"Director Zhao, where is that Huang Miao?"

"I clearly saw him coming in just now."

Xu Si couldn't help but glance at the empty conference room behind Zhao Fangxu.

The glass on one side was still broken, obviously caused by Huang Miao.

But Huang Miao was nowhere to be seen.

"You don't have to worry about seniors' affairs for the time being."

Zhao Fangxu walked at the front, not even bothering to look back.

Huang Miao was going to do something related to Nason Island this time, so he couldn't let too many people know about the situation until the matter was investigated clearly.

Xu Si nodded. Judging from Zhao Fangxu's performance just now, it was obvious that there was some secret between him and Huang Miao.

It's not convenient to tell others at the moment.

Feng Baobao also turned his head and glanced at the empty conference room. He followed Xu Si into the elevator without asking any more questions.

the other side.

After Huang Miao left Zhao Fangxu's office, he found a pastry shop that was causing trouble based on the address given by Zhao Fangxu.

Huang Miao directly handed the letter of introduction that Zhao Fangxu had given him to his boss.

The owner of the pastry shop is a man in his forties or fifties. He is tall and thin and looks a little frail.

But he is also a stranger.

Similar to Quan Xing's ability to transform poison, he is also a Thousand-Faced Man.

Good at disguise.

Both of them were once disciples of Mian Ren Liu, a member of the previous generation of Quan Xing.

It's just that this person quit Quanxing a long time ago and was later found by the company.

Zhao Fangxu agreed to help him erase his past crimes, but the price was that he would sometimes return to his old business to help people in the company disguise themselves.

"The person introduced by Boss Zhao."

"Please wait."

The man closed the shop slowly and walked up to Huang Miao, with a layer of light red Qi on his hands.

He didn't even intend to ask Huang Miao about the purpose of Yi Rong. Now he just wanted to live an ordinary life and try not to get involved in the internal affairs of the circle.

Huang Miao looked at the other party's Qi with a flat gaze.

The memories of the previous life are recalled in my mind.

The red Qi in the opponent's hand can change a person's appearance in a short time and disguise himself.

To be honest, it is somewhat similar to the red hand in Shuangquan Hand.

They are all aimed at the physical body.

The other party's disguise method was very clever. In just a few breaths, he helped Huang Miao complete the disguise.

From an ordinary handsome guy to a handsome foreign guy with blond hair and blue eyes.

Even the height has changed.

It's not disguise in the traditional sense at all, it's just a completely different person.

"It's done sir."

"Although there is no time limit for disguise, you must be careful not to use Qi."

"Once Qi is used, the disguise on the face will disappear."

The man clapped his hands and reopened the shop door calmly.

But when Huang Miao wasn't paying attention, a strange light seemed to flash through the man's originally calm eyes.

This light was not even noticed by the man himself.


Huang Miao nodded, his original voice changed.

He had just left the pastry shop when his cell phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket.

ding dong~
An unknown number sent him many text messages.

[Senior, please save me. I am Lu Liang. 】

[Senior, I have very important information in my hand about the Jiashen Rebellion.]


Huang Miao frowned slightly and glanced at the information on his phone.

Not many people know their mobile phone number.

Lu Liang should have obtained his contact information from Si Zhang Kuang Xia He.

Huang Miao briefly glanced at the message sent by Lu Liang.

Judging from the content of the text message, this kid must have encountered some trouble and wanted to seek asylum.

But it's not easy to get his protection.

Huang Miao had always been very interested in Lu Liang, and even secretly asked Xia He to pay more attention to this boy.

According to the plot in memory, Lu Liang will be the second successor to Shuangshou after Qu Tong.

If he wants to collect the Eight Magic Skills, Lu Liang is definitely an indispensable person for him at the moment.

But at present, Lu Liang has not fully understood the true meaning of double hands.

One day later.

On the outskirts of Jinmen, an abandoned warehouse.

It was the abandoned warehouse where Lu Liang and Xia He had stayed before.

Lu Liang stared at the warehouse door nervously.

Seems to be waiting for someone.

"Hurry up. I hope I can make it in time."

"Based on the information from the Lu family, those guys from the Lu family are already on their way here."

Lu Liang held the phone tightly in his hand, sweat dripping from his forehead.

The tone of the muttering was full of nervousness.

He is currently being hunted by the Lu family, and Quan Xingfang was seriously injured by the Heavenly Master not long ago.

