
Jia Kang also had a sinister look on his face, staring at Huang Miao.

Although he still wanted to find out how the other party knew the information about their boss.

But things will change later, and now the best way is to kill people and silence them as soon as possible.

Several graceful female figures appeared behind them at the same time. They seemed to be ghosts, but they were different from ordinary ghosts.

It seems that Qu Tong's information is very important to them.

Just a name can make two people have such strong murderous intention.

Huang Miao touched his chin and looked at the two of them.

Judging from the observations just now, according to their personalities, even hearing Qu Tong's name should not cause such a big reaction.

It seems that both of them were subconsciously affected by Qu Tong's hands.

Qu Tong's comprehension with both hands is probably not inferior to that of Duan Muying, who first comprehended it.

Not only can it affect memory, it can even affect the subconscious mind.

It's really scary.

If it simply affects memory, clues can actually be found through certain unreasonable situations.

It's like a psychedelic interior.

But if even the subconscious mind can be affected, then the difficulty of discovery will be greatly increased.

"Is this young boy planning to use a puppet to deal with us?"

"Do you really think that we brothers are the rotten fish and shrimps in Biyou Village?"

Looking at the oncoming puppet soldiers and Huang Miao standing not far away with no intention of taking action.

The two of them couldn't help but snorted again.

Although they are inconspicuous, they can be selected by Qu Tong as his own.

The strength of the two of them is definitely not weak.

It's even stronger than the twelve superior weapons in Biyou Village!
And just like the twelve superior weapons, the two brothers also have magical weapons refined by Ma Xianhong!

"The only tricky thing is that this puppet has no emotions and is not affected by the Rakshasa ghost."

Looking at the puppet who ignored the influence, Tang Jia narrowed his eyes slightly.

The Hehuan Kung Fu practiced by the two brothers can influence the enemy's lust, which is very similar to Xia He's ability in Four Madnesses.

Once affected by a Rakshasa ghost, the opponent's fighting spirit will at least decrease, or at worst, he will become a useless person.

But by chance, the other party used puppets to fight them.

The puppet itself does not have emotions and desires, so it is not affected.

"It doesn't matter. Even if we don't rely on the Rakshasa ghost, can't we still solve this puppet with our own methods?"

Jia Kang's figure sped up a bit, and the Rakshasa ghost turned into a ball of Qi and enveloped his whole body.

His own momentum suddenly increased a lot.

Absorb desire and replenish one's own body.

This is the terrifying thing about them practicing this technique.

There was a muffled sound.

The figure of the puppet old man was immediately knocked ten meters away, and he rolled several times on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

"That's it?"


"I thought it was so strong!"

Jia Kang snorted softly, and the disdainful smile on his face became even bigger.

He originally thought that this puppet had at least some resistance, but he didn't expect it to be so vulnerable.

"Old Tang, I just said you think too much!"

"This kid is definitely just an embroidered pillow. After we dismantle this bullshit puppet, we can torture this guy properly."

"it is good."

"You come and get rid of that puppet!"

"I'll deal with this kid."

Tang Jia nodded and stared at Huang Miao.

He was very curious. He was about to fall into their hands. Why didn't the other party escape? !
With that garbage puppet, it was impossible to stop the two of them.

He just saw Jia Kang's blow, which caused several cracks in the chest of the puppet.

Within three breaths, the puppet would be completely destroyed.

Tang Jia took a deep breath and stopped thinking about it.

It doesn't matter whether you are pretending to be stupid or you really have a back-up plan.

Next, everything will be clear.

The next moment, Tang Jia's figure disappeared from the spot and rushed towards Huang Miao not far away.

If the other party really had some back-up plan, it would be time to reveal it now.

However, before he could reach Huang Miao, the puppet that Jia Kang had just knocked away came to him at an extremely fast speed.

Blocked his attack for Huang Miao.

Moreover, the puppet's chest, which was supposed to be broken, was strangely healed at this time.

Perfect as ever!

"Something's wrong!"

Tang Jia frowned slightly, feeling a little surprised.

However, there was no hesitation in the movement of the hand, and the blow hit the puppet's chest firmly again.

Another muffled sound.

The puppet that had just dodged in front of him was knocked several meters away again.

The sunken palm prints are clearly visible on the chest.

"The material of this puppet seems to be very ordinary."

