Chapter 172: Nine Winds and Winds
"Uncle, something is wrong!"

"Lu Liang seems to have kidnapped an ordinary person!"

"That kid Lu Liang actually kidnapped an ordinary person!"

When everyone in the Lu family arrived at the warehouse, they originally wanted to take action directly.

However, after seeing the scene in front of them, they all stopped what they were doing.

Lu Liang was seen holding a dagger in his hand and placing it on a foreigner's neck.

There was no Qi fluctuation on the foreigner's body, so he was obviously not a strange person.

They obviously did not expect that Lu Liang would dare to take action against an ordinary person.

You must know that this kind of thing is strictly prohibited in their alien world.

"what happened?!"

The short old man who heard the voice also stepped into the warehouse.

When he saw Huang Miao standing in front of Lu Liang, he also stopped in his tracks.

"Lu Liang, you are crazy!"

"Do you know what you are doing!"

The short old man squinted his eyes, his eyes filled with cold light.

He never expected that Lu Liang actually kidnapped an ordinary person.


"Hmph, it's better to be caught by the company than to be taken back to the Lu family by these guys!"

"Besides, don't forget that I joined Quanxing right now!"

Lu Liang snorted coldly, the knife in his hand still trembling.

"Let me leave quickly, or we will be buried together!"

"If the company knows that you let an ordinary person die in order to deal with me."

"How do you think the people in the company will deal with you based on their temper?"

Lu Liang threatened while slowly walking towards the warehouse door.

The only thing that needs to be prayed for now is that these Lu family members do not dare to take the risk of doing anything to him.

As for Huang Miao, who was the hostage, he seemed to be fine and walked in front of Lu Liang with a very relaxed expression on his face.

There is absolutely no panic that ordinary people would feel after being kidnapped.

From the looks in the eyes of the Lu family around him, he had already guessed the final outcome of the matter.

Although he has not had direct contact with the Lu family or Lu Ci, according to his memory, Lu Ci is definitely a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

There is definitely a reason why this guy can be called a mad dog.

Even if Lu Liang really took an ordinary person as a hostage, Lu Ci wouldn't care at all.


"How to do?"

"How about taking action directly!"

The Lu family disciple standing next to the short old man took a deep breath.

There was a cold light in his eyes.

As long as the short old man gives the order, he doesn't care about ordinary people.

The other people all looked at the old man.

Wait for the other party's order.

In their view, as long as they can catch Lu Liang, it doesn't matter even if an ordinary person dies.

The worst thing is to clean it up afterwards.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

"You stop Lu Liang and don't let him leave directly!"

"If this kid plans to leave by force, just do it without worrying about the gringo."

The short old man narrowed his eyes. He also wanted to take action directly.

But as an elder, he considers things more comprehensively.

Nowadays, society has changed, and strangers like them have to abide by the rules more often.

He did not dare to attack Lu Liang without consulting Lu Ci.

With that said, the short old man took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Father, we have found Lu Liang, but things are a little troublesome."

"This kid took an ordinary person hostage."


However, he didn't wait until he finished speaking.

Lu Ci's sinister voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Do it!"

There were only two words, and Lu Ci hung up the phone without any hesitation.

"Everybody do it!"

"Don't care whether the hostages live or die."

The old man took a deep breath, and then his expression became gloomy.

Now that his father has given the order, he will not hesitate even more.


The surrounding Lu family disciples responded and rushed forward.

In their eyes, Huang Miao's life was not as important as the family leader's order.

"You, the Lu family, are all really crazy dogs."

Huang Miao stretched and removed Lu Liang's knife from his neck.

Since the other party was determined to attack Lu Liang regardless of his life or death, there was no point in continuing to pretend.

Lu Liang also pulled away and ran out of the warehouse the moment everyone took action.

From the very beginning when he kidnapped Huang Miao, he had already wanted to break in by force.

Based on his understanding of the elders of his family, he didn't think that the other party would let him go from the beginning.

"What a good boy, we are actually an accomplice!"

"I'm just saying that Lu Liang doesn't dare to kidnap ordinary people."

"What should we do about this guy? Do we want to arrest him together?"

After seeing Lu Liang let go of Huang Miao, the surrounding Lu family disciples also reacted.

Although the opponent's Qi body does not flow, he is definitely not an ordinary person.

