In the dark night sky, the bright moon was obscured by dark clouds.

The obvious fire in Biyou Village has long since dissipated, leaving only ruins in the entire village.

In the center of the village, Ma Xianhong's shoulder blades were blocked and his hands were shackled.

Qi's channel was also blocked by Xiao Zizi using a silver needle.

At this time, Ma Xianhong was no different from ordinary people.

Huang Miao, Xiao Zizai and Feng Baobao were hiding behind the ruins. The identity of the temporary workers was not suitable for being known to too many people.

Therefore, the only person responsible for escorting Ma Xianhong was the black tube.

A group of figures wearing chemical protective suits appeared not far away.

"Brother, we are members of the company, don't do anything."

Several people walked towards the clarinet, their clothes marked with the company's logo.

It was the regular employee who was responsible for blocking the exits of Biyou Village at the foot of the mountain.

"The higher ups asked us to arrest Ma Xianhong and Chen Duo."

The leader came to the clarinet with a task list stamped with the company's seal.

Facing the clarinet with a gloomy face, the man's tone was somewhat nervous.

After all, although the confidentiality level of this mission is very high, as a small boss, he more or less knows some inside information.

Every time they are responsible for this kind of mission, which is only responsible for peripheral security, it must be very difficult.

The company will send some professionals to take action.

The gloomy-looking middle-aged man in front of him was obviously a so-called professional.

It is said that each of these professionals has many lives on their hands.

The man in front of him was most likely a powerful and murderous monster.

The black tube looked at the man in front of him coldly and took the task order.

Then without saying a word, he pushed Ma Xianhong towards the opponent.

The whole process was full of aura, which made the regular employees who came to hand over tasks break out in cold sweat.

The person in charge of the handover was even more out of breath.

Clarinet's whole aura is too oppressive.

"Ma Xianhong's handover is completed."

The man glanced at the unconscious Ma Xianhong and slowly spoke into the headset to report.

Then he looked up at the clarinet again.

"This, this brother, is there another person?"

"Chen Duo. Where is Chen Duo?"

The task he received this time was to escort Ma Xianhong and Chen Duo to the headquarters.

Now the other party only gave him Ma Xianhong, but Chen Duo was nowhere to be seen.

Black Guan stared coldly and slowly moved his gaze downwards.

Cold eyes stared at the man in front of him.

He spoke coldly and spit out three words.

"do not know."

The tone seemed a little unhappy, and the expression on his face was extremely scary in the night.

The man opposite him couldn't help but swallow.


The man wanted to continue asking for some details, but he was met with the predatory eyes of the gangster.

Decisively chose to shut up.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and continued speaking into the headset.

"The situation on the scene is different from what was expected, and Chen Duo's whereabouts are temporarily unknown."

"I know, bring Ma Xianhong back."

"I will want the board of directors to react to Chen Duo's matter."

After a moment of silence, the next step of instructions was given.


Headquarters is accessible from anywhere.

Directors Zhao Fangxu were still sitting in the conference room.

The heads of the various regions who had come to the headquarters to report on their work had all left at this time.

"The matter is basically over."

"The entire village has been destroyed, and Ma Xianhong and other superiors were escorted back soon."

Zhao Fangxu spoke slowly.

The rest of the people breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, the incident in Biyou Village was finally over, and they had nipped the danger in the bud.

"A few people here actually did it."

"It was really impeccable to dismantle the entire Biyou Village."

"Lao Bi, it seems that we have no way to attack the temporary workers this time."

Several directors looked at Bi Youlong, the only board member among them who came from the front line.

Bi Youlong is extremely tough on this policy of temporary workers.

We have always insisted on eliminating the temporary labor system.


"That's not necessarily true."

Bi Youlong took the mission description he had just received and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The expression on his face was a bit unhappy.

In sharp contrast to several other directors.

"what happened?"

"Anything else new?"

Several people were slightly stunned, although Bi Youlong was not optimistic about the temporary labor system.

But he is not the kind of narrow-minded person, and the other party did a good job in completing the mission this time.

Theoretically, Bi Youlong couldn't look so bad.

"Just take a look."

Bi Youlong handed the latest report to several people.

What is recorded above is exactly the situation about Chen Duo.

"As mentioned above, Chen Duo has not been arrested!!"

