Seeing the miserable death of his companion, Tang Jia was so frightened that he backed away repeatedly.

Not caring about the injury on his arm, he turned around and ran away.

Although he didn't understand why his companion was suddenly bleeding from all his orifices, Tang Jia knew that if he didn't escape now, his end would not be any better than that of his companion.

Secrets about the boss must not be told!
"Qu Tong is really cautious. She should have put some kind of restraint on everyone."

"The ability to control the mind and body with both hands is really abnormal."

Huang Miao lowered his head and looked at the man who fell at his feet, bleeding from all his orifices.

My evaluation of Qu Tong has improved a lot.

If I hadn't known the plot myself, I probably wouldn't have been able to find any clues.

No wonder the company has not found any clues about Qu Tong for so many years.

This woman is so good at hiding.

It's even possible that some of the company's senior executives may have been controlled by Qu Tong.

Huang Miao squinted his eyes, remembering the memory of Xiao Xiao from his previous life.

After the Luo Tian Dajiao, Xiao Xiao was controlled by Qu Tong.

Although his memory didn't seem to have been tampered with, his entire personality was very distorted.

Huang Miao met Xiao Xiao himself when he was at the Luotian Dajiao.

In terms of character and strength, Xiao Xiao is considered good among Lu Linglong. He has a calm personality and is neither impatient nor impatient.

Logically speaking, given his character, it is impossible for him to become so crazy and paranoid.

But after coming into contact with Qu Tong, his whole person changed fundamentally.

"If you had paid attention to Xiao Xiao some time ago, you might have been able to follow the clues and find Qu Tong's secret base."

"But now that the Biyou Village operation has begun, Xiao Xiao may have been in contact with Qu Tong."

Huang Miao touched his chin.

He was not sure about the time when Xiao Xiao and Qu Tong came into contact. According to Lu Linglong, Xiao Xiao disappeared for a while after the Luotian Dajiao.

It was during that time that I had contact with Qu Tong.

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound not far away.

The fleeing Tang Jia didn't run very far before he fell to the ground.

The legs have been completely corroded, and the flesh and blood on the body has almost disappeared, leaving only numerous bones.

Densely dense black insects were constantly eating Tang Jia's flesh and blood.

Huang Miao didn't even pay attention to the other party.

"Save, save."

The man struggled and turned to look at Huang Miao, wanting to ask him for help.

But he didn't wait for the words to come out.

A mouthful of black blood spurted out from his mouth, and there were some pieces of meat in the black blood.

The man's internal organs had long been corroded by the poison. Unless Qu Tong, who had both hands, showed up to save him, the others would be helpless.

Huang Miao waved gently.

Countless black Gu insects flew towards him from the two corpses.

The little Yuanying figure sitting cross-legged in his dantian immediately opened his big eyes, as if he saw some delicious food, and was very happy.

Black Gu worms continued to pour into Huang Miao's body along his seven orifices.

With just one breath, these Gu insects that others were afraid to avoid were completely digested by the Nascent Soul in Huang Miao's body.

When I look inside my body, I wonder if it is an illusion.

After absorbing these Gu worms, he found that the Nascent Soul in his body seemed to be growing up a little.

"I've never heard that poison can help Nascent Soul grow."

“This time it’s really an unexpected surprise.”

Huang Miao muttered to himself. Originally, he just wanted to use the original poison in Chen Duo's body to create a third soldier puppet.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally discovered a way to quickly cultivate Nascent Soul.

However, the number of Gu worms is still too small now, and the Gu worms Chen Duo has accumulated over the years can only meet the needs of the Nascent Soul in his body.

Huang Miao touched his chin and looked at the two withered bones not far away that had been completely corroded.

If you want to quickly cultivate Gu worms, you must use flesh and blood as nutrients, and it is best to use the flesh and blood of aliens.

The innate Qi in the flesh and blood of strangers is more abundant, making it more attractive to Gu insects.

If we could find a place full of strangers
Huang Miao squinted his eyes, a flash of red flashing in his eyes.

If he hadn't been worried about going too far, he would have started robbing families and homes.

"Forget it, there's no rush for this kind of thing."

"If it doesn't work, let that guy Xu Si think of a way."

"That guy has a lot of connections and a lot of clever ideas."

Huang Miao thought for a while and suppressed the greed in his heart.

