"You two, come here."

"I have a way to stop the monkeys."

At this time, a cold voice came from behind the two people.

A tall, thin man with a long face appeared behind them.

The skin is slightly dark.

Although he has an Asian face, his facial features are obviously different from those of East Asians.

"Mr. Hongda?"

Chanon turned his head and glanced at the long-faced man, wondering how he could stop him.

There are too many monkeys in the group, although the individual strength is not too strong.

But there are them all over the mountains and plains.

Even if the three of them join forces, they can't resist so many monkeys.

"There is a naturally formed narrow bridge over there. We can block it there."

Hongda pointed to the entrance of the valley not far in front of the three of them.

At the entrance of the valley is a naturally formed stone bridge, with cliffs on the left and right.


If you fall down, you will definitely be shattered into pieces.

This narrow bridge is the only entrance into the valley.

Chanon and Nash followed the direction of Hongda's finger, and their eyes lit up.

They hadn't discovered this narrow bridge before!

If the monkeys are blocked on the other side of the narrow bridge, their pressure will be greatly reduced.


"Let's go there!"

The three of them were extremely fast and ran to the other end of the narrow bridge in just a few breaths.

Nash continued to control telekinesis, control the surrounding rocks, and block the monkey group behind the three people.

the other side.

The people who took the first step also encountered new troubles.

Everyone entered the cave and looked around nervously.

Not long after they entered the cave, they vaguely saw several dark figures inside the cave.

It's just that the opponent's speed was too fast, and no one could see clearly what the opponent was.



"come out!"

Many people who were too frightened by the group of monkeys just now and were still in shock raised their guns and pointed them randomly from left to right.

Some people put their bodies directly behind walls or tree trunks to increase their sense of security.

Huang Miao stood in the middle of the crowd, quietly watching Zhou Ren's nervous appearance.

His expression didn't change at all.

For these ordinary people, fear is inevitable when they see strangers and these monkeys for the first time.

After all, the unknown is often the essence of fear.


With a scream.

A man's body was dragged directly into the trunk, and the next moment a monkey appeared on the top of the trunk.

He was holding a bloody head in his hand.

It was the head of the person who just screamed.

Compared with the monkeys outside the valley, this monkey is larger and more agile.

Even the light in his eyes is more similar to that of humans.


"It's still a monkey!"

"This monkey can withstand bullets!"

"so horrible!"

Everyone looked at the monkey on the top of the tree in horror. No matter how stupid they were, they could feel that this monkey was more terrifying than the monkeys outside the valley.

Know how to sneak attack and concealment.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this kind of monkey is a human in disguise.

"It's really interesting. There is already a trend of transforming into the immortal family."

"This valley may be a rare treasure for the Immortal family."

Huang Miao touched his chin and stared in the direction where the monkey disappeared.

Generally speaking, there is some uncertainty in the emergence of immortals. They either eat some spiritual herbs by mistake, or they are enlightened by an expert on demand.

Because the spirituality and intelligence of animals are relatively low, it is more difficult to perform Qi.

It is actually very difficult to train an animal to become a fairy from scratch.

Even within the five mainstream immortal families of fox, yellow, white and willow ash, there are still many descendants who cannot become immortal families.

This is also the main reason why the number of immortal families has always been pitiful.

But this valley can actively guide animals to move and enlighten their spiritual wisdom.

If this valley were to be enlightened by a certain immortal family, it would definitely be regarded as a treasure.

It was obvious that the intelligence level of the monkey that had just been attacked was not much different from that of the spirit that had just become an immortal.

The only thing that may limit the opponent is that he has not yet fully mastered the method of Xing Qi.

According to the plot, the Xingqi stone carvings in this valley were deliberately destroyed by Wu Gensheng.

This is why these monkeys have not been able to give birth to an immortal family for so many years.

But even so, this valley is very precious to the Immortal family.

Bang bang~!

With the sound of two gunshots, Huang Miao's thoughts changed.

I saw the blond Elijah, holding a strange silver-white revolver in his hand, standing in front of the corpses of three headless monkeys.

The pistol was engraved with strange symbols, which seemed very ancient and mysterious.

