"Everyone, I have met Ma Xianhong and am now leading him to the center of the village."

In a forest, Feng Baobao held up her headset, and behind her was Ma Xianhong, who was chasing after her.

Various magic balls are being thrown out of Ma Xianhong's hands and heading towards Feng Baobao.

But Feng Baobao didn't seem to have any intention of fighting. He was just avoiding the magic weapon and restraining Ma Xianhong.

"What on earth are you going to do!"

"Fight but not fight, run but not run!"

Ma Xianhong looked at Feng Baobao with a dark face.

This girl is like a loach, slippery.

His movement seems clumsy but is extremely strange. He can avoid attacks at the most critical moment every time.

And this guy didn't seem to have any intention of fighting, he was just delaying his time.


"We can't fight now."

"We're going to lead you to the center of the village and then we'll do it together."

Feng Baobao touched her head. She still remembered the plan arranged by several people.

As a descendant of the Eight Magic Skills, Ma Xianhong's strength should not be underestimated, so the gangster's plan is for Feng Baobao to hold Ma Xianhong down.

After everyone has solved all the upper root devices, they can then deal with Ma Xianhong together.

Just now, Feng Baobao has been following the plan.


"Deal with me?"

"Isn't your target Chen Duo?"

Ma Xianhong was startled for a moment, and then realized the problem in Feng Baobao's words just now.

From what she said, it seemed that she was the one who made this plan from the very beginning!

"What is your purpose in coming to Biyou Village?"

Ma Xianhong had a dark face, realizing that he had been tricked by the temporary workers.

No wonder these people behaved so strangely from the beginning.

When facing Chen Duo, he did not show any strong hostility.

"Bao'er, don't talk nonsense to him."

"Get ready to take action officially."

Before Feng Baobao could continue to speak, a dark figure slowly walked out of the woods not far away.

The clarinet twisted his neck and strode towards Ma Xianhong.

The magic weapon on his arm that limited his strength had disappeared.

The strong muscles bring a strong sense of oppression.

The rumored meat-suited shooter is officially launched.

At the same time, on the other side, Wang Zhenqiu, who was stepping on colorful clouds, also appeared in everyone's sight.

However, unlike Wang Zhenqiu in his normal state, not only do colorful clouds appear under his feet, but his face is also covered in facial makeup.

Behind him appeared a stick made of condensed Qi.

It is quite similar to Sun Wukong in the drama.

"I'm here too."

"clarinet, ball, didn't we agree to do it in the center of the village?"

Feng Baobao turned his head to look at Wang Zhenqiu and the clarinet in confusion, and blinked with his big, wise eyes.

This is different from their original plan.

"Gee, don't be pedantic."

"Now that everyone is here, let's start right here."

Clarinet moved his shoulders slightly and prepared for the official battle.

The Ma Xianhong in front of him is a tough guy, but he can't compare to those guys from the Twelve Supreme Roots.

"The Eight Wonders, I can't wait."

Wang Zhenqiu waved the stick in his hand and stared at Ma Xianhong with interest.

Under the influence of the Godhead Mask, Wang Zhenqiu became more bellicose at this time.

The prerequisite for practicing the Godhead Mask is to deceive yourself first.

It can be said that the person standing in front of Feng Baobao and the clarinet is no longer just Wang Zhenqiu.

"It seems that the goal of you people is really me and the village!"

"You all know the company everywhere. You are indeed a bunch of despicable people."

Ma Xianhong stared at the three of them with a dark face, gritting his teeth.

The goal of these guys from the beginning was Biyou Village, but I foolishly thought they were coming for Chen Duo.

My sister was right.

The people in the company are all a bunch of sanctimonious guys!

"Wu Doukai! Thief Swallowing Beast! Kong Crying and Roaring!"

Ma Xianhong took a deep breath, and a layer of black armor quickly attached to his body.

It is his exclusive protective weapon, the Wudou Armor.

The defensive capabilities are much stronger than those of high-level protective weapons.

At the same time, a special magic weapon that looked like an iron ball appeared above his head.

As the iron ball slowly opened, black lines appeared inside, as well as red movement lines.

It was the auxiliary magical weapon refined by Ma Xianhong, the Swallowing Beast.

Qi that can devour nearby people, as well as the moves composed of Qi, the closer the distance, the greater the suction force.

And it can also feed the energy it absorbs back to itself.

As for the last magic weapon, it has the shape of a traditional lion head with a pair of small wings on both sides.

Fly faster.