"In other words, let Chen Duo escape!"

"It stands to reason that we have deployed a dragnet around Biyou Village. With Chen Duo's ability alone, it is impossible to escape."

Bi Youlong's face was gloomy, and his fists were clenched slightly.

His eyes were a bit cold.

He seemed to be suppressing the anger in his heart.

The other directors also looked at each other and understood the meaning of Bi Youlong's words almost instantly.

"Lao Bi, are you saying there's a ghost inside us?"

Bi Youlong just said that with Chen Duo's strength alone, it is impossible to escape the siege.

All the people in Biyou Village were also arrested.

If there is anyone else who can help Chen Duo, then undoubtedly they are the only ones who know everything!
"Yes, there is a ghost!"

"And there should be more than one!"

Bi Youlong took a deep breath and slowly raised his head.

His eyes fell on a stack of files on the table.

The content on the file is exactly the temporary worker information previously presented by the heads of each major region.

"Lao Bi, do you mean to say that these temporary workers are the ghosts?"

"These temporary workers let Chen Duo go on purpose?"

Several directors were slightly startled.

They had never thought about this. When Bi Youlong mentioned that there was a ghost, the first thing they thought of was the regular employees.

They don't pay much attention to these temporary workers.

"Who else besides them?!"

"Except for these temporary workers, I can't think of anyone else who can get in touch with Chen Duo and have the ability to let him go."

"Furthermore, the news of Chen Duo's escape was first obtained by these temporary workers."

"If you say this matter has nothing to do with them, I don't believe it."

Bi Youlong held the mission report in his hand and only relied on a few lines of text on the report.

He had already guessed a large part of the truth.

Listening to Bi Youlong's words, the faces of the other directors couldn't help but look gloomy.

If it is true as the other party said, then the loyalty of these temporary workers to the company is really a problem.

The other party can disobey the order and release Chen Duo today.

Then there is no guarantee that Chen Duo will not do the same thing the next day.

"I have said long ago that these temporary workers are unreliable!" "The temporary worker system should have been abolished long ago!"

Bi Youlong had a dark face and a serious tone.

From the beginning when he learned about the temporary worker system, he had objections.

However, his qualifications were too low at the time, and this system was proposed by Xu Xiang.

For Xu Xiang's sake, he did not object directly.

But now, Xu Xiang is dead.

There are also problems with the temporary labor system.

It’s a great time for repeal.

"I don't care about the temporary labor system, I care about Chen Duo!"

"Catch him!"

"We must let temporary workers capture Chen Duo!"

"Everyone knows about Chen Duo's situation!"

"We all know how terrifying the poisonous insects contained in the opponent's body are, as a holy boy with a human body."

"Once she escapes, it will be too harmful to society."

The female director sitting next to Bi Youlong spoke coldly.

Interrupting Bi Youlong's next words.

In her opinion, Chen Duo is the most dangerous problem at this time.

More dangerous than any temporary labor system!

As long as Chen Duo can be captured, other matters can be put aside.

"Yes, yes, Chen Duo is the main problem right now!"

"Director Zhao, let's have our employees return to Biyou Village immediately. I believe Chen Duo hasn't gone far!"

"Chen Duo must not be allowed to escape our control."

Several others followed closely and echoed.

As someone who is monitored by the company all year round, they know how dangerous Chen Duo is.

Even they were unable to remove the original Gu in Chen Duo's body.

Zhao Fangxu, with his big belly, picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip.

His expression was calm and composed.

Not as panicked as the others.

"All right."

Putting down the water glass, Zhao Fangxu glanced at the directors present.

His strength may not be the strongest among everyone, but his majesty as the chairman of the company is unmatched.

With just two words, all the directors present shut up.

Looking at Zhao Fangxu, waiting for his decision.

"Let this matter with Chen Duo come to an end."

"All relevant files related to Chen Duo were ordered to be destroyed."

"From now on, Chen Duo has nothing to do with us, and is no longer a wanted person."

Zhao Fangxu cleared his throat and spoke slowly.

But his words made the other people present stunned.

The first person to react was Bi Youlong.

"Old Zhao, are you crazy?"

"Give such an order?"

"You don't know the dangers of Chen Duo, what exactly do you want to do?"

