Several people looked at Huang Miao, with surprise flashing in their eyes.

The young man in front of him, no matter how he looked at it, could not be stronger than the Yijue from the alien world.

Is it a special technique?

"If you have this time to wonder, you might as well think about how to deal with Chen Duo."

Huang Miao spoke lightly.

Don't let the gangsters continue to think nonsense.

After hearing Huang Miao's words, the gangsters came back to their senses.

Yes, now that the poison in Chen Duo's body has been eliminated, that means there is no threat anymore.

Should the company's treatment of her also need to change?

As temporary workers, they actually felt sad when they looked at Chen Duo.

Chen Duo is the same as the rest of them. They are all working for the company, and if they are still arrested by the company in the end.

Regardless of whether they are willing to admit it or not, the gangsters still have some different emotions in their hearts.

At least they don't want to attack Chen Duo directly now.

"How should Chen Duo handle it?"

"What do you think?"

The clarinet twisted his neck and looked at the other people.

Now that this matter has been discussed, we must listen to the opinions of the other people.

Everyone is a temporary worker, and now they are all employees of the company.

If even a few of them could not get a unified opinion, Chen Duo would have to be handed over to the company in the end.

"Now that the poison in Chen Duo's body has been eliminated, it stands to reason that there is no danger."

"The company theoretically should not restrict her movements."

"Of course I know that Chen Duo still carries Liao Zhong's life, but I think everyone should know the cause and consequences of that incident."

"Even Liao Zhong probably won't blame Chen Duo for this matter."

"I went to the scene to check. Although Liao Zhong had the detonator switch in his hand, he never pressed it."

Lao Meng took a deep breath and pushed up his glasses.

As the person who brought Chen Duo out of the Yaoxian Society, Lao Meng least wanted Chen Duo to die like this.

What's more, the poison in Chen Duo's body has now been eliminated.

It is not easy to try to integrate into the lives of ordinary people.

He couldn't bear to hand over Chen Duo to the company at this time.

Once Chen Duo is handed over to the company, there are only two options waiting for Chen Duo.

The first is endless detention, just like when Chen Duo lived in a bunker.

Not even able to move freely.

The second was immediate execution.

If the company's board of directors chooses an extreme approach, it is very likely that Chen Duo will be executed directly.

To achieve the purpose of killing the chicken to scare the monkey.

Chen Duo was the chicken that was killed, and the so-called 'monkeys' were temporary workers from other regions.

No matter what kind of outcome, Lao Meng doesn't want to see it.

"I don't have any objections to Chen Duo."

"I respect Chen Duo's own choice."

"As for the mission, we have captured Ma Xianhong and destroyed Biyou Village."

"Those old guys in the company should have no reason to attack us."

Wang Zhenqiu laughed, holding his head in his hands and feeling very comfortable.

He doesn't care about Chen Duo's fate, but he is more interested in Huang Miao now.

From the beginning, this man gave him a mysterious feeling.

Now this feeling is even more intense.

No matter the identity or background strength of the other party, not a single bit was revealed.

He even asked his person in charge not long ago, but he got only one answer - I can't tell you!
To be honest, as temporary workers, they wander outside the company's rules all year round and perform some very dangerous tasks.

Therefore, the company is still very liberal with the authority of temporary workers like them.

They are entitled to know many unknown secrets of the company.

It can be said that they are the few people in the company who have the highest right to know besides the major leaders.

However, his person in charge only gave four words about the information about this blond young man.

It can be seen that the status level of the other party is higher than that of temporary workers like them.

As a very curious person, Wang Zhenqiu felt that dealing with Chen Duo's matter was obviously not as interesting as prying into the secret of the young man in front of him.

"When performing a mission, my rule is usually to choose between killing or not killing."

"But in the past, my enemies were all delicious prey."

"But this time, Donor Chen has a simple personality and does not meet my hunting goals."

"Amitabha, my Buddha is compassionate."

"Although the young monk has returned to secular life, he will strictly follow the teachings of Master Buddha and will not dare to commit murder."

Xiao Zizai clasped his hands together, looking like an enlightened monk.

