"Brother, tell me, how big is that chick?"

"How's the quality?"

"This poor place is in the middle of nowhere, and there really isn't much good stuff."

"I haven't had enough fun with the girl I got some time ago. She was tortured to death after only playing a few times."

The two of them flew towards the foot of the mountain in the distance very quickly. There was a simple thatched house at the foot of the mountain, which was their hidden hiding place.

"Don't worry, the quality of the goods this time is very good."

"That girl looks like she's not yet twelve years old. She's called a water spirit."

"It's definitely a good furnace."

The man smiled lustfully again.

The chicks in their mouths are all underage virgin girls.

The two of them were originally brothers from the Taoist sect, but due to their unstable temperaments, they were eventually expelled from the sect.

By chance, I learned a Hehuan Kung Fu.

However, the technique they practice is actually an evil cultivation technique. Although their strength improves very quickly, it requires the blood of virgins as a medicine.

In order to improve their strength as quickly as possible, the two began to plunder those underage girls crazily.

Even if the two of them act in a sheltered manner, there is no airtight wall after all.

In the end, the matter was exposed, and both of them were targeted by people from the division and the company, and became wanted criminals.

If it weren't for Qu Tong's help, they might have been arrested by the company long ago.

Now, both of them are willing to work for Qu Tong.

"It's a pity that the boss's target this time is an old woman."

"If the other party is a virgin, our brothers' strength should be improved a lot."

"After all, the other party is a stranger."

The man in camouflage uniform weighed the bag in his hand and muttered.

After practicing the technique for so long, he has never tried a different person to act as a cauldron.

According to the above introduction of the technique, if a stranger is used as the cauldron, the effect will be more obvious.

Strength also increases faster.

But unfortunately, those underage aliens are now basically under the protection of various forces.

It's impossible for them to get it.

And although Qu Tong changed their appearance for the two of them, once things got serious, Qu Tong might not be able to protect them.

"Yes, if this old woman is still a virgin, we two brothers will definitely be able to reach a higher level if we use her as a furnace."

"Although this old woman is a little older, I think she still has some charm about her."

"Do you want us to do it now?"

Another man licked the corner of his mouth and echoed.

Everyone likes different types. Some people like girls, others like young women, and some people like mature MILFs.

But he only liked this kind of old woman.

"You're crazy. This old woman is the person the boss wants to see."

"If you deal with her, I'm afraid both of us will be killed by the boss!"

The man in camouflage turned his head and cursed.

He just complained, but he didn't really want to do anything.

Even if the character this time was really an underage girl, he wouldn't dare to do anything to her.

After all, the other party is the person named by their boss.

My comrade is so brave that he dares to attack anyone who pays attention to him.

"You two are really intolerant of meat and vegetables."

"If old guy Xia Liuqing hears these words, I'm afraid your two heads will be moved right now."

Before the other person could speak, a cold voice came from behind the two of them.

Huang Miao stood on the tree branch behind the two of them, looking down at them.

His eyes were a little playful.

Unexpectedly, besides Xia Liuqing, there were other men interested in Jinfeng.

It would be fine if it was a young Jinfeng, at least that girl was pretty cute at the time.

But now Jinfeng is an old woman who is nearly a hundred years old, and there are still people who are interested in her.

The forest is really big and there are all kinds of birds.



The two people who were rushing below heard a sudden voice behind them and turned around to ask questions as if they were conditioned.

Following the source of the sound, their eyes immediately fell on Huang Miao.

"Who are you!"

"Following us?"

The man who looked like an old farmer breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Huang Miao's young face.

For just a moment, he thought the guys who were chasing the two brothers appeared.

Fortunately, he is a half-grown boy.

"Huang Tian?"

"Why are you here?"

The man in camouflage uniform did not look the same as his companion. He relaxed after seeing Huang Miao.

When a few temporary workers entered the village, he saw the information of several people.

Although Huang Tian didn't have any specific information, he was able to enter the village with a few temporary workers.

It's definitely not just goods.

And there is a high probability that the other party is also from the company.