Otherwise it would be impossible to be so calm.

"Since he is Lu Liang's accomplice, he should also be a member of the whole sex group."

"Lu Bai, Lu Sui, you two stay and take down each other, while the others hunt after Lu Liang!"

The short old man glanced at Huang Miao and spoke calmly.

In his opinion, a person without Qi body flow, even if he is not an ordinary person, cannot be anywhere strong.

But before he could finish his words, his pupils suddenly froze.

He looked at the foreign young man who suddenly appeared in front of him in horror.

The other party had just teleported in front of him, and he didn't even react.

After the old man came to his senses, he wanted to retreat.

But there was no chance at all. His neck was directly pinched by Huang Miao.

"Are you planning to deal with me?"

"I would like to advise you that I am not interested in the affairs of Lu Liang and your Lu family for the time being."

"So you'd better not mess with me."

Huang Miao's voice was cold as he grabbed the short old man by his neck and lifted him up in the air.

This old man, who was only as powerful as Lu Ci in the Lu family, was like a chick in Huang Miao's hands, with no power to resist at all.

Even Huang Miao's actions did not use half of the innate Qi, but were simply completed with the physical body.



Several juniors from the Lu family around him couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise. They didn't even see clearly how the other party took action.

I didn't even expect that the opponent's strength would be so strong.

"When you get back to the Lu family, help me talk to that mad dog from your Lu family."

"No matter how he tortures Lu Liang, I don't care, but he must keep his life."

"If Lu Liang dies, then you, the Lu family, will be buried with him."

Huang Miao casually threw the suffocating old man to the side of the warehouse.

According to the plot setting, Lu Liang must be captured and taken back to the Lu family if he wants to understand Shuangquanquan.

But in order to prevent Lu Ci's mad dog from directly torturing Lu Liang to death, Huang Miao still had to give him a warning. "Cough cough cough cough cough, you. Who are you?"

"You are definitely not a fully human being!"

The short old man was helped up by several people from the Lu family, his face turned red as he held his neck.

He looked at Huang Miao fearfully.

He can be sure that the other party will never be a fully human person.

In the world, if such a master appears, it is absolutely impossible for him to remain unknown.

Although I don’t know how high the opponent’s Qi skills are, he can reach this level by practicing Kung Fu horizontally.

He is definitely not an ordinary person in the alien world.

If the other party is in an organization like Quanxing, it is impossible for the Lu family to have no information.

"Full sex?"

"For now, maybe not."

"But soon, that won't necessarily be the case."

"Why, you are not convinced and you still want to seek revenge from me?"

Huang Miao squinted his eyes, looked at the embarrassed old man, and twisted his neck.

Now that I can't move Qi for the time being, I'm really not very good at fighting. I always feel like I'm tied up.

But relying on his own body, it is enough to deal with the people in front of him.

"Uncle, come on!?"

"There are so many of us, I still don't believe we can't take down this guy!"

"Uncle, let's go together!"

When several young people from the Lu family saw Huang Miao being so arrogant, they instantly became angry.

His eyes were filled with hatred.

If there is no order from the old man for this operation, no one can act without permission.

They had already rushed forward.


"You are no match for him."

"This kind of opponent can no longer be defeated by numerical superiority."

The old man waved his hands and took a deep breath.

Even though he couldn't tell the depth of Huang Miao's strength with his eyesight.

But he knew that with these few of them, they were definitely no match for the opponent.

If the other party really intended to protect Lu Liang, relying on people like them, not only would they be unable to take Lu Liang away today, but they might even have to shoot them here.

Fortunately, the opponent's actions were extremely measured.

"Senior, I will definitely convey your words to my father."

"I just wonder if senior can leave a name? We in the Lu family would also like to remember your teachings!"

The old man cupped his hands at Huang Miao. A man who knows the current affairs is a hero. Although the people of the Lu family are stubborn, they are not stupid.

It is certainly impossible to actively provoke the other party at this time.

But Huang Miao ignored the old man at all, turned around and walked directly outside the abandoned warehouse.

If Lu Ci came to ask, he might be interested in talking.

Forget about the old man in front of him, the other party doesn't deserve to know.

The few people who stayed in the warehouse just watched Huang Miao leave quietly.