China will definitely not allow anything too outrageous in this land.

Even if he really wanted to rob homes and homes, he would have to go outside the country.

The rules there are not as strict as those in China.

the other side.

Inside Biyou Village.

At this time, temporary workers and others have already begun to take action.

The raging fire is burning the entire village. Everywhere in the originally peaceful and peaceful village is inexplicably losing water and catching fire.

The fires in most places have already started and cannot be controlled by humans at all.

"Put out the fire~Put out the fire~!"

"What should I do? How come it suddenly caught fire after everything was fine?"


Most of the villagers had no idea what was going on.

Plan to put out the fire immediately.

It's just that Biyou Village is a self-built village after all, although there are various magical weapons refined by Ma Xianhong in the village.

It can meet people's daily needs, but if you want to use this little domestic water to fight fires, it will be a drop in the bucket.

And the nearest river to Biyou Village is one kilometer away.

It is also inconvenient to get water directly.

"How to do?"

"The fire is too big, why don't we call the police!"

"No, I just tried it and there was no signal at all."

"No signal? Impossible. I was watching a short movie just now. How come there is no signal?"

"I don't know, the signal suddenly disappeared!"

Some people thought of calling the police, but when everyone took out their mobile phones, they found that there was no signal at all.

As if there was a signal jammer, there was no signal source in the entire Biyou Village area.

"Then what should we do? If the fire fighters can't come, we just can't put out such a big fire."

"Where is the village chief? The village chief should have something to do!"

"Yes, where is the village chief!"

"Hurry up and inform the village chief and the superiors. They are powerful and should have a solution."

Everyone said something to each other, and they were ready to find Ma Xianhong and other superior tools.

The villagers should have paid attention to something as big as a village fire.

But for some reason, no one showed up.

This is obviously not normal.

But before everyone went to look for Ma Xianhong, Ma Xianhong's voice suddenly came to everyone's ears.

"Dear villagers, my name is Ma Xianhong."

"I'm sorry everyone, in order not to cause panic, I have always asked that the implant be hidden from everyone."

"It shocked everyone."

Several mechanical mosquitoes and flies were hovering above everyone's heads, and it was these flies that made the sound.

They are all creations made by Ma Xianhong through hundreds of refinements.

Similar to surveillance and intercom.

Many villagers below looked up and looked around, trying to find the source of the sound.

There are also people who want to seek help from Ma Xianhong, hoping to put out this sudden fire.

It's just that Ma Xianhong didn't seem to intend to give everyone a chance to speak, and he just opened his mouth to explain to everyone. "Our Biyou Village was attacked by the enemy tonight."

"Yes, this fire was arson."

"The ones who did it were those who entered the village a few days ago."

"They came to the village to arrest Chen Duo, but I refused."

“I won’t explain too much about the detailed crude oil.”

"What I just want to say is that I want to protect Chen Duo."

"Yes, I will go to war with these people."

Ma Xianhong's voice was low and his tone was very firm.

From the beginning, he had made up his mind to protect Chen Duo.

At this time, he was standing on top of an ancient tree not far from the village, looking down at the Biyou Village that was on fire everywhere below.

At the same time, he was looking for the locations of several temporary workers through the special magic weapon in his eyes.

"The next words are very important."

"Including all of you, please listen carefully."

"In terms of the cause, this battle has nothing to do with you."

"From a standpoint, you can't judge right from wrong, good from evil."

"Remember, this battle has nothing to do with you. The only ones who really have to face the battle are me and Chen Duo."

"This place is about to become a battlefield. Those who don't want to be involved should leave here immediately and go down the mountain without any psychological burden."

"Neither I nor anyone else blames you."

As Ma Xianhong's last words fell, everyone in the village understood some of the reasons.

The village was actually attacked.

"We were attacked!"

"No wonder I always feel that the masters have weird attitudes towards outsiders."

"I see!"

Everyone couldn't help but talk about it, and they understood why they didn't see those masters appear today.

In fact, when Ma Xianhong notified the whole village, most of the twelve superior people had already gone into battle.

Some have even been addressed.

Just like Liu Wukui, who fought against Wang Zhenqiu, was easily defeated at this time.

Wang Zhenqiu directly threatened the opponent's brother, while Liu Wukui barely participated in the battle and simply gave up.