Thinking of this, the man's eyes immediately glanced around.

If the other party is from a real company, it is very likely that they will bring helpers.

If this is the case, the two of them may really be unable to fly this time.

"Old Tang, do you know this guy?"

After hearing his companion's words, the man who had just relaxed looked at Huang Miao again.

Originally, he only thought that the other party was an insignificant role. After all, such a young person would definitely not be able to compete there.

He has seen some weirdos, such as this guy Ma Xianhong.

But after all, the opponent is the successor of the Eight Wonders, so it is normal for him to be stronger.

He didn't believe there were so many freaks in the world.

But looking at the serious expression on his companion's face, it seemed that his guess was not accurate.

"Well, I've seen his information."

"They were with the few temporary workers who came into the village."

"However, the information does not record the other party's sect and his skills."

"But if you can act together with those temporary workers, your strength should not be weak compared to others."

"If a war breaks out, don't take it lightly."

"And I suspect there are other people from Nadutong Company around, otherwise this kid alone wouldn't dare to intercept and kill the two of us in such an open and honest manner."

Tang Jia spoke in a deep voice. Although the young man in front of him had not shown any skills, he did not even show any energy at this time.

But he didn't believe that the person who could act with those temporary workers would be an ordinary person.

Moreover, he has been hunted down by people from Nadutong Company all year round, so he knows very well how the people in the company do things.

They will not take the initiative to show up before they are completely sure.

Upon hearing this, Tang Jia's companion had a more serious look on his face.

But when he wrinkled his nose and sniffed the air slightly, the serious look on his face disappeared.

"I said, Old Tang, please don't be so nervous."

"I just confirmed that he is the only one here."

"There's no one else."

He just used his special sense to sense the smell around him, but he didn't notice anyone else's breath appearing.

His superpower is somewhat similar to Huang Miao's spiritual consciousness, both of which can detect the surroundings.

However, unlike divine consciousness, his powers require identification through smell.

And the scope is limited.


"Is he the only one?" Tang Jia was stunned and looked at Huang Miao standing on the tree with some suspicion.

He didn't doubt what his companion said, after all, the other party's superpower couldn't go wrong.

The two brothers were able to escape from pursuit every time thanks to his brother's superpower.

Now since his brother said there was no one else around, then there must be only the other party.

But Tang Jia was confused if there was really only one person.

Why did the other party dare to appear in front of the two brothers?
Can't find death?

"Is this kid crazy? How dare he appear in front of our two brothers on his own?"

Tang Jia squinted his eyes, a murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

If the other party is alone, they don't have to rush to escape.

You can definitely find an opportunity to kill the opponent.

"Who knows, maybe you think the two of us are easy to bully?"

Tang Jia's companion laughed and twisted his neck.

A simple and honest face is a little more ferocious.

As the saying goes, love comes from the heart, even if Qu Tong changed the appearance of the two people, the essential things about the two people will not change.

"Boy, your name is Huang Tian, ​​right."

"I'm curious, how did you find me?"

"You can also follow us two brothers all the way!"

"Would you like to come down and have a chat?"

After learning that there was only one person, Tang Jia looked at Huang Miao with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

He and his companions began to approach Huang Miao slowly.

The two of them worked in tandem and even began to prevent Huang Miao from escaping.

Huang Miao's cold eyes scanned the two people close to him under the tree, his expression not changing much.

He originally planned to snatch Jinfeng's capsule from the two of them and leave.

The man in camouflage uniform escaped from Biyou Village. Huang Miao naturally mistakenly thought that the man was a villager from Biyou Village.

After all, he promised Ma Xianhong not to get involved in the affairs of Biyou Village.

But listening to the conversation between the two along the way, he realized that he seemed to be overthinking.

These two people are not villagers of Biyou Village at all.

Therefore, he had no worries and planned to take action directly.

"Is this boy pretending to be mute now?"

"Why, are you planning to beg for mercy later?"

Tang Jia's companion kicked the ancient tree where Huang Miao was standing, and the thick trunk of the two men was directly broken by his kick.