Bi Youlong had an impatient temper. After hearing Zhao Fangxu's words, he immediately jumped into the crime.

Without caring about Zhao Fangxu's face as chairman, he asked sternly.

Zhao Fangxu glanced at the excited Bi Youlong and waved to him.

But he didn't care too much about Bi Youlong's attitude towards him.

"Okay, Lao Bi, don't be so excited."

"I know more about Chen Duo than you do."

As the company's chairman, Zhao Fangxu naturally has his own news channels.

In fact, Zhao Fangxu got the information shortly after Huang Miao helped Chen Duo get rid of the poison.

Knowing that the poison in Chen Duo's body has been eliminated.

Today's Chen Duo is, at best, a relatively ignorant stranger, and is no longer the derisive Gu-body holy boy.

"To put it simply, the poison in Chen Duo's body has been eliminated."

"That is to say, Chen Duo is no longer a Gu-body holy boy."

Zhao Fangxu briefly explained Chen Duo's situation to a few people. Of course, he deliberately concealed what Huang Miao had done.

Bi Youlong and others were shocked.

Obviously, he did not expect that the poison in Chen Duo's body would be removed.

You must know that over the years, they have not thought about removing the poison from Chen Duo's body, but they have failed without exception.

"The poison of the Gu-body Holy Boy has been removed!"

"Old Zhao, is your information accurate?"

"Yes, the poison in her body cannot be removed even with our strength. Who can remove it!"

Several people were in disbelief. Of course, they were not questioning Zhao Fangxu's intelligence.

As the chairman of the company, if Zhao Fangxu couldn't believe the information in his hands, then they didn't know what else to believe.

"I won't tell you the specific situation, but Chen Duo is indeed an ordinary stranger now."

"So I think her warrant is lifted."

Zhao Fangxu spoke slowly, not intending to reveal more inside information to a few people.

Several directors also nodded their heads. If Chen Duo didn't have such terrifying poison in his body, he wouldn't need to pay more attention to it.

But before anyone could say anything, Bi Youlong slammed the table again.

"Even if Chen Duo is no longer the Gu Body Holy Boy, don't forget that the other party killed Liao Zhong!"

"Kill the person in charge of yourself!"

"How can we just let this matter go?"

Bi Youlong had a dark face and an excited tone.

As a company director, he will not allow anyone to continue to get away with it after hurting people in the company!

"Lao Bi, you and I should both know."

"Liao Zhong's death was caused by Chen Duo."

"But it was also Liao Zhong's own choice."

"As Liao Zhong's comrades, we should respect Liao Zhong's choice."

"And I believe that Liao Zhong's spirit in heaven does not want us to continue to hunt Chen Duo!"

Zhao Fangxu pushed up his glasses and looked at Bi Youlong.

His tone was still calm.

But this time, there was a hint of oppression in the plain words.

Although he is kind to others, he is not without a temper.

Zhao Fangxu has been able to serve as the chairman of Nadotong Company for so many years, so he naturally has his own methods.

Bi Youlong had refused to give him face as the chairman many times in this meeting.

He has a good temper, not a bad temper.

Sensing the change in Zhao Fangxu's eyes, Bi Youlong, who had always had a fiery temper, finally calmed down.

Take a deep breath and sit back in your seat.

"I understand. I have no objection to Chen Duo's handling."

"Lao Bi, this matter is not as simple as you think."

"There's a lot involved."

"Just talking about the temporary workers, why do you think they let Chen Duo go?"

"For people like them, do you really think that just because you sympathize with Chen Duo's experience, you will let her go?"

"Don't forget, Chen Duo was once just like them, a temporary worker who worked hard and shed blood for the company!"

When Zhao Fangxu saw Bi Youlong sitting down, his eyes became warm again.

Smiling and explaining to Bi Youlong and others.

Not only was the immortal family involved in this matter, but there were also those temporary workers with thorny heads.

Although he didn't know why the immortal wanted to remove the poison from Chen Duo's body, he could still guess some clues as to why the temporary workers let Chen Duo go.

Whether it is for the internal peace of the company or because of fear of Huang Miao.

Even Zhao Fangxu felt that it was best for the matter regarding Chen Duo to end here.

We can't continue to make things worse.

Otherwise, things will not end easily in the end.

This situation now is a result that everyone can accept.

(End of this chapter)

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