The figure gradually disappeared into the dark night.

"Uncle, what is this person's background?!"

"So arrogant!"

"Yes, who is this foreigner? He dares not to put our Lu family in your eyes."

"It can't be some big family from abroad!"

In addition to the four major families in China, there are also many powerful families in foreign countries that have been passed down for thousands of years.

The overall strength is no worse than those of the four major families.

"The identity of the other party is unclear at the moment, but he dares to appear so blatantly in our territory of China."

"I think it's not difficult to investigate the other party's identity."

"We will investigate this matter after we return to the Lu family."

"The urgent need now is to capture Lu Liang and take him back to the Lu family."

The old man touched his aching neck, his voice hoarse.

If the opponent's five fingers exert even half an inch more force, his neck will be crushed.

In front of the other party, I have no power to resist at all.

Even when facing his father, he never felt this powerless.

"You juniors, please listen to me, no matter when you meet that foreigner in the future."

"Run as far as you can, and never provoke the other party."

"Although I don't know what secrets there are between him and Lu Liang, but judging from the other party's attitude towards Lu Liang, it seems that it is not simple."

"Although I don't know why the other party allowed us to arrest Lu Liang this time, I'm sure that foreign ghost guy will never let it go like this."

The old man spoke slowly and tried to persuade the few Lu family disciples who were staying behind.

He had planned to tell his father about tonight's events in detail when he returned to the Lu family.

Although he didn't know what the other party's purpose was, he had a vague feeling that this matter was definitely not simple.

This thing is too strange.

If the other party didn't care about Lu Liang, then it would be impossible for him to show up in this abandoned warehouse.

It was even more impossible to accompany Lu Liang in such a clumsy play.

But if the other party really cared about Lu Liang, why would he just let his people take Lu Liang away.

Huang Miao, who had already left the abandoned warehouse, looked at the positioning sent to him by Zhao Fangxu.

He didn't care at all what the Lu family thought.

Before he fully understood Shuangquanzhi, Lu Liang was indeed not worthy of being his enemy.

That's why he allowed the other party to take Lu Liang away.

Moreover, he was not sure whether Lu Liang could successfully master Shuangshou without Lu Ci's methods.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Huang Miao has tried his best to avoid disturbing Lu Liang's life trajectory from the beginning.

"Bless yourself. I hope that when I come out of the cave where there is no so-called hidden treasure, you can fully understand the hands."

Huang Miao looked at the last text message Lu Liang sent to him on his phone and smiled lightly.

When this kid was finally caught, he didn't forget to send him the location of the Lu family's dungeon.

It has to be said that in terms of IQ alone, these freaks Lu Liang and Zhang Chulan are almost the same.

He is indeed a person who can realize the omnipotence by himself.

Lu Liang definitely judged that there was something in him that could attract Huang Miao based on Huang Miao's behavior.

But unfortunately, no matter how clever Lu Liang is, he can't guess that what Huang Miao wants is the legendary Eight Wonders.

Moreover, Lu Liang has two hands that he has never heard of before!
A few days later.

In a deep mountain range in the Qinling Mountains, a team of foreign explorers was resting in a dense forest.

At the front of the expedition team were two men and women with Chinese faces.

The man among them seemed to be the dominant one, wearing a simple sportswear.

The bald head looks like a braised egg from a distance.

The woman behind the man looked weak and weak. She had this ponytail and was silent all the way.

Following the two men was a group of foreigners with different appearances.

There are Asian faces but mostly European faces.

Most of the people were interacting with each other, and many of the people in the group already knew each other before.

Of course, there are also a small number of people who sit and rest alone.

A young man who looked young in the corner of the crowd was silently eating potato chips with his head down.

The young man is Huang Miao after being disguised.

A few days ago, he had sneaked into this expedition team through some means arranged by Zhao Fangxu.

Didn't arouse anyone's suspicion.

Originally, he was not very concerned about this mission. After all, he already knew what these people were doing in Qinling.

But before setting off, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

This time everyone's destination is the Jiuqu Panhuan Cave, which is the so-called rootless treasure hiding place.

According to Feng Tianyang's description, they learned the Eight Wonders in a cave.

Is there a possibility that this Nine-Turn Panhuan Cave is the place where the Eight Wonders of Skills were first learned!
(End of this chapter)

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