"Old Jia, be careful what this kid has up his sleeve."

Tang Jia reminded his companions that although the young man in front of him did not look like a master, he was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

They can't capsize in the gutter.

Jia Kang waved his hand indifferently, still not paying attention to Huang Miao.

Since Tang Jia just said that this guy has never made a move, then there is a high probability that it is just an embroidered pillow.

"Old Tang, are you sure this kid is with those perverted temporary workers?"

"Look at the girls moaning, and their hair is dyed yellow."

"The speed of my attack just now was already slow enough, and this guy couldn't even dodge it."

"You don't look like a master at all."

Jia Kang looked at Huang Miao who stood up from the ground, sneered disdainfully, and then started to make comments.

"Tell me, how did you keep up with us?"

"What's the purpose?"

"I advise you to be more honest and speak obediently."

"Otherwise, I believe you don't want to use my methods on yourself."

"Why bother, originally I just wanted to take away Jinfeng."

"Why do you two have to seek your own death?"

Huang Miao stood up and dusted himself off.

He looked at Jia Kang in front of him calmly.

If the other two obediently hand over Jin Feng, and then honestly tell themselves the information about Qu Tong.

He wanted to spare the lives of the two of them.

But now, these two people are looking for death themselves.

"Poison Master, come out."

The puppet soldier he had just refined appeared next to him.

After absorbing Chen Duo's original poison, this puppet's strength is considered to be a good one in the entire alien world.

However, due to the special nature of this puppet, he has not yet tested it in actual combat.

Now is a good opportunity.


The old puppet slowly raised his head, and then followed the direction of Huang Miao's finger, turning his dark green pupils to look at Tang Jia and Jia Kang on the side.

Both of them were startled by the sudden appearance of the puppet soldiers.

When they first saw the puppet soldiers, the two of them thought they were people who knew everything and were lying in ambush around them.

However, after seeing the bite bag appearing in Huang Miao's hand, the two of them noticed that there was no energy around the puppet soldier.

Obviously not a real person.

"This is?"

"That kind of special machine man created by Ma Xianhong?"

"Why do you have such a thing in your hand!?"

The two of them immediately thought of the flower that Ma Xianhong had created before.

The puppet released by the other party is very similar to the Ruhua created by Ma Xianhong, but it seems more realistic.

Could it be that the other party is actually Ma Xianhong's person?

Jia Kang and Tang Jia looked at each other, obviously having this idea in their minds at the same time.

Although they didn't know much about mechanism skills and weapon refiners, they served as the middle contact between Ma Xianhong and Qu Tong during this period.

They also have a general understanding of Ma Xianhong's abilities.

It can be said that a highly intelligent puppet like Ruhua can be refined in the entire alien world except for Ma Xianhong, who has practiced the magic machine hundreds of times.

No one else can refine it.

Now they saw a puppet soldier who was even more advanced than a flower appearing next to Huang Miao.

Naturally, he thought that the other party was Ma Xianhong's person.

"You're not from the company?"

"Are you the one arranged by the boss to enter the company?"

Tang Jia blinked and spoke suspiciously.

Based on Ma Xianhong's impression of the people in the company, it was impossible to hand over such a high-level puppet to the other party.

You must know that even the Twelve Roots are just mass-produced flower-like puppets.

"Half right."

"I'm not from the company, and I'm not from Qu Tong either."

"Now while I'm in a good mood, tell me all the information you know about Qu Tong."

"Maybe I can spare your lives."

"Otherwise, to use what you just said, I believe that you don't want to use the methods of my puppet on you."

Huang Miao spoke calmly and raised his fingers at the two of them.

The puppet old man beside him took two steps forward, ready to attack the two of them at any time.

When he heard the name Qu Tong, Tang Jia's eyes immediately stared at Huang Miao.

A terrible murderous intention filled his body.

No matter who this young man is.

As long as you are not an insider, there is only a dead end when you reveal the name of their boss!
The name Qutong.

It is currently their organization's biggest secret that no one will reveal.

"Lao Jia is ready to take action!"

(End of this chapter)

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