Chapter 173 Dojo
When this idea appeared in Huang Miao's mind, even he was slightly startled.

He had never thought about this before.

The so-called Jiuqu Panhuan Cave first appeared in Journey to the West. It is the Jiuling Yuansheng Dojo known as the ancestor of all demons.

At first glance, there is nothing special about this name.

But Huang Miao later recalled the plot of Journey to the West.

Suddenly, I noticed that the reason for the appearance of Jiuling Yuan Sheng was that the masters and disciples of Xi Xing came to a country called Yuhua.

The three of them, Sun Wukong, each taught the three mortal princes their special skills.

Then it was known to Jiuling Yuansheng who was entrenched in Jiuqu Panhuan Cave, and this triggered the follow-up content.

Sun Wukong and the other three taught mortals their respective skills. The thirty-six thieves learned the eight magical skills out of thin air. If these two events are related, it would be worthy of scrutiny.

"Okay everyone, it's almost time to rest."

"Let's keep going, there's still half a day's journey ahead."

Liu Mingyuan glanced at his watch and stood up from the ground.

With his head that looked like a braised egg, he waved to the people sitting down to rest in the woods.

Everyone stood up one after another, but Huang Miao still stood at the end.

It seemed that his presence was so low that no one noticed him.

The two men in front of him were whispering together.

"Elijah, this life is so strange."

"You know I am very observant, and I found that the configuration of our team is very strange."

"Some of them are just like us, but most of them are just ordinary people."

"That said, this team is a mix of us and them."

"First of all, the guide Liu and Judy who are required to be protected specially should be the same as us."

"But the researchers with guns in front and the people led by that professor are all ordinary people."

The man lowered his voice and spoke to his companion beside him, his eyes full of confusion.

He couldn't figure out why this mission would allow them to mix with these ordinary people.

The companion next to the man is a middle-aged man with long blond hair and a scruffy beard.

"It's really strange why the employer would do this."

"Wouldn't it be better to leave it all to a team composed of us to complete the task?"

"This can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble."

Elijah touched his chin and looked at the guide Liu Mingyuan who was walking at the front.

In this mission, to put it bluntly, they are mercenaries, paid to do things.

It stands to reason that there is no need to care about other things.

But the employer's behavior was highly unusual.

This couldn't help but arouse his curiosity about you.

"The mission was very vague. In addition to protecting Judy, we also need to successfully retrieve the collection."

"There is no other explanation for these ordinary people."

"Combined with the curse that Alang suffered before, what we have to deal with in this mission is definitely related to our world."

"Isn't it just a burden to bring these ordinary people with us?"

"This operation is full of weirdness. If there is really danger, be careful when you act."

Elijah didn't understand why Liu Mingyuan or the employer behind him did this.

But he still understands that there must be a monster when things go wrong.

He always felt that this operation would not go smoothly forever.

"Yeah, okay."

The tall man nodded and was about to continue speaking, but the team in front suddenly stopped.

A golden monkey appeared in front of their team.

The tall man suddenly raised his head and looked at the golden monkey sitting cross-legged on the rock, surprise flashing in his eyes.

He actually felt the flow of Qi from this monkey?
"what happened?"

Elijah noticed the strange expression on his companion's face and just asked.

I heard a scream suddenly coming from the front of the team.

Everyone's attention was instantly attracted by the scream.

Looking towards the source of the sound, I saw only one person in their expedition team covering his head and lying on the ground in pain.

And the golden monkey sitting cross-legged on the rock just now has appeared behind the man.

There was still a bloody eyeball in his hand.


The sudden scene left no one reacting.

Most people swallowed their saliva and subconsciously took two steps back to stay away from the golden monkey.

In the valley, only the miserable wails of the man lying on the ground could be heard.

"what happened?"

"That monkey...seems very abnormal!"

Elijah stared at the golden monkey who stood up slowly, although his perception ability was not as good as that of his companions.

But we still found something unusual about this monkey.

That kind of speed and strength is simply not something that normal monkeys can possess.

"Qi, Elijah!"