There are simply not many people who can face the Lu family's combat power.

Lu Liang could only think of the immortal family who could still protect him.

Although I have never really seen the true power of the senior from the Xian family, I have heard about it from Sister Xia He.

The head of the Wang family, one of the four major families, was powerless to resist in the hands of the senior from the Xian family.

"I hope this memory in my hand can make that senior's heart move."

A little blue light appeared in the center of Lu Liang's palm.

It was the memory that was taken away from him.

He wanted to use these deprived memories in exchange for Huang Miao's protection.


Suddenly, Lu Liang, who was nervous, opened his eyes wide and turned to look behind him.

It seemed like he was about to take action at any moment.

He just heard very clear footsteps behind him.

I saw a tall, blond, blue-eyed foreign youth walking out of the shadows behind him.

The young man has a very obvious Nordic face and a straight nose.

He looked at the nervous Lu Liang in front of him silently.

"Boy, what do you want from me?"

Lu Liang was slightly startled when he saw the person coming.

Not from their Lu family!

The other party is not from their Lu family, which means they are not here to arrest him.

But what did he mean by what he just said? When will I find him?
Lu Liang took two steps back slightly and looked at the tall young man walking towards him with a somewhat uncertain tone.

"Are you that senior?"

Although Lu Liang had never seen Huang Miao's appearance after his transformation, he couldn't have a foreign face.

But now, apart from the people from the Lu family, it seems that the only person who can come here to find him is that one person.

"Go ahead."

"whats the matter?"

Huang Miao did not answer Lu Liang's question, but casually found a seat to sit down.

His spiritual consciousness naturally scanned Lu Liang's body.

There was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Just now, through the inspection of his spiritual consciousness, he had discovered that Lu Liang had not yet understood the true power of both hands.

All those who comprehend the Eight Wonders will have their own Qi changed.

No matter which of the Eight Wonders it is, it will make the quality of the practitioner Qi stronger.

But Lu Liang's Qi at this time has not changed much from the last time he saw him.

"Senior, I. I hope to get your protection."

"This is the memory of the Jiashen Rebellion."

"Aren't you looking for the Eight Wonders? As long as you can protect me, you can get the memories of the Jiashen Rebellion."

After seeing Huang Miao's familiar, indifferent eyes, Lu Liang knew that the other person was definitely the senior from the Xian family. As if offering a treasure, he handed the memory he considered so precious to Huang Miao.

The only thing he can take away now is Tian Jinzhong's memory about the Jiashen Rebellion.


"You are not qualified yet."

"Your current abilities are of no use to me."

Huang Miao glanced at the light blue Qiguan in Lu Liang's hand and shook his head.

Since Lu Liang himself couldn't understand Shuangshou, he could only ask the Lu family to help him.

"Senior, I know my abilities are very poor, but this memory is about the Jiashen Rebellion!"

"Don't you want it? As long as you get this memory, you can better find the Eight Wonders."

Lu Liang looked at Huang Miao unwillingly.

Originally, he thought that the other party would protect him without hesitation after seeing the memory in his hand.

I never expected that the other party would be so cold.

It was as if he was indifferent to the memory in his hands.



"These memories in your hands are of no use to me."

"Tian Jinzhong should have told you something about your Lu family's innate ability to illuminate the soul."

"Compared to these useless memories, I advise you to study your Lu family's Bright Soul Technique."

"When you really dig into it and understand it, I will naturally find you then."

Huang Miao spoke calmly, not minding explaining to Lu Liang the relationship between the Ming Soul Technique and the Eight Wonders.

Lu Liang would know these things sooner or later anyway, not to mention that Tian Jinzhong had already said that in a vague way, so it was impossible for Lu Liang himself to have no guesses.

Lu Liang's pupils suddenly shrank.

He looked at Huang Miao in surprise.

He didn't expect that the other party didn't care about Tian Jinzhong's memory of the Jiashen Rebellion.

What's more, he didn't expect that the other party even knew that his Lu family's ancestral method, Minghun Technique, was related to the Eight Wonders.

Even the Lu family members themselves don’t know this secret.

If Tian Jinzhong hadn't told him the reminder before he died, he wouldn't have even thought about it.

"Senior, do you know everything?"

"I advise you to delete the memory about Tian Jinzhong."