"But why am I just blinded?"

Tang Jia was puzzled and did not take any more rash action.

Just stood there, quietly looking at the puppet not far away.

Jia Kang on the side also noticed something strange.

It stands to reason that given the material of this puppet, Tang Jia's blow just now could definitely penetrate its chest directly.

Soon, the expressions of the two people suddenly changed.

He looked at the puppet with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

How could this be?
The two of them frowned at the same time, looking at the puppet in confusion.

I saw the puppet's sunken chest suddenly glowing with black energy.

Subsequently, the scar on the chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Extremely fast.

"Is this a puppet?"

"The materials used to make this puppet are obviously ordinary materials. Why does it heal?"

They both spoke at the same time.

Through their recent contact, they have been able to determine that the material used to make this puppet is not some rare metal.

It stands to reason that it is impossible to recover on its own.

They have never heard of any puppet being able to restore itself.

Even Ma Xianhong, who has mastered the magic machine and practiced it for hundreds of years, can't create a puppet machine that can restore itself.

The two of them looked at Huang Miao at the same time again, and their eyes changed slightly.

Could it be that the blond young man in front of me is actually a talented weapon refiner?

At this time, neither of them noticed.

The palm of their hand that had been in contact with the puppet had begun to turn black a little bit.

And the areas of black infection are constantly expanding.

"Are you a weapon refiner?"

"No wonder he is so confident, he turns out to be a weapon refiner."

Jia Kang and Tang Jia looked serious again.

In the alien world, the strange magicians and weapon refiners are recognized as difficult ghosts.

Because the Qimen Warlock has a weird attack method, once it enters the opponent's Qimen game, it is equivalent to entering the opponent's home court, and is naturally at a disadvantage.

And if you don't understand the rules of Qimen's operation, you won't be able to deal with those sudden moves.

Unless you are very powerful and can forcefully break through the opponent's strange game.

Otherwise, the final result will only be to be killed by the opponent's Qimen game.

Therefore, ordinary strangers do not like to fight against warlocks of equal strength to themselves.

There is no way, it is too frustrating to lose.

As for the weapon refiners.

It's because these weapon refiners carry all kinds of unexpected magic weapons.

Although the weapon refiners spend most of their energy on refining weapons, most of their own strength is not very strong.

But every weapon refiner will carry at least three kinds of magic weapons with him when he goes out.

You know, an ordinary magic weapon is enough to cause a headache.

Once the weapon refiner activates the three magic weapons at the same time, it will be no less than fighting three people at the same time.

You can imagine how difficult it is. "What should I do, Old Tang?"

"If this guy is really a weapon refiner, we may not be able to defeat him in a short time."

"Once the noise gets too loud, the guys from the company will definitely come here."

"We were thinking of leaving, but it was too late."

Jia Kang looked solemn.

Ma Xianhong is a weapon refiner, so it is difficult for them to deal with a weapon refiner who is well prepared.

The other party may take out a magic weapon they have never seen before at any time.

Hard to guard against.


"We can't drag it on any longer!"

"I suspect this guy was just delaying time on purpose."

Tang Jia was also decisive.

Seeing that nothing could be done, he immediately chose to retreat.

Although the young man in front of him looks weak, if the other person is really a weapon refiner, then he can rely on the methods of the two brothers.

It is difficult to win over the opponent in a short period of time.

There is even a possibility of being counter-killed by the opponent!

After all, this guy had the confidence to appear in front of the two of them alone, how could it be possible without some means.

"Want to run now?"

"Don't you think it's a little late?"

"I advise you to lower your head and look at your palms now."

Huang Miao spoke calmly and walked towards the two of them.

Jia Kang and Tang Jia were stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked down at their palms.

Just one glance, and both of them widened their eyes at the same time.

Then a heartbreaking pain came from their palms.

The skin and flesh on their hands were now completely rotten.

The fingers had rotted away at some point, leaving only white bones.

The pain from their fingers to their hearts caused the veins on their foreheads to bulge and they broke out in cold sweat.

"How could. How could this happen?"

"how did you do it?"

"What did you do to us?"

The severe pain made Jia Kang's face almost distorted, looking hideous and painful.

He didn't even know what the guy in front of him had done to him, and his palms became like this.

"What have you done?"

"I didn't do anything."