"We may not be able to communicate with words."

"I don't know why you became like this."

"But I believe that with your current intelligence, you should be able to understand what I am saying to you."


Elijah stood up slowly, his voice loud but seemed to be talking to himself.

"I don't understand your motivation for attacking us, but I believe you understand your situation."

"You have no hope, stand down!"

"Stop harassing us, we can continue killing as long as we don't stop."

Elijah looked into the dark corner with a calm tone.

A golden monkey with a bleeding head slowly walked out from the corner. It was very large.

It was the golden monkey that had carried out a sneak attack on several people before.

The golden monkey looked at Elijah with an unusually cold gaze.

In the darkness, there seemed to be human emotions.

Even though blood was bleeding from his forehead, he still maintained a calm expression, as if he had become a spirit.


"That's it!"

Some people immediately recognized the golden monkey that had just taken off their companion's head with bare hands, and were so frightened that they took a few steps back.

After all, no one wants to be the next unlucky guy.

Elijah's eyes remained calm, watching the golden monkey slowly walking towards him and slowly raising the silver pistol in his hand.

"It's really hard to treat you like a monkey with your eyes like this."

"Agree to my request and I will no longer hurt your kind."

The golden monkey's figure fully emerged from the dark corner, with a cold light flashing in its eyes.

It seemed that he didn't want to agree to Elijah's request at all.

Elijah frowned slightly and curled his fingers.

He had already seen the murderous intent in the other person's eyes, and planned to shoot directly.

But before he could pull the trigger in his hand, the monkey with cold eyes just now suddenly seemed to feel something terrible.

He turned his head and looked aside in horror.

The killing intent in his pupils completely disappeared, leaving only panic.

His body even started to tremble.

He looked straight into the crowd of expedition members.

Elijah was stunned and couldn't help but pause in his movements.

Is this the other person's fear?
He saw obvious fear in the expression of the monkey in front of him.

It was completely different from the calm and calm look he had just now.

Even if he was facing death just now, the other party didn't show any fear, why was he suddenly so frightened?

Elijah lowered his raised arm and followed the monkey's gaze. Finally it landed on a handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes in the crowd.

Nothing unusual was found.

There was no Qi fluctuation in the young man's body, and he was obviously just an ordinary person.

Apart from being a bit more handsome, I can't see any difference from ordinary people.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak."

In the valley, the neighing sounds of monkeys kept coming.

On the dark cliff, pairs of scarlet eyes appeared one after another.

It almost occupies the entire valley, and is densely packed and very permeable.

"So many monkeys?"

"Why are there so many in there?"

Many people were so frightened by this sudden scene that they collapsed on the ground.

My legs couldn't stop shaking.

If all these monkeys went crazy, they would definitely be torn into pieces.

Even Elijah and the strangers couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

There are too many!
The number of monkeys exceeded their expectations.

Even for people like them, it would be difficult for them to escape unscathed when faced with the siege of so many monkeys with extraordinary strength.

Not to mention protecting others.

"Let's. Let's run!"

"It's hopeless. Staying here will only lead to death. You will definitely be torn apart!"

"Yes, you can still survive if you run away now."

The crowd couldn't help but speak. They were now starting to regret why they had joined this expedition.

Liu Mingyuan also looked at Judy, and the number of monkeys appeared exceeded their expectations.

There were a lot more than the last time they came!

Something is wrong.

However, just when everyone was at a loss, the monkey in front of Elijah suddenly slowly landed on all fours again and knelt on the ground.

Other monkeys in the valley also imitated this monkey's movements.

It seems that these monkeys are kneeling down or worshiping someone.

The direction where the monkeys knelt and worshiped was right in the center of the crowd.

"What's going on?"

"These monkeys? Why did they suddenly kneel down?"

"Is this recognition of us? No more attacks?"

"Liu, do you know the reason for this?"

Facing the monkeys who were kneeling and worshiping from all directions, everyone looked confused and looked at each other.

I simply don’t understand why the monkeys suddenly knelt down to them.

Elijah's eyes fell on the calm-looking Huang Miao in the crowd again, and his brows furrowed even more tightly.