"I felt the Qi fluctuations from that monkey."

The sturdy short-haired man spoke in a low voice. Although it was very unbelievable, he would not feel wrong.

There is indeed Qi in that monkey.

This is very unreasonable. That monkey looks no different from an ordinary monkey. Logically speaking, Qi cannot exist.

It's not like he has never seen animals with qi in their bodies. According to Eastern sayings, those animals that form qi are usually called immortals.

It's not something too rare.

But for ordinary immortals, both in terms of intelligence and body, they have long been separated from the category of animals.

However, the monkey in front of me is obviously an ordinary monkey.

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp"

Noisy sounds came from all around.

Elijah looked up and saw more and more monkeys appearing in the valley.

These monkeys were exactly the same as the golden monkey not far away. They all stood up slowly.

Although he did not stand completely upright, his forelimbs were all off the ground.

It looks very strange.

"A group of monkeys?"

"It's a group of monkeys!"

"Why are there so many monkeys here!"

Being stared at by so many monkeys standing upright for a while, even strangers felt a little creepy.

Not to mention those ordinary people.

Although everyone often participates in outdoor adventures, this is the first time they have faced this situation.

However, before everyone could figure out the situation, the group of monkeys watching on the mountain seemed to have received the order.

He roared and rushed towards the crowd below the valley.

"Damn it, shoot!"

"These monkeys are crazy, they dare to attack us!"

"Shoot, shoot quickly, let these beasts see how powerful we are!"

Everyone didn't delay any longer. After all, they had seen the tragic situation of the man who fell to the ground just now.

These monkeys are extremely cruel.

And the speed is very fast. If they are really approached by these guys, their end will definitely not be good.

Everyone didn't want to be caught blind in one eye like the man just now.

Bang bang~ bang!
Intensive gunshots instantly rang out in the woods, and everyone took out their pistols and shot at the group of monkeys rushing down the mountain.

As professional wilderness survival explorers, everyone here is a firearms master.

The accuracy is so high that almost every shot can kill a monkey rushing down the valley.

Although the golden monkey is very fast, it also contains Qi in its body.

But to put it bluntly, we are still mortal bodies after all. The pistols in everyone's hands are all heavy pistols, and they are no longer the crudely made firearms of the last century.

As long as they are hit by bullets, the flesh and blood of these monkeys will explode instantly.

Only, as a round of shooting ended.

Instead of retreating, the monkeys in the valley seemed to have formulated simple tactics and began to cooperate with each other.

Still rushing towards everyone.

"Damn, are these monkeys crazy?"

"How come you don't know how to be afraid?!"

Some people couldn't help showing fear in their eyes and swallowed their saliva.

It stands to reason that animals have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. After seeing the death of their companions, these monkeys will take the initiative to retreat.

But the golden monkeys above the valley are completely inconsistent with common sense.

Moreover, these monkeys can actually formulate tactics and cooperate with each other.

Different from the rough coordination between wild beasts, the tactics of the monkey group are very intelligent and highly organized.

There are monkeys responsible for throwing stones from a distance to harass, and there are monkeys responsible for charging.

And will consciously look for cover.

He doesn't look like an ignorant animal at all, and is even more intelligent than some people from some primitive black tribes in Africa.

"Liu, what on earth are these monkeys!"

The crowd kept running away into the valley. A professor carrying research equipment couldn't help but turn his head and look at the group of monkeys chasing behind him.

He has done biological research for so many years, but he has never seen such a creature.

Liu Mingyuan, who had a braised egg head, was relatively calm.

It seems that this situation has been anticipated.

"What we are dealing with is a first-level protected animal in our country, so please show mercy."

"Enter the cave in the valley as soon as possible."

"Damn it, Liu, stop joking at this time!"

"You know that's not what I'm talking about!"

"Judging from the organization of these monkeys, their IQ has reached the level of a human being of eleven or twelve years old, or even higher!"

"This is definitely no ordinary monkey!"

Professor Baird turned to look at the monkeys in the valley, with intense interest flashing in his eyes.

