looked up at the poison in Huang Miao's palm and was slightly startled.

She has never seen such a calm Gu Du.

It was actually placed in the palm of someone's hand like this.

And it stands to reason that the poison contained in one's body should not only be this small amount.

"I don't know how to cultivate the original poison."

"After the Medicine Fairy Association was wiped out by the company, the original poison cultivation method should have been burned long ago."

"But every time I use poison to attack, the poison in my body will naturally increase."

Chen Duo opened his mouth and told Huang Miao all the Gu techniques he knew.

As a Gu Body Holy Child trained by the Yaoxian Society, although she does not know how to cultivate Gu, she is aware of all the Gu techniques.

Huang Miao nodded slightly, having a guess in his mind.

Then he injected the original poison in the center of his palm into the newly created puppet soldier.

According to Chen Duo, the original poison does not need to be cultivated deliberately.

As long as you keep devouring it, you can keep increasing it.

In the future, this soldier can be allowed to participate in more actions.

Huang Miao touched his chin and looked at the successfully activated soldier puppet in front of him, and had the idea of ​​raising pigs in his mind.

As long as you cultivate it properly, you will most likely be able to obtain a steady stream of poison.

Just when Huang Miao was thinking about his future pig-raising plan, a pure power of faith suddenly injected into his body.

The person who generated this power of faith was Chen Duo next to Huang Miao.

A faint energy was released from Chen Duo's body and flowed into Huang Miao's body.

This energy is so special that other people cannot see it unless they are experts who specialize in studying the power of faith.

"Oh~ Is there any surprise?"

Huang Miao let out a sigh, and then looked at Chen Duo next to him in slight surprise.

This was the second time recently that he felt the power of faith. The previous time was on the way to Longhu Mountain.

By chance, he rescued the passengers on the plane. Although Huang Miao has now transformed, the power of faith is still very important to him.

Huang Miao looked at Chen Duo.

Sure enough, the simpler a person is, the easier it is for him to have the power of faith.

Because she helped Chen Duo get rid of the poisonous problem, this girl now recognized herself from the bottom of her heart.

Whether others admit it or not, Chen Duo has now become his believer. Of course, this kind of believer is not a believer in the narrow sense.

"If the number of believers increases, we may be able to carry out god-making plans in advance."

Huang Miao silently absorbed this power of faith.

Whether it is Baojiaxian or the so-called wild immortals, the ultimate goal is actually the same.

Absorb enough faith and the like to complete the transformation into a god!
It can be said that humans create gods.

As the saying goes, different paths lead to the same goal, the principles of the immortal family's creation of gods are actually similar to those of ancient gods who advocated excellence.

It's just more difficult than advocating excellence.

At least there is a vague concept of advocating excellence in acting as a god. It is easier to absorb the power of faith, while the immortal family to create a god requires the immortal family to transform themselves into a god and make the 'believers' believe in it.

It is equivalent to fabricating a god out of thin air.

Huang Miao shook his head and suppressed this idea again.

The immortal family's creation of gods is more like a legend to him.

It's like a castle in the air and a moon in the water, it's not as practical as trying to collect the Eight Wonders.

However, although it is not feasible to create a god, these powers of faith are still useful.

At least it can improve your cultivation strength.

Huang Miao quickly absorbed the power of faith all over his body.

Perhaps because Chen Duo is a stranger, the power of her faith alone this time is even greater than the previous one.

But Huang Miao didn't pay much attention to this matter for the time being.

Now that the puppet soldiers have been created, he still has other things to solve.

Although he had been studying the poison in Chen Duo's body just now, Huang Miao still separated a trace of his consciousness and stared at the sneaky guy.

The guy has now passed through a secret passage and left the company's encirclement without anyone noticing.

"I didn't expect that the company had already surrounded Biyou Village, but there were still fish that slipped through the net."

"This woman Qu Tong is too thoughtful."

"I'm afraid Ma Xianhong had already thought of this retreat when he founded Biyou Village."