It belongs to a category of attack magic weapons. Unlike ordinary attack magic weapons, as long as it is made with enough Qi, Kong Crying Roar can release unlimited attacks.

These three magical instruments cooperate with each other and can be said to be an all-round integration.

"So many magic weapons!"

"As expected, the weapon refiners are difficult to deal with."

A cold voice came from behind Ma Xianhong.

Xiao Zizai emerged from the woods holding a head. Under the head was a long spine.

A trail of blood was drawn on the ground.

"Daozhang Zhao!"


"You are seeking death!"

"I want you to pay with your life!"

Ma Xianhong's face turned completely dark, he shouted angrily and attacked Xiao Zizai.

Not only did this guy kill someone, but he also used extremely cruel methods of killing!

"Big guy, do it!"

Feng Baobao and others spoke almost at the same time, and then attacked Ma Xianhong together.

Although it was their first time to cooperate, with the fighting talents of several people, the cooperation was quite tacit.

Black Guan and Xiao Zizai were the two main attackers.

Feng Baobao and Wang Zhenqiu assisted.

"It's really rare for a weapon refiner to be able to fight against me physically."

Black Guan collided with Ma Xianhong, slightly shocked.

Even his powerful body felt like he was fighting against an iron plate.

The defensive power of this so-called Wu Doukai is terrifying and astonishing.

As expected of the successor of the Eight Wonders, he is indeed not that easy to deal with.

"You are a monster if you can fight against my Wu Doukai with your body!"

Ma Xianhong shouted coldly, his expression becoming more serious.

You must know that the hardness of his Wudou Armor is close to diamond, and ordinary people's bones will break if they are hit hard.

But the man in front of him actually dared to fight with fists and fists.

He is definitely a master of martial arts.

"The clarinet gets out of the way and lets me do it!"

Just when Ma Xianhong was slightly distracted, Xiao Zizai's cold voice suddenly came from behind the clarinet.

Almost at the same time, the clarinet seemed to lean in naturally.

Ma Xianhong's eyes widened, and he saw a huge handprint in the air appearing in front of him, heading straight towards him.

Buddhist Kung Fu - Great Compassionate Hands!

The Great Compassionate Hand is the use of Qi. It is different from ordinary horizontal kung fu and can ignore the defense of Wu Doukai.

"Three jewels!"

There was a loud bang. A golden mask appeared around Ma Xianhong, blocking Xiao Zizai's previous blow.

"And a protective magical weapon?!"

"This guy has a lot of treasures."

Xiao Zizai pushed up his glasses and squinted at the necklace worn around Ma Xianhong's neck.

At first glance, it looks like a very ordinary accessory, but I didn't expect it to be a very powerful protective weapon.

The attack he just made would cause ordinary protective magic weapons to break into pieces.

But although the pendant necklace around Ma Xianhong's neck also cracked, it quickly recovered automatically.

It is really rare to find a magic weapon that can heal itself!
"It's tricky."

"The iron ball above can absorb our Qi. Please be careful and don't get too close."

Wang Zhenqiu waved his stick and was about to attack Ma Xianhong from behind.

His own energy was absorbed by the swallowing beast in the sky.

As for Feng Baobao, he was currently being pestered by the lion-headed Kong Crying Roar.

Completely unable to escape.

The attack frequency of Kong Crying Roar is too high if it is allowed to join the battlefield.

The actions of Xiao Zizai and Black Guan will be greatly restricted.

With just one person, Ma Xianhong could face four temporary workers.

And it was handled with ease.

This shows how powerful the divine machine is.

As long as you prepare in advance before the battle, almost no one will be the opponent of the weapon refiner.

"These magic weapons are really annoying things."

"I also know what's going on with Lao Meng!"

Black Guan kept punching and colliding with Ma Xianhong, as if he was going to completely release the violent energy in his body.

In all the battles, he has been limiting his own strength to avoid unnecessary casualties caused by excessive strikes.

There is almost never a way to completely release all the energy in the body.

But now that he was fighting against Ma Xianhong, he finally had a satisfying feeling.

As time passed, Feng Baobao and the four of them dealt with Ma Xianhong's magic weapon more and more easily.

After all, magic weapons are just tools without intelligence.

Although it only takes a little concentration to control four magic weapons.

But Ma Xianhong was fighting after all, and it was difficult for him to control these magic weapons wholeheartedly.

And judging from the opponent's calm and unhurried performance, Ma Xianhong always felt that the four of them were not simply fighting against him, but obviously had other purposes.