For an animal researcher like himself, this monkey is highly researchable.

He even wanted to give up the mission and catch a few monkeys to study.

"Professor, don't get excited, these monkeys have nothing to do with our mission."

"If you want to conduct research, it's not impossible to catch a few secretly after the mission is over."

"As long as you can avoid being spotted by customs."

"Everyone, hurry up. We are about to enter the entrance of the valley. As long as we enter the entrance of the valley, we can get rid of these monkeys."

Liu Mingyuan spoke calmly and looked towards the entrance of the valley not far away.

During this time, everyone was suppressing fire while retreating.

We are almost reaching the entrance of the valley.

"No, there are too many monkeys."

"We can't suppress it with firepower!"

"Liu, think of a solution quickly!"

The people responsible for breaking up the rear also spoke at this time. As the monkeys continued to pour in from all directions, their firepower could no longer be suppressed.

The monkey was only a few meters away from them and was about to attack several people.

Once attacked by a group of monkeys at close range, the team's defense will be completely disrupted.

The casualties must be huge!
"Everyone, stop watching the excitement."

"Do it!"

Liu Mingyuan turned his head and took a look, without hesitation, he shouted directly.

He had long known the dangers of entering the Twenty-Four Festival Valley, and it would be impossible for ordinary people to enter easily with these people.

But don’t forget that there are not just ordinary people in their team.

Several people responsible for cutting off the rear were still firing with guns.

They didn't understand Liu Mingyuan's words at all.


Aren't they shooting all the time?
Could there be anyone else nearby besides them?

Impossible, how could there be people in such a remote and remote place?

In the flash of lightning, two monkeys leaping high were about to rush in front of several people.

A green figure suddenly flashed in front of several people from a short distance away.

It was the man in green clothes in the team who had been standing by just now.

With just one kick, the man kicked two monkeys flying in the air away.


The men holding guns all turned in shock to look at the man in green clothes who suddenly rushed in front of them.

Along the way, several people have interacted with each other and can be regarded as companions.

I am no stranger to this Chanon either.

The other party claimed to be an ordinary new explorer with little reputation in the circle.

Therefore, they have always treated each other as their younger brothers.

But now.
"Don't ask so many questions, get out of here!"

Chanon faced the oncoming monkeys with a blank expression.

With one punch and one kick, all the monkeys rushing towards him were knocked away.

"Oh oh oh, okay!"

"Evacuate, retreat, take the wounded and evacuate into the valley!"

The man with the gun came to his senses and did not dare to delay any longer, although it was not clear how Chanon managed to knock those monkeys away so easily with one kick.

But now that the opponent has joined, the pressure on them to cover is instantly reduced.

After everyone continued to retreat, Chanon took a deep breath, and there was a vague rush of wind on his legs.


As he lifted his legs, a powerful force was released from his legs.

The force turned into a strong wind, visible to the naked eye.

Just like the power released by a cannonball, it directly knocked away all the golden monkeys that rushed towards it.

The people around who were still taking cover were dumbfounded.

Everyone looked at Chanon as if they were monsters.

When Chanon took action before, they could attribute it to fighting skills.

But the very obvious strong wind just now, they saw with their own eyes, it is definitely not something that humans can use!
"You people, get out of here quickly and wait for us in the valley."

At this time, a blond middle-aged man in red clothes and a hat also walked out of the crowd.

Came to Chanon's side.

He spoke calmly to the ordinary expedition members who had guns.

Several fist-sized stones naturally floated around him.



The other people were stunned and wanted to ask something else.

But after meeting the man's cold eyes, he swallowed the words in his mouth again unconsciously.

Everyone had a keen premonition of an unusual aura.

Judging from the stones floating around the other party, it is obvious that the other party, like Chanon just now, has a special ability that they cannot imagine and understand.

As all the ordinary people ran back, Nash and Chanon stopped covering up.

Each of them completely released their Qi.

"It seems that we are the same kind. My name is Nash. I am born with supernatural powers and the ability to telekinesis."

"Chanon, acquired superpowers, good at fighting."

(End of this chapter)

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