Huang Miao jumped into the air and quickly swept away into the distance.

Although the scope of his spiritual consciousness is very wide, it is not boundless.

Now that guy has almost reached the limit where his spiritual consciousness can contact him. If he doesn't catch up, he may really have to pursue him.

With just one breath, Huang Miao's figure swept a hundred meters away.

Chen Duo stood there, looking at Huang Miao's leaving figure with cold eyes.

Now, she was even more sure that Huang Miao was definitely not from the company.

Based on her knowledge, no one in the company could achieve the speed that Huang Miao had just shown.

Unheard of.

It is difficult for a strong person with such strength to take orders from others.

Outside Biyou Village, a middle-aged man wearing a dark green military uniform climbed out of a weed pile.

The body is covered with dust.

He looked miserable.

"Damn it, you don't even know how to repair the hole, why is it full of weeds?"

The man smacked the sand in his mouth and looked in front of him complainingly.

There was another ordinary man standing in front of him, wearing ordinary civilian clothes, honest and honest.

They look no different from old farmers.

It also looks very ordinary.

Almost featureless.

The kind you would never find in a crowd.

"Okay, stop complaining."

"This place was ordered by the president to do this. It's not like you don't know how terrifying the intelligence capabilities of those guys in the company are."

"And there's satellite surveillance."

"If you are discovered here, you will have no choice but to stay in Biyou Village like those idiots."

"You don't even have a chance to run away."

The man patted the dust off the man in dark green camouflage clothes and said a few words of relief.

Both of them were secret agents placed by Qu Tong in Biyou Village, but one of them was in the dark and the other was in the dark.

This ordinary-looking man, even Ma Xianhong didn't know he existed.

It can be said that Ma Xianhong's every move is actually under Qu Tong's surveillance.

"What a damn unlucky guy. Those guys in the company are really annoying. Ever since I got the news that they were surrounding Biyou Village, I haven't been able to leave the house or step out for the past few days."

"It's almost suffocating me."

The man in camouflage couldn't help but complain, and then looked at his companion with a lustful smile on his face.

"Hey, haven't you gone hunting recently?"

"If you have any good prey, take it out and share it."

His companion has the same hobby as him, and the two of them can be said to have the same chemistry.

The reason why I haven't enjoyed myself for half a month is because someone is watching me, so I can't act recklessly.

But the other party is free.

He didn't believe that the other party could hold back the smell for half a month.

"Hahaha, I can't hide anything from you."

Like an old farmer, the man also had a lustful smile on his face.

"Don't worry, I have already prepared it for you. I just went to the suburbs a few days ago and caught a good-looking chick."

"I haven't had time to enjoy it yet."

"While it's still early, it won't be too late for us brothers to enjoy our trip before we hit the road."

The man spoke slang that only they knew, but you could guess a lot by looking at his expression.

"You kid, I know you can't help it!"

"Go quickly, go quickly."

"These days, I will become a monk in the temple if I drink too little water."

The man in camouflage clothes licked the corner of his mouth, a little impatient.

But before he could walk out, he was grabbed by his companions.

"What's the rush?"

"Let's get down to business first."

"Have you finished the task that boss gave you?"

"That old woman is the one requested by the boss. If she doesn't bring her back, we won't be able to eat and walk around."

"Don't worry, can I still be careless about the mission?"

"Here it is."

"You can rest assured."

The man in camouflage took out a bite bag from his arms and shook the bag slightly.

An unconscious white-haired old woman appeared in front of the two of them.

It was Jinfeng who was snatched away by Ma Xianhong's people before, and he was also Qu Tong's target.

In fact, they could originally leave Biyou Village normally. According to the information given by Qu Tong, the temporary workers would probably attack Biyou Village after a period of time.

But for some unknown reason, those temporary workers took action in advance after this morning.

Just in case, he had to activate the secret passage and leave Biyou Village.

(End of this chapter)

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