"Why. What are these people still hiding?"

"What exactly is it!"

Countless thoughts appeared, making Ma Xianhong feel upset.

Ma Xianhong's eyes swept across the four clarinet members again.

"One, two, three, four!"


"One person is missing!"

Suddenly, Ma Xianhong's expression condensed, and his eyes once again swept over the people who were besieging him.

Excluding Master Huang, there were clearly five people entering the village!
Now there are only four people here!
What about that other person?

The middle-aged man with the lowest sense of existence!

Ma Xianhong kept scanning his eyes, trying to find Lao Meng nearby.

Because his sense of existence was extremely low, Ma Xianhong didn't care about Lao Meng at all at first.

"Could it be that it was solved by a root device?"

"No, no!"

"If it had been solved by the superior device, I would have gotten the news a long time ago."

Ma Xianhong swallowed, his face showing panic for the first time.

A bad thought flashed through his mind.

"Village Chief Ma, why do you look so ugly?"

"Did you find something?!"

The black tube laughed and punched Ma Xianhong hard in the abdomen.

Although he was protected by Wu Doukai, the huge force still made Ma Xianhong fall back several meters.

"You want to ask where Lao Meng went, right?"

"What do you think?"

"Except for that guy, there were five of us here."

"The four of us are here to deal with you. What do you think Lao Meng is dealing with?"

Black Guan patted the dust on his body, walked towards Ma Xianhong step by step, and then stretched out five fingers.

The expression on his face seemed to be telling Ma Xianhong their plan.


"Your target is the stove!"

Ma Xianhong was startled and his eyes suddenly widened!

It was only in hindsight that I figured out everything.

If the other party's goal at the beginning is his own self-cultivation furnace, then everything is reasonable!

It turned out that I had guessed wrong all along.

At first, they just thought that the opponent's target was Chen Duo, but later they thought that their target was themselves who had learned the Eight Magic Skills.

Ma Xianhong never expected that the real purpose of this group of people coming to Biyou Village was to cultivate his own body.


"Lao Meng should have arrived there by now."

The clarinet nodded.

"how come!"

Ma Xianhong clenched his fists tightly, veins popped out on his forehead, he was extremely angry.

The Slim Furnace is his life!

This group of people actually paid attention to Slimming Furnace!

"Just wait for me!"

Ma Xianhong cursed secretly in his heart and ran towards the center of the village without looking back.

We can no longer tangle with people like the clarinet.

Lao Meng seemed obedient and like an honest man.

However, this guy is one of the temporary workers. If you really underestimate him, you will definitely be the unlucky one in the end.

I have indeed arranged backup around the Slimming stove to protect the stove.
But those methods may not really be able to deal with a temporary worker!

Judging from the performance of these people when they just fought, their strength far exceeds that of ordinary people.

If he continues to delay, his Slimming Furnace may really be in danger!

Ma Xianhong fled quickly, throwing out six crimson beads in his hand.

Another refined high-level magic weapon - the Liuhe Pearl!

At this time, the six beads cooperated with each other to form an energy barrier, blocking several people.

This magical weapon also belongs to the defensive type, but unlike the Wu Doukai or the Three Jewels, the Liuhe Pearl's ability is more like a shield barrier.

"Another magic weapon!?"

"How many magic weapons does this guy have on his body?!"

Xiao Zi hit the red barrier in front of him with a palm, and clearly visible cracks appeared in the originally solid barrier.

"Fortunately, it seems that the defensive ability of this magic weapon is average, and it does not have an automatic recovery function."

Black Pipe punched the barrier in front of him, and the cracks in the barrier expanded even more seriously.

Even the six crimson beads forming the barrier have begun to show tiny cracks.

Ma Xianhong turned his head and glanced at the people behind him, his feet were a little faster.

The Liuhe Pearl that he refined was not of perfect quality, and according to the strength of these people, it would not be able to stop them for long.

Gotta get back quickly.

However, before he could turn around.

Along with the crackling sound of firecrackers, six beads in the air exploded at the same time.

The aftermath of the explosion set off a puff of smoke and dust behind Ma Xianhong.

At the same time, a huge golden Buddha handprint appeared from the smoke and hit Ma Xianhong straight in the back.

"Donor Ma, don't leave in a hurry."

Xiao Zizai pushed up his glasses, and a tall figure emerged from the smoke. Beside him were Clarinet, Wang Zhenqiu and Feng Baobao.

(End of this chapter)

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