"You people from the Lu family have already arrived at the door."

Huang Miao spoke calmly and stood up from the abandoned barrel leisurely.

At the same time, several Lu family members who were waiting at the entrance of the abandoned warehouse had gathered.

It is constantly approaching Lu Liang's location.

There were more than twenty people, which can be said to be a huge force.

Obviously he didn't want Lu Liang to have a chance to escape.

"Senior. Senior, help me!"

"If I were taken back by the Lu family, I would definitely not be able to come out alive."

"As long as you can help me this time, I will definitely repay your life-saving grace."

Lu Liang also noticed the movement in front of the warehouse door and suddenly deleted the memory about Tian Jinzhong from his mind.

Then with a pop, he knelt down in front of Huang Miao.

He has no other option now.

Based on his understanding of the Lu family and his own grandfather.

In addition to being tortured, he may not be able to escape from the Lu family's dungeon in this life.

The only one who can save him now is the senior in front of him.

"Senior, I, Lu Liang, swear to God here that as long as you help me once today, I will be able to master the Eight Wonders."

"I will definitely impart it to you without reservation."

Lu Liang knelt in front of Huang Miao, like a drowning man grasping at the only straw to save his life.

This senior from the Xian family didn't care about Tian Jinzhong's memory.

What might become a bargaining chip is that he might be able to comprehend the Eight Wonders.

Huang Miao glanced at the boy kneeling in front of him and subconsciously touched his nose.

In fact, it is not impossible to help this guy Lu Liang.

After all, I am still waiting for the other party to understand the dual skills.

But if this guy hadn't been stabbed several times by Lu Ci, he probably wouldn't have been able to realize the true power of both hands.

This made him a little confused.

On the other side, outside the abandoned warehouse.

Several people from the Lu family were approaching the warehouse where Lu Liang was staying step by step.

In order to prevent Lu Liang from slipping away, they had already arranged enough manpower around them.

Surround the abandoned warehouse.

"Lu Liang, let me see where you can run this time!"

The short old man walking in the middle immediately locked his eyes on the abandoned warehouse where Lu Liang was hiding.

Before coming here, he had people staring at Lu Liang.

Detailed information received.

"No sir, besides Lu Liang, there seems to be another person in the warehouse."

But before he could start forcing the door open, he heard a member of the Lu family speak.

Through the broken windows, they could vaguely see a person inside the warehouse.

"Is there another person?"

"A man of all genders!"

"If it's a guy with all sexes, then don't worry about it and just kill him!"

The short old man's tone was cold. The Lu family had spent a lot of manpower and material resources to capture Lu Liang.

This guy must be arrested.

What's more, there is no problem in dealing with completeness.


In the warehouse, Lu Liang became even more nervous when he heard the noise outside.

He looked at Huang Miao, who had yet to express his stance.

Now the only way out has been blocked by the other party. If Huang Miao doesn't help, he will really be unable to fly.

"I can help you too."

"But due to some restrictions, I can't use Qi for the time being."

"So your only option now is to treat me as an ordinary hostage."

"Take me hostage."

"Those who bet on the Lu family should bet against rats."

Huang Miao stretched, then took out a small dagger from his pocket and handed it to Lu Liang.

Lu Liang was stunned and looked at Huang Miao in front of him in disbelief.

Obviously he didn't expect that he would 'help' him in this way.

It stands to reason that with Huang Miao's ability, he would be surrounded.

There is no problem at all in protecting oneself and leaving in an upright and fair manner.

He never expected that Huang Miao would act as a hostage to him.

What is this operation?
"What are you thinking? When they burst through the door, you won't have a chance."

"Don't say I didn't help you."

"If you don't agree, I'll leave now."

Seeing Lu Liang taking the dagger and standing there blankly, Huang Miao glanced outside the warehouse.

The other party's footsteps have already arrived in front of the door.

The door will be broken at any time.

"Senior, I'm offended."

Lu Liang swallowed nervously and looked at the dagger in his hand.

Put the dagger in front of Huang Miao's neck.

Now he really has no other choice but to be a dead horse.

Now there is indeed no Qi fluctuation in Huang Miao's body, and he seems to have nothing to do with ordinary people.

You must know that the company clearly stipulates that matters between them are not allowed to affect ordinary people.

Now he could only gamble that the Lu family would not dare to break the rules.

(End of this chapter)

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