"You contracted this poison yourself."

"Oh, by the way, I would like to remind you that you still have three minutes to think about it."

Huang Miao looked at the two people playfully, both of whom were now the nourishment of the Gu insects.

If the poisonous insects cannot be removed in time, their internal organs will be completely infected by the poisonous insects in one minute.

In three minutes, the two of them will be completely devoured by the Gu worms, and no flesh, blood or even bones will be left.


"Is this poison!?"

"Did you say just now?"

Tang Jia seemed to have thought of something, and turned his head in horror to look at the puppet soldier not far away.

Was it infected when you attacked the puppet soldier just now?

This guy is not only a weapon refiner, but also a Gu Master?

"What should I do, Old Tang?"

"How do you solve this Gu insect thing?!"

Jia Kang had cold sweat streaming from his forehead and his expression was extremely painful.

He was infected earlier, and at this time his entire palm was about to be corroded.

If the poison is not removed, the black poison will spread to his entire arm.

"Behead it!"

"Listen to me, cut off your arm quickly!"

"Don't forget the ability of our boss. As long as we escape successfully, even if there is only one breath left, the boss can save us!!"

Tang Jia spoke sternly, with a ferocious look on his face, as if he had made up his mind.

Without waiting for Jia Kang to answer, he raised the knife and dropped it.

Cut off his entire arm!
Although he has never been in contact with a Gu master and does not understand such things as Gu poison, don't forget that there is a Gu body holy boy in Biyou Village.

He has heard some rumors more or less.

Once infected by poison, if it is not removed in time, there will be only a dead end.

And as he said, Qu Tong's hands can do almost anything except resurrecting the dead.

Reshaping a broken arm is not difficult.

"hurry up!"

"Don't be stunned!"

"Do you really want to die?"

Seeing Jia Kang's delay in making any move, Tang Jia hurriedly urged him.

Back then, Chen Duo had taken action against a traitor from Biyou Village.

He has seen the horror of being poisoned.

If Jia Kang continues to hesitate, there will really be only a dead end.

"Okay, fuck it!"

"Anyway, our boss has a solution!"

Jia Kang looked at his right hand.

Seeing that the poison was about to spread to his arm, he did not dare to hesitate any longer.

He gritted his teeth suddenly, shouted angrily, and slashed the knife in his hand towards his arm.

Suddenly, dark blood spurted out from the broken arm.

"Dark blood?"

"How could it be black blood?!"

Jia Kang stared at the blood spurting out of his arm.

His blood was not bright red, but as black as ink.

Not normal at all.

Tang Jia was also stunned. His understanding of poison was very limited and he didn't understand why.

Normally, if the poison circulates through the blood, cutting off the arm would cut off the spread of the toxin.

"Do you really think poison is a kind of poison?"

Huang Miao spoke calmly and looked at the two of them.

"Tell me the information about Qu Tong obediently, and I can spare your lives now."

"Otherwise, after a while, even if the Great Luo Immortal descends to earth in person, he won't be able to save your lives."

At this time, the skin on both of their bodies began to fester. Even if their arms were cut off, they still could not stop the poison from spreading.

Ever since the two of them were infected by the poison, the poison had already entered their internal organs.

Ordinary people simply cannot get rid of it.

"Ah~ It hurts so much!"

"Why does it hurt so much!"

Jia Kang suddenly covered his heart and fell to the ground in pain. He was poisoned earlier than Tang Jia, so the attack occurred earlier.

The pain of primitive poison is simply unbearable to most people.

"Just to remind you, you still have about fifty seconds to think about it."

Looking at the man who fell to the ground and kept wailing, a cruel smile appeared on Huang Miao's face.

If it wasn't for them to feel the pain, the poison would completely explode without even taking a single breath.

"I said, I said!"

"I told you all, our boss is. Yes."

Jia Kang struggled to speak, but the intense pain was simply unbearable.

I can only tell all the information about Qu Tong.

However, before he could finish what he said, he was suddenly startled.

The next moment, the seven orifices began to bleed, and strange black blood oozed out.

With just one breath, the whole person was completely breathless, and the poison in his body didn't even work.

Huang Miao touched his chin and looked at the corpse at his feet, and he had the answer in his mind.

It seemed that Qu Tong had already placed some kind of restraint on the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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