Face full of compassion.

In stark contrast to his bloodthirsty appearance just now.

It's like he's not a person at all.

"I don't have any opinion either."

"I listen to you."

At this time, Feng Baobao hurriedly spoke and raised his hands.

Like a primary school student answering a question.

"Well, I know Bao'er, put your hands down."

The clarinet put his hand on his forehead and looked at Feng Baobao's cute look, wondering if this girl had no idea what was going on.

After these few days of getting along, the clarinet has understood everyone's personalities.

Among the few people, the girl in front of me is the one with the most innocent thoughts.

Originally, regarding Chen Duo's matter, the clarinet supervisor did not take Feng Baobao's opinion into consideration.

"Since everyone has similar ideas, theoretically we should choose to let Chen Duo go directly."

"But there is a question that I don't know if you have thought about it."

"If we really let Chen Duo go, what will the company or the board of directors think?"

"As far as I know, some of the people on the board of directors are already dissatisfied with our temporary workers."

"If we act without permission this time, those people will probably be wary of us."

"Although according to what Qiu said, we have successfully completed the tasks assigned by the company."

"But I think everyone knows the ultimate purpose of the company's temporary worker system. What the company needs is an obedient knife."

"Instead of a few of us thoughtful people."

The clarinet's expression suddenly became extremely serious, and he naturally agreed to release Chen Duo in his heart.

But he had to let a few people understand the consequences of disobeying the company's orders and releasing Chen Duo without authorization.

Those on the company's board of directors are not fools.

Even if they do this matter flawlessly, the people in the company will notice it.

The consequences of this matter can be big or small.

If it's minor, the most they can do is simply be lectured by their respective person in charge.

It's harmless.

But if the people on the board of directors persist in this matter, they are likely to be targeted later as temporary workers.

The most serious consequence is that in the end, like Chen Duo, they have to choose to betray the company.

To be honest, these temporary workers looked like audacious people to outsiders.

But the serious consequences of betraying the company are still not acceptable to them.

At least they weren't prepared.

As temporary workers in the company, they all know the horrors of the company.

If the company is really determined to deal with them, their best way is to escape from China.

Wang Zhenqiu frowned slightly, and Xiao Zizai also began to recite Buddhist scriptures in a low voice. Even Lao Meng, who had always advocated for Chen Duo to regain his freedom, fell silent at this time.

They had indeed never thought about what the clarinet said before.

Especially regarding the betrayal of the company mentioned by the boss, they did not even think about it.

"Why is everyone silent?"

Feng Baobao scratched his head and looked at the clarinet staff in confusion.

I don’t understand why a few people who were fine just now suddenly became silent now.

"What's going on, everyone?"

Feng Baobao looked at Huang Miao in confusion. She would definitely not be able to understand this situation with her own little head.

The gangsters also looked at Huang Miao.

Several people expressed their opinions, but Huang Miao did not speak.

The other party has cured the poison in Chen Duo's body, so he must listen to the other party's opinion on this matter.

Moreover, the executors always felt that the young man in front of them seemed not to be interested in the company, or was ignoring it.

Nadutong Company is insignificant in the eyes of the other party.

Before, several of them had speculated whether Huang Miao might be sent by the company to monitor them, but after getting along with each other, they rejected this idea themselves.

Judging from the other party's attitude towards the company, he doesn't look like a member of the company at all.

In other words, they are not subordinate to the company and the board of directors.

"Brother Huang Tian, ​​what do you think about this matter?"

"Yes, Brother Huang, it is you who will remove the poison from Chen Duo's body. You have the most say in this matter."

Huang Miao glanced at a few people indifferently, and then waved his hand indifferently.

"Can the problem you are thinking about be called a problem?"

"Even Bao'er can answer this kind of question."

"Bao'er, let me ask you, if you want to eat ice cream, but Xu San doesn't want you to eat it, what will you do?"

"ice cream?"

"Eat, why doesn't Xu San let me eat ice cream?"

Feng Baobao scratched his head in confusion, wondering why Huang Miao suddenly asked such a question.

Needless to say, of course it’s eating.

Xu San and Xu Si couldn't control her.

Huang Miao smiled and nodded, then looked at the violators.


"You, including Chen Duo, are all independent and complete people."

"You all feel that Chen Duo's life has been manipulated by others, but what about you?"

"Aren't your current thoughts also being manipulated by others?"

"Why do we have to consider the feelings of the company and the board of directors? You are temporary workers of the company but not its slaves."

"Just do whatever you want to do. So what if you can't complete the task?"

"No one stipulates that the task must be completed."

The clarinet staff were slightly startled.

Listening to Huang Miao's words, they all felt touched in their hearts, and even the most cynical Qiu fell silent at this time.

And the silence at this time was different from the atmosphere just now.

Several people's eyes were deep, and they all seemed to be deep in thought.

They are all determined people, and naturally they will not be shaken by Huang Miao's words.

However, Huang Miao's words just now reminded a few people and revealed their concerns.

They are independent people, not corporate knives.

And the people in the company are not their masterminds.

They are able to choose life by their own will.

Of course, they are now voluntary temporary workers of the company, but they have an equal partnership with the company.

Even if they don't plan to continue working as temporary workers for the company, the company won't do anything to them.

At most, they just become ordinary aliens and lose some privileges.

"Boy, since our choices are the same, let's turn a blind eye to Chen Duo's matter."

"Announce to the outside world that Chen Duo has not been found."

"Even if the company's board of directors has suspicions, they can't do anything without evidence."

Black Pipe coughed twice and spoke first.

Regarding the handling of Chen Duo's matter, several temporary workers chose to let it go.

Maybe it's because the rabbit dies and the fox is sad, or maybe it's because of Chen Duo's life experience.

None of the gangsters planned to take action against Chen Duo. Now that Chen Duo has lost his poison, he is not in danger at all.

Even if you integrate into society, it won't cause much trouble.

Moreover, this time several people chose to let Chen Duo leave, and they had other small thoughts.

I just want to see what the people on the board of directors really think.

It stands to reason that after understanding Chen Duo's situation, the company will support their decision.

Agree to let Chen Duo leave.

In this way, at least they know that even after they step down as temporary workers, they will not end up like a bird.

But if someone from the company insists on attacking Chen Duo.

A few people have to prepare a way out for themselves.

If the company's directors can deal with Chen Duo today, it may be their turn next time.

The most untestable thing in the world is the human heart.

Whether or not they remain loyal to the company in their hearts.

Once this idea lands in their hearts, it will take root and sprout.

Letting Chen Duo leave at this time, they might not be thinking about themselves.

Whether it's the murderous Xiao Zizai or the cynical Wang Zhenqiu, or even the seemingly honest and honest Lao Meng.

Those who can become a few temporary workers are naturally thoughtful people.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to complete those dangerous tasks independently.

After Huang Miao said those words and reminded several people, they all thought of this.

But there are some things that they just know in their hearts and cannot say out loud.

When a gentleman observes people, he does not care about his heart when judging his deeds.

No matter what you think in your heart, just don't say it out loud.

Even if people in the company knew what they were thinking, they wouldn't do anything to them.

"Lao Meng, Qiu, you take Chen Duo down the mountain first."

"Leave the matter here to us."

The clarinet patted Lao Meng's shoulder and looked into the distance.

He had already sensed that people from the company were coming towards them.

"it is good."

"Then let's meet at the foot of the mountain."

Lao Meng nodded.

Wang Zhenqiu did not refuse.

Chen Duo turned his head and glanced at Huang Miao, but there was still not much emotion in his cold eyes.

Then he followed Wang Zhenqiu and Lao Meng and walked deep into the woods.

The scene before me.

Just like when Lao Meng took her out of the Yaoxian Society.

It's just that when she was in the Yaoxian Association, she passively accepted it.

But now it is her own choice to leave with Lao Meng.

It wasn't until the three figures disappeared into the night that the clarinet twisted his neck and looked into the distance.

"The next step is to deal with the company's people." (End of Chapter)

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