He had a hunch that the reason for these monkeys' sudden change of attitude was probably due to this young man.

But no matter how you look at him, he is an ordinary person.

It's hard to understand why the monkeys behaved so strangely.

Elijah touched his chin and kept looking at this seemingly normal young man.

Suddenly, his expression was startled.

His eyes were focused again, and his eyes were firmly locked on Huang Miao's face.

Finally realized something.

From the beginning, he felt that this young man was a little strange, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Everything the other party did was very normal.

But now, he finally reacted.

The biggest weird thing about this young man is that his behavior is too normal!
Whether it's an expression completely devoid of any emotion or an abnormally calm behavior, it's wrong!
As an ordinary person, look at the reactions of the people around you. Whether it is fear or fear, this is the reaction that normal people should have.

Fear is the most normal expression of human beings when facing unknown dangers.

But this young man acted too calmly, without any emotional changes at all.

Even when he saw his companions being killed, there was no emotion at all.

It was as if he didn't worry about his own life at all.

No, no, very wrong!

Elijah seemed to have figured out the key all of a sudden, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

His eyes were fixed on the young man who stood motionless in the crowd and had almost no presence.

"Gusta, can you sense whether that person has Qi?"

Although he could not feel the presence of Qi from the other party's body, Elijah had already determined that the other party was definitely a stranger hiding his own strength.

Call your companions immediately to make sure.

Gusta is the tall European and American man who talked to Elijah before.

His perception ability is terrifyingly strong. Before joining Nathan Island, he was responsible for the church's investigation work.

No matter how well you hide yourself, you can't escape his perception.


Gusta followed Elijah's gaze and noticed Huang Miao, who was standing motionless.

Although he didn’t know why Elijah allowed himself to sense the other party, since Elijah opened his mouth, he did not refuse.

A strange rune character appeared in his eyes, and the azure runes released a faint blue light in his eyes.

Gusta's clear eyes shot out two faint rays of light and looked at Huang Miao.

"How about it?"

"Is the other party a stranger who has hidden his aura!"

Elijah already had a guess in his mind and was just waiting for Gusta's final confirmation.

After thinking about the opponent's series of performances, he believed in his own judgment.

However, the expression on Gusta's face was a little strange.

He looked at Elijah and shook his head slightly.

"Elijah, I don't know how you judge that the other person may be a stranger."

"But based on my observations of him, there is no Qi flowing in his body."

"That is to say, at least in my opinion, the other person is an ordinary person."

Elijah was slightly startled when he heard Gusta's words.

Not a stranger?

How can it be!

Elijah looked at Gusta with a suspicious expression.

"You're not kidding?"

"The other party is not a stranger?"


"At least I didn't feel a trace of Qi flow from the other person's body."

Gusta shook his head, and the strange light blue runes disappeared from his eyes.

The reason why aliens are called aliens is because, whether it is congenital or acquired, the biggest difference from ordinary people is the Qi in their bodies.

Regardless of whether they are congenital or acquired, they can freely control the Qi in their bodies.

Therefore, the Qi in these people's bodies is very active, and even if they are not actively mobilized, Qi will flow.

As natural as breathing.

However, because ordinary people have not been exposed to Qi, the Qi in their bodies will be like stones.

It cannot be mobilized at all.

Gusta also uses this method to determine whether the other party is a stranger.

"No, how could it not be?"

Elijah frowned, full of confusion.

Originally, he was 100% sure of his judgment.

But if the other party is not a stranger, then this judgment is unlikely to be established.

Did you really think too much?

Is it all just a coincidence? !

"What's wrong Elijah, what's wrong with this young man?"

Gusta looked at Elijah in confusion.

He could understand why the other party wanted him to observe an ordinary person who looked ordinary.

Along the way, this young man’s presence was extremely low.

If Elijah hadn't suddenly allowed himself to observe this young man, he would have even ignored that there was such a person in the team.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm overthinking it."

Elijah shook his head and glanced at the expressionless young man unconsciously.

In fact, whether the other party is a stranger or not has little to do with him.

(End of this chapter)

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