He was knocked unconscious by Wang Zhenqiu.

Zhuge Qing and Fu Rong have already left Biyou Village.

When Lao Meng found Fu Rong with the bills, Fu Rong completely lost her desire to fight.

She came to Biyou Village to avoid debts.

Now the company has paid back all the debts for her, and also explained some taboos about Biyou Village to him.

Only then did she understand why the company went to such lengths to deal with them.

Chen Duo is just a cover.

Their original purpose of entering Biyou Village was for Biyou Village, or to be more precise, it was for Ma Xianhong's self-cultivation furnace!

"Aqing, what do you think the village chief will do?"

"Isn't it a bit unethical for us to just leave like this?"

On the way down the mountain, Fu Rong had a sad face and felt a little depressed.

Although she knew that what the company did was right, Ma Xianhong took her in after all when she was in the most difficult time.

And through her contact with people in Biyou Village these days, she also found that these people have good personalities.

Now that the village was in trouble and everyone else was fighting for the village, she was the only one who ran away.

She always felt like she had betrayed the village and everyone.

"Fu Rong, you don't have to worry."

"Since the person from the company told us their plan, there is a high probability that they will not lie to us."

"The company seems not to be prepared to do anything to Ma Xianhong and other people in the village."

"If they really want to destroy Biyou Village, it's impossible for only Feng Baobao and the others to enter the village."

"And to be honest, what Ma Xianhong did was a bit excessive."

"You don't need to have too much psychological burden. The relationship between you and Ma Xianhong is just a mutually beneficial relationship."

Zhuge Qing patted Fu Rong on the shoulder and said a few words of relief.

At this time, Zhuge Qing seemed to have solved some kind of knot in his heart, and he seemed to be full of energy.

Between his brows and eyes, he regained his previous confidence.

"I've solved it here."

"How's it going with you over there?"

"Everyone, get ready to get down to business."

In another forest, Black Guan looked at the three unconscious men in front of him and adjusted his headset.

The battle just now was just a simple warm-up at best.

The real drama is to deal with the village chief Ma!
"I've solved it here too."

"He's heading towards the designated location, he'll be there soon."

Wang Zhenqiu's voice soon came from the headset. He was only responsible for dealing with some miscellaneous fish and Liu Wukui.

So the battle was resolved quickly.

"It's almost over here."

"There is only one final step left, so the task will not be delayed."

Xiao Zizi's somewhat cold voice came from everyone's headsets, and the weak breathing of another person could be vaguely heard.

In a remote forest somewhere, Xiao Zizai stood in front of a big tree and pushed up his glasses.

There was an expression of enjoyment on his face.

There is also a pair of white gloves on his hands.

In front of him was a Taoist priest who had been beaten all over and had not much flesh and blood.

It is none other than Zhao Guizhen, one of the twelve superior weapons.

But at this time, Zhao Guizhen can no longer be called a human being.

All over his body, except for his head which was intact, the flesh and blood in other places seemed to have been removed bit by bit with a knife.

The bloody spine bones were exposed in the air.


Zhao Guizhen's mouth was stuffed with white cloth, and his body was hung with glucose and oxygen. He was not completely dead yet.

Those oxygen and glucose help him stay awake at all times.

A pair of eyes wide open.

The eyes looking at Xiao Zizi were full of fear.

The person in front of me is a complete pervert!
Tears kept flowing from his eyes.

"Dude, thanks for the treat."

"But it's a pity that you are not mature yet. At best, you are just a suckling pig."

Xiao Zizai was like a top chef, cooking a dish of ingredients with the superb skills of a cook and a cow.

The mobile phone beside me was playing melodious violin music.

His face was full of intoxication.

It seems that he is not killing people, but enjoying the happiest moment in his life.

"Promise me to die, brother, if there is a next life."

"How about you become more mature when you meet me."

"You have to understand that you and I are both perverts who have fallen into the darkness."

"For you and me, killing should be a pure enjoyment, not for some bullshit technique."

Xiao Zizai smiled and touched Zhao Guizhen's head, then took a deep breath and his eyes regained some clarity.

He seemed to be talking to Zhao Guizhen, but he also seemed to be talking to himself.

He grinned with a cruel smile.

"When you are in darkness, if there is still a glimmer of hope for light in your heart."

"Then just be like me, eat black and white!"

(